psychology of personality | the Wakefield Doctrine psychology of personality | the Wakefield Doctrine

Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “Gonna write a little letter, gonna mail it to my local D.J. …”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Tuesday. While each day of the week is associated with one of the three personality types and a couple, like multi-associated. (Go! Everything Rule!) Some are totally owned (by a particular predominant worldview).

Tuesdays. clarks.

Don’t ask us why.


No, serially, don’t.

Some things (ok, a lot of things) about the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers, are in the Realm of the Subjective. Remember how, at the beginning of this blog we described the typical fan/follower as being: intellectually fit, confident in the value of additional perspectives and totally a fan of the odd and unusual side of reality? Yeah, we said that. Look it up.

In any event, mention Tuesday to any Friend of the Doctrine and you’ll hear:

  • yeah, finally! a day without pre-established debt to the world… whew! no rush
  • lol fricken clarks
  • well, you’re certainly entitled to one day. I don’t think many people would take issue with that. as long as you don’t get carried away with it

Lets go rummage. What’s the point of having endless cardboard boxes of old books and comics and un-assembled model cars and whatnot if you don’t take the phone off the hook*, empty one or two on the floor and see what you can see?

*New/hypo-aged Readers? The expression, ‘take the phone off the hook’ harkens back to the day of two-piece telephones (like the one at the top of the post). If you did that, it wouldn’t ring. (Though it would make a couple of total-movie-meme sounds before going quiet. Including a recorded message that became the working title of our first attempt to write a full-on story. So there is that.)


Too(s)day the Wakefield Doctrine ( “I think Tuesday is the cutest (of the) Workdays! …like a 2nd date, so full of promise, yet such a potential source of suffering!”)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)images-37

so, yesterday we wrote a Post that was built on the following promise:

So here’s what we’ll do: I’ll write a couple of hundred words about the value and use of the Wakefield Doctrine on a typical Monday morning. I’ll stop writing, take a quick shower, get dressed and start my work day2. After an hour or so of work, I’ll come back here and ‘re-write’ this post. Let’s see if this ‘oh-my-god-can’t-you-see-how-incredibly-useful-and-fun’ theory of personality accounts for any change in my day.3

Fine. I’ll tell you about my day and the (principles) of the Wakefield Doctrine. I won’t attempt to re-write yesterday’s Post, for the obvious reasons. (Actually all I want to do is try and come up with something clever (and a touch risqué ) about character of Tuesday). But promises are promises (unless they are threats, and then you need to be more careful of clarks than scotts or rogers by a long shot!)

In the middle of the day yesterday, I had occasion to interact with people I had never met.*
I walk up to the front door, (noting that a person was coming towards the house from across the yard), and knocked on the door. a scott answered. I knew she was a scott from: a) her eyes** and 2) she smiled and stepped forward at the moment of introduction,  ‘Hello, I’m clark from….’  ( I laughed to myself and thought, ‘god! I loves this Doctrine’ …and increased the volume of my voice, shortened my sentences and cranked-up my (level) of eye contact.) The meeting went well.
The person I noticed walking across the lawn towards us? (who I ignored because I needed to establish a relationship with the dominant personality)  another scott! (he was there to help with the move…) he had no legitimate role in the interaction,  but he kept coming back into the room where I was talking to the scottianwoman.  lol ( you ever watch a bunch of puppies playing as a group? one is always trying to establish ranking***  that’s what this guy was doing. He walked in to the house, didn’t introduce himself by name, (because he was a member of her pack and therefore not alpha), but nevertheless was trying to see if he could establish dominant ranking on me  (it would have enhanced his relationship with her, of course).  I mean you could see the energy as he walked, pretended to be a part of the conversation, walk away and then come back in…. I did not allow myself to be distracted… it was fun to watch.

Anyway…. that was my Day-with-the Doctrine.

Tuesdays… your favorite Day of the Workweek?

Tuesday: as a Day of the Workweek is the best of all days because


* it was a meeting with transitioning tenants, I was there to make sure everything was being left as it should (by the parties leaving), not necessarily an adversarial interaction, but the potential was there, as I was representing the interests of the owner of the property and the people I was dealing with were representing their own…

** new Readers?  not such an impressive deduction… a primary identifier of the scottian personality type is in the eyes, ‘the gaze’ to be more succinct  (read more on the Page on scotts… suffice to say, ‘a scott is never not paying attention to what’s going on around them’)

*** another primary characteristic behavior of people who live in the world of the Predator… the drive to ranking, trying for dominance, but not attaching importance to being the alpha, as much as it is necessary to know where one stands… the pack social order



TT0T -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Comprised of ten people, places, things (and) events that have inspired, generated, elicited and otherwise caused us to experience the state, (as ephemeral as it might be), of gratitude. As this is, by all accounts, personal and third-hand, a positive activity, we encourage all within sight (and sound) of our words to stop in, read, comment and all the other reasons you might have for spending time in the virtual world.

And, if the lists that you encounter here at the TToT resonate or otherwise cause you to think, “Ha! I’ve felt like that!” or “Man, them too??!” or, even, “Jeez Louise!! Those Doctrine people… wait, they’re the current host!?!?! No way. Heck, I could write to that level, just have to remember back to junior high!”

For those of us in the curator’s office at the Wakefield Doctrine, the following list of grats:

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Unicorn Challenge:

5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop:

6) the forecast of temperature today is partly-cloudy with a chance of above-freezing temperature

7) work (real estate) allowing us to see (and photograph some interesting properties) see Grat #8

8) technology… simple pocket camera (while not on par with, say, Kristi or Misky’s excellent use of photos in TToT) some of our other co-hostinae (Dyanne, Mimi, Denise, Lisa)  might say, Hey! Where have a seen a sink like that before!! lol

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3


music vids





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Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

As promised to Friend-of-the-Doctrine, Nick, here is the story of an insight into a predominant worldview, well beyond simple extrapolation of common characteristics offered by the Wakefield Doctrine.

The Discovery of Referential Authority.

While a great deal can be inferred about the subjective experience, (of Life, the world and you know, reality), by our description of each of the three predominant worldviews, there is only a certain depth, ordinarily speaking, to which we can descend, to wit:

  • clarks (the Outsider)
  • scotts (the Predator)
  • rogers (the Herd Member)

beyond this level we rely on the willingness (and ability) of people of each group to report out, well, basically, “So, what’s it like being a ….

We can live with that, ’cause when it comes to know about the other person, the Wakefield Doctrine, is on a certain level, without peer. We mean, well, damn! Does your Myers, Briggs and Stratton system afford you an understanding of a person sufficient to: offer insight in a roger’s heart by suggesting you agree with them (even if only for the moment) or that it is usually a bad idea to get into a Truth or Dare game with a scott or, recommend that in a public forum, it might not be such a good idea to ask a clark to come up to the front of the room and answer all your questions (well, and expecting a good outcome).

running out of time

compressed version:

We once wrote a scenario, a fictional restaurant in which a job applicant shows up in the middle of the noon/lunch rush for an interview. Told by the over-worked manager that they would have to wait, the applicant stood by the coatrack at the entrance and watched the organized chaos of a successful restaurant. We then proposed to Readers three actions available to the interviewee and one of these was: seeing how the staff was overwhelmed and people were starting to leave the line for a lack of seating as some tables were still full of dishes, the applicant should take it upon themselves to clear (‘bus’ in the terminology of the restaurant biz) tables, the kitchen area being accessible and open for such a purpose.

The response was amazing. as in, wth?! People were writing comments: ‘They can’t do that!!’ “No way the applicant should get hired” and “How dare they take it upon themselves to interfere like that?!!”

(Have we mentioned how the existence of the Wakefield Doctrine is rife with examples of serendipity, aka luck, gift? Well, yeah. guess we have, first example being the Eureka Moment that started it all.)

…in any event, we realized that not only were virtually all the comments expressing outrage, most of it was coming from rogers. But it was the intensity of their emotional response that remarkable. Even to a clark! (lol)

We realized that rogers (the Herd Members) have within their world a concept we termed: Referential Authority, This is evidenced whenever a roger wishes to exert (uninvited) power on others. “That’s the way we’ve alway done it,” an “It’s SOP. I didn’t make it up, its in the manual (which) Everyone here (at this workplaces) calls it the Bible” and … and “I bring you, not my thoughts and ideas, but the Word.”

Like that.

and the cool thing? This insight is way farther into the reality of the Herd Member than any clark or scott might infer from the everyday descriptions of the relationship between rogers (or clarks or scotts) with the world around them and the people who make it up.

New Readers: Read the easily accessible descriptions of the three personality types until you got ’em cold. Then, we’ll totally bet you’ll be able to extrapolate new descriptions of the three personal realities of the Wakefield Doctrine,




Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Sure, it’s a great tool for self-improving oneself.

and…and! the Doctrine is without peer, an enhancement to the sublime art of people watching. (We know you like the thought of that, well, ’cause Outsider!)

New Readers? Sure We don’t spend a lot of time with stats or the ‘real’ world and such. But it should come as no surprise that conventional wisdom holds that in any given population, rogers represent an easy 66%  scotts about 20% and clarks… yeah 13.

lol why yes, we enjoy the freedom of assumptions about the world around us. (Assumptions being the slutty half-sister of intellectual rigor, fun for a night, wouldn’t want to, like, start a family with), if you know what we mean.

Can’t repeat too many times: the Wakefield Doctrine is gender, age, culture neutral.

and before anyone jumps up and says, yeah! scotts will all shout and I know this woman at the supermarket who’s all busy and such; allow us to offer another reminder:

the Wakefield Doctrine is an additional perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up. It requires a person, (we’d say say adherent, but don’t want the rogers to get too excited too soon), who not only enjoys their imagination but are capable of treating reality as a variable, limited only by our intellectual rigor (and, of course the Laws of Gravity, inertia and a host of other qualities that the world imposes on us).

So read about the three personality types (aka predominant worldviews). Get a sense of characteristic responses to everyday situation by clarks and scotts and rogers. Most importantly, consider how you relate yourself to the world around you and the people who make it up. Remember, the Doctrine is not about them. It’s about how they relate themselves to the world around them.

ProTip: if you become certain that, despite what we say about only one predominant worldview, you are an exception and, in fact, some sort of hybrid clarkscottroger? We’re still going to welcome you.

(Though, to be fair, and god knows some us wear Fair like a third grader’s first day of school starched shirt, we’ll be thinking, ‘Ok! one more towards our goal of 66%!’)



Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

RePrint Monday!

ok. before the RePrint:

three personality types, we live our lives in the context of one, (and only one), our personal reality is a reflection of the nature, (and character), of our relationship to the world around us and the people who make it up. as we said, three: clarks (the Outsider), scotts (the Predator) and rogers (the Herd Members). our personal realities support, reinforce and otherwise make our personality types pretty much perfect (ok, we’ll allow for ‘appropriate’).  clarks live in their heads, scotts manifest their spirits in the action of their acts and rogers find and strive to be the ever-moving center of the world. most people with a little time and a healthy dose of intellectual confidence (and curiosity) find this theory interesting. (ProTip: if you are moved to comment (which we totally encourage and welcome) but feel compelled to let us know that, for reasons beyond your control (not saying this isn’t an interesting theory), you are the exception to the rule and are all three types at once? we will ask one question, on the honor system, of course. in the perverse way of the 21st C, the honor system is alive and well, albeit turned on it’s head, i.e. truth is what the individual takes responsibility for believing. the one question? ‘How much is 2 + 2?’


‘Monday the unlikely’ -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘…of Motivation and videos, serials and insights’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


So a number of topics to cover:

  • friend of the Doctrine, zoe has a new bloghop that we are participating in, over at the Carrot… (this will be linked over there, so be on your best behavior! I don’t want a repeat of what happened last time we went visiting as a Guest Post writer!  I still haven’t heard back from the blogger who asked us!)
  • running a little late on Chapter 20 (will still write a little teaser)
  • an old video, like the secret moon rocks sample, still waiting to go viral
  • Cynthia and Denise and I had a most excellent and insightfulizing discussion during Saturday’s Call-in…. about why clarks are so easily bored. We’ll trial-balloon a few thoughts today.

Carrot!  (oh shit!  I just jumped over there and…and she’s got people sending in genuinely interesting things, information and samples of, like, talented people working on things paintings  and playing musical instruments, making really attractive jewelry. damn! gotta just tough it out)

Hey! I used to do travel videos! Well, not so much travel videos as videos of places that I visited when on business trips… not so much videos as selfies (before they were all the rage and total expected)…. here’s one I found in an old Post!

here you go zoe!

Item 2: Chapter 20…. a little late this week. Plan to publish tonight, still need a little polish and a rogerian review (courtesy of Phyllis). Chapter 20 accounts for what happen after Chapter 19…. no, wait, that did come out right, of course, it deals with Chapter 19! What I’m saying is that, you know how Chapter 19 ended? well, it now seems that Sister Margaret did not make the safest decision, one might even say that her impulsive act has set off a chain of events that no one could have anticipated… yeah, I know! I like Sister Margaret too! Watch for the Chapter later tonight, early tomorrow morning.

Item 3:  well, that’s kinda already covered in Item 1

Item 4: so we were talking about the Doctrine and someone, I think it was Cynthia said, ‘I notice that I always end up getting bored, no matter how interesting or challenging or difficult a project might be at the beginning. You don’t suppose the Doctrine addresses that, do you?’  As a matter of fact, the Wakefield Doctrine does! The Wakefield Doctrine can say that it addresses virtually everything in life, because it’s concerned with relationships, not merely a list of activities, attributes, tendencies or inclinations. The Doctrine does not limit itself to providing a comprehensive list of things that hopefully match what a person ascribes to their own personality types. No, it does not. What the Wakefield Doctrine does, is direct our attention to the way, ‘we relate ourselves to the world around us‘. (Note the exact wordation. I didn’t mean to say, ‘we relate to the world around us‘, there is a huge difference in the two statements).  So that’s why I think we can work with the topic that our accomplished friend has raised…. in the next Post!  lol  (sorry, gots to finish Chapter 20)


