predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 44 predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 44

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- “so, now it’s fun to worry about the difference between i.e. and e.g.?! my god! what’s happening to me?!?!”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

"thank god! it was just another tree falling!"

“thank god! it was just another tree falling!”

1) When did writing Posts (completely) replace the ‘television’ as my preferred diversion? Sure, there is scant viewing worth the effort on the limited cable subscription that we have here, but as I write this, “How It’s Made’ and ‘Family Guy’ are both on and they’re reasonably worthwhile shows. What’s not reasonably worthwhile, is ‘Naked Dating’.  This is one of those situations that find me wishing I had paid attention in English class and, as a result, might today be a better writer, as there is so much about this show, the concept, the execution, the audience that is inferred by the simple fact that there is a show called, ‘Naked Dating’, that I would enjoy discussing…. but alas, I don’t know where to begin, e.g….. no! i.e.  (lol)

2) Una… who surely exemplifies (an) ideal. At least she does, for those of us living in the world of clarks, i.e. the Outsider.

3) I am grateful for easy access to grammar lessons, courtesy of ‘the google’, as inferred by today’s Post’s subtitle.

4) the ‘Hurry-up and Weight Gravity Challenge‘ gang! ( kristi and christine, lisa and joy, val and alex)  they are an amazing group of people.

5) thanks to zoe (and step-creator Josie) for the Six Sentence Story blog… I’m enjoying the challenge these last couple of weeks. (yes, I am surprised at that!)

6) Phyllis (who, now that Una has her own Item), surely has warranted a separate Item.  …. ok! all set!!  (hey, here’s a photo of Una from her walk last night!)  The treehouse is pretty much complete… just a couple of little touch-ups. I’ll post some ‘Finished Tree House’ photos in next week’s TToT.


(wish I could claim credit, but the cool, ‘blurred-motion background effect’ was totally accidental.)

7) Lizzi and the co-hostinae for the continuing life of this bloghop. Granted there are weeks when I’m all, ‘man! there’s no way I can come up with anything for the List, never mind anything half-interesting and/or grateful-like‘… fortunately for me, those who participate, new and not-new alike, seem possessed of an endless supply of tolerance for the ….oddly written, gratitude list(s).

8) Gotta mention the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules). What with the membership showing a high percentage of new participants each week, (this influx of new writers, is, in my opinion, not only the key to a bloghop staying fresh and relevant, it also serves as an effective barometer of the ‘tone’ of the bloghop.) The sense of welcome and camaraderie is surely healthy and vibrant when we see new people join-in each week.

9) … but since the title has the word ‘Secret’ in it, I’ll take the extra step and say to new TToTeers…. the Secret Book of Rules (SBoR/BoSR) is there for you to use… provided you can find it. It’s a very comprehensive Book, …provided you can figure it out. And, sure, use it anytime!! …provided you’re will to take the chance.  (lol… all I’ll say is, ‘if you’re the worrying type and wish to do things correctly and properly, you might want to check with kristi (or Michelle)  and then, if you’re still determined to take a chance….zoe (for expert insight into a certain group of Virgins).   Of course, if you’re not the worrying type…. then head over and see Dyanne.)

10)  1.3  y’all   1.3!!



Ten Things of Thankful
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Your hosts

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Sixtry Sentrences Sorries -the Wakefield Doctrine- it’s fun with words Day!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Today, is a Six Sentence Story, a challenging and enjoyable writing thing that Friend of the Doctrine zoe (aka Ivy) throws most ever week!

The tree stood for as long as Jennifer could remember, it was there when she left her small town to attend college, it was there when she returned briefly, to take those few things that she could not bear to have strangers pick through and sell, and here it (still) stood.  As she approached, on this wintry day, she gave more care to her steps, as if the passing of time made her linger, not for fear of falling, but merely to delay. Pulling at her coat, producing what her late husband would refer to as ‘the self-hugging of the well-tailored woman’, she smiled, despite the discomfit that she felt.

The time has come to remember and let go” she thought, as she stepped carefully over the protruding roots, in a one woman minuet, around the base of the tree. It was only in the last quarter of her circuit that she saw, carved in the trunk, the passing of time causing the names, to be absorbed by the growth of the tree. Rather than being erased, the two pairs of initials had become part of the trunk and so, a part of the living tree.


‘Seis historias de oraciones’ -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


The Wakefield Doctrine isn’t all work and study and learning and such. It is not! It can be fun. If you enjoy ‘people watching’… well, let me just say, the Wakefield Doctrine is ‘the Sibley Guide to Birds, the Michelin Guide, Roget’s Thesaurus* and ‘The Joke and It’s Relationship to the Unconscious’ rolled into one big, all purpose magazine-kind-of-thing. Seriously! With the perspective of the Wakefield Doctrine, you need never find yourself bored, as you sit in the airport terminal, or in the back of the class or at the cafeteria at work or… or waiting for the cashier to pay attention to the 16 items that you’ve placed on the moving belt, with the bar codes all pointing upwards.

Besides this kind of fun, because we have a blog for the Doctrine, we also have talented friends. And these friends do not only enjoy being creative, they have the writing skills to successfully pull-off things like writing challenges and prompts and such. zoe is one such friend. she has this thing, ‘Six Sentence Stories’. It’s a great idea and the people who participate each week, come up with the coolest little story-ettes.** In any event, I persist in my belief that if I associate with people who have the skills that I covet, I’ll be more likely to develop my own. And so, today, one more attempt at a ‘Six Sentence Story’.

They sat in the car, the engine running, the lights off. At 1:35 am in October, the world was quiet, as if intending to leave the couple alone with the time, to take the next step. The glow from the car’s radio, cast everything with a slightly blue tint, making the interior of his car seem like a display in a well-intended, but clearly under-funded museum.

You know this is the right thing to do, don’t you?” the question in her voice, meant to soften the decision, only increased the pain.

Sure, of course I do,” his words coming to rest on the dashboard, like a badly re-folded roadmap.

To himself, a last attempt to accept what must be, “I suppose I have to let her.


* Steven Wright joke:  “What’s another word for thesaurus?”

** not a real word


Tuesday Questions -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


When uncertain as to what to write and time is running out try:

  1. Cynthia’s most recent Comment
  2. the 4th Comment in the 7th Post, 11 months ago
  3. …just frickin write about the Doctrine!
  4. …and hey!!  you (no, not them, you), as the invisible narrator and writer of this here Post here, I am personally inviting to join us on the Adventure of a Lifetime… the ‘Hurry-up and Weight Gravity Challenge’!!  everyone is there, come on!! it’ll be fun!

Lets do the hard one first, followed by 2 and then number 1 on our little bullet list, ok?

3] The Wakefield Doctrine is a perspective on behavior. Ours, yours and their’s. The Wakefield Doctrine is not ‘the Answer’, however, the questions that it would have us pose, (to ourselves), can be very, very helpful in understanding the people in our lives. The Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not them. While most ‘personality theories’ and quizzes and surveys and questionnaires, prompt most of us to think how we can help/change the other people in our lives, the Wakefield Doctrine does nothing more than offer an opportunity to see the world as the other person is experiencing it. All the Doctrine claims: if I am able to appreciate ‘how you relate yourself to the world around you‘, then I will understand you better. What I do with this insight, that knowledge, is entirely a different matter. However, since we all have the potential to experience the world as does the Outsider (clarks), the Predator (scotts) or the Herd Member (rogers), then it’s easy enough to see how I might: a) become a better person, b) develop into a more efficient hunter, c) better appreciate the ways that life can affirm the individual.  Plus, the Wakefield Doctrine is fun.

2] ”  zoebyrd says:
August 11, 2014 at 5:53 pm • Edit
yeah, okay….whatever. ”

….yes,  lol  (hey, I don’t make the rules!… well, sort of, but you’ll have to ask zoe what she meant in that comment on the 7th Post, 11 months ago)


What I wanna know is how the hell you’re so good at figuring out all the clarks, scotts, and rogers. Granted, you RUN the Doctrine, but…
In my office, I’m still not that good at automatically ID-ing everyone. Most of the are rogers, I know. I can tell that I’m probably the only clark. I think the admin assistant (who pretty much runs the place) is a scott. I think. I think. She’s intense. And I don’t wanna piss her off. LOL
PS – closing tomorrow. It’s been a friggin’ harrowing journey. Originally scheduled for Friday. Then the lawyer screwed up. Then scheduled for 11 am . Then the mortgage officer screwed up. Rescheduled for 4pm tomorrow. Sheesh.

Lets all think positive HUD RESPA thoughts for our friend Cynthia!


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- “start with Item 1…”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


“Dances with Balloons”


The brainchild of Lizzi Rogers, the TToT is a celebration* of the benefits of the effort to become aware of, and share Ten Things of Thankful. (That there are (usually) things (and people, places, processes and stuff) in life for and about which we can feel grateful, and share them with this here group here. For my part, I will List the following:

1) this bloghop

2) the ‘Hurry up and Weight’ Gravity Challenge  and those who are participating ( Kristi and Val and Lisa and Christine and Alex and Joy)

3) the calendar (for the decency of having July follow June)

4) technology as manifested in cell phone cameras and, of course, these electrical computers

5) the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) because, when you get right down to it, isn’t life about our individual best efforts to find, learn and apply Rules to help make the best of the decisions that we encounter each and everyday? And maybe, due to personal choice and/or upbringing, the set of Rules that we have available are kinda staid and one size-fits-all, so when there is an opportunity to find (and learn and apply) a Book of Rules that no one has quite pre-written, well, that kinda cool, non?

6) Una and Phyllis

7) the simple, easy to take for granted, fact that I am able to work and move about the planet, both in response to er…. responsibilities and for fun and recreation

8) something something

9) (see?!?!  that!  right there…. Number 8! I will take the position that while there seems to be incredibly liberal ‘rules of participation’ to this here ‘hop, the underlying attitude of participants is the basis of allowing it to be as opened ended as it is.) English translation: we are all free to submit Posts of any sort to the TToT and sometimes Posts are not exactly 10 Items, despite the very name of the bloghop. However, almost without exception, when a person does participate, they demonstrate the spirit of this exercise. I would go further and suggest that, when there is a Post in which the writer throws up their hands in frustration or, simply states that their week did not abound in gratitudinous events, that is what this bloghop is all about.

10) 1.3  (likely the first Secret Rule discovered early in the TToT), SR 1.3 is probably the better definition of what I was after in Item 9.  Sometimes, (often for some of us), putting together a List of 10 Items can be…. difficult, and not necessarily because good things were in short supply, but because, sometimes (our) ability to perceive the good things is compromised and sometimes, some of us, struggle. SR 1.3 states (in part): “the completion of a List of Ten Things of Thankful, can, ipso facto, be used as an Item on (that selfsame) List….baby”



Ten Things of Thankful

Your hosts

Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group


* 2 of the 4 definitions in wiktionary:

  1. The act, process of showing appreciation, gratitude and/or remembrance, notably as a social event.
  2. A social gathering for entertainment and fun; a party.