predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 23 predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 23

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- “… of weeds and flowers, technology and dreams.”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Three clarks.

This is the virtual place that Lizzi created. Having created it, (and nurturing it into a bloghop for all sorts of people of good intent), she passed the reins, (or tiara (or scepter)) to Josie.

Kristi now maintains the home fires. Each week she prepares the place for those who would contribute their experiences with the world that has engendered a feeling of gratitude. And, since we’ve been with the TToT from the beginning time, the Wakefield Doctrine gets to participate too! )

These are the things I am grateful for this week.

1) Una

A dog guarding the spiral corn.


2) Phyllis

Phyllis, work, treehouse. The essentials.


3) weeds

Thistle just before flowering. Still dangerous.

Green stuff and weeds, flourishing.


4) flowers

Rose supplanted by a dog.


5) oh, man! no way I’ll succeed in relating the feeling I had this morning when a favorite science fiction book stepped (almost) into reality. I was on google street view… wait, the book first. That way, if you want to have the same experience I did, you can read the book first and duplicate the steps that lead to my own…  (cool word…come on, clark! find a cool word)…. frisson. (Sure, I’ll go with that.) …moment of frisson.
Where was I? The book!  Roadmarks by Roger Zelazny (1979).
Spoiler Alert! (in case you want to attempt the aforementioned ‘replicate clark’s moment of frisson’.) The ‘hook’ in the story echoed for me today in a way that was… well, here I am writing a TToT Item of Gratitude because of it. Very cool. (yeah, no way that made any sense. but rather than waste time and electrons, if you’re still curious, ask me in a comment to explain what the hell Item 5 was supposed to mean. Ed.)

6) Speaking of Writing and such, ‘the Writers Club‘ is..coming along fine, thank you for asking. Actually it is. I’m grateful for the responses of the people I’ve been talking to about it.
Speaking of pirates, has anyone posed the ‘qualifying membership question’ to zoe yet? What?! OK, I got this.   Zoe: In the world of people, associates, rogers and clarks, there are Groups and there are clubs. Is there a difference? (A simple yes or no will suffice. DSM-5 citations optional but will count towards score. You may pick up your No. 2 pencils and begin….now.)

7) Friend of the Doctrine Cynthia as she follows the most remarkable of paths. In part remarkable because of her dedication and determination and plain, old hard work in discerning where the path might be found. As students of the Doctrine will attest to, the most difficult part of self-improving oneself is not in ‘the effort to do what is necessary’. Rather, the difficulty is in allowing oneself to see what really needs to be changed. And, then the path appears. If you’re looking for it. Cynthia is way good at that shit.

8) THIS SPACE AVAILABLE. (Presented as a public service). This space on the Doctrine’s List is reserved and available to any Reader who might be toying with the notion of participating in what clearly is a muy coolito bloghop. However, speaking for my people, sometimes we know something might be fun but the risk of doing things wrong (and thereby inviting excessive scrutiny) totally outweighs the benefit …so we sit it out. Here is the place you can try it out. Send in your Grat Item as a comment and I’ll place it right here. With full attribution as you would have it. Come on! You know you want to.

9)Sunday Supplement

Talk about your ‘set up’ photos! Here’s a photo from a ride to the pet store today.

Una is my co-pilot.
Yeah, I know! I’ve got about six semi-amusing captions for this here photo here.

10) Secret Rule 1.3 (from the Book of Secret Rules, aka the Secret Book of Rules) which states, in part: “[t]he act and fact of completing a list (of Ten Things) comprises, constitutes, manifests and, ‘my-god-I-did-it’ for inclusion as an Item on (said) List. Convention holds that it (the Item alluding to the completion, et. al.) is placed in the last position. Unless, there are more and then (that) realization may create an infinitely recurring loop of gratitude. Watch it.”)



Music video this week: good song, decent singing, incredible guitar playing.


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

‘Phyllis and Una and Home’

This week’s TToT is gonna be on the photo-centric side. Josie Two-Shoes opens the doors to this bloghop and invites one and all to share the things that inspire the state/emotion/experience of gratitude that we might care to share.

(We interrupt this intro narrative to exert editorial authority and usurp an Item, for this purpose referred to as, ‘Man! Look at what wikipedia says about the editorial we!” Otherwise it will be considered Item 7)

A nosism the use of ‘we’ to refer to oneself

Main article: Royal we
A common example is the royal we (Pluralis Majestatis), which is a nosism employed by a person of high office, such as a monarch, earl, or pope.

The editorial we is a similar phenomena

The editorial we is a similar phenomenon, in which editorial columnists in newspapers and similar commentators in other media refer to themselves as wewhen giving their opinions. Here, the writer has once more cast himself or herself in the role of spokesman: either for the media institution who employs him, or more generally on behalf of the party or body of citizens who agree with the commentary.

Similar to the editorial we is the practice common in scientific literature of referring to a generic third person by we (instead of the more common one or the informal you):

  • By adding three and five, we obtain eight.
  • We are therefore led also to a definition of “time” in physics. — Albert Einstein

“We” in this sense often refers to “the reader and the author”, since the author often assumes that the reader knows certain principles or previous theorems for the sake of brevity (or, if not, the reader is prompted to look them up), for example, so that the author does not need to explicitly write out every step of a mathematical proof.

1, 2, 3:


4, 5, 6:

Gratitude for the others in the interworld, both as individuals and groups: You should visit Finish the Sentence Friday, they’ve got the most basic of all prompts this week. We’re in the very beginning of Open Enrollment at the Gravity Challenge… come over, sign up and lose!* It’s no secret that we talk about the nature of reality and such, a fair amount in the Doctrine. Friend of the Doctrine, Cynthia is the person to go to when you, ‘want to see it in stores’1. Stop over to Intuitive and Spiritual and tell her the Doctrine sent ya. And, finally if you gots a hankering to arrange words in new and surprising sequences, head for the Six Sentence Story, Denise and them will total blow yer mind.**

7, 8, 9:

Sorry, only 8 and 9 left (see above)

‘The Wakefield Doctrine’ spanning the globe.
Friend of the Doctrine, Alex somewhere in Greece invoking the Rite of Hat.


THIS SPACE AVAILABLE (If any Reader wants to participate, however are not certain, in light of this Post, they are yet comfortable contributing to such a…. literary mélange as is this here bloghop here, feel free to send in your Grat Items and we’ll be happy to post them in this space.

10: Secret Rule 1.3



*  Gravity Challenge joke. Despite what a cursory inspection might lead you to believe, the emphasis in the Challenge in not losing weight; it’s practicing the art of altering one’s reality. (No! Really, ask anyone!) We participate by sending in photos of the readout of our scales each morning (‘cept Sunday). Kristi’s Rule is the best illustration of this principle, i.e. the photo (that is a requirement) need show only that portion of the number that you would post. It’s about change, not status. Ya know?

1) To ‘see it in stores’ is an old colloquial expression for, ‘ok, I get the concept, and sure, the Wakefield Doctrine offers a fun, useful and productive perspective on the world around me, but sometimes I’d like to gain reference points that, while helping me learn to live better in the here and now, has less of the ‘raised eyebrow factor’. Talking about mindfulness and centering oneself in the here and now does not make people look at you funny. Exclaiming, “Wow! She is such a scott!” or “Man, rogers sho do keep us on our toes, emotional-combatively-speaking”, tends to inspire the look.”

** it’s a writing challenge, one prompt word, six sentences, fun.


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…and fun, too!2

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

quick post

Dedicated to two Friends of the Doctrine, Cynthia and Teachezwell, the following reprint, from 2010. They both have said/written things, this weekend passed, that reminded me of that which I already knew, yet am all too prone to forgetting.

And, that is the basis of the value of the Wakefield Doctrine, to offer one more tool that will make finding others of like mind more possible. And, through the truly remarkable power of identification, (re)-acquire that which I have, so that it might be available to another, at another time.


In the time it takes to write this, it is about time this subject is addressed, when will it be time to get serious….it’s about Time.

The un-marked Rolodex stopped spinning this morning and came up Chambers Brothers, which means the topic is Time. (I will say with pride  that I resisted the Pink Floyd and stayed with the original source.)

On with it then.  Everything can be seen in light of the Wakefield Doctrine, ever thang.  Even Time.  Especially Time.

(BTW I did make some New Year’s resolutions, and primary among them was to present the Doctrine in as effective a manner as possible, which means that every Post/any Post contain something of the ‘real world’ that will offer concrete and objective expressions of the Wakefield Doctrine.  And I will not stint to present the Doctrine in as many different ‘contexts’ as may make themselves available.)

Time to start?

clarks are of the future, scotts of the present and rogers of the past.
(for clarks) the future never arrives, (for scotts) the present is over too soon and (for rogers) the past is essential.

All very obvious, but what are we to learn about the ‘worldview’ of each of the three in this context?

clarks, as well known by now, live in their heads.  They inhabit the world as outsiders, for various reasons clarks feel the need to earn the respect and acceptance of virtually everyone else they encounter.  Implicit in this statement is the idea that they must make an extra effort, to compensate. Being clarks, they are perfectly suited to the task; come up with a plan, something no one has thought of, in order to do something to redeem themselves…in the future.  clarks are doomed by both the (false) premise and the un-manageable definition of success.  But clarks live in their heads and their strengths are their downfall.  They are trapped by an idea, false to the rest of the world, but true to circular logic inherent in a worldview of ‘me and the rest of the world’.  And as Time passes, the requirements of the gesture that earns the respect of everyone else, grows and grows. Impossible expectations become a way of life that trades effort for acceptance, surrenders any chance to realise the falseness of the original distinction in exchange for the illusion that one more plan might be the one to make it all worthwhile.

scotts, people of action, they are the ones that live in the here and now (without the serenity).  Actions speak louder than words? Actions speak in place of thought.  The very distinctive trait of scotts, their living in and of the present, imbues them with certainty.  If your mind is reflected in your acts and your acts are of the present then you will have a certainty of purpose, which is why, for good or (very, very often) bad, scotts are the leaders.  Most people, most of the time prefer to listen (and by extension, follow) the person with the most certainty, conviction, sureness.  That would be your nearby scott.
(There is a ‘test’ utilized in sales, specifically timeshare sales, in which the sales representative will meet the customers, talk about what they will be doing in the next couple of hours and then abruptly say “follow me”.  Without hesitation, without looking back to see if the customers are, the rep will walk off.  If they  follow a sale is a near certainty, if one or both people have not followed the rep knows there is work to be done.)
The negative aspect of Time to a scott?  (One word: ‘getting old’).  Age. scotts are not the ones who ‘age well’.  Since most of their lives are lived physically, in action/in motion the decline of health and physical prowess is anathema to the scott, both male and female, (for parallel but slightly different reasons).  Want to scare a scott? tell them they are getting old. (might want to be sure your exit path is clear first, though).

rogers? too easy. (Is there a genealogist in the house?) Call from the Department of Redundancy Department1, for the first rogers  to pick of the courtesy phone…As we know the strength of rogers is the source of their limitations.  They organise and they preserve (for posterity).  But Everything a roger deems valuable enough to preserve is considered Perfect.  (As in, ‘improve on this? are you crazy didn’t you just hear the guy say Perfect?). For a roger, ‘if it is worth doing it is worth repeating,…without change or alteration’.

Damn, what a busy morning we gots here.


OK,  back to work.

Let’s consider the ‘point’ of todays’ Post.  Time is the universal, inescapable common experience.  Only problem is that we all live through it differently and more importantly, we all view the effects of Time in very different ways(or to be more exact, three different ways).  And the Wakefield Doctrine is nothing if it is not an effort to find new ways to see the world through the eyes of another person.

(Hey Slovinanss!, it’s snowing out.  Early class!  Go out there and step into the shoes of the others, have some fun.)

Mr. Chambers, if you will…

1) phrase from the totally wonderful Firesign Theater (just find an old person, ask them), specifically from a line in the ‘I Think We Are All Bozos On This Bus’ album. (Album? hey I did say old person)

2)  oh, man! You need to read what I just read. At the risk of citing what some may finding oblique (yeah, like that ever happens ’round here)…. I was reading a magazine for real estate agents and they were asking young agents about their thoughts and I laughed outloud* at what I read:

Miss Young real estate agent’s style centers on “being present'” with her clients, which is not as simple as it sounds. “I go deep with people. I help them figure out what they want out of life and what kind of lifestyle they want to have,” she says, “And they get to know the real me as well. It’s hard for us not to be vulnerable with each other.”


* yes, that is a clue as to the person’s predominant worldview (hint as to clue, rhymes with progression)


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘…of tree stumps and self-improvement, instability is the key’.

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

‘A change both for the former tree and the earth that gave it meaning. One moves on, the other remains, subtly changed forever.’

Lets go for brevity

1) the Wakefield Doctrine as a tool for self-improving oneself. If for no other reason it is predicated on the notion that we, all of us, live in a reality that is personal. (Nothing weird or spacey, just personal… as in: my perspective does not create the entire world (the world in common, the world ‘out there’) it does, however, impart values, emphasis and, like the blue-and-red cardboard 3D glasses that we used to get back in the day, to see Thirteen Ghosts, (the original, not the recent version with Tony Shalhoub and the always excellent Matthew Lillard), you put them on and your see the ghosts. Of course the ghosts are there all along, the glasses allow you to see them. Perspective is a lot like cardboard 3D glasses. (cont’d Item 3).

2) Josie Two Shoes. Proprietoress of this here bloghop here. The doors are always open, the lights are on ever weekend, without fail. Thanks, J

3) So, you know how we suggest the best way to determine your own predominant worldview? What?! You don’t?! Welll You learn the descriptions of the three worldviews, the Outsider(clarks), the Predator(scotts) and the Herd Member(rogers) well enough to allow viewing the world through the perspective of each of the three. The view that is least blurry is your predominant worldview. The cool thing is, you have, with the aid of the Wakefield Doctrine, access to two additional pair of cardboard 3D glasses. Get them and you can see the world as ‘the other two’* experience. The amazing thing is that you will find you are able to cope with the worlds of the other two. Maybe not smoothly or automatically at first, but with practice? Definitely. I’ll refer you to one Lizzi Lewis and Cynthia Calhoun. They’ve experienced this. Of course, both are exceptional woman-people, so maybe they’re not the most impartial. But it’s true.

4) Una because she reminds me that today is the only real day there is.

Una surveys the surrounding woods. The broad expanse of flat, green(ish) lawn remains peaceful and un-trodden, little suspecting the presence of the balls, one blue and fiercely dense, the other large and disposed to identifying with the flat earth.
They both bide their time accepting the fact full self-actualization lies with the vigilant dog, who in turn delays her own enjoyment in deference to duty.

5) Phyllis  ya know?

6) The Six Sentence Story is a bloghop that we recommend. It’s a fun way to sharpen your wordage skills. No, seriously, not to make it sound like work or some kind of writing class or something. Well, kinda is, but the big difference is it’s a comfortable, totally supportive environment. I’m like almost always reading a Six by say, Pat or Val or Paul and sit back and think, ‘How did they manage to do that?!’ And then you try to imitate it for your own Six and ain’t nobody be in your face with ‘Copycat! Go get yer own words!’ lol Nope, not even once.

7) The Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) (inquire within) At least on Item is brevitic.

8) THIS SPACE AVAILABLE (Any new Reader or random visitor, like what you see? Want to participate? Have only one of two Grat Items? Fret no more! Send them in as a Comment and they’ll totally be placed here with full attribution.)

9) Sunday Supplement: ‘Instability and the Beast’

“The Beast begins to make his bid for freedom…”

“Employing a very risky vaulting maneuver, the Beast attains the edge of freedom…”


“A sleeping captor is no captor at all…”

“Embracing the power of instability, the Beast heads to the car in the enclosure. Every bit a God to the formerly earth-bound Beast, the wheeled vehicle awaits in the canvas cathedral.”


“To walk or to drive, that is the question. The top of the earth is both freedom and restriction to the Beast.””

10) SR 1.3

music goes here:

* example: I’m a clark. ‘the other two’ are scott and roger


TToV -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

“In the early days, things were simpler and people more adventurous. Here we see three such people perfectly captured in their natural exuberance in a picture of a screenshot on the desktop of a computer. If that doesn’t tell you everything about the virtual world, we can’t imagine what would. They were brave pioneers, indeed!”


1) Guess who I ran into yesterday?

In any event the photo above is not only of the person I ‘ran into yesterday’ but is also of a time when we were discovering the capabilities of the various outlets and media. (I believe the people pictured are: Denise, Lizzi and Michelle… from the way-back days of the Friday vidchats)

New(er) Readers, Lizzi was the founderess of this ‘hop. The very same bloghop you’re reading that continues under the care of Josie Two Shoes who accepted the very daunting task of keeping the doors open and lights on in this virtual funhouse.

Anyway, I ‘saw’ Miz Lewis yesterday over to the FTSF

2) Speaking of Hypograts*…. yesterday was FTSF and… well, many of us from the land of Y Chromia are somewhat less inclined to read instructions. Further complicating that scenario is my being a clark, (its not that our people do not believe in reading instructions, it’s just that one of the skills necessary to growing up in the world of the Outsider is to be able to infer on (the basis) of minimal information. (Think about it. As a young human you come upon a box labeled: ‘TREE FORT’ Most of the other kids are still at the ballgame (no one noticed when you wandered away from the game because you got bored and …well, no one noticed when you wandered away). In any event, you see the box and you see the lengthy instruction booklet that has an illustration of the completed TREE FORT. Your first thought is, ‘Won’t they all be impressed if you are sitting in the completed tree house when they come by when their game is over.’ Whats a clark to do?* lol))
So, where was I? oh yeah, Hypograt. Yesterday’s FTSF. I got the instructions almost right. It was a Stream of Consciousness Friday. It also had a specific theme/focus which was ‘Home’. I missed that second part.

3) Grateful for the company I keep. Not simply that no one said, ‘Hey! look! he didn’t know there was a theme!’ Hell, I’m an adult (well, I’m an older, more mature clark.) I’d live. No, the thing I’m grateful for is that I know** that the friends I have here in the ‘sphere and the people I hang out with are good people.

4) How about a ‘Lets Take Our Virtual Friends to Work!’

5) Who said, “Well, woods and lakes are fairly common. How about the ocean? We’d all love us some views of the Atlantic Ocean.”

6) Time of the Year (at least calendaristically): Lets see a ‘Before’ photo of Una’s garden. (tomorrow)

‘Una’s Garden 2018. Like top sheets wedged under the arm, the light-brown soil resists even the most ambitious stares.’

7) Una and Phyllis  (Here is what I mean about Una being a role model: we’re all up, I’ve consumed my first SABD*** and Una waits patiently for breakfast.

8) THIS SPACE AVAILABLE  If anyone is new ’round here and like what they read, feel like participating, but just not thinking they’re ready for a full-on TToT post, your troubles are over. Send me (in a comment) your Grat Item and I’ll totally post it in this reserved spot. Easy peasy.

9) Sunday Supplement   The What the heck is this thing Contest’

‘The once, every two-or-three year watering of the cactus thing that sits quietly in the bay window, biding it’s time.’

10) SR 1.3 (from the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) which, in it’s preface states, in part, ” …[t]he application of (a) bloghop’s rules and guidelines, perforce are mandatory and required, are nevertheless: a)subjective and (therefore) shaped and manifested by the participant’s own view of the task (ref: ‘re vera sensus est‘  perception is reality… b) writers gots to write… op cit). et al, yo))


* Hypograts n.  those things, people, situations and events that you so are not grateful happened/occurred/why-they-hell-did-they-have-to-go-and-do-that?!! If this were a normal, average, run-of-the-mill gratitude bloghop, y’all be avoiding hypograts like a ring salesman in a leper colony. Despite the fact that the world is not a constant barrage of crewel embroidered wall-hanging inspiring happy events, one hopes to see the balance of the good with the not-so-good as leaning towards the positive. That being said, this is not your average gratitude bloghop. Well, let me qualify that, the Wakefield Doctrine’s take on this gratitude bloghop is a little more on the distinctive side. Hence the concept of hypogratonia (i.e. the condition of really not feeling grateful that you dropped your phone just as you took it out of the box). The challenge of citing a hypograt on a Grat list is all in how it is expressed. I’ll leave it at that, as the word count of this footnote is about to exceed that of the first Six Items above.

**whoever out there is thinking, ‘but the instructions are the necessary first step’, I say, “Hello, roger!”  Lets just say that besides the fact that, when the roger is done, the tree fort will look exactly like the illustration on the cover of the instructions. (Hell, for that matter, when the first visitors show up, the roger will be sure to sit or stand exactly as the instructions show the little line-drawing kid on the cover.) Not that there’s anything wrong with reading instructions. Thats why god invented rogers. And, when cruising at 35,000 ft on your vacation or riding up the elevator in the (name of really tall building here) you can thank the rogerian people for making sure that all the parts were used and none were left in the box because… “well, it looks done, right?”

*** SABD South American Breakfast Drink. I believe we owe the progenitor roger our thanks for that little acrophone.

Ok a little music to get stuck in your head this weekend.
