predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 15 predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 15

RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Lets go look for the first April 11th post we can find. (Damn! From 2010, the first full year of this here blog here.):

So we begin…the second half (of the beginning) of this thing of ours

Expect significant changes in the layout of this blog in the coming weeks, changes that reflect function as well as form.  Posts will continue to be central to the blog, but we will be creating separate areas dedicated to on-going features, including but not limited to: ‘Case Studies’, activities at Millard Fillmore High, Interviews by and with Progenitors and Downsprings, and other fun activities.

The reason for the change is simply, it is time.

This will be the place to learn about, express, correct and add to the Wakefield Doctrine (aka theory of Clarks, Scotts and Rogers.)
This theory proposes that all people have (from the start of life) three distinct ways of relating to the world.
It is a given that we are all  born with the qualities (of each form) as potential.  At some point a predominance/predilection for one (of the three) forms expresses itself.  A clark or a scott or a roger is born.  No one is simply a clark or a scott or a roger.  Just mostly.  As a clark, as a scott or as a roger. ( June 25 2009)

(That was from our very first Post.  Not that we are much clearer on what it is we are trying to do with the Doctrine, but we are having more fun trying.)

In the original ‘plan’ for this blog, the Pages were to contain the facts/information/knowledge of the Doctrine.  The Posts, on the other hand, were thought to simply provide a place for Commentary.  However, in the process of writing the Pages and the Posts…

…what’s that?…good question…What is the Objective of this blog?… What do you mean?  Haven’t we addressed this  yet?…we haven’t… shit.
……..I apologise.

Been so intent on writing Posts and trying to come up with different ways to talk about the Wakefield Doctrine, that I have not noticed that, for longer than I realise, I have been  ‘talking to strangers’.  Before this blog, the Wakefield Doctrine was simply the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers. (As in: ‘hey don’t get him started about his thing about how there are only three kinds of people in the world named after his friends, you won’t be able to get him to shut up).
The Objective, the goal, the reason and the point of effort is to get as many people as possible to understand and apply the Doctrineto their lives. So, not such an ambitious goal, is it? It comes down to seeing people benefit from knowing the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers.

You do know that this is not really a theory, at least not as commonly defined:
1. A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena; 2. A belief or principle that guides action or assists comprehension or judgment

Hey!, wait a minute now,  maybe I will hang my hat on #2:  ‘a belief…that guides action or assists comprehension’.
Yeah, I can live with that definition, a belief that guides comprehension. If you know how a scott is experiencing the world, you will know how they will act in any situation; same is true for clarks and rogers.

So, back to those changes.  Soon this blog will have 5 sections: (a) Post; (b) Principles of the Doctrine; (c) Examples of the Doctrine; (d) Application of the Wakefield Doctrine; and (e) Fun Stuff.

Not certain about how it will actually look, if anyone has any suggestions about the layout, feel free to leave a Comment.

You know,  this is all about you (the Reader) having the experience of hearing someone (in your life) that you have not mentioned the Wakefield Doctrine to, hearing them say, “jeez he is such a roger” or “that’s not too scottian is it?”
Think about how much fun that will be!  Until then we will keep coming up with new, different and fun ways to present the Wakefield Doctrine, (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers).

You know you’re right! What’s a Post without a contest?  …why a hat (for your damn head) what else would we be giving away?  Lets make that a 3 part contest!*

To win simply let us know:
A) Who (of the three)  you think you will hear an (unprompted) reference to the Doctrine from in your own world? (your clarklike friend, your scottian or rogerian friend);
B) What you would want to read (on a shirt). (Sorry I already have mine in: “I (heart) Janie Sullivan“);
C) Go over to (friend of the Doctrine) Mel’s Spatula in the Wilderness and get him to give you a free t-shirt/shamwow/emergency mop, document that to us and we will give you a hat (for your damn head).

So until the next Post… Hey what’s up with the visiting only on Wed/Thurs?
No!  We are not giving up on Janie and the kids at MillFill High…(I did say there would be a section called Fun Stuff)


Not markedly different in (writing) style or voice, from today.

Updated insight into the core topic (of reprint): What we reference, i.e. “…if you know how a scott is experiencing the world, you will know how they will act in any situation.” is still very much a true value to this thing of ours. Sure, maybe it’s only clarks who hold as a value the capacity to predict the future behavior of the people around them, but it is part of what the Wakefield Doctrine has to offer those who would avail themselves of an additional perspective.

Reminder: as simple as the above ambition is, it is very not easy. To know how another will act in a situation not yet encountered, requires we appreciate the personal reality in which they exist. Fortunately we have the Everything Rule (‘Everyone does everything, at one time or another’) to remind us that although we live in one (of the three) predominant worldviews (aka personal realities), we never lose the potential to experience the world as do ‘the other two’. All it takes? A willingness to let go of the certainty-of-truth that imbues the reality with a quality of exclusivity that transcends personal opinion.

or something like that…



Monday RePrint -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

We interrupt this Reprint post to say, ‘Damn! we’re finding nothing but reprint posts as we search for a post to….err reprint!’

That can mean only one of two things:

  1. We’re in a time-loop*
  2. We’re in a loop of time

ha ha

This phenomenon can only be the universe frowning on my video from this weekend’s TToT in which we went at semi-length to express how it has, ‘never-been-work-to-write-for-this-blog’, these past twelve or thirteen years.

The Wakefield Doctrine is a perspective and, as such, is both a tool and a toy. (And one might argue that many toys are inspired by tools. But that’s not important right now.)

The Doctrine maintains that there are three relationships that can exist between the individual and the world in which they exist. (There is more to it than that, of course. We step into life with the potential to find ourselves in one (and only one) of these three realities. Our ‘personality types’ are but a best effort to develop social strategies and skills for inter-relating based on the world, as we experience it.)

Thing of it is, from the Doctrine perspective, our relationship with the world around us and the people who make it up, totally fits into the three personality types (aka predominant worldviews). Therefore by recognizing the reality another person is experiencing, we’re in a position to know how they’ll react to a given situation and the nature and character of the choices they will make. In other words, unless this other person is also a student of our little personality theory, you can know more about the other person than they know about themselves.

Pretty cool, non?

The three worldviews:

  1. clarks (Outsiders) abhor being the center of attention, will not tolerate being ignored. Never encountered a novel fact that they weren’t, to some extent, grateful for uncovering. (The key verb: uncovering. Can’t be much of a secret if it’s, like, out in the open, now can it?)
  2. scotts (Predators) a scott, alone in a room, isn’t. An unofficial motto, (as mottos are for rogers and clarks), ‘I scream, therefore I am’. All great leaders are scotts, civilizations somehow, most of the time, survive them.
  3. rogers (Herd Members) the Universe is both quantifiable and knowable. If it can’t be completely and explicitly described in an owner’s manual, it probably isn’t very important. The Herd exists as both an extension of the individual and a necessary context. There is a Right Way and there are lesser ways.

Enough for the moment.



* once, at the dentist** when I was about thirteen I was caught, for about five minutes in a loop

** well, yeah, it might be more accurate to say ‘twice’ seeing how I escaped



Thursday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…surely the most second-third-of-a-good-first-date day of the workweek.”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Have been, of late, in first-phase conversation with a couple of people who are, in all likelihood, clarks. Thing is, being new to the Doctrine, (and, probably clarks), it’s important they come to the realization of which of the three predominant worldviews is their’s on their own.

And besides, one of the first (and few) rules in this funhouse is: No one has the authority to designate a person’s predominant worldview, at least to the extent of compelling the other person to accept being whichever.

Why this is a rule is fairly enlightening. The main thing, one might argue, the only thing about the Wakefield Doctrine and individuals is that it is all about how a person relates themselves to the world around. Do they experience it as would:

  1. an Outsider(clarks), full of questions and dogged by fear, determined to stay out of the spotlight while never being pushed so far away as to limit their ability to search for the answer to the questions: what do real people know that allows them to act and feel the way they do
  2. the Predator(scotts), free of doubt and tasting fear like a subtle (or robust) relish as they roam the day, living their lives as long as they are able
  3. the Herd Members(rogers), certain of everything that matters, unaware that the list (of which they are certain) is only a subsection of the whole, a whole they would be more than willing to accept as their due, but if presented as a novel gift, will reject in the name of what is established

Now the fun part is to stick an old reprint here and see: a) how our writing has changed and 2) determine which new expression of the principles of this here personality theory has persisted.

From 2010

Hey, yo clarks…it’s Saturday and the other two have the weekend starting.  They both know this is a time when they are entitled and (in the case of rogers) required to relax and have fun and engage in all things not of the work week.  You, (being a clark) know nothing of this…this is a day as are all other days.  Sure, you may aspire to having the feeling of enjoying some  ‘time off’,  relief from the weeks organised work, hell you may even have a situation in which you have weekends off, but you and I both know that it is not the same (as it is with those other two, scott and roger).

So, am glad you are still reading.  I hope you can continue to ‘set aside momentarily’ your inclination to dismiss this blog as something that you have already got covered in your own system of understanding (the world) and see if you cannot benefit from this Wakefield Doctrine thing.  And it is to the clarks that I speak today…”no, scott, no special music videos and nothing of a sexy exotic nature”…just clarks stopping for a moment to see if we can’t maybe help each other out a bit. (As to our rogerian Readers), they are totally into ‘hey! it’s my weekend can’t you see how much I have earned the right to be even more self-absorbed than I am during the rest of the week”? lol Yeah.

OK.  Post for and to the clarks.  Hey! come back I have just started!

I could cut and paste stuff from the clarks page, about how we live in our heads, and think a lot and do not show emotion but we are past that at this point. There simply is not a roger or a scott still reading this…so it is us here.  I know that you know that I know…etc…blah…etc.  Fine, we have established our credentials, identified ourselves it is up to me to offer something that you have not yet thought of, or have not been willing to think too loudly, much less try and discuss it with one of the others.
Fine.  I am willing to play.  Here’s the thing…we can accept our low self concept/esteem, in fact it is a point of pride with us…sort of like the person who has overcome a handicap…we own it and accept it and there is hardly anyone in the world that is qualified to discuss this topic (with us).
I get the knowing/thinking thing.  And I am sure there are clarks who are better than I am at thinking/analyzing even better at describing and expressing what it is to be inside the head of (and therefore to live in the world of) a clark.

Difference is I have experienced the alteration of my clarklike nature. (Sorry no insult intended but for dramatic purposes I have to do the following, even though I know that you know).  Notice and re-read what I just said…I have experienced…alteration…clarklike nature…I did not say:
“I have learned to…” or “I think differently”…I have not even said anything about “discovering something new, a key to understanding…”

I have experienced an alteration in my clarklike nature.  Am still a clark( lol ya think? ) but have something in addition to…

So, welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)…I think we better go find those other two…roger is probably swelling up in emotional intensity…sort of getting wider and lower to the ground with the severity of their sincere and heartfelt nature…and the scotts  lol god knows what they are up to!..I don’t hear any cries of torment, maybe they have found something old and worn to gnaw on…they are such simple creatures… but fun…

So come back when you are ready to Comment…we will be here…I think…ya never know…lol

fuck that greaser 50s rock and roll or country music that scotts so love that they turn into little pre-teen girls at the thought of, bless their simple scottian hearts…and roger’s idea of music…I’m sorry I do not believe that I am quite qualified, in an acedemistical sort of way to criticise the music that most rogers will beat people over the head with, for their obvious lack of qualifications to enjoy…

(oh before we go…) you know that just because we are self-conscious and mumble and all that sort of thing does not mean that we are not to found in the spotlight…I offer as a closing example a clark we can all be proud of…


Hold on…just discussing Doctrine matters with DownSpring#1…and she made a statement about my doing something better than someone else which resulted in my success at “being taken under their wing”…
…now you’re clark…you like the sound of that…”under their wing”…tell me I’m lying.  DS#1 insisted that the choice of words was ‘accidental’ that she did not mean it that way…

If you want to ever have the slightest hope of doing that which you have been trying to do your entire damn lives, you must be prepared to accept the fact that it is always your choice…and it is not the words that matter, it is the fact that the words we choose are the instructions we give to the world out there…instructions as to how we are to be regarded…as clarks
But you are still reading because a) you remember that all people have the potential to be any of the three, a clark, a scott or a roger and b) this potential does not ‘go away’ or wear off it is always possible to add the qualities to what we are and finally c) clarks are the only one of the three that think that improving themselves is not only a good idea, it is a necessary idea…because of d) the central idea of a clark is way beyond the scope of this particular Post…but you have earned another video!!

…good clarkie… you made it this far! …take a penny, please


back in the present.

So this was the first full year of the blog. The only thing we didn’t have that took a few years was ‘the Everything Rule’ and the value of apostrophes. lol


RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Arbitrary choices?

Pshaw… we maintain there is rarely, at least in the realm of un-altered mindset, such a thing.

We’re all living in a context, aka our personal reality. Or, to make this assertion a bit more accessible, let’s agree that ‘reality is the sum of the relationships we maintain with the world around us and the people who make it up’.

The good news: we are responsible for the character and quality of these relationships.

The not-as-good news: it’s a total bear, as in, a lifetime endeavour, to discern, understand and accept our role in these interactions (aka living life)

But, enough of the metaphizics… today is Monday.

rrrree print time!

(ed. note: there is frequently a sub-rational that runs through anything involving choice and discretion* in this Doctrine post err…posting. We alternate between confidence and trepidation whenever we give up on an original premise and spin the wheel. The following is definitely the latter and, we suspect, also illustrative of the former.)

(from February 2014)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


(special thanks to Kristi/K2 and zoe for a) by letting me know that we are back to having simple Doctrine fun, thereby causing Posts like the following and 2) saying something that caused me to crack myself up  thanks guys!)

So I took a long lunch hour yesterday. I felt my cold attempt to make a comeback, plus it was snowing, so I thought I would watch a movie. I picked ‘Hamlet 2000‘  with Ethan Hawke and Kyle MacLachlan and a bunch of people you’d recognize.  It was a good movie. The ‘hook’ for me, was that it was done against the backdrop of contemporary Manhattan (I think the correct term is ‘modernized’, go figure).  I always enjoy ‘modernized’ versions of old plays…there’s something so  ‘worldview-ey’ about how the story comes across, like the Director is saying, ‘you know this originally had guys with swords and swooning maidens and shit, but look, swap the swords for guns and bring in some hip hop on the soundtrack and it totally works’.  And, of course, that’s exactly what we say about the Wakefield Doctrine, never mind if

  • you’re young or old, male or female, living in the get-tow or a house on the ocean,
  • you look around this morning and feel like everything makes sense (with a little effort on your part)
  • you get out of bed and think, ‘today I’m going to make up for all the things I’ve let everyone down on before’
  • you stand in the shower and enjoy the water pounding your body, knowing that life is fast-paced, exciting, dangerous and fun,

the world around you is a world in which you are the Outsider (clark) or the Predator (scott) or the Herd Member (roger) and that is as it should be, but know that, because we are all heir to all three of the worldviews, you have within you, the innate capacity to deal with life no matter what it throws at you today. Even if you find that you seem to be walking into the same trap again and again or you find that you fall back into being a mumbling, projectile apologetic well-meaning person or if you find your temper rising, even though you know if should not bother you so much,  take heart. You have an inner (clark) and (scott) and (roger).

so anyway, I enjoyed the movie, man! more famous quotes in that single play than anywhere!!  I liked ‘the clothes doth oft proclaim the man’   (lol,  yeah, it’s a lot like listening to old blues records and then modern artists, sometimes it’s just the influence you can hear in the new ‘versions’, and other times it’s the whole lick).

Snow White?  oh yeah! lol  just like Hamlet except done for: children and/or girls*

Hamlet is a clark and Snow White is a clark

Claudius is a roger and Queen stepmother  is a roger

Gertrude is a scott  and  all Seven Dwarfs are (collectively) a scott

…gotta get out to work. Let me know how totally on target this is…. lol


*the Wakefield Doctrine is totally gender neutral, loosen your minds up!  this is a lot like music, it is not necessarily note for note in a matching or complimentary key or even steady pitch… it’s the feeling you get when you hear: ‘it’s Hamlet for children and/or girls’  lol  no!! seriously


*ayyiiee! eighteen Monday Doctrine posts lurking behind that dark-Monday-evening phrase



Toosday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Hey! Has anyone seen our imagination lying around here, anywhere?

Thursday, Six Sentence Story day, is approaching with all the exciting and terrifying excitement as a first kiss. (Having been confidently semaphored throughout an entire evening characterized by an immersive enjoyment made more remarkable by the fact that another person is involved.)

Not sure what to write. But, we’re confident that something will appear in time.

While we wait, affecting an insouciance* worthy of the confidence found only in fictional characters written in the First Person singular, lets read us a reprint from….wait, (damn! good thing we write this shit down)…nearly …eight years ago!

(From March 11, 2014)

“a quiet, (totally confusing) little Post the Wakefield Doctrine “shhh, there are new Readers, lets not scare…right yet

so …these early-weekday Posts seem to be more and more difficult to write. Naturally, I immediately go to the Question of why?  [Allow me to interrupt myself.  clarks ask why, scotts ask what and rogers ask how, right?… well, actually it goes a little deeper than that, but I need to complete this here Post here.]

where were we?  the Question is, ‘is it true that these Posts have been more difficult to write’  [Wait just a damn minute!! Did you see what I just said? wtf??!  hey, if we didn’t all ready have a Wakefield Doctrine which includes three worldviews, i.e. reality of the Outsider (clarks), the Predator (scotts) and the Herd (rogers), I could have re-discovered clarks with that single, awkward (and incomplete) sentence there!  “is it true that these Posts are more difficult to write”?!? Holy shit!! what kind of person, in a sincere effort to discover some inner truth, proceeds by way of:

  • starts with the pluperfect conjective form of a question and proceeds to stick about six layers of qualifications and conditions on top of it
  • makes it sounds like a question, but doesn’t given the slightest hint who the question is being addressed to
  • and…and! is this even a question!!??!  frickin clarks!   you know the worst thing about clarks?  the persistence in our attempts to secure validation from the world that we imagine we know is around us!  damn! if I had a nickel for every time I posed a secret question about what I thought I should be doing, I’d be a millionaire!  you know what I mean about secret questions…. like the characteristic smile of the clark:   press the lips together, aim it at the people you want to believe are being friendly and hope for the best

alright….sorry for the rant. (not really, but it sounds good to say).   and since were on the subject of apologies!!!  here:

  1. clarks apologize too sincerely
  2. scotts…. well, come on  seriously! who can stay mad at a scott…. they roll over, offer their soft under-belly  let you stand over them for a symbolic second and then its  “come on!! come one!! lets chase something!!!”
  3. rogers… don’t even get me started, rogers  apologize the way a good hooker has sex,  totally satisfying and convincingly …until you get the bill


hey that was fun!!   no,  there is no underlying rationale to today’s Post  ‘just a havin fun’ as Johnny Winter sang…oh it must have been 40 damn years ago!

Hey!!  Experienced Doctrine Readers!!  you guys know this shit… why doncha go ahead and finish this Post for us (in the Comments, of course), I’ll even leave you some spare words (left over from the beginning Part iv)



: a) am I confused as to my audience and therefore conflicted in what to say? or 2) am I just at an ebb in the cycle that has existed since the very first Post was written? or c) am I just wandering, rhetorically speaking, in today’s Post, hoping to stumble upon an idea, a theme, a thought ….a hook for today Post?

the Answer is:



* just wanted to use the very cool word (not having the nerve to use it ‘in public’, aka outloud

  • ed note. Was going to use Manfred Mann, who’s cover of ‘Blinded by the Light’ is most excellent, on my way to ‘Publish’ I veered into a sketchy neighborhood in Tubetown and, well, here ya go.
