Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
Lets go look for the first April 11th post we can find. (Damn! From 2010, the first full year of this here blog here.):
So we begin…the second half (of the beginning) of this thing of ours…
Expect significant changes in the layout of this blog in the coming weeks, changes that reflect function as well as form. Posts will continue to be central to the blog, but we will be creating separate areas dedicated to on-going features, including but not limited to: ‘Case Studies’, activities at Millard Fillmore High, Interviews by and with Progenitors and Downsprings, and other fun activities.
The reason for the change is simply, it is time.
This will be the place to learn about, express, correct and add to the Wakefield Doctrine (aka theory of Clarks, Scotts and Rogers.)
This theory proposes that all people have (from the start of life) three distinct ways of relating to the world.
It is a given that we are all born with the qualities (of each form) as potential. At some point a predominance/predilection for one (of the three) forms expresses itself. A clark or a scott or a roger is born. No one is simply a clark or a scott or a roger. Just mostly. As a clark, as a scott or as a roger. ( June 25 2009)(That was from our very first Post. Not that we are much clearer on what it is we are trying to do with the Doctrine, but we are having more fun trying.)
In the original ‘plan’ for this blog, the Pages were to contain the facts/information/knowledge of the Doctrine. The Posts, on the other hand, were thought to simply provide a place for Commentary. However, in the process of writing the Pages and the Posts…
…what’s that?…good question…What is the Objective of this blog?… What do you mean? Haven’t we addressed this yet?…we haven’t… shit.
……..I apologise.Been so intent on writing Posts and trying to come up with different ways to talk about the Wakefield Doctrine, that I have not noticed that, for longer than I realise, I have been ‘talking to strangers’. Before this blog, the Wakefield Doctrine was simply the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers. (As in: ‘hey don’t get him started about his thing about how there are only three kinds of people in the world named after his friends, you won’t be able to get him to shut up).
The Objective, the goal, the reason and the point of effort is to get as many people as possible to understand and apply the Doctrineto their lives. So, not such an ambitious goal, is it? It comes down to seeing people benefit from knowing the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers.You do know that this is not really a theory, at least not as commonly defined:
1. A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena; 2. A belief or principle that guides action or assists comprehension or judgmentHey!, wait a minute now, maybe I will hang my hat on #2: ‘a belief…that guides action or assists comprehension’.
Yeah, I can live with that definition, a belief that guides comprehension. If you know how a scott is experiencing the world, you will know how they will act in any situation; same is true for clarks and rogers.So, back to those changes. Soon this blog will have 5 sections: (a) Post; (b) Principles of the Doctrine; (c) Examples of the Doctrine; (d) Application of the Wakefield Doctrine; and (e) Fun Stuff.
Not certain about how it will actually look, if anyone has any suggestions about the layout, feel free to leave a Comment.
You know, this is all about you (the Reader) having the experience of hearing someone (in your life) that you have not mentioned the Wakefield Doctrine to, hearing them say, “jeez he is such a roger” or “that’s not too scottian is it?”
Think about how much fun that will be! Until then we will keep coming up with new, different and fun ways to present the Wakefield Doctrine, (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers).You know you’re right! What’s a Post without a contest? …why a hat (for your damn head) what else would we be giving away? Lets make that a 3 part contest!*
To win simply let us know:
A) Who (of the three) you think you will hear an (unprompted) reference to the Doctrine from in your own world? (your clarklike friend, your scottian or rogerian friend);
B) What you would want to read (on a shirt). (Sorry I already have mine in: “I (heart) Janie Sullivan“);
C) Go over to (friend of the Doctrine) Mel’s Spatula in the Wilderness and get him to give you a free t-shirt/shamwow/emergency mop, document that to us and we will give you a hat (for your damn head).So until the next Post… Hey what’s up with the visiting only on Wed/Thurs?
No! We are not giving up on Janie and the kids at MillFill High…(I did say there would be a section called Fun Stuff)
Not markedly different in (writing) style or voice, from today.
Updated insight into the core topic (of reprint): What we reference, i.e. “…if you know how a scott is experiencing the world, you will know how they will act in any situation.” is still very much a true value to this thing of ours. Sure, maybe it’s only clarks who hold as a value the capacity to predict the future behavior of the people around them, but it is part of what the Wakefield Doctrine has to offer those who would avail themselves of an additional perspective.
Reminder: as simple as the above ambition is, it is very not easy. To know how another will act in a situation not yet encountered, requires we appreciate the personal reality in which they exist. Fortunately we have the Everything Rule (‘Everyone does everything, at one time or another’) to remind us that although we live in one (of the three) predominant worldviews (aka personal realities), we never lose the potential to experience the world as do ‘the other two’. All it takes? A willingness to let go of the certainty-of-truth that imbues the reality with a quality of exclusivity that transcends personal opinion.
or something like that…