Personal | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 29 Personal | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 29

Monday Morning Post -the Wakefield Doctrine- it’s not that difficult, just start with, “…suppose everyone we know is an Outsider, a Predator or a Herd Member?”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


the Towers, Narragansett RI

Back in the first couple of years of this blog, when I found myself with no ideas, insights or themes on which to base a Post, I’d say to myself, ‘hey! propose something extreme or controversial and then, just write your way out of it.’

With the increase of the number of people well-versed in the Wakefield Doctrine, that ambition, (to shock or titillate the Readers), is not so easy. No matter what I might say, the basis of the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers remains the same, i.e. that we, all of us and everyone you know is either:

  1. an Outsider (similar in temperament to marmosets and (other) prehistoric proto-mamalians intent upon overthrowing the dynasty of the much more ferocious and aggressive and better-equipped-to-survive-and-flourish dinosaurs) or
  2. a Predator, (either a sleek and sexy lion/tigeress/wolves …or that kid with all D’s and F’s on his report card but a combined SAT score north of 1500 which, somehow, is not convincing him not to sign up for voc-ed courses like Cars-are-Like-Girls-except-easier-to-understand 101 and Wood Shop without prosthetics… at least the female Predator spends her time practicing her hunting skills, since her competition, with the exception of the substitute French Teacher with the stiletto heels and the Mont Blanc fountain pen chip on his shoulder, is so out-classed as to be laughable) or,
  3. as the majority of the population will clearly be seen as Herd Members, these are the people who personify and manifest the collective conscious (both genuine and TV-commercial-based, which is the only explanation for how otherwise reasonably discerning and intelligent people can watch a commercial for a cleaning product demonstrating the superior qualities of a vacuum cleaner that weighs 132 lbs, has an attachment designed and placed to always catch on the operator’s pants pocket in a house that is surely 5,000 square feet of living space, a demographic that is comfortably situated between, ‘successful entrepreneur and lottery winner’. But, hey, you can identify with the millionaire athlete or the Victoria’s Secret model-thing, right?)

…enough of that! (Time to write my way out of this)…

personal reality: the way things feel to you in a given situation. (note: I did not say, ‘the way you feel in a situation’, this is something entirely different… this is about the job interview that you are afraid of going to, not because you won’t get the job, rather because you will be marked as ‘not good enough’ by people who you will never again meet in your entire life; it’s that girl you meet that says something that you’re sure no one understood and yet, you can’t bring yourself to express that to her….; it’s your one child you know is simply acting out appropriately for the age he is (the books and all your friends say it’s so), that somehow makes you mad that you can’t do anything to change things and spare with the inevitable unpleasantness

worldview(s): how you relate yourself to the world around you today (note: I did not say, ‘how you relate to the world around you, this is something entirely different… this about how you can’t just sit still, because….well….because you can’t!!; this is about knowing that you’re not really that bad or different or unlikable and people don’t seem to mind you, but every now and then you stop and think, ‘why can’t I just be a real person’

predominant worldview (aka ‘personality type):  we all grow up and develop our coping skills and life strategies in one of three personal realities. The way we act, what some would call our personality type, is simply the best way we could manage the world as it is (…for us):

  • as an Outsider (clark) we stay in the background, the better not to be picked on or disappoint those who seem to have such an interest in what we do, like our parents and family, spouse or children. We know that we must learn as many things as possible, as many different things as possible, simply because among these countless things of the world and in our life, may be the one thing that will allow is to learn how to be a real person
  • as a Predator (scott) we never stop moving, even when we’re asleep! Picture the puppy after a long day of chasing and playing…sure she’s asleep, but every now and then the legs move, sometimes the lip curls as the world continues to play in her mind… running and chasing prey and running and fleeing from other predators… it’s all good, because life is meant to be engaged in, not thought about
  • as the Herd Member (roger) life is good and sufficient… if only you can be as good and clearly reflecting the high standards that you imagine you know

OK off to work


Identification Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘the good that can be found, the good that can be done’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Well! for someone who hasn’t exactly been burning up the ‘inter-wires’* I am displaying a rather clarklike over-ambition in my subtitle today, no? Perhaps it would be for the best that I bullet-point the few things/ideas/concepts that I would like to cover this morning, then, …as any good clark knows. ‘if I fail, I’ll only have myself to blame‘ (or is that, ‘if I fail, I’ll have only myself to blame.’?) hmmm.  whatever, never mind, on to the bullet points:

  • identification
  • using the Wakefield Doctrine to improve one’s life today
  • the basics of the Wakefield Doctrine

There! That makes me feel a little better.

Quick Quizz!! That last statement is a reflection of which of my three worldview/aspects?

  1. predominant worldview:   clark aka the world of the Outsider (“ I’m here and the world’s out there…“)
  2. secondary aspect:  scott  the Predator  (“If it moves, chase it… if it ignores you… what?? what kind of non-sensical statement is that?!!)
  3. tertiary aspect:  roger  the Member of the Herd  ( the world is potentially perfect, therefore I have the potential to be perfect, as long as everyone plays their part correctly things will be just….perfect!”)

…. I’ll come back later and discuss the answer.

Identification is the term we use to describe what happens when clarks recognize other clarks. (yes, rogers and scotts can, and, in fact, do recognize each other in the world. Their response is a function of their worldviews, but we started out talking about clarks and identification… alright, alright fine! real quick review:

  • scotts recognize other scotts and will challenge (the other), establish ranking, divide the hunting grounds and go their separate ways… you’re at a party? and you have reason to believe that there is more than one scott in attendance…  once you spot one, (of the scotts), look to the area, (where this is all taking place), farthest away. that’s where you’ll find ‘the other scott
  • rogers recognize other rogers by identifying the clarks or the scotts… no, seriously! (you have ‘done the reading’ haven’t you?!  everyone is a part of the Herd and therefore are rogersexcept those who are not. the Herd is celebrated by identifying the non-Herd members)… at that same party?  rogers are the people who form the groups, and, of these groups, the rogers are the ones nearest the center without being either the center or the outer edges, (those two positions are for the scott and the clarks, respectively)

…back on topic. clarks stand to benefit the most from a) the Wakefield Doctrine and 2) the identificationing with other clarks.

…now I have to stop for today. I’ve a Post over at ‘the 2 Mile Run’ to post and need to get to work.


… oh shit!! the third bullet-point… the Basics of the Wakefield Doctrine (for the new Readers)   ok,  look,  assume that what you experience is (potentially) different than what your, wife/boyfriend/co-worker/pupils/surly repairman that you interact with today, is experiencing. Nothing weird…no talking mailboxes or flying wrenches…. just different. Now imagine that the way (the world is different for each of us) can be described from three perspectives:

  1. the world as experienced by the Outsider (clarks) these people are not ‘a part of’ the world or of a particular group of people or anything…. not deep down inside, where it counts… these people see the world as an external place that they are visiting  (nice enough people, a bit skittish and a tendency to mumble, but really funny when you get to know them)
  2. the life of the Predator (scotts) this worldview, (thats the term we use for the personal reality that we all experience life in)…. is easy to describe: excitable, friendly mercurial, aggressive, attractive, (did we mention, aggressive?)… they’re the friend you had in school who was always in trouble and, somehow getting you in trouble too, yet, now that you think of it, you’re not mad at them
  3. the reality of the Herd Members (rogers)… the world is a quantifiable place.  2 plus 2 always…always!! equals 4  (I mean, it never once has a chance to equal anything but 4!! sheesh!)  they’re the engineers, the accountants, the head of the Year Book committee, the pledge committee, the Ways and Means Committee  (you’re getting the sense of the group thing here, right?) good friends, reliable advice… emotional and tend to get upset with things that don’t go according to Plan

OK… so everyone you meet today will be relating to the world from one of these three perspectives. Figure out which (the other person is) and you will know more about them than they know about themselves.

…write us some comments and questions and such!


* source: I believe our friend Lizzi gets credit for this little gem of a meme



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…all the world’s a stage…or maybe a running track…no, it’s a high school cafeteria, sure that’s it!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


…tell me that this is not a dog enjoying a Friday evening walk with her human.

1) this week, I’m making my Number 1 T-item this here bloghop here… if for no other reason than the fact that a large percentage of this week’s ’10 Things’,  issues forth from my association with this bloghop

2) Miz Lizzi, (for) being the sine qua non of this band of refined, yet still of bawdy nature, ladies and gentlemen. Having created the focal point, Mrs. R remains the thread that binds the necessarily odd and the unusual, totally diverse takes on life that is the TToT every weekend

3) shout out to Kristi for joining us from the first day of the 2 Mile Run …-ation!  (an example of the best of the internet/virtual world. A blog that allows people to lend mutual and common support in the effort to run…. traverse a 2 Mile course …for the exercise, of course! I invite you to come over and join us. Rules are simple: traverse a 2 Mile Course, record and post your (elapsed) time at the blog and cheer on the others. Do it every day of the week (with Sundays off) or one day a week or!! any combination of that… how often is not a critical factor, we benefit by the fact that others know how it feels, to do a single 2 Mile Run or 6 2 Mile Run(s)… the power of identification.

4) Friday evening walks… I’m grateful to be able to have this time with Una. During the week, it’s out the door at 7 or 7:30 and (sometimes home for lunch) and then back at 7 or whatever… Fridays, since the Daylight is officially being saved, I can get home at 5:30 or 6 and… (the thing is, every day that I get home, I go to the couch that Una spends most of her day on in the lower level of the house and I ask about her day and she listens to me complain about mine…. but on Fridays, no word of a lie, I’ll sit down and say, “You do know what day today is, don’t you?”  and she’s like, totally at the door to the garage) still have daylight.

5) Oh, yeah!  Almost forgot!!  Reserve: Saturday Morning, June 27, 2015 at 10:30 am (EDT) for the First Annual TToT Live… (something ending in -ation). [See Item 6 for Associated information. BoSR/SBoR #5.7 sub chap 7]

6) Way back, seemingly years ago, Lizzi and Michelle (and then Denise and zoe) started doing a Friday Night Vidchat (presented by the Wakefield Doctrine) and somehow, it bing like the first group video chat that most of us had participated in… it was fun.  The First Annual TToT Live (something -ation) will be like that, only different. Not sure exactly how… but then, what else is new?

7) Since I have cited the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules),  hey new TToTeers! We have a Book of Secret Rules (aka a Secret Book of Rules) and it’s there for everyone to use and enjoy, benefit from and pay a horrifying high price for using inappropriately (best consult with zoe/ivy… she is the Valide Sultana  of the SGV)

8) I continue to be grateful for the… well, not snowy weather. It’s been my observation that the seasons seem to be running about a month behind. I’ll take it.

9) work… sure, it’s stressful and difficult and, at times, disheartening,  but it’s (also) challenging and satisfying and rewarding…. you know, like Junior High School.

10) SR 1.3

Ten Things of Thankful

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-the Wakefield Doctrine- Hey!! it’s bullet-point Thursday!!!
  • hu
  • ray
  • !!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Readers are familiar with my own theory of writer block* will immediately recognize what I’m up to, but the fact remains, I haven’t posted here since Monday and if it takes a gimmick to jumpstart a Post, I’m all for it.

the Wakefield Doctrine is:

    • a perspective on human behavior, an additional way of understanding the people in our lives
    • based on the idea that all of live, to a certain, but very real extent, in a reality that is personal
    • comprised of three personality types that represent the world, as experienced by all of us as we grow up
      • clarks who grow up in a world in which, not only are they outside and apart from what they believe is the society of normal, happy and satisfied people, but are driven by the false belief that it is a problem for their mind to overcome, as opposed to their hearts
      • scotts running and chasing, celebrating the life of the predator, emotions un-tethered by long-term relationships, fight or flight being the simple way of the world, living for the day and holding nothing back, against a future that they simply do not have the time to waste worrying about
      • rogers who know that the world holds the Answer and they carry the responsibility to find and demonstrate the Right Way, at least demonstrate it to the Herd that has always been around them, since they can remember, they belong and their only fear is that they will be judged, by the Herd as being …un-worthy

the Wakefield Doctrine is not:

        • ‘the Answer’… it does not claim the end all and be all of explanations for Life, aggravating people, the search for Peace in the World or an answer to the question: who is it that makes up the audience for most cable tv shows??! including but not limited to Honey Boo Boo or the one about over-weight guys with bad teeth  or those people on the real estate shows where the guys act like girls and the women act like…. girls
        • the only way to better understand personality types, there would appear to be as many personality theories as there are people with the ego and access to undergraduate psych students, who can be cajoled into doing, pretty much anything, at least enough to generate the statistics to support their personality schema
        • all serious and solemn and such

The Wakefield Doctrine is a unique, useful and fun way to look at the people in our lives. Skillful use of the Doctrine will allow you to know more about the other person, than they know about themselves. You need never hear yourself say, “how could they go and do such a thing!! I really thought I knew them better than that!”

*simply that when (most of us) experience ‘writer’s block’, it’s because we are out of ideas and things to write about and such… it’s like our internal critic has just gotten back from the gym and is all pumped up on the pheromones of personal competition (your writer is of the Y Chromosome persuasion and will stand by this statement, for my people, however, I cannot speak for the  other side. Maybe you people don’t have a competition machine, cranking itself at the slightest hint of the presence of a bigger more powerful er….machine.  In fact, I’m tempted to suggest that the X Gender-ettes do not have that same sense of the value of winning, of pounding your opponent into the ground, thoroughly defeated, a whole-hearted embracing of sportsmanship.
I submit for evidence: A number of years ago, while channel-surfing, I happened upon a College Women’s Basketball game. It was the last game of a national championship series or something. Anyway, one of the players, on one of the teams, (pretty sure it was the University of Connecticut Go!! Huskies), was 2 points away from setting a national record. Her team got the rebound, all 10 young women race down the court, she gets the ball and… everyone stopped moving.  no, really, they (yes, I mean the opposing team…all five of them) stop playing and stood around as the-about-to-set-a-womens-individual-all-time-scoring-record player,   continues on to the basket and layer up for the 2 pointer. She didn’t seem to notice that, like one of those episodes of Twilight Zone, the world and everyone in it froze in time, 10 basketball player statues on a real like basketball court and her. She broke the record. I think everyone hugged everyone else.
I didn’t get it. I still don’t.
Oh man! I’ve totally forgotten about the Post up there!  See?!?! that’s what I mean about writer’s block! Any other time, or any other writer with a modicum of pride, would have said to themselves, “no! you’re not going to write about the lack of competitiveness in the womanly race. you’re not that clever a writer, your Readers will all get mad…worse they’ll just ignore you. lets find a topic that’s subtle and reflective of the human need to reach out to the universe and become one… or, that personality theory of yours. that’s always a safe bet.”)


-the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘an 18 minute Post’ (why, no, I haven’t traded in my parentheseses for commas!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


(Yeah, the subtitle?  I tried this once before, i.e. the ‘clock-is-ticking’ approach to Post writing, but given that I originally intended to write about the very early ‘Basics’ of the Doctrine, nothing wrong with trying it again, today.)

the Wakefield Doctrine is gender-neutral/the Wakefield Doctrine is culture-neutral

And…and! even though I found a perfectly good paragraph from 2009 that discusses this gender/culture neutrality, I’m gonna walk the straight and narrow and not copy-paste. One of the more interesting effects of writing on the same topic over successive years is how, in many circumstances, I will pick exactly the same words to describe a concept and, at other times, the concept I’m trying to explain has, itself, changed over time. This is, to no small degree, attributable to my own perception of the readership of this post (and blog). The early days were, well, early days. I spent most of my time thinking about how to get across the characteristics of the three worldviews. Hell, I spent a great deal of time trying to find the words to say, ‘We all exist in a reality that is, to a small but very real degree, personal and the very moment we are in can be quite different for:

  • the person across the counter
  • the classroom of students we are charged with teaching about history and calisthenics, hygiene and geometry
  • those others at the Registry of Motor Vehicles, where the lines are long and the patience seems to get sucked out of us the moment we see the people who are all writing and filling in their forms as fast as possible, the better to get into line ahead of the old person who seems happy to be standing anywhere and is surely going to take.too.long
  • us at the 2nd interview as we watch the Interviewer, hoping for some clues to the right answer, like we were trying to pick up a girl at the sorority mixer…only the fear of failure is not as great
  • the person on the other side of the bed
  • being at the gym, seeing the person that you didn’t think you had become like and definitely do not want to stay like, in the wall of mirrors in the exercise room

as in, ‘what do you mean, I shouldn’t put myself down all the time?’… ‘but everyone does care about how my day went‘ … ‘nahh! she thought it was funny! you’re always making things too serious!!’

I will now demonstrate my own development, (as a blog writer), and not apologies for not knowing all the above explanations and examples were not really necessary.

damn! look at the time!! (no, really!  look at the time… wherever you are at this very moment, this is what we mean by ‘your worldview’.)
The Wakefield Doctrine is all about our efforts to accept that ‘the other person’ lives in one of three characteristic personal realities and that, if we are successful in inferring which one that is, we will be in a position to know much more about ‘the other person’ than we have any right to know. (the Wakefield Doctrine) charges us with understanding how the other person is relating themselves to the world around them…as (does) an Outsider(clark) or a Predator(scott) or a Herd Member(roger). When we understand this, we become capable of seeing the world as the other person experiences it.

Out of time! shit!  (you know how I promised to not reprint an old explanation of gender and cultural neutrality? well, did I mention that I was a clark?  and, how, sometimes for us, things change? hell, a lot of times, for us, things change. So… I’m gonna leave the reprint section in block quotes.  If it doesn’t make a lot of sense, let me know and I’ll clarify.

…we would make a point of stating that the Wakefield Doctrine is both gender and culture neutral. What we meant is that it does not matter what part of the world you are from, it’s the nature and character of your own worldview that matters (personality type-wise). We contend that the worldviews that are the basis of the three personality types are inseparable from the human condition. Further, while standards of behavior may vary from one culture to another, a person who grows up, develops and otherwise matures living in a reality best characterized as the world of Predator and Prey, will be: aggressive, inquisitive, quick to react, action-oriented with a minimum of self-reflection. That reality exists in Zimbabwe and New Auckland as well as Mansfield Ohio. Not only that, but the Doctrine maintains that gender prescribes the capacity/ability (of a person to act a certain way), not their reasons for acting. A female growing up, developing and otherwise maturing in a world where she is the Outsider, will still develop: an insatiable desire to learn new information and facts, be drawn to the fringes of whatever culture she happens to be in and have an abundance of what is referred to as intuition, all that she is permitted (by physiology as well local culture) in order to live her life.

btw. the leap from Outsider to Predator is, somehow shorter than the leap from Outsider to Herd Member. This observation appears, at first blush, insightful and therefore, promising of some value, but that’s the just a clark talking.



…so Christine wonders at the statement: “scotts love loud noises”  Remind me, it’s about time we revisited the wild kingdom, I should write a Post strictly about our scottian friends.


although I would love to have the talent and the skills to come up with six sentences that relate to the word or concept or quality of ‘rush’, that doesn’t mean that you, the reader will not enjoy reading those who do. so get on over to zoe’s (tbpkaI) and read them things. (Yeah, I am counting my sentences, and totally want to this come out in six sentences. but… alas)
