humor | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 15 humor | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 15

this stuff is not for learning, it’s for teaching

…Post on a scott

(…for the ‘simplest’ of the three, this is more difficult than I thought…how to convey the directness, the concreteness, down-to-earth-black-and-white, aggressiveness, the uncomplicated friendless, the unrestrained emotional side)…(…I know!)

HEY!  HEY!!!

(…alright…now that you’ve had your little joke…goddamn this is not that much fun…history!  go for the historical context…)

At one time in the past, Scott (the progenitor scott), worked at a music store doing, among other things, repair on equipment. Visiting him one day I witnessed an interaction that was to be my eureka moment.
A customer came into the store with a ‘double cassette recorder’  This particular type of ‘tape recorder’  had dual volume tone controls (on for each of the 2 cassette decks), however it had (only) one master volume control.   The customer said to  Scott, “this thing is brand new, it worked for a couple of days, then it stopped working entirely, I can’t figure out what is wrong”.
Scott looked at the device briefly, took some electrical tape from under the counter, carefully stuck the tape over the master control volume (which he turned back on), slid the recorder over the counter and said to the customer, “there, its all right now”.
The customer  tried the recorder, ran it through it’s paces, saw that it worked like new and walked out of the store without another word; totally satisfied that his cassette recorded had been fixed.

  (…ok that was fuckin poignent and has the virtue of being true…but are they ‘getting it’?)(…I need caffeine..)

(…holy shit! the TV!  I just went to get coffee…and the TV was on…and there was an A&E on Rodney Dangerfield and I thought, “ok there’s a good example of a scott…but so what?…then…they…interviewed his wife…! (hey sorry, I don’t watch Entertainment Tonight or read the Hollywood Whatever, so I did not know)…but I saw and I knew…that is what being a (male) scott is about:

Hey, my job here is done….

Wait, wait before you go!  that was the easy part….what about…scottian women? What about them, huh?

You’re right, the Wakefield Doctrine is gender neutral.  And we are not leaving out more than half the damn human race just because it is easier to describe the antics of the typical scottian male (Wiley Coyote with a brain).

The scottian female is every bit as predatory/aggressive/mercurial/actions speak, why bother with words, as the scottian male.  But there are totally significant cultural forces at work. If I could write anywhere near the level that the Doctrine deserves I would.  But I don’t.  So this will have to do.

Hey, you know something?  It is more difficult to describe the ways of the scottian female than the scottian male.  Probably because, in most cultures, the aggressiveness that is a primary characteristic (of the worldview of a scott) is more directly expressed in the men than the women.  But take a little trip over to the Page on Couples and consider that scottian female/rogerian male couples and you will immediately recognise that the violence of a Joe Pesci character, pales in comparison to the ambitious manipulations seen in say, I don’t know…Hilary?  Better yet  read AKH’s Post on Couples  in this well written Post, she looks at this particular match-up, from the perspective of the scottian female.

Am out of words…hey scott, hey Pixie, hey AKH…a little help here? 
I know what they are, I can spot a scott by looking at their eyes.  (Did I mention that ‘the eyes of the scott’  are totally characteristic and not possible to miss?).  And their behavior in social settings, also unmistakable. In any gathering, the scott is the one ‘working the room’ (the male scott that is, the scottian female is the one with the herd of rogers following her around).  For a scott it is all about ‘ranking’ using the wolf pack metaphor, scotts need to know who is dominant and who is not, in other words their ranking in the pack.  Everything follows from that…

So maybe one of our scottian female Readers would care to Comment. (Hey, write a good enough Comment and I will incorporate it into the damn Post). (yeah…go ahead and try…I’m the damn creator, you don’t really believe I won’t know a scott from a clark trying to pass herself off as a scott?)

music…need a video…Janie!!  help me out here…


are you done with your little experiment now?

Well… I hope you are enjoying the first week of our new format here at the Wakefield Doctrine.

You know, you can get in on the fun. Got ideas for Posts, or even photos to build a Post around?…send them in, we can turn your funny/tragic/pathetic/sweet/aww thats cute/ewww, gross photos into a Post (think Bernie Turpin). 
This ‘magazine format’ is going to be fun and useful  for the next few months. We are hard at work putting the pieces of the Doctrine into this new format; one of the most intense areas of development in the coming months will be the Wakefield Doctrine Fashion Center. At present, it is located in the Features section in the middle of the Homepage. (This is the same as the FASHION CENTER ‘Page’ listed in the Table of Contents.) Will be organising so that it  will allow better display and the addition of other items. Of course, there will always be hats (for your damn head). But be on the look-out for tee shirts ( hey!!! Readers!!! there is totally still time to win a hat by suggesting tee shirt words) and other clothing items. Not to get ahead of the process, but there is a possibility that we will be able to offer items from ‘the Spatula Collection’! (more info to follow, keep your fingers crossed). Other areas to watch are: (a) video gallery, where you can search/browse all the videos from Posts; the Doctrine in the News,   a ‘current events’ approach to illustrating the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine (any volunteers?); and lots, lots more. But for now we will keep getting Posts up and asking you to spread the word of the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers.

(Damn!  the rule about always having a lesson/illustration/demonstration of the Wakefield Doctrine in every Post is not to be ignored…) So on to it…

But before we get to that, upcoming features: a Case Study (poglavje dva); an Interview with a roger, and though I have not informed her yet, another Post on Couples(this being a topic that AKH has done such exemplary work for us in the past). In fact, don’t take my word for it, go and read the first installment here (don’t forget, just back click to return). So we have a lot to look forward to, prepositionally speaking.

Oh! yeah… lesson in the Doctrine.  This whole thing is mostly being driven by (the) clarklike desire to create. Of the three, clarks are the most likely to do this because rogers live in a world that is, by un-enunciated definition, perfect. The rogerian world is perfect because: ‘all that is, is all that there needs to be; otherwise it would already be there’, in other words, perfect. This is not just my opinion, this is originally spoken by Phyllis, who described the rogerian reality as being  ‘a box’. A box in this context is not confining, at least not to a roger. Rather it is confirming/reassuring/establishing…a box is quantifiable…one of the primary characteristics of rogers. But, of course, a roger will not see it as a box, because that would imply not box which would undo the perfectness of the world they live in. (Note: this does not apply directly to any rogers reading this; by definition, anyone reading this has moved beyond their form, are mutated/evolved so that what is used as description is not quite accurate. This applies to clarks and scotts as well).

All of which takes us back to yesterday’s Post. We started with the Midwest and the inference that everything fits together. As the Midwest is home to the middle of the culture by all measures, it can only follow that it is where the highest concentrations of rogers can be found. We thank Glenn for his Comment. Not only does his Comment impart information (about the notion that the Midwest is where the rogers be at) but gives us the contrasting reality-view of the scott. How can you read his Comment and not understand how scotts differ from rogers or clarks?

So to reinforce participation (and simply a thanks to a Reader who is willing to spend the time to participate, yes I’m talking  to you…99,999,975 Internet blog visitors who are too  busy, with such important things that you can’t take a minute out of your so very important day to write a simple Comment, look at Glenn!  He has a high-ranking position in the medico-industrial complex and he has time to write us.)…what!  oh yeah  sorry  gets me going sometimes  yo Glenn…

..hey I think I’ll reward my own damn self with this little number (thank god for the Crossroads Music Festival…)

and I never lost a minute of sleepin’, worryin’ bout the way things might’ve been

coutesy of the Well….lots to cover, not a lot of time*. Changes comin…

Wait!!  I haven’t finished the Post yet…!

This week will see the Wakefield Doctrine sporting a whole new look.  And because of the new look, we should have new features and new ‘functions’ within the blog.  Losing the ‘three column/Post in center/things-you-should-know’ on the sides, in favor of what is called a Magazine Theme, which, as the name implies, is laid out with a number of articles and features.  Really looking forward to the change, with mixture of excitment and dread (hey, I am a clark).  The excitment simply ’cause it will look better, the dread because with a lot of features and articles comes the responsibility of producing lots of content.

Speaking of tee shirts (hey, I can’t decide, is it: t shirt? or tee shirt?) whatever; at the moment we have two sayings for the shirts. “scott: I scream therefore I am” and “the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)” (yeah, real clever, that).  Anyway, need more slogans or saying or whatever the heck they call the words of the front/back. I had one(saying), but had to throw it down on the ground, courtesy of DownSpring Glenn.  We were driving through Wakefield last night, discussing the Doctrine (no!) and got to the topic of the shirts.  I brought up my own personal favorite ( I ♥ Janie Sullivan) and he rightly observed that there was nothing in that statement that refers to or advances the Doctrine. (What he actually said was, “…it doesn’t fuckin say anything about the Doctrine!!”). And, (creator or not), I had to reply, “damn, you’re right”.  Sorry Janie, no t shirt for now.

So get your thinking caps on, binyons.  Send us your suggestions for t shirt sayings.  If your phrase is picked you get a free shirt.  So don’t delay, send in your suggestions.


The biggest advantage (of the new format) is that there will be space on the homepage for articles and features, (…will make sense when you see it), so in the first week or two it will be totally a work in progress.  You know, it has always been the intention here at the Doctrine to make this colarboraty as possible.  Being  the nature of clarks to want to rodneyking everyone in sight, I  want to say, “you got some ideas? you want to do a series of articles? why the hell not?, come on down!”  I’m serious, of course, whatever it is(your idea) must advance the Wakefield Doctrine in it’s progress towards transforming the world and the human experience.  And it would help to have pictures and videos.  I reserve final editorial goddhood, but other than that we welcome any and all ideas.
Hey!  Slovenians!  how about a travel feature?  Speaking for myself, my appreciation of the geography and attendant cultures of (your) part of the world is limited to: “I know!, I know! that’s Italy!!”…”what’s a grecian urn?  7 drachma an hour! lol” and ” nuh uh I ain’t going there! that’s where Dracula be livin…”.  So maybe a little experiencing a different culture might help. (And, as we all know, the Wakefield Doctrine is culture neutral).

So for this Post, we will keep things light and informal (written by a clark?   yeah right)… well lighter and more informaler.  And you know what that meens, don’cho Lucy?

Videos!!!  Hey, where the heck is that janitor character?  Hey, Mr. B!  get us some videos…

and just to keep things eclectic, yo…  here’s something for our less evolved brothers

Ok, time to go for now…got to start trying to get organised.  Don’t forget to send in your suggestions for the tee shirts and (for you more ambitious folks) ideas for features.  So until then,

ahem…cough, cough…

Yes, Miss Sullivan?  Of course…not I did not forget the Wakefield Doctrine that every Post must have…you have? by all means then…

…that old janitor guy,he is soo interesting..(shut up Jimmy)…did you know that he was a classical musician and played in a symphony and everything?  I don’t know…no, don’t think it is polite to ask…must have been pretty awful…no there is nothing wrong with being a janitor…anyway we were talking about the Doctrine and he said he found a video of a real old film…something that kids in high school in the olden days would be forced to watch in something called health class…anyway the Doctrine lesson is simple enough: which is which?

* time, it is totally speeding up, way more than accounted for with normal aging process, more in the future…if there is one…



I’ve got news for you, thats not my thumb

What do you mean, ‘It’s Readers Day’, and why do I have to come up with a new Post?  It’s 7:45 am and I have to get out and get to work…sure I know the pattern of Reader Visits, afterall I am the damn creator…so what if there is no new content on Reader’s Day…(and stop calling it that!) .  It is simply a part of the pattern…people realize that there is not going to be a new Post each and every day so they check in once or twice a week.  Maybe they even wait to let new content build up, that’s what roger said he does about the Spatula

So, you still have not explained why we need a totally new Post right now when there is zero Visits.  I think the Readers will show up and read what is Posted, the (current Post) “…and now a word from…” is a perfectly good Post, it’s got information…they have not seen it yet…it even has Comments, but has not ‘taken off’…(‘as if the Readers will actually make a Comment’, thank you Miss Sullivan that will be enough…).

Let’s compromise…let’s plug this in the front…alright and one video and run with the most recent Post…after all, new content is new content.

HEY! Readers!  No, the guy walking behind you as you sit in front of a computer with a url of…of course I mean you…jeesus…I thought our demographic was a little more evolved that…don’t you dare hit that next page/last page!
What is your problem…write a damn Comment….no contest…no totally cute appeal from a imaginary high school junior attending Millard Fillmore High School…‘the fighting adolescents’…no tricky word play…just tell me what is the deal…you are reading this…how?  I am the fuckin creator of this thing…as in dashboard…as in you see that Visitor thing to the right…of course I know what days people show up…and who the hell is that keeps trying to write a Comment but is coming in from a or some damn site…SPAM…the filters are calling you spam…we know the demo of our readers place you  in the upper percentiles of intelligence…let’s see some of that demonstrated…what? video?  screw that…23 visits by noon and maybe then you will see come cleverly selected music…alright as an alternate, show me one Comment from someone I don’t already know and we’ll see…

So scroll down and read the Post and write a damn Comment…don’t make me have to write in some other font color again…you wouldn’t like me in any other damn font color…
(if the Sloviansss had Popeye cartoons in the day then at this point, if you listened carefully he would be muttering…
zakaj fuck moram jaz sitnost s to.  rabim doseleti se niz ter izdelovanje a spodoben življenje. vijak oliven Oyl ter zraven kaj za vraga milosten ugleden je to?  oliven Oyl. pustiti Bluto življati svoj. oni zaslužiti drug drugega. to po škotsko , pretiravanje sin od a zoprn.”)

What is that?  Miss Sullivan…a Wakefield Doctrine lesson?, sure make it quick…

“umm as you can see things are a little testy around here this morning (alright Jimmy enough of that) but I am in existence to allow for a quick change in narrative direction, so here goes…he really is kind of upset…mostly about the layout of the blog and the fact that he was out searching for other blogs for ideas and came across a bunch of blogs with ‘hit counts’ in the millions!  about pop music…not original content…no content at all to speak of..just millions of hits…he says he does not care but you know how reality-based constructs can be about that sort thing, they are all… “but I am real and this is a real thing that I do and those visitors are real people, why can’t they”…and I am all “whatever, I think you write the best blog in the world”…and then he quiets down.
But we promised that there would always be a lesson to each Post, so here goes today’s:

Not only are rogers the keepers of culture and history and maintenance of the ‘status quo’, they are the story tellers…in the past they would have been the minstrels, the keepers of the verbal history of us all…this is clearly seen in the Posts of the roger…totally limited in number, so much so that there is no real continuity of storyline, yet people enjoy reading his Posts, his stories…and it is in his ‘voice’…because it is the voice of the many, of the herd.  And the ‘proof ‘ of the Wakefield Doctrine lies in the fact that both clarks and scotts respond to this ‘voice’ and that is because we have our rogerian aspects within.  I am  a clark, but a part of me longs for the herd…

…there!  now can I go? I really must get to the bus stop, I promised Britney I would pick her up there before she had to ride to school with those ‘vo ed’ kids…’ta







that ought to hold the little bastards

Back by Self-Induced Demand! 

We did our first ‘Advice Column with Ms AKH’  back in January, it was an offshoot  of a Post  (that she wrote about couples).  Like nearly every other Post, it served as a way to present  the Wakefield Doctrine in an everyday context.  Following is the second in this series of Advice Columns,  which we have decided to title: ‘as if I care‘. 
As an added bonus,  we have asked some of our other Progenitors and Downsprings to participate. The advantage (of this) will be to offer the view point of other types (i.e. a clark and a roger).


Dear Ms. AKH,
I am a sophomore at Fillmore High School, get pretty good grades and am on the track team (high hurdles). There is a girl in my history class who was very nice, very pretty and she even laughed at my jokes. Anyway, I finally worked up my nerve to ask her out. I thought a football game would be the best safe first date. So I asked her on (a) Tuesday and she said yes! I was totally surprised. Anyway I told everyone and even my parents (who I needed to borrow the car from). Everything was perfect but then on Friday before the game Nancy (the girl I asked out) told me that her aunt was sick and that she could not make our date. :( I was very disappointed. But she said next game…Trouble was I did not what to tell my parents (not every day I get to borrow the car). So I went to the game anyway.  On the way from the parking lot, guess who I see? It was Nancy! (With some guy from the wrestling team). Here is my question: She came up to me and said hi and I got nervous that she would remember that she told me she couldn’t make it to the game. I was afraid she would be embarrassed. So I said ‘hi’ and made a couple of jokes and got out of there! Does that make me weird? Does the Wakefield Doctrine have anything to help? 
(PS. After the game I went to the McDonalds where everyone goes and bought 2 meals and sat in my car…I kinda laughed at that).  I really should ask: should I be:  a)worried;  b)scared or  c)planning on going to a monastery
: whats wrong with me?

 That sounds like something I would do, or feel.  Why should I care how she feels, I’m the one who should be feeling bad, but that’s a roger for you.  It doesn’t make you weird, just a probable roger.

DOWNSPRING#1:    You need to be all three, Mr. “what’s wrong with me” – worried, scared and plan on going into a monastery
You are a young and as yet unaware clark and as such, not only do you have the typical life as a teen issues, you also have the fear typically carried around by clarks.  Here is your new homework assignment:  go to the Wakefield Doctrine and read each page on the 3 forms, clark, scott and roger.  Study, study.  Then read all the other stuff.  Conduct your own “test” and try and identify the object of your desire and her new boyfriend.  If you can start knowing how they “view the world”, how they act in it won’t be such a mystery.  If you had had all this information on that Friday before the game, you would not have been so shocked by seeing Nancy and her wrestling guy.
Now to my actual advice:  get over yourself and your self consciousness.  One day you will learn(hopefully soon) that clarks have an affinity with scotts.  What does this mean? It means that if you grow a set and stop the self indulgence you can confidently “get the girl”.  Ask yourself next time, “what would a scott do?”.


Dear Ms. AKH. My Husband says he wants a divorce!  He is a good man with a steady job (an engineer), this comes as a total shock.  He has always been quiet, works hard and his only hobby is one of those model airplane clubs.  He goes every Saturday and stands around and flies these scale model airplanes.  But that is all he does.  He is not telling me why he wants this, just says that he ‘needs more from life’.  I read the Wakefield Doctrine blog and I think he is a roger.  But I don’t care about that, I just want my family back (we have a dog but no children, he never wanted children). Help!
signed:  Quietly waiting at home.

MS. AKH: Your husband definitely sounds like a roger.  Especially being an engineer.  (Did you know that (rogers) are the engineers and accountants of the world?  Their perception of the world is one in which everything is ‘quantifiable’,  as if, lol)  They also exhibit “herd-like” tendencies.  That is to say, they do not venture away from others unlike themselves.  Not sure what to make of your spouse’s desire for a divorce.  Perhaps he is a restless roger (unusual but not unheard of) and his seemingly mundane flying of the airplanes is, in fact, not so mundane in his mind.  It may be symbolic of his desire to travel to exotic places.  Break away from the herd as it were.  Rather than being “quiet at home” you should try to ‘spice things up’.  Try asking him about where he thinks of going to when he’s flying his planes. Is he flying in circles or is he going somewhere. Hey if he answers the second, surprise him with tickets for a trip  somewhere.  It may just satisfy his desire for needing more from life.  Change the routine of everyday life.  Become more spontaneous.  Shake things up.  I hope this is helpful and remember, don’t sit quietly at home.  Get up off of the couch.  Buy something that will really attract his attention (if you know what I mean).  Put yourself out there girlfriend and re-ignite the flame!  

JOANNE: I’m pretty sure that I would have known something was wrong and would not have been shocked.  I probably would have already started asking him what’s going on.  I would ask him why he wants a divorce and I would probably feel devastated.


OK, Ms. “like I care”, tell me how to handle this one.  I started a new job about a month ago.  I am a cashier in a retail environment.  No responsibility other than “checking ” people out.  Here’s the thing.  My previous work history involved some management experience and I can’t help but notice that there are several fellow employees in need of some “guidance” as to their professional comportment.  Do I talk to my immediate managers about the fact that there needs to be some training or rather re-training of some people?  Or, do I try and impart some wisdom to these people myself?  Do I go right to the top and talk to the Store Director?  It bugs the crap out of me to watch anyone embarrass themselves professionally when often all they really need are some “helpful” tips. 
Signed: tight lipped in Telluride.

   Well, the answer depends. What do you want? Are you concerned with these employees or are you concerned with the store (how it looks to the public). Look at it from the perspective of a roger and a scott, (we will assume, from the tone of your letter that you are a clark).
A roger would do the following: ‘friend-up’ to the employees in question, get to know them, and eventually let them know that he (the roger) has their back.  He would then go to the management and tell then that the employees are letting the company down and kindly offer to help train the people.  As a deal closer he might then get specific as to what some of the employees think of the management.
A scott would go up to the employee (if the scott decided that it mattered) and tell the employee that they need to change their behavior.  Depending on the gender of either the scott or the roger, this advice might be followed by the suggestion: ‘you look like you need a hug’.

JOANNE:  I would first ask them if they want some helpful tips..if they say yes, i would give them.  If they say no, then I would say they don’t care about being embarrassed professionally.  Oops,  I think that’s the scott talking.

There you have it, Issue 2 of ‘ if I care…’ If you have any questions or Comments, then click on the Title (of this Post) and look at the bottom where it says your Reply here. (Guess what you do next…)

No music… 

…well alright, but  a song that I like…

Hey, we love when you leave a Comment. But if you don’t see your (Comment) show right up after you write it, it might be getting caught as spam. Luckily I have so much time on my hands I read the spam…so if one of your Comments read as following, try again see you name in lights…win a hat (for your damn head):

Great insights. I loved reading this article”  (from carpetcleaning …all walks of life we have fans.)
“I’m a huge fan! Appreciate your writing this” (from  sing, binyons, sing.)
I must say that by and large I am really pleased with this website. After reading your post I can tell you are educated about your writing. Looking forward to future posts. Cheers!”  ( repair openers…a little …british?  Hey Studley-on-Cornmeal  dudes  you guys foolin with us?)
