clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 50 clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 50

the Wakefield Doctrine …and later in this here Week here, we will not only explain exactly how to change your personality(for the better), we will make you laugh as you do it*

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Show of hands now… who thinks that changing your personality (parts of it or wholesale re-do) should be a laughing matter?  …ok the rest of you, who thinks that a person changing their personality (for the better) is a laugh provoking matter?  …ok you go over there, next to the first group.

All you Readers do realize that we have separated the clarks from the scotts from the rogers, don’t you?  (this is the effectivenessity of the Wakefield Doctrine)

…we trust that you (Readers) realize that we also know the (probable) emotional state of the three groups of Readers that we have created here, right? Said states being:

a) amused, b) excited and, c) annoyed

This assertion in no way comprises a value-judgement of the three personality types, but does comprise a demonstration of the semi-practical value that Readers may avail themselves of, provided they invest  just a little bit of time and effort. But since you have put in this much effort lets offer you this small, yet useful insight into the worldview of Our Three Contestants!

  • clarks laugh too much
  • scotts laugh the best of all, an un-restrained kind of laugh that most clarks will give a little extra to elicit
  • rogers laugh the least, but not because they are not amused, but because to be amused (by the world means something entirely different to a roger, than it means to a clark or a scott)
  • a roger does not, ordinarily, laugh at the world. they can (and do) laugh at people (mostly clarks) but the world and life is much too grave a thing to laugh at, which is not to say they are humorless

That should hold us until tomorrow. Don’t forget! later in this week… a new Friend of the Doctrine will be featured in a Post!
Not sure yet which day, Wednesday or possibly Thursday, I guess that means you have to check in each and every damn day!

* get the explanation, not the change your personality part.

** (photo up there? the sheepdogs? re-posterered from: )




this is the Wakefield Doctrine “warm and sensitive, an easy-to-understand sharing of the human experience” …not hardly!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

In the our seemingly never-ending efforts to improve the quality of the writing here at the Wakefield Doctrine blog, we go out into ‘the blogosphere’ as frequently as possible, reading the work of the people who give us support ( AKH and DS#1 and Nell and Molly and the Lacksmack and Mel and them ). This is time enjoyably spent. We also go in search of new and interesting blogs, mostly those relating to personality theory and personality types and how to become a better human and such. As a result of our recent wanderings, we are forced into the position (no, scott, that is a whole different blog-theme) of accepting two conclusions:

  1. while it is often stated that, at any time, there are at least 900 million people on the internet, it is clear to us that each and everyone of those people are writing at least 2 blogs….
  2. while the variety of themes and interests being explored in these ( 1.8 billion blogs) is breath-taking, the most popular authors share 2 things in common: they are young mothers, they have a quirky sense of humor and they wish they could help and save each and everyone one of us!
  3. while the Wakefield Doctrine is a unique and productive and fun way to understand the behavior of the people in our lives, we are always trying to improve the ‘readability’ of our little blog and so today we have a photo of a young dog gracing the ‘cover’  and a fun, country pop video to listen to…
And this point, I wish I had Friend of the Doctrine Mel’s gift for closing a Post with a short, snappy… ‘so excuse while I go” punchline!
Me? I gots nothing, other than a totally unpredictable memory for movie scenes so… (pardon us for the stuttery video)
Hey Richard!  yo!  write us a Comment and we will totally send you a hat (for your damn head)*



* allow some delay as we need to order some new ones made…


How was the weekend? here, watch this…a small part of a typical Wakefield Doctrine Saturday Night Drive

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( where the spirit of fun meets painfully accurate insight* )

What did we do this weekend? Glad you asked!

More comprehensive presentation of the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine? Check back here tomorrow morning, first thing we’ll have everything for you, plain as day.


* “you got brutal self-assessment on my soaring spirit of fun!” …”no, you got irresponsible indulgence on my determination to improve myself!!”


the Wakefield Doctrine’s Saturday Night Drive, look! did you hear something?

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Saturday Night Drive Re-Cap!  (but first, about that last Road Trip…)

Rules Governing Wakefield Doctrine Road Trips

  • you must be going somewhere for another reason, business conference, pre-set sales calls, a visit to your sick aunt Earlene
  • the target destination must be recognizable to most, if not all Readers
  • (most important Rule) you must return before midnight of the day that you would have gotten back anyway
  • there is no minimum time that must be spent in target destination, however long it takes to get a photo and declare ownership by Right of Hat

This last trip I was in Ft Worth Texas (for a Conference) and went home (southern New England) by way of Key West, Florida.  Itinerary: Dallas->Houston->Tampa->Key West  (rental car) -> Ft Lauderdale-> home by 10:00 pm (2 hours to spare!)

Last Night’s Saturday Night Drive was more fun than most…a nearly full-complement of DownSprings! Only one missing was progenitor roger. (…if there are any Readers out there of the rogerian persuasion, write us a Comment, we want you to Call-in next Saturday!! (Mel…. you know you want to). Just let us know of your begrudging interest and, as clarks, we will try way, way too hard to get you on the air.

Last Night’s Topics for Discussion:

  • Jenny’s Conundrum,
  • tomahawks,
  • Summer in Big-Square-States and
  • input from all on the latest chapter of the someday-this-will-be-a-book manuscript. Specifically: Strategies for Workplace Conflicts  very good input from DS#1 and Molly and Ms AKH and glenn. Ms AKH provided the critical scottian ‘contrast’ to the suggested resolutions of the three Scenaria that we are using as a context in the Book.
  • …oh yeah!  we also did a video  that may or may not follow…stay tuned!

On the topic of Jenny’s Conundrum, Molly started to expand on her Comment (at the Post). Mostly focusing on the value of determining the nature of the questions (if any) being put forth by Jenny’s group of clarks, Molly’s suggestion appears to be along the lines of consider the nature of the question and infer the personality type,  (better just go to yesterday’s Post and read it yourself0.  Molly’s Comment was very ‘on the mark’ in that the initial phase of understanding the personality type of person is always to look for ways to infer how that person is relating to the world at large. Do they seem to see the world as ‘outside, apart from (themselves)’ or do they seem on the alert for threats or signs of weakness (in others) or do they seem assured that everything (or most everything) is as it should be? (a clark or a scott or a roger)

…to be cont’d


Another Holiday! Can you spot the clarks, scotts and rogers?! the Wakefield Doctrine shows you how!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)



We are beginning a weekend. In this writer’s culture it is a major Holiday, (the) Memorial Day Weekend. It is also what we refer to as a ‘gateway holiday’, it’s preliminary enticements…it’s ‘harmless buzz‘, if you will includes:

  • Indianapolis 500 car race…33 cars drive 500 miles by turning left on a 2.5 mile ovular track, while many people are watching from behind steel-reinforced wire fences
  • First Day of Summer…sort of, technically the first day of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere is June 21, but given the value of knowing Summer has started… it will do
  • scotts seize the meteorological opportunity to wear as little clothing as possible
  • rogers look forward to 3 months of what amounts to ‘groups synchronized fun’, aka picnics and cookouts!
  • clarks enjoy Summer, if for no other reason than given the sheer volume of the fun, some is bound to get on them
  • …even though it is Summer, we will be catching up with our 3 Job Seekers, ‘the clarklike guy, Emily, and ‘that scottian fella’
  • we will be visiting Fort Worth, Texas in the middle of June! If you live there and need a Wakefield Doctrine Tee shirt, be sure to let us know
  • if we are on the road for business we know that a Treaty of Tordesillas Road Trip will be part of the trip

Memorial Day Weekend Contest!!  Send us your favorite activity that involves one of the other personality types and why you enjoy it! (..if you are a clark  then your fun with a scott or a roger, if you are a scott….etc)

(what? promised to show the Readers what?  damn!! that’s right we did…shit, thought I was done for the day!…hold on, hold on, they might still be listening to the music vid… music from a car commercial?!? you’re kidding, tell me you’re kidding… )

So how do you spot the three personality types in the Summer Holiday Season?

  • follow the trail of empty charcoal lighter fluid cans… the guy standing over the grill with a match yelling, “hey kids wanna see something cool?” … this is your scottian personality type.
  • the fellow with the chefs apron, barbecue utensil tool belt who is standing in the doorway of the house looking at the outdoor temperature dial saying, “well honey, for the best tasting steak, the temperature/humidity index really should be no more than…” this is your rogerian personality type
  • the person putting the food that the guests brought in bowls and serving trays saying, “no, I don’t mind…sure you can take this out to the patio, I’ll just stay here and get a start on the dishes” this is your clarklike personality type
  • the person standing at the picnic table, keeping everything covered with saran wrap, closing the tupperware lids and saying, “no, you cannot go swimming, it has only been 40 minutes” this is your rogerian personality type
  • the person sitting in the chair, watching the volleyball game who seems eager to play but every time someone leaves the game, is heard to say, ” nah…won’t don’t you get  glenn..he really is good at this” this is your clarklike personality type
  • the person taking off her clothing by the poolside who can be heard (but not seen because of the crowd around her), “I hope this bathing suit is not too revealing, I just bought it and haven’t had a chance to wear it anywhere” this is your scottian personality type