clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 29 clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 29

The Six Sentence Project -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the weekly Six Sentence Story bloghop

Hosted by Denise

This week:  ayyiieee if idle minds are the devil’s workshop then this Post has got to be considered the back seat of Cthulhu’s ’57 Chevy on a Satyrday night cruise for hootch and babes. Make that the last third of the portion of that night that the car was rolling.

The prompt word:




Forgive the uncontrollable loop. the other vids are totally random from somewhere

We will fix.


“Cut me! Nick Cut me… ” (thumbnail photo…lol)


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful(TToT) bloghop. Created in 1998, the premise is encourage bloggers to create a list of the people, places and things that elicit the state of gratitude, however briefly or otherwise transitory in nature. The quality of writing is exemplary in the talent and technique out there. And because whatever better way there is to appreciate the sublime than the rhetorical equivalent of the classic pie fight, our hostina, Dyanne graciously looks the other way each week when, like a paper boy on speed mistakes water balloons for newspapers (it could happen) and we speed by each week end to deliver our own TToT.

So, for us, here’s a quick ‘oT, seeing how it’s already Sunday out there!Grat #9

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) hey, Mimi’s Six this week was ‘a Café Six‘ What with her writing a post ever day and whatnot, we relish the chance to read of her adventures as a Proprietor of the Six Sentence Café & Bistro, ya know?

5) serial stories: the Whitechapel Interlude, the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf and Tales from the Six Sentence Café & Bistro

6) the Six Sentence Story bloghop

7) Friday Night Walks

8) something, something

9) That Wakefield Doctrine up there, at Number Three? How good, how insightful a thing it is! How could you possibly know that much about a person?!! Well that tiny, little phrase “…it’s already Sunday out there.” Is an example. Lets do a quick reprint:   “…it’s already Sunday out there.” Armed with the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine, those two italicized words would have you thinking, “Hmm, thinking we gots ourselfs a clark here… lets keep watching and listening.” And, it’s true. You will find, among the two thousand plus posts here, more than one description of the world, from the perspective of the personality type referred to as ‘the Outsider’ better known as a clark, and how they relate themselves to the world around them to wit: the individual is ‘here’ and the world is ‘out there’, as in, apart from.

yeah, the Doctrine lets you know way more about the other person than you have any right to know. And …and! you’ll become a better listener! lol

10) Secret Rule 1.3 (from the Book of Secret Rules, aka the Secret Book of Rules)… don’t be shy ’bout askin!









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RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

“…unfortunately this was taken on a Friday and so will not be useful for today’s Post”

The Wakefield Doctrine is a tool, an additional perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up. If employed, one is benefitted in two distinct ways: a) by seeing the situation (person/place/thing) differently (as is the case with most alternate perspectives, the difference can be great or it can be small) and, perhaps add to one’s experience and 2) to be reminded that there is more than one perspective on life, which in and of itself is empowering by the implied acknowledgement that our personal realities and the personal realities of others are congruent. Except where they are not.

One way to think of the goal of the Wakefield Doctrine is: to aid in the ongoing process of self-improving ourselfs by appreciating the world as the other person is experiencing it. (And, in doing so, improve our acceptance and appreciation of how we relate ourselves to the world around us.)

Here’s a post (title: Capital Letter-less Monday, its more fun you might think. ?%#? from June 2013)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


hey, you know how we say that one of the primary values of the Wakefield Doctrine lies in it providing a certain perspective on behavior that, when applied to our own lives, proves to be a unique  tool for self-development?

well, we do.
the important thing is this: in order to effectively use the Wakefield Doctrine as a tool for self-improvement and/or self-development it’s necessary to understand the nature of the three worldviews.

new readers! dig this: we are all born with the innate capacity to experience the world in one of three ways, or worldviews (aka personal realities): the world/life as an Outsider (clarks), living and developing as one must to survive and flourish in the reality of the Predator (scotts) and experiencing the world as a member of a Herd (rogers). you with us? fine. we all ‘pick’ a worldview and grow up and develop our personalities in response to the particular challenges and advantages found in these realities. the thing is, we retain the potential to see the world as ‘the other two’ do. for example, I’m a clark, predominant worldview is that of the Outsider which means the world around me today is such that I do not fit in, I see things in a way that results in my demonstrating a certain creativity, I spent a lot of  time being self-effacing, (often amounting to self-destructiveness), I have an insatiable appetite to learn new information and I am simultaneously sentimental and cold. that is because that is the nature of the world I wake up to.  I also have a secondary (and a tertiary) aspect. my secondary is that of a scott and my 3rd is rogerian. (btw these secondary and tertiary aspects? thats why people sometimes will say, ‘hey I must be some kind of new personality type! like a clarkroger, because most of the time I feel like I’ll never fit in and then sometimes I can be real real stubborn and obstinate’  that’s your secondary showing through.

so…learn the characteristics of the three worldviews. observe your fellow lifeforms. infer the reality that they appear to be responding and reacting to and once you are able to correctly infer the worldview of the other person, you will know more about them than they know about themselves.
so…learn the characteristics of the three worldviews. observe yourself. first eliminate the obviously not fitting worldview, then hold the other two worldviews up and see which one makes the world make (more) sense… that is your predominant worldview. that is what will be useful to you, if you have an interest in: understanding the behavior of the people in our lives, taking better advantage of the people in our lives, knowing more about the inner thoughts and feelings of the people in our lives and , for some of you… learning ways to improve your own life.

we used to do an internet radio show and one of the things I always tried to say to the listener about the Doctrine was, “the Wakefield Doctrine is concerned with ‘how you relate yourself to the world around you’.  note that I did not say, ‘…how you relate to the world’… I said, ‘ how you relate yourself to the world around you’”.  that distinction is of critical importance in making the Doctrine a useful and effective tool.

… so we will stop here for today.

… one thing!  to clarify my point, at the beginning of today’s Post, the key to using the Doctrine is learning and understanding the nature, characteristics and such of the three worldviews. in fact, it was DownSpring Cyndi who proffered the term ‘fluency’ as a way to describe our efforts to learn about the three worldviews, i.e. “hey, I am becoming more fluent in the scottian worldview… FUCK!”  or “my fluency in the rogerian reality allows me to approximate the ‘projectile disinterest’ that we see so many of the ‘natives’ employ to such devastating effect”

(to be continued)

Friend of the Doctrine, Melanie has let us know that, due to shifting priorities, she would have her other blog  ‘Steer Career Success‘  listed on our blogroll… it’s a good and useful and fun site, it has to do with jobs and careers and such and totally ties in with where we are taking this conversation about the use of the Wakefield Doctrine in the workplace… so stop over at her blog and  say ‘hidy’

speaking of sent ya… if you are still reading this Post, I totally want to engage you in …. conversation!   we are having the first weekly Wakefield Doctrine Video Brunch,  this coming weekend. since you are clearly interested in the Doctrine, I totally care about making the Vid Brunch convenient to your time zone… so leave us a Comment  and let me know your ‘zone  …am currently thinking to start in the early am this coming Sunday  (’cause Friend of the Doctrine Michelle is a nicely symmetrical 12 hours ahead of us. but there is still room to play with the exact starting hour)




TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Considered by some, to be the most sophisticated of the so-called ‘grat blogs’, the TToT has weathered savage criticism (“Thank heavens it’s only once a week!”), tepid support (“Ten?!?! Well, sure, I suppose one could come up with ten things”) and faint praise, (“I suppose you could say they mean well, at least the bloggers who don’t go off on rhetorical tangents like firecrackers in a flamethrower factory, or worse flood the Reader’s mind with metaphors that, in a sense, the neural pathways employed during reading are like rivers and, subject to over-flowing when confronted with excess….like that odd Doctrine blog”.)

Since 1998, the Ten Things of Thankful has been providing those with the interest, a fresh supply of uplifting reading, inspirational reflection upon the daily world and a challenging, if not subversive, commentary on the Life Virtual. So sit right back and you’ll read a post, a post with a dreadful hook, a view of life that will make you want, to stop and read a book.

1) Phyllis

2) Una (ever the gracious host smiles a welcome to Alex)

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) Triffids  In the side-yard, growing like ….like alien vegetables evolutionarily committed to the adage the best offense is a good defense. Try soaking in a hot tub for six hours and then running out and throwing yourself down in a field of thistles (aka Triffids)… you likely to attack them? (lol…sorry couldn’t resist the imagery)

5) serial stories: ‘the Whitechapel Interlude‘, ‘the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf‘ and ‘Tales from the Six Sentence Café & Bistro

6) (the) Six Sentence Story bloghop

7) an office (for the real estate thing)

8) a field, a rake and a wheel barrow (for exercise)

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3







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RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Lets keep it simple this Monday. A brief intro/exegeis*

Glad you mentioned it. One of those Doctrine descriptions: a clark abhors being the center of attention but will not tolerate being ignored.

From June 20 2010


…(a) Dude!!!  (b) oh man! no frickin way (c) Jay, call me what you want, but you gots to see a doctor!..

(Now that we have had our little Sunday morning humor.) We are entering the week of the 26th of June, which means the week of the Firstaversary of the Wakefield Doctrine…yay

(Which might as well be the topic of today’s Wakefield Doctrine, Lesson of the Day.)
When it comes to celebrations in general and anniversary(s) in particular… clarks do not enjoy them, scotts doand rogers make them a part of their life.  In terms of adding to our understanding and use of (the Doctrine), what does knowing this do for us?  Two things: if you are curious about yourself, you can consider the reasons and ramifications of (your types) response to these events…which pretty much makes you a clark; if you are curious about how the other two relate to celebrations then, that makes you a clark (or possibly a momentarily bored scott).  Let’s look at the easy one first.

rogers love anniversaries, cause they are the benchmarks of tradition, the markings of history, all the things that make up the world (as a roger perceives it);
scotts like anniversaries and will glady accept an invitation for a simple enough reason, contained in one word: buffet
do not like celebrations and/or anniversaries in general because they are affairs that by their very definition celebrate fellowship/shared experience/belonging

(…are we almost through here?…I have an Invitation to the Sherwin Williams Wall Paint Exposition…”Drying through the Ages“…have to pace myself here…)

Lol.  Yeah sometimes it do get a bit tedious…

…speaking of tedious…actually speaking of nothing to do with this Post, I have made ‘pop music’ a project.  That is to say, I (recently) made a conscious decision to acquire a taste for pop music.  Now this is such a clarklike thing to do that no further explanation should be required.  But I will anyway, cause we gots way too much white space still left.

The thing of it is, both scotts and rogers live in real worlds, to wit:
scotts one of appetites and aggression and rogers, damn! rogers live in a perfect world, each and everyone one of them. ( …ok the paint drying exhibit will wait…how can rogers all live in perfect worlds?…huh?… ) Well, I’ll tell you.  Rogers perceive the world in terms of what is quantifiable, accountable, provable. That is why they make such good engineers, accountants and doctors and priests.  ( …hold on! I get the engineers and accountants, I will even give you the doctors…but priests? tell me how the representative of a religion is the same as an engineer… go ahead…I’m waiting… )

Here it goes…rogers believe in the quantifiable, the measurable.  They believe in tradition and history and the preservation of culture and… religion.  While not  scientifically provable as say engineering, (religion) is totally quantifiable.  For example…the Ten Commandments (not Six for the children and Fourteen for adults in business) Ten.  That is the quantifiable way to live a life.  And since “organised” religion is a part of all civil society, rogers are the ones who will be found in the position of Keeper of Rules, Dispenser of Wisdom.   ( …perfect world….rogers….the point?… ) Oh, yeah.
The point here is, the only way a person can maintain the fiction of a quantifiable world is to limit the world to quantifiable things and then forget that they set the limits!

Thats how rogers can live in a perfect world. ( …oh-kay….and this has to do with Pop Music…how?… )

rogers live in a quantifiable world, where all is understandable, all is predetermined.  clarks, on the other hand, live in a world that is unquantifiable.
clarks being the creative one of the three, allow for any and all possibilities, choosing to believe in anything and subsequently believing in nothing.
clarks can wake up one day and say, “Pop Music really kind of sucks.  A lot of people seem to like it though, I guess I better listen to it and acquire a taste for it”.
(scott: “wtf! that don’t make no sense at all, you don’t like then it is not likable! wtf!!). ( roger : “well I can tell you why you should like the likable things and as for the unlikeable things, well there just is no need for them…lets talk about me…)

The project has been successful.  I can listen to Pop Music with a sense of appreciation (“sense of appreciation”  what a clark!! ( roger and scott))

Well, thank you Miss Sullivan for your help in finding the topic of the day.

And to close, Mr. B!  Do you have some music that might illustrate the point here today?  (oh, sorry about the harsh reference to you and your by-now-totally-aging scottian-wife-who-must-be-so-not-liking losing her youthful powers).

* no, you’RE absolutely correct, we can’t resist using a cool word whenever possible. And, to the roger out there: as a matter of fact, we did look it up. We spend a lot of time with dictionaries and other reference sources, that’s have the fun (lol**)

** back in the days of today’s Reprint, we became aware of a certain skill-deficiency when it came to the writing. Being a clark (note: a clark possessed by an interestingly intense, pervasive, and good-thing-this-obsession-wasn’t-like-for-chocolate-or-jogging, drive to bring the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine to as many people as possible… anyway, one of the things we got a kick out of was making up words. (To our credit, they were in such a context that the Reader would figure out what we meant. To their credit, they laughed with good-natured enjoyment). Where were we? Back up to the initial asteroid.
