Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.
New Readers and participants? The SOP for construction (creating? compiling?!) a TT0T post is to write a list of the people, places and things that have elicited and, otherwise, have been at the root of an episode, however transient that involved the emotion of gratitude. This has been the practice adhered to since the founding of the bloghop on the final week of the penultimate month of the year (Gregorian not Julian) by our founderess in the Anno Domino* 1989.
But that’s not important right now!** What is, is that, here in Oceania, we had one of the Big Three holidays: Thanksgiving. ayiiee… that creates either a state of infinite regression1, gratitationally-speaking or, just provides some easy introductory material.
1) Una
2) Phyllis
3) the Wakefield Doctrine
4) the cottage project is complete2
5) the Six Sentence Story a place to send quick, little stories
6) * the availability of single songs that elbow their way (tunefully, of course) into our stream of consciousness and turn a TToT that is primarily photos and random thought into a well-thought-out…. err (Domino music vid below)
7) an afternoon’s conversation with two interesting people and your’s truly best place, we hear is to go over to the youtube and wait or, if you prefer, at the FB
8) something, something?
9) One of the cool things about the realization of P’s cottage (at the top of the Post) is that it draws much from a WIP/work of fiction, Almira; specifically, its modeled after the feeling/tone…no! wait! this is a once-a-week writing occasion, lets go for the fun…. what Phyllis is going for, both in the interior and the exterior is the design aesthetic of the library in the Gulch family home on the East Side of Providence.
10) Secret Rule 1.3
** Airplane!
- lol (Homer Simpson voice) ‘Philosophy… mmmm’
- for the year. next spring will be the patio see Grat# 9 above
Music vids