clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 21 clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 21

Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Lets get ourselfs an old ‘Monday’ Doctrine post! After all, Monday is one of the rogerian days of the week (when they finally decide to talk to anyone*)


M. -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘sure, we all would like a hint how to use this Doctrine on the first day of the w. week’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Given that all you Readers are sitting in one of three worldviews as you read today’s Post, it’s only right that I make it clear which worldview I am talking about when I present a hint, isn’t it?

Well, actually no. It’s only right in the context of one of you. But that’s not important right now. Right at this moment, most of you Readers are at the start of your Monday, so on with the Doctrine hints:

  • clarks will be the ones most likely to get up early, followed by rogers and, (yeah, maybe a little surprising)…scotts are the last to rise and shine
  • clarks will be remarkably (and suspiciously) optimistic and talkative
  • rogers will not
  • scotts (who are still in bed) will begin to see that getting the other person back into bed is the best approach for everyone involved ( by ‘everyone’ we mean, of course, the scott)
  • clarks will look forward to the day the way that a person with a horrible toothache will look forward to going to the dentist
  • rogers will look forward to their day…in detail  with no need to share or express their concerns for the upcoming day
  • scotts will still be in bed
  • clarks sometimes feel anxiety about ‘the start of the day’  not necessarily the events that they anticipate happening, but rather, the point at which forward momentum begins
  • rogers will become more animated and energetic, but unless the other person is also in the same line of work, this brightening view of the coming day will remain inside their heads
  • scotts will (finally) get going… the least amount of preparation for the day of the three (consistent with their roles in the work day)
  • clarks and breakfast?  what, are you insane?!?!
  • rogers and breakfast?  well, we always have (fill in the blank precisely, please)
  • scotts and breakfast?  yeah sure… come on!  lets get going!!

That accounts for ‘our’ morning. I have every intention of returning to this here Post here at noon today and provide us with a look at the tipping point of the first day of the work week.  Unless you have a coment.


* who said that? You are absolutely correct! rogers are very, not, morning people. Care to guess who is? No, this a closed answer book quiz. You’ll know which question you answered correctly and which incorrectly.

Genuine lol here, Readers! only on my last ‘edit’ did I realize that, in my choice of reprint, I made my challenge moot.

This happens more often that one might think. Or, perhaps not. Mostly fun in writing fiction. I’ve seen it in my own efforts when, further into a story, longer than Six Sentence stories, a connection or interconnection that I was not consciously aware of setting up. This is kinda that…fun.


New Readers? what they (the quizzirini) do with the information on their test answers and test scores will: a) tell you everything about which of the three predominant worldviews (aka personality types) they are and 2) which are morning, not morning and what-the$^*&^ time is it. Are they clarks(Outsiders) or scotts(Predators) or rogers(Herd Members)?

to that you may submit your answers as you are inclined.

the reprint?

oh yeah… just getting in the academic aspect of the three worldviews. Remind us to make that the topic tomorrow. (ed. nah. think we covered that in the reprint. We repeat: lol)

Have novel day.



Wednezdae -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Quick little post. Gots to try and come up with something for a Six Sentence Story by this evening. Though most of us post on Thursday, its alway fun when it can be linked in at Denise’s on Wednesday. Like finishing your term paper on Saturday afternoon rather than Sunday evening.

…but a couple of things. We sorta started talking about the Everything Rule in yesterday’s post. The rule was, in the magical way of the Doctrine, a response to an insufficiency in my presentation of the Wakefield Doctrine in the early days. New Readers easily got the idea that all of us are born with the potential to experience life and the world in three characteristic ways i.e. as Outsider(clarks), Predators(scotts) and Herd Members(rogers). And, as most of our time was spent describing each of these three personal realities, we didn’t think through any weaknesses (in our description).

As more people came and read, questions arose. Which was, like, totally, ‘How cool is this Doctrine thing?’ lol Anyway. While we did address the point that there is only one predominant worldview for any and all of us, as people started to apply the principles to their worlds, a fuzziness manifested. While we were always reminding Readers that the reality of one’s personal reality was quite…. real, it was easy to succumb to a certain Balkanization of the three predominant worldviews. Hence the reference, in yesterday’s post to people talking about behavior and qualities and traits and occupations as being exclusive to one of the three personality types.

The Everything Rule doesn’t say, ‘No, its not true that only scotts do a certain thing or rogers maintain a certain belief or clarks are always found in such-and-such occupation’. Rather is reinforces the idea of the reality of personal reality, suggesting we consider how a thing, (a job, a saying, an organization, whatever), manifests in these three different predominant worldviews. Being a carpenter, for example, is available to all three. Obviously. For a scott, what is referred to as rough carpentry/framing is often exhibited, while to a roger, (in a reality of rules and precision), carpentry often exhibits as what is referred to as ‘finish carpentry’. Both quite real and essential, one different from the other.

clarks?, oh yeah. Well maybe walking around and talking to people about stuff, dabbling in fast food, boating and meteorology. Like that, ya know? (lol)

I mentioned ‘magical’ earlier in the post. Quite true if you knew how much of what is written about the Wakefield Doctrine ‘showed up’ as the typing progressed.

(Mimi commented yesterday to the effect that ‘Every post i haven’t read yet clears things a little more...’

am trying to find a post I haven’t read yet. More difficult that I would’ve thought, but here, one semi-random search … lets use the search term ‘forgotten’

Mimi! Dude! cha ching!

Full Disclosure: got like three pages of posts, started reading oldest first. Hit the one below, cause (given my current recovering from a cold), two words: Damn!


‘…of opposites and differences’ the Wakefield Doctrine “and his hair was perfect!”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)images-140

…beginner Readers?  you might want to skip this Post. It’s not that you wouldn’t understand today’s Post, (you would, if you are willing to trust your instinct enough and not worry about getting ‘the right answer’ and just go with what you think), it’s just that today we speak of aging and degrading, running down and getting old, losing teeth and growing fat, you know, the fun topics.

Two Questions (that are really three):

  1. what happens when we get old or sick or injured or messed up…(way up)
  2. which of ‘the other two’ is the hardest to ‘imitate’

This being the Wakefield Doctrine, naturally we will address the second question first.  Lets use real, clarklikelinear thinking and say, of the three, where are the polar opposites? lol…yeah!  clarks are capable of making that statement and,  …and! thinking that it is reasonable  to talk about polar opposites when dealing with a group of three.  Bring on the damn Venn Diagrams!!  god! I loves  me a good Venn Diagram!

Alright, here, try these Polar Opposites on for size:

  1. clark and roger
  2. scott and clark
  3. roger and scott

so, what we’re saying here is that the above represents the most difficult, (the) nearly impossible one to imitate/act like for each of the three personality types. (i.e. it is most difficult for a clark to appreciate the worldview of a roger, it is damn near anathema for a scott to be comfortable in the personal reality of a clark and, for a roger to live as a scott, well, lets just say they would rather  do anything else than to to embrace the scottian worldview. Clear?

Great!  While you’re in this Doctrine mode of thinking* lets run at the first Question (which is building off the first Answer) and say:  if each of the three personality types decay, degrade, get chronically stressed out…grow old in a bad way**, then they will appear to those around them to be sliding into the worldview of:

  1. clark (appears to be acting like a)  scott
  2. scott sounds increasingly like a roger
  3. roger somehow, it’s really weird, but for all the world appears to be thinking like a clark

Makes sense, right?  the lion (you know, scotts!!) loses too many teeth, the scar tissue from countless successful battles takes it’s toll, they will (tend to) become rogerian.  clarks…growing old without developing their self-assurance first, will become scottian…aggressiveness let loose only because they can’t remember why they should care about what others think  and rogers… they seem to have to the best (of all three worldviews), forgotten and left alone, they will dive into their memories, shedding the need to show the world the desirability of learning the Right Way to do Things and become content with appreciating the knowledge of the world around them.

There ya go!  When you’re out there this week, shopping for groceries, trying to hold on to your job, studying hard, thinking about the future, regretting the recent past, hoping to be happy, fearing being alone, taking the kids to swimming lessons and hating how you look in a bathing suit, working hard and praying that this time it will turn out different, being afraid of being satisfied, being satisfied with not wanting more and thinking/acting/feeling like one of us, remember: we all live in a reality that is personal to us and it corresponds to the world of the Outsider(clarks), the life of the Predator(scotts) and the world of the Herd Member(rogers) but, we all have within, the potential to see the world as ‘the other two’ are experiencing it.




* meaning… this is fun! don’t worry about it being ‘true’ in every single situation, don’t be concerned if it is logically consistent, science is art if you are creative enough in your approach

** go easy on the application of the ‘bad’… and the ‘grow old’ thing? instead think of the person you know is one type but seems to morph at times into another. better yet, consider the person you know who acts like they’re doing a bad imitation (of one of the three personality types)



Tuesday ReDucks -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Another reprint. A rather early reprint at that. Purported to having written most posts, I find it interesting when I see the occasional little differences in the description and/explanation of one aspect or another of our little personality theory. Now that I think about, lol1 these differences are the parts, (of the Doctrine), that with time, we’ve come to understand in a manner both more nuanced and, if we might, more sophisticated.

Probably the most significant of these ‘differences’ can be seen in our description of the individual’s experience of the three predominant worldviews. The three ‘personal realities’ are consistent. Though I’ll say, back in the early posts, the fun in describing the reality of the Outsider(clarks), the world of the Predator(scotts) or the life of the Herd Member(rogers) is quite evident. And, it’s not that it’s any less fun now to describe …. the kitchen of a scottian mother versus that of a clarklike or rogerian mom. It’s just that when I re-read these older posts, I can remember the sense of ‘...and this is‘ ‘oh yeah! and…!!‘ etc lol

Back to talking about the development, at least in these writings; a very useful development was the realization that the ‘fact’ of growing up in the personal of (one and only one) of the three is best described as a relationship. The now famous and oft-stated, ‘…all about better appreciating how we relate ourselves to the world around us and the people who make it up’.

Look at the time!

… oh yeah, one more: the Everything Rule.


3 personality types add up to one darn good theory

3 personality types, you already know all about them.
The theory, the Wakefield Doctrine, well you surely know about that… so why make such a fuss about it?

The internet is nothing if it is not over-loaded with personality theories and secrets of the psyche and how-to-understand he/she/them schema!
So why should you spend any time here, reading about this theory? I could say something meant to be amusing  like,  ‘we have music videos’ or ‘ look at the clever photos and intriguing Post Titles’! or even ‘but we have hats (for your damn head)’. But to be serious, these are not sufficient reasons to stay and browse through a blogsite; well, maybe the hat (for your damn head), that might be intriguing enough. But, no, really…

The reason is this thing just makes sense in a way that nothing else out there does. Personality blogs that have tests and talks about traits ‘n interests are a dime a dozen. They all talk about our personalities in terms that are totally generic ( “…you will know the Ocean because it’s color is a shade of blue! …except, that is, times when it is more a blue-green…make that grayish…”).  We have all seen those sites. The thing of it is, if you are still reading this, you are one of the fortunate people in that you have intelligence and curiosity. You could be somewhere else, looking at pictures or listening to a music video but you are reading about something that seems interesting.

The reason the Wakefield Doctrine is different and better than anything else out there is that it holds together better than other personality theory (real or recreational).

holds together..??!  I mean:

rogers are people who perceive the world as being quantifiable and with the social perspective of a member of a herd:

  • they are very sociable but only in a group-setting, they would never go travelling on their own, seeing new locales, (if they have a choice)
  • in the work environment, they will be part of ‘the network’ the ‘water cooler’ crowd
  • rules and regulations, which are inherently meant to apply to the group( as opposed to the individual) are bread and butter to the roger
  • aggression towards another is based on getting the group to disapprove of the (target) individual, “everyone knows that jimmy is such an asshole…”
  • a victimized  roger will react to adversity by portraying themselves as a victim and will immediately look to the group for support
  • since rogers see the world from the perspective of the herd, they will also be driven to preserve anything that is held in common by the group, traditions, customs, habits

scotts are people who view the world as a place of predator/prey (they be the predator) think about dogs for this one:

  • sociable, but from a perspective of themselves to the group, not part of the group
  • the world is a simple place for scotts therefore their emotional life is simple; anger, lust, joy quick to start, quick to stop
  • they are aggressive without being mean, they are friendly without being personable
  • scotts act without excessive introspection, so are thought to be certain which in turn makes them leaders (for rogers)

clarks are, in a sense,  the opposite of  scotts

  • where  scotts live through action, clarks (try) to live in reflection
  • the geek that appears clueless is often a clark and they are not stupid, they are simply distracted
  • being creative, clarks often are seen as the outcasts, this is as much the herd rejecting them as it is not being able to blend in

Well, I hope that cleared things up! Clearly you have before you a tool of value and as is the case with most tools, practice is required before it can be used effectively.

So read, Comment and drop us a live (0r a line, hey I’m a fricken clark details are not always us)…or hey, here’s an idea! Next Saturday Evening pick up your phone and call us (the number is in the upper right hand corner). You clarks, you think we believe that you will be busy?  hey roger! yeah we know how important your schedule is but consider this: if you believe any of this Doctrine stuff, then we have the herd-member Prime, the Progenitor roger and you know you want a shot at him…scotts?? sorry, Saturday is a time in the future and we know how you people hate the I-can’t-see-it-touch-it-eat-it  things…so maybe not


1) you know, clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel, right?



Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

While my electro-letter-hurler warms up and my fingers look up at the blank display like a 10 yo at their first sock hop, allow us to paste a Reprint.


Man! Look at the time! (lol)

It’s our ambition to spend more of the week’s Doctrine posts in discussion, illustration, demonstration and presentation of the principles of the Doctrine. This to include practical applications (of said principles) and the fun to be had by using it at school, work and home. As an additional perspective on the world around us, and the people how make it up, the Wakefield Doctrine is both fun and useful.

Recently, in the course of conversation about the past, present and future demographic of people benefitting from this here personality theory here, I was prompted to recall one of the first observations that came to us as people happened upon this blog and returned and stayed. (Serially, how cool was that? My grat-friends see it every week here, but the idea that the Wakefield Doctrine offers something good to people we would never otherwise met in person? muy coolitó)

Annyway what we realized then was that Readers who come here more than once are: clarks or scotts with a significant secondary clarklike aspect or rogers with a significant secondary clarklike aspect.

New Readers? The preceding sentence has some unavoidably advanced Doctrine concepts, but if you read enough posts, at a certain point, you’ll find yourself putting things together, even without the benefit of the ‘educational’ posts.



5 out of 234 people reading this Post won’t say, ‘wtf?!? the Wakefield Doctrine “because different things are fun at different times, ya know?”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)893int~1

Today’s Post is one of those Posts that are written for a couple of semi-different, not un-mutually reinforcing reasons. The two reasons are:

  1. to continue our discussion that started in the Comments to yesterday’s Post, about whether the Seven Dwarfs, (in Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs), represented a scottian or rogerian or clarklike worldview. In addition, there were differing interpretations of the worldview represented by some of the other characters in this story (and in Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’)
  2. to demonstrate the fact that disagreement and discussion with interpretation of  the worldview of  people (including fictional characters) is not only allowable, it is totally desirable… (this is prompted by Stephanie’sComment expressing concern how her disagreement with my conclusions might be met, in this, she is to applauded. I suspect many people have disagreed but few have had the temerity to say so…at least that was the case before last year, before the Doctrine acquired a more… astute, talented, headstrong bunch of Readers
  3. …notice the ‘and’ in Item 2?  notice it’s underlined and everthing? totally serious there… we all learn by hearing from each other what we see as expressions of clark or scott or rogerian behavior, attitude, posture (physical and rhetorical), characteristics, but  the emphasis in on the sharing of impressions, understandings, interpretation and other things we see in people in the world, Doctrineistically-speaking, i.e. “I gotta go with scott, do you see how the appetite combines with a clear impersonal view of the humanity of the other characters” sense.

the Wakefield Doctrine is a perspective, it’s a way we can choose to look at the world around us, the people and the things that they do. As a perspective, the Wakefield Doctrine does not have ‘An Answer’, it does not presume to say, ‘this is the nature of Man and Woman and Life and Such’.  No. It does not. What the Doctrine does say is, ‘hey you know what? If you can imagine that reality is not just the everyday, ordinary common sense thing, but that reality, at a certain level of experience, is…personal, then what if there were three kinds or styles of personal realities? And these personal realities are real, ya know? The three personal realities (lets call them worldviews, ok?) are:

  1. the reality of the Outsider (in which you are different, and there is a gap between you and the world around you and there is an un-stated imperative that you not allow yourself to be identified as the different one and there is, an equally un-reconciled drive to distinguish yourself, to not be ”un-noticed’)
  2. the world of the Predator  ( where each day is all that is real, that your appetite is your only certainty and while you strive to keep the civilized company of those you encounter at work or at school or even your own family, you are willing to surrender all in service of this need you have to dominate or take or bring into a personal relationship…a pack, if you will)
  3. the life of the Herd Member (you don’t question any of this Doctrine, it makes sense to you, not by virtue of it’s accuracy in reflecting the inner world that you experience, rather you are coming to see the Doctrine as another form of ‘referential authority’, which is the foundation of your decision-making as you live your life to the best of your ability, to share in the knowledge of correct action is your highest goal, confident in the rightness and order behind the world as you see it)

And these are…real realities, not just a choice I might make one day, only to decide to do something different a week later. I grew up in the worldview, (personal reality), of the Outsider, for example. I did not decide in my 4 year old mind, ‘I think I will feel and act like I did not belong anywhere and everyone around me is different and I better not admit to any of this’…I so did not! The fact of the matter is, I found myself in a world in which I was, by the natural order of things, an Outsider. So I did my best. To deal with it and, more…way more importantly, I figured out how to best cope with the world I found myself in… as we say at the Doctrine, ‘I came to relate myself to the world around me as would an Outsider.’

Pretty simple, isn’t it?

Now, about those frickin dwarfs!

I’m likin scott for the character of the 7 Dwarfs because, as I relate to the story, they existed independently of the other characters, including Ms. White.  They were self-sufficiently and content to be Happy and (sometimes) Grumpy and (after a hard day’s work) Sleepy, (without a self-distorting drive to improve or educate themselves), Dopey and (with a unself-conscious acceptance of their own natural, animal natures allowing them to be free to give expression to urges and drives like se…) Sneezy and even if, made self-conscious by these urges, free to be Bashful  or …er  or  give in to a secret ambition to secure a higher level of formal education up to an including  earning a Doc(torate)

you know, as a group, the Seven Dwarfs represent the simple, here and now, eat, sleepy, ..etc life that is the foundation for the scottian worldview.



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is our contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful.

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) Hypograt: current cold. Because …still typing (and walking and doing things)

5) Grateful for the ‘What the heck” aspect of our Doctrine persona. What the writing books refer to as ‘voice’. I remember thinking back when we started this blog, ‘Oh man! Cynthia and Kristi and all my (new) friends are so good at expressing themselves online. I gots to get me one of those!’ Fortunately, for reasons I still write about, the Wakefield Doctrine (the additional perspective on the world around me and the people who make it up) totally took over. A case of a demonstration of efficacy in realtime. Whenever I sat down at my electrical word-former, I lost my need to: impress, sound-like-everyone, read-like-someone-who-knows-what-they’re-doing, you know, writing good. (I suspect I could write for hours and years about how my clarklike predominant worldview, released of fear, if only for a minute, would sound like… wait a minute! I think I may have already have.  Laugh Out Loud (lol)

6) the Six Sentence Story bloghop

7) technology!  allows me to pad out my only-semi-rantistic post with a vid

8) all the Friends of the Doctrine past and future

9) something something

10) Secret Rule 1.3



music vids

* (cause, you know…(lyric: ‘gotta  fever of a hundred and three*)

* actually, feeling better today, no ‘fever of a hundred an three’

* (courtesy of a Sunday morning view of Pulp Fiction)


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