clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 20 clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 20

Et-Tuesday? -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Damn! Forgot to post the RePrint yesterday.

Here ya go*


* of course, today being a different present from yesterday. e.g. pre-present, we’ll simply have to find another reference point to search randomly.

That’s it!

Referential Authority.

One of the coolest moments in modern Doctrine development. Starting in 2009, it was an exciting time of discovery and exhibition. Like a room full of LPs in unlabeled cardboard boxes, or those 1950’s illustration of nuclear fission, where the non-Superman, clark kent-looking guy tosses a ping pong ball into a room that, while otherwise devoid of furnishings, has, like a zillion mouse traps covering the floor. ‘Look, kids! Isn’t nuclear fission cool’?


(Insider Insight: the posts here at the Wakefield Doctrine pretty much write themselves. But the early years were, like, ‘Damn! You know, you’re right! Those are good examplae of clarklike, scottian or rogerian behavior”.)

I was a wonderful time of discovery as well as teaching and examplifying**

But, being on the second half of the morning writing time, let’s make a long parable, short.

We decided to write posts that describe a semi-real life situation, (a restaurant) and offer the Reader of a choice of three ‘endings’. These alternate conclusions would infer behavior on the basis of a ‘character’s’ predominant worldview. In one of the first of this series, we had a girl go to the restaurant for a job interview. At noon. During the lunchtime rush. The storyette opens as she is acknowledged by the owner/interviewer and by the waitress. That she needs to wait, as they are clearly backed-up, is established.

Despite the rush subsiding, the lone waitress is clearly falling behind and a growing percentage of tables remain un-cleared. The ‘hook’ for the story is to present three ‘endings’. The three would, of course, represent action according to personality type.

One of the endings: the girl, seeing the waitress being overwhelmed, gets up and begins to clear tables.


Two words: the rogers went nuts! The Readers, at least those who were Herd Members reacted with such vehemence, ‘She can’t do that!! She doesn’t work there. What the hell!!’ was the response with unanimity.

They meant it.

And, we’re, like, “Wait a minute… you’re serious. The interviewee demonstrating her willingness to work, not to mention be helpful, this is bad?”

And they’re, to a roger, “But she doesn’t work there yet, does she?!?!”

And, a purely serendiptious bathtub suddenly lights up: Referential Authority.

rogers, in experiencing the world as being quantifiable and knowable (or, at very least, learnable), require people to obey the Rules. And, since there is no official Book, there must be a control. A way of preventing, (or, at least hindering) the masses from taking the Rules of behavior into their own hands. ‘That’s not how it’s done here.’ ‘This is the Standard Operating Procedure. We all call it the bible’. (Said every HR manager to every new hire).

We had discovered an artifact of the world of the Herd Members. From beyond the range of extrapolation from primary characteristics. But then, we’ve been fortunate here at the Wakefield Doctrine. Insights are made available. All we have to do is practice seeing the world as the other person is experiencing it (all the time).

Benefit? Our fictional applicant did not have to beat-up on herself in (natural***) response to being berated by the over-worked waitress.


** not a ‘real’ word

*** one guess which of the three predominant worldviews she was.




Wednesday (yeah right!) -the Wakefield Doctrine- (seems a little (more) disjointed than usual? check back in this Afternoon)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

The worst thing for (each) of the three personality types (predominant worldviews) of the Wakefield Doctrine?

Glad you (didn’t) ask

The three types of people found in the (additional perspective) offered by the Wakefield Doctrine:

  • clarks (Outsider)
  • scotts (Predator)
  • rogers (Herd Member)

That which manifests as ‘the-most-to-avoid-in-life/aka ‘no fricken’ way!

  • scrutiny
  • non-rationality as a standard for the world (i.e. say, you get up tomorrow and the sky is purple and every one insists it’s always been that color then Friday morning it’s yellow polka dots and, ever body is all, ‘Yeah? So what?1
  • shunning/isolation

There you have it.

Remember one thing:

  1. once you learn the Doctrine to a sufficient level of compentcy to recogninse the clarks, scotts and rogers in your world, there’s a real good chance you will lose the capacity to not see the clarks, scotts and rogers in your world
  2. there is an implied responsibility we accept in claiming to ‘know the other person better than they know themselves’; they (fill in the blank* are our people and we should identify with them** and help in an appropriate manner***)

ok…running out of morning-writing time. check back after lunch. we promise to add the words that, if you’re not an Advanced Reader, will make (way more) sense of this post.


  1. ok, anyone reacting to this with a knowing laugh, there you have your clarks. For Outsiders Consistency as a quality of reality is kinda higher than ‘I wish I could sing’ but way, way below ‘a satisfying and well-paying job would be nice’.

* the clarks (with their ways of hiding in social settings), scotts (like the twirling dust tornado of Tasmania isn’t all we need to know about the person… no, no multiple choice personality profile needed) lol or rogers (well, damn they be like 66% of the population to begin with and no, there’s no point in running once spotted, all rogers are born with the ability to trigger the (local) social-setting PA… “Oh, clark! where are you getting off to…. come here, we have some questions”)

** remember! while we all have but one predominant worldview, we retain the potential to relate to the world as do ‘the other two’

*** empirical evidence in these pages suggest that (if not a clark) a strong secondary clarklike aspect goes a long way towards, “Well, sure those people are weird, but, when you think about it, it kinda makes sense”.



#wakefielddoctrine #theoryofclarksscottsandrogers #personalitytypes #holysmoketheyareoutthere


One-K Friday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Serious about improving my chops in the world of stories and imagination and, did we say ‘a Story involving a prompt word that is Two Hundred and Fifty words (or less) in length?’ (But then again, had I been realistic about my math ability, I might’ve saved a half of semester in college.)

Wellll… in that case, we best stop in at jenne and ceayr’s weakly ‘hop, the Unicorn Challenge.


“It’s nearly midnight, Seth.”

The woman stood in the gazebo and looked down from the small, memorial park above on the village circle. Despite growing up in the peculiarly tribal culture found on islands, when the choice was presented to her as an adult to spend the War Years there with her children, she did not hesitate.

Walking down the path, the woman chose an arc that would be the shortest relative to the boy on his circular journey. The boy’s course was marked by the near-actinic glare of his cellphone light as he followed the outer arc of the sidewalk; past shops and stores, crossing the alleys and lanes that divided the circular town.

The boy, in the way as familiar as her hand, began to speak without the slightest preamble, “This GPT-4 app, if allowed access to sufficient similar material will create a virtual extension of any story.”

The boy began walking again, following the light of his video app.  In his left hand, the handle of a vintage Radio Flyer, in the wagon a very old dog.

“Seth, the vet said Nema was healthy but old. Nothing can be done.”

The boy resumed his counter-clockwise journey, “But thats what the app is for! If I could let it see everything Nema has seen, then, even if only virtual…?”

The mother nodded, fell into step with the boy and the dog as they sought to gather the past to create a future.




TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop

To be more precise, this is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop

Being a bloghop, this current edition of this weekly ‘hop, puts us about halfway through the annual cycle.

(Pro-Tip: If I were a counting-Narrator, I’d be smilin’ all, “Damn. This intro’s like four Grats already. How hard can this be?”)

(Hey, Readers! Do a hypo-youthful blogger a solid? Somewheres in the list below is an item (suitably expressed in the lingua gratiarum of a weekly grat exercise) will be a description of a scene: ‘A young man, a slightly older girl and a dog walk down to the merry-go-round in their seaside community around midnight and…’ anything about these three you might want to say? I would be very… well, you know.)

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop

5( so, we participate in a bloghop, the Unicorn Challenge (created by SSC&B alum jenne and one-half-Tasmanian-devil-one-third-human-whoopee-cushion, ceayr) and, even though this is one of those Doctrine, following the Doctrine conferred advice: ‘You can only improve by interacting with your betters (story-telling-wise, of course!). But, as a clark we’re are nothing if not possessed of a subversive streak a college-protest-wide, so why not ask Readers for help?

Readers? We’d be, like two Grat Items grateful if’n you’d write whatever came to mind when you read the story-question posed in the intro to this post (you know, the one about ‘a young man, a slightly older girl and a dog walk into a scene…’)

6) Update: Weird-assed door flower:


7) (this space deliberately left blank) so we can cover ourselfs if any Reader takes us up on the request for plot ideas for the ‘corn Challenge:

8) Hey! You’ve all heard of the Six Sentence Café & Bistro, right? (early post: here) Well, Tom (the short-order cook and all-around chaos-sower) was pretty active this week. Check it out. (Want an invite? I’d say Nick or Chris or Mimi would be your best shot at gettin’ one.) (But you didn’t hear it from us, capisché?)

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3







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One-K Friday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Back with a one-off for jenne and ceayr’s weakly ‘hop, the Unicorn Challenge.

This week we confront the age-old conundrum: if you’re standing in a forest, where are the trees?



The man walked tentatively along the abandoned cart path and entered the grove of trees. Shielded from prying eyes by the trunks of an odd variety of mostly deciduous trees, he scrutinized the base of each gnarled trunk. His posture was well-suited to this endeavor, shoulders sloped into lifelong hunch, long hair shading his eyes, clothing from the House of Goodwill collection spoke of a life of unrealized potential.

Simon Létrange sat, rather awkwardly, and leaned against the trunk of a tree not that different from all the others. Once settled on the ground, he began to talk to himself. It was of a volume clearly a compromise between society’s admonition against such antisocial behavior and his need to hear another voice, even if it was his own.

“It is empirically valid that many otherwise intelligent people lack the ability to distinguish the forest from the trees. By extension, this peculiar twist, in otherwise normal perception should be valid in the converse. Few people viewing the old woman/young girl optical illusion will panic at their struggle to see one or another. If, as the Old Books describe the grove here as having the power, if one bold enough to surrender the cold comfort of conformity, to enable me to apply the reverse of this principle on the world at large.


“And now a man everyone knows, the man who will lead the Party to victory! Simon…”



