clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 20 clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 20

Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [a Café Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise, ruled by a single rule: To use the prompt word and keep it to six sentences in length.

The prompt word:


“Have you seen Hunga?”

The tall, thin man emerged from the seemingly permanent darkness that filled the hallway at the end of the bar, on the right-hand wall farthest, in a straight line, (one of only a few), from the entrance of the Six Sentence Café & Bistro.

The Sophomore, sitting at what he hoped suggested a totally random choice of tables in the empty Café, put down his copy of ‘In and Out the Garbage Pail’ and nodded towards the double swinging doors that interrupted the rows of liquor bottles running behind the bar, “I saw him, a few minutes ago, headed towards the kitchen, probably to help Tom prep for the lunchtime crowd.”

“Where are you going?”

Holding up his left arm, draped with what appeared to be fifty eight-and-a-half by eleven sheets of paper, the Proprietor shrugged and smiled, “At four-forty-four this morning, my first thoughts did rhyme: ‘The spoken word reflects the past, it reads from a written script, the future lies in our thoughts if a desired reality we are to slip; print the flyers, tell all who might read, a poetry slam next week this Café does need’.”

“Sophomore to surprisingly old Proprietor… there is something called the internet and valet is not quite the right word, for the service I might offer; I’ll get us a stapler and join you, the better to inform those of next week’s event,” the young man with the old eyes stood and as the two men walked past the bar, called out, “Tom, Hunga, we’ll be back by noon”.



Toos-day -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Let’s get started.

Full Disclosure: that should be ‘Let’s get re-started’.

The Wakefield Doctrine is a perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up. As a perspective, the only requirement is to be able (and willing) to accept that the world being experienced by a another person is, in all likelihood ,to a small, but quite real degree…different.

At the heart of our little personality theory is the relationship between the world and the individual.

And, seeing how you, the Reader, are obviously possessed of a certain flexible intellect, to this description we will elaborate: the perspective afforded by the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine is concerned with ‘how a person relates themselves to the world around them and the people who make it up’.

There we go! Simple(st) of descriptions of the Wakefield Doctrine.

Seeing how we’re on such a roll and the keys on the keyboard are rising to meet our fingers. (lol … Old Irish blessing originated during the Great alphabet Famine of 1654), lets look at the three perspectives (relationships) of the Wakefield Doctrine:

  1. the Outsider (clarks)
  2. the Predator (scotts)
  3. the Herd Members (rogers)

We are, all of us, born with the potential to relate to the world as one (and only one) of these three. However, we never lose the capability to relate to the world as do ‘the other two’. These potentials are referred to as secondary and tertiary aspects. If significant enough, it will make a scott appear rogerian, (at times, in certain circumstances) or, in our case, a clark act like a scott (at times and in certain circumstances).

This, (the effect of a significant secondary aspect), often leads to confusion among New Readers. Maybe they catch a roger sounding thoughtful to the point of empathizing or a clark being… pushy and in-any-available-face).

The cool thing about the Doctrine, especially for New Readers who are often overly-concerned with 1) ‘getting it right’ in the ‘which of the three are they’ challenge or b) determining their own predominant worldview, is that you can’t get this thing wrong.


If you study the principles and learn the characteristics of each of the three, you will always, eventually, come back to the ‘true’ worldview. Thats because these personality types? They’re relationships not an aggregate of descriptions, total points on a questionnaire, the sum of an objective assessment that places a person (or you) in a category. One of three personality types indicated.

It, as we said at the top of this post, (for you speed-reading aka skimming-texts clarks out there), is all about: thinking how a person might deal with any situation/ what the person’s actions would likely be in response to/or how it feel to be….

(Our favorite ‘Pro-tip: Determining one’s predominant worldview: look at the person (or the mirror) and determine the ‘No fricken’ way’ (of the three). Now you have two. Side-by-each, like in the optometrist’s office, “How clear is this… Now, How about this?” The predominant worldview always ‘looks more in focus’. )


Enough for today.



RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Damn! Scant scraps for the dog-bowl-of-Content-that-is-a-Monday-morning-RePrint-post!

What’re we saying? lol

The reason there are so many Wakefield Doctrine posts is quite simple: The Wakefield Doctrine is, (an additional), perspective on the world around us, (you the Reader, we the (editorial) voice) and the people who make it up.

Hey! New Readers! Are you finding a couple of the choices of words a little… odd? (barump bump! Extra points to the new clarklike Reader). Take the line above. (What, no Henny? Finally a few less-than-pre-digital New Readers!)

ok, running out of time, as par for the course.

The standout-odd phrasing we’re referring to, (this morning), is the end of our fundamental assertion of the Doctrine being a perspective, (as opposed to: The Answer/The Truth/The Solution): “… world around us and the people who make it up“.

Thing of it is, if you’re inclined to come back here more than once, it’s more than likely, if you’re not a clark, you have a significant secondary clarklike aspect. And, if you have that, then you won’t react to the notion that reality is, to a small but significant degree, personal. And, if that’s true, then we’re all, kinda making it up as we go along. And…and! if that is also true, we can change what the world is, (the personal part we’re talking about, sorry no magic-flying-toasters or other crazy shit). Just the fact that we all tell everyone around us who and what (we believe) we are and, more critically, how we expect to be treated.* So, for you guys out there? Thanks for contributing to the existance of this here personality theory here. Let’s keep it up.

damn!1 We really are out of time.

(From the Year of Our Lord MMXII, the month of Octopi):

So a quick review of primary characteristics of clarks and scotts and rogers.

clarks: quiet, tend to mumble and are on the “brainy” side (not geeks who tend to be rogers) but clarks are the ones who are living in their own heads.  If you want to know about anything that normal people don’t have the time to learn about, clarks are the people you will go to… there is one in your life, close but you just haven’t noticed them.  clarklike females will dress from the “androgyny fashion collection” mix and mix, especially shoes… the clarklike males will be grey(with a splash of beige)  and have virtually no eye contact when speaking to you, which if they do, will consist of strings of incomplete sentences.

scotts: never stop moving, never stop talking, never fuckin stop…sports fans to a person…your scott is the one who introduces themselves whether they are entering a situation where they are the stranger or there is a stranger entering the setting where the scott  already is…when you move to a new place, the neighbor who comes to “welcome you to the neighborhood” that’s your scott…always helpful as long as “completing the task” is not the priority…scottian females…always attractive/seductive/commanding/demanding depending on the context, scottian males…always in charge…the person best described as “not always right but never uncertain…”

rogers: the most social and accommodating person you know, the roger is, in fact, most likely your family doctor, your family lawyer, your family accountant, emphasis on family…the person who knows the family history and insists that you come to the family reunion that’s your roger, the one who knows how many forks should be on which side of the plate…there’s your rogerian female…want to have a long conversation?…talk to a roger, they make it so easy to talk about yourself…the rogerian male will be well dressed and if you want to know if ascots and large briarwood pipes are still worn and/or smoked you will find the roger when you see either of them and if you want to imagine settling down and raising a family with a beautifully decorated home and be a member in all the right clubs and organisations…then a rogerian female will be near by.



* yeah, a little borrowed TA theory… congratulations, by the way, for being so old, but still remembering some of what you forgot you knew

  1. We really mean it this time.




TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s weekly contribution to the four-times-monthly bloghop, the Ten Things of Thankful, aka the TToT. Established in the early pre-Spring of 1989, this bloghop is the creation of Lizzi R. But that’s not important now* What we did want to contribute to this week’s ‘hop is the story of the beginning of the TToT

We will preface this story with the statement: ‘…as we recall the events’. Of course, New Readers can be forgiven for asking, ‘What do you mean, ‘As you recall it?’ Either you remember it or you don’t! (For those not strangers to our little personality theory, yeah, go ahead, indulge in a little pride in having an insight into the world around us and the people who make it up that is not, nor likely ever to be, of wide circulation. You’ve earned inclusion to this gathering**.)

Our contribution to the TToT (those people, places, things and waypoints in life that have elicited the state of gratitude for this week):

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) work/occupation/business being such (real estate brokerage) that allows me maximum discretion in the use of my time. Not always a good thing, never entirely a bad thing. Like most of life, I suspect.

5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop

6) (List Filler Alert!!! List Filler Alert!) Second to this bloghop, one of the elevated points in our virtual world week is the Six Sentence Story ‘hop and those who participate. (Which we will now provide a partial link-drop list: Mimi, D.Avery, Chris, Nick, Ford, Nicole, Keith, Frank, Carole ann, Liz,  Reena, Paul

7) Well, that was fairly labor-intensive. Seeing how currently our connectivity is somewhat diminished (not sure why or how) let’s give it up for the hostinae of this here bloghop here: Dyanne, Lisa, Kristi (host emerita) and Mimi

8) Friend of the Doctrine, Cynthia, of course.

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3  because life is made up of situations that, if we chose the path less satisfying, Rules can make easier, or failing that, more palatable



* ‘Airplane’, of course! We’ll be adding a compilation in the music vid below…

** what?!? who said ‘Kenneth Branagh doing the Eve of Saint Crispins Day speech?  comin’ right up, yo


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TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

That’s Bella! Phylis’s dog. (See grat 8)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Each week all are invited to write and share those experiences, encounters, recollections and passing-glimpses of times when the state of gratitude has touched one’s life and such. Being a ‘list format’ the standards kinda allow all sorts of expression.


1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine (sine qua non, yo …sine qua non)

4) the virtual world and it’s denizens, imaginary, (including, but not limited to projections-of-one’s-higher-form, manifestation-of-one’s-denials and reg’lar people what own a computer and have an fairly-insatiable curiosity) or shadow-forms of a higher existence

5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop

6) rain (as local precipitations is currently manifesting) as opposed to the more historically-correct frozen water, aka snow, given the time-of-year and latitude and such

7) spring draws near

8) Referential Grat: As I was alpha to Ola, Phyllis was alpha to Bella. It is one of the truly remarkable relationships between two lifeforms.

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3. From the Book of Secret Rules aka the Secret Book of Rules motto: “guiding and excusing well-intentioned, if not hypo-skilled writers-to-be since 1947 with standards and rules of style that are infinitely adaptable and hilariously vague”.


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