clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 18 clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 18

One-K Friday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Serious about improving my chops in the world of stories and imagination and, did we say ‘a Story involving a prompt word that is Two Hundred and Fifty words (or less) in length?’ (But then again, had I been realistic about my math ability, I might’ve saved a half of semester in college.)

Wellll… in that case, we best stop in at jenne and ceayr’s weakly ‘hop, the Unicorn Challenge.


“It’s nearly midnight, Seth.”

The woman stood in the gazebo and looked down from the small, memorial park above on the village circle. Despite growing up in the peculiarly tribal culture found on islands, when the choice was presented to her as an adult to spend the War Years there with her children, she did not hesitate.

Walking down the path, the woman chose an arc that would be the shortest relative to the boy on his circular journey. The boy’s course was marked by the near-actinic glare of his cellphone light as he followed the outer arc of the sidewalk; past shops and stores, crossing the alleys and lanes that divided the circular town.

The boy, in the way as familiar as her hand, began to speak without the slightest preamble, “This GPT-4 app, if allowed access to sufficient similar material will create a virtual extension of any story.”

The boy began walking again, following the light of his video app.  In his left hand, the handle of a vintage Radio Flyer, in the wagon a very old dog.

“Seth, the vet said Nema was healthy but old. Nothing can be done.”

The boy resumed his counter-clockwise journey, “But thats what the app is for! If I could let it see everything Nema has seen, then, even if only virtual…?”

The mother nodded, fell into step with the boy and the dog as they sought to gather the past to create a future.




TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop

To be more precise, this is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop

Being a bloghop, this current edition of this weekly ‘hop, puts us about halfway through the annual cycle.

(Pro-Tip: If I were a counting-Narrator, I’d be smilin’ all, “Damn. This intro’s like four Grats already. How hard can this be?”)

(Hey, Readers! Do a hypo-youthful blogger a solid? Somewheres in the list below is an item (suitably expressed in the lingua gratiarum of a weekly grat exercise) will be a description of a scene: ‘A young man, a slightly older girl and a dog walk down to the merry-go-round in their seaside community around midnight and…’ anything about these three you might want to say? I would be very… well, you know.)

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop

5( so, we participate in a bloghop, the Unicorn Challenge (created by SSC&B alum jenne and one-half-Tasmanian-devil-one-third-human-whoopee-cushion, ceayr) and, even though this is one of those Doctrine, following the Doctrine conferred advice: ‘You can only improve by interacting with your betters (story-telling-wise, of course!). But, as a clark we’re are nothing if not possessed of a subversive streak a college-protest-wide, so why not ask Readers for help?

Readers? We’d be, like two Grat Items grateful if’n you’d write whatever came to mind when you read the story-question posed in the intro to this post (you know, the one about ‘a young man, a slightly older girl and a dog walk into a scene…’)

6) Update: Weird-assed door flower:


7) (this space deliberately left blank) so we can cover ourselfs if any Reader takes us up on the request for plot ideas for the ‘corn Challenge:

8) Hey! You’ve all heard of the Six Sentence Café & Bistro, right? (early post: here) Well, Tom (the short-order cook and all-around chaos-sower) was pretty active this week. Check it out. (Want an invite? I’d say Nick or Chris or Mimi would be your best shot at gettin’ one.) (But you didn’t hear it from us, capisché?)

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3







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One-K Friday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Back with a one-off for jenne and ceayr’s weakly ‘hop, the Unicorn Challenge.

This week we confront the age-old conundrum: if you’re standing in a forest, where are the trees?



The man walked tentatively along the abandoned cart path and entered the grove of trees. Shielded from prying eyes by the trunks of an odd variety of mostly deciduous trees, he scrutinized the base of each gnarled trunk. His posture was well-suited to this endeavor, shoulders sloped into lifelong hunch, long hair shading his eyes, clothing from the House of Goodwill collection spoke of a life of unrealized potential.

Simon Létrange sat, rather awkwardly, and leaned against the trunk of a tree not that different from all the others. Once settled on the ground, he began to talk to himself. It was of a volume clearly a compromise between society’s admonition against such antisocial behavior and his need to hear another voice, even if it was his own.

“It is empirically valid that many otherwise intelligent people lack the ability to distinguish the forest from the trees. By extension, this peculiar twist, in otherwise normal perception should be valid in the converse. Few people viewing the old woman/young girl optical illusion will panic at their struggle to see one or another. If, as the Old Books describe the grove here as having the power, if one bold enough to surrender the cold comfort of conformity, to enable me to apply the reverse of this principle on the world at large.


“And now a man everyone knows, the man who will lead the Party to victory! Simon…”





TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s weekly contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop on this occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of the grat ‘hop that Lizzi created.

Very good thing. Very good writers. Very good benefits results from the practice, (manifested in these weekly posts) of appreciating the perspective of gratitude.

Like any good sitcom, come ratings week (or Summer doldrums) who doesn’t like a flashback?

1) First TToT:

June 2013

2) Thanks to our co-hostinae down through the years for keeping the quality in the Very Good/Mature Expression of perspective. (It’s not like the Titanic sank only because it hit an iceberg. Rumor has it the man-at-the-wheel had developed a bit of a pinball jones before the maiden voyage.)

3) Una, Bella and Ola

4) To bring in something personal to anniversary. I enjoyed the earliest days for two reasons: 1) how Lizzi actually started this here ‘hop here and b) the story of when I got to know Christine.

We met Lizzi in the comment streams and FB hangouts we frequented soon after starting the Doctrine blog. I immediately sensed her predominant worldview and naturally began to converse (in comment threads) like I knew her for years. Not long afterwards I got a comment from a Christine (from the Midwest, no less) and I smiled at the first sentence. “I saw your comment. What is your blog about. Lizzie is a friend of mine. It seems like your blog is about personality types. Did I mention I am a friend of Lizzi?‘ My smiled broadened as the perspective of the Wakefield Doctrine on the world around me and the people who make it up was, once again validated. (As you can see in the links of the reprints here, Christine was one of the original co-hostinae.)

I have the memory that, upon advice of a trusted friend, Lizzi started writing posts listing 50 things to feel grateful for. Yes, no! That’s not a typo. Fity items in a single list. And she did for quite some time. All before she became ‘the blog’ to be seen at among the virtual crowd I was tolerated by. Those were days when there were less comments per post than the eventual number of cohosts. That is Will. And one of the reasons, imo, there is still a TToT


September 2014

6) Phyllis and cottage

7) (The last reprint. We promise. Went looking for this one ’cause it’s almost entirely a vid post

July 2016

8) A thank you to Dyanne for keeping the lights on and a special thanks to Kristi for remindereing us of the one of the special qualities this ‘hop has through all these years.

9) Total grats to all the hostinae (and Mimi) down through the decade. Couldn’t wouldn’t have done it without you.  [And Lisa, ’cause being on WP, her link is the simplest path to join in the ‘hop.]

10) Secret Rule 1.3 “the approaching conclusion of the list, is a very valid Grat and is surely meant to be Number Ten

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TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop.

Reminder! Next Week’s TToT will be different from every other single TToT installment in a fundamental sense, beyond intellectual (or) emotional measure. Stop over at Kristi’s for the 911… 10-4… 411!? (Hint: it could be like every high school reunion you never actually attended… cause you know, that was in the past, I was someone entirely different back then, why would I want to wake those ghosts?”)

lol.  Fortunately for us and, in no small part accounting for the remarkable longevity, (not to mention continued vitality), this ‘hop has been hosted by some very talented writers and bloggers who, for reasons you’ll have to go to them directly for, the Doctrine has always been made to feel welcome, here, among the ‘real’ people.

1) Una

3) Phyllis

8) the Wakefield Doctrine

7) the upcoming blogoversary of the TToT

3) the lack of snow (Despite a thirty degree drop in temperature at the end of the week).

45) the liberal standards of conformance required for participation*

18) the time, work and effort on the part of Kristi in keeping a proper focus. anniversaristically-speaking

0) something, something

33) the Una garden (to the dismay of the local deer population, we have made the decision to surpass on the vegetable garden and go for the simple aesthetic of flowers and such)

10) the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules)

* see Grat 18

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