clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 16 clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 16

Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘testing…tephting…testing 1-banana-4 testing’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

FOTD Nick, in a comment yesterday (well, technically today but his location is somewhere in the East so, timezone-wise, it’s really anyone’s guess what time he hit ‘Send’)


Without the obvious jokes (as referenced in the title) what say we tipe some Doctrine wisdom and a tune and see what comes out the other end.

The Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not them.

clarks are crazy, scotts are stupid, rogers are dumb

There are three personality types in the Wakefield Doctrine. clarks(Outsiders), scotts(Predators) and rogers(Herd Members). These ‘personality types’ are characteristic (and enduring) styles of relationship one has with the world around us and the people who make it up. We settle into one, (and only one), at a very early age and begin the life-long process of learning how best to negotiate with life.

There are no lists of traits, schedules of tropisms or grids of emotional-orientationing in the Wakefield Doctrine. There are not tests or trials, challenges or stand-outside-until-we-let-you-in with this belief system.

The Doctrine is not a belief system, it is not an Answer, it is not even a rational (and productive question). It is a perspective. Which, if one were inclined to think about that, one might say, ‘Ya can’t have enough perspectives available to you, can one?’

You can’t get the Wakefield Doctrine wrong. It can’t be broken.

It might be misused. But, then again, it is known: ‘No one has the authority to tell anyone else what their predominant worldview is. At least not with any ‘color of authority’.  Which is not to say that we might enjoy speculating on the predominant worldviews of famous people in the interest in practicing the language.

The Wakefield Doctrine, by virtue of being a perspective, is best served by practice. Like the acquisition of fluency in any foreign language, the more you try to communicate using it, the better.

Warning: Once you attain the level of understanding of the Wakefield Doctrine sufficient to see the clarks, scotts and rogers in your world, there is a very good chance you will no longer be able to not see the clarks, scotts and rogers in your world.

Simplest test for predominant worldview: How much is 2 plus 2?


So! Tell us what this blog looks like!


music yo



Mmmonday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

so, how committed are we, (and, by direct inference, you, the Reader) to (in a borrow from a different alternate perspective) practicing the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine in all our affairs?

All set. Just needed to review some old posts to get my personality-type blog writing mind going. (You know, like those cool and horrifying chippers that professional tree service companies bring when someone in your neighborhood has a need for an arborist at six-in-the-morning? The cool thing is the power once the thing gets up to speed. The cooler thing is when, after converting a tree trunk into confetti, despite being slowed down by the task, the machine regains its roaring speed. Just to remind you of its the power to destroy.)

But enough about the Wakefield Doctrine, lets consider today’s RePrint and, we would ask, please click here to look at the photos of the two extant examples of Wakefield Doctrine apparel and let us know in the comments which design you believe would sell the best online.

Pro-Tip: Pick one person today to observe. It can be someone at work or in school or at one of however many places you must visit as part of your normal Monday routine. Depending on your level of confidence in your understanding of the characteristics of the three predominant worldviews (Outsider/clark, Predator/scott or Herd Member/roger) make the first elimination of the three possibilities. This is the ‘no-fricken’ way they’re a…’ stage. Immediately the person will seem to be, somehow, a combination of the remaining two. This is where the fun is. Put yourself in their shoes. Consider the relationship to the world they are exhibiting. Count pronouns. Look at their physical demeanor.    Yahtzee!

on with their hats

There is much to talk about but first, the fun of fashion, Doctrine Style. Envy the owners of the scottian heads that will soon be adorned by this fine hat.

A fine hat for your own damn scottian head.














Look on this, and feel the desire grow within your heart on behalf of your un-hatted head.  Pretty nice, you say?  Damn right is pretty nice.  Maybe even too nice!

The lucky two with these hats (Ms. AKH and Ms. Pixieblonde) are both fortunate and deserving of your envious thoughts, you should accept that you must earn such fashion.  There will be new opportunity for both Men and Women of the clarklike, scottian and rogerian varieties, to earn such  headcoverings.

Alright, enough with the hats already.  They have theirs and you can get yours if you really want to, but we are not here, writing this to sell hats.

We are here writing this to sell* the Wakefield Doctrine (aka the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers).
And by *sell we mean present to as many as qualified** people as possible the principles and practical applications*** of said Doctrine.
And by **qualified we mean  people who upon visiting this blog and reading it’s content are capable of loosening the grip of  dogma  enough to allow the overlay of the description of the world that the Doctrine offers.
And by ***principles and practical applications of the Doctrine, we mean  it offers an alternative, an adjunct to the way most of us interpret the actions, behaviors and intentions of the people we live and work and play with every day of our lives****.
And by****lives, we mean the increasingly rigid lens through which we not only perceive the world we exist in, but we also use  as the template which informs our experiences as we live our lives.

Let’s talk about practical applications (of the Doctrine)….the Doctrine  tells us that only one of the three (clarks, scotts and rogers) consider  a tool that is useful in altering themselves (and thereby their realities) to be a valuable thing.  In other words to change themselves.  You know who you are.
Another of the three will, if engaged sufficiently in the Wakefield Doctrine, consider the most valuable is as a tool to change others, changing the view that the world has of them.
Finally, the third (of the three) will view the Doctrine  as a tool, a weapon, to aid them in dealing with the hostile world they live in.

Tired?  Bored?  You want what?  Come on people, learn first then have fun.

(Alright…damn, I wonder if Rev Moon had to put up with this…alright…short break for you attention-span challenged Readers….I see you out there  scott.    Jeez,  try to bring the Secret of the Universe to the masses and what do you get…”More videos!!” and they are not even mine, if it wasn’t for the youtube we probably would have been shut down months ago.  OK  here you go…)  back to work…

(Free hat to the Reader who correctly identifies which of the three Ray was; to enter you  need to write a Comment at the bottom of this Post.  You must tell us which Ray is (clark, scott or roger) and why that is the case.  Free hat to the first 5 correct responses recieved by 4:00 pm Monday March 8th)

OK.  Back to work.

… lets get all Readers Digest on this thing.

  • clarks live inside their own heads because it’s all much better in there
  • clarks are the only (one of the three) to sincerely entertain the idea that it would be better to be someone else
  • clarks read a lot and to say that clarks daydream a lot is to totally go redundant
  • clarks work very hard at whatever they do but since we are bored very easily, do not do well at repetitive tasks
  • clarks are the creative one(s) of the three
  • clarks share, to a fault
  • clarks believe that if they work hard and help others unselfishly at some point they will no longer be different
  • ‘knowledge is power’ is a keystone concept to clarks

It can be said that clarks can believe anything and therefore believe in nothing. (If you know what that means, you are a clark).

yeah here too, lets get all Readers Digest on this thing.

  • scotts are leaders (because they are certain, not necessarily right, but certain).
  • scotts are self-confident/self-assured/certain (which is why, of course, they are the leaders)
  • scotts are emotional in a way different from rogers, it is for the moment emotion, not much grudge holding
  • in a band it is always a scott who is the ‘front man’, (see leader above)
  • at a party scotts will not hesitate to introduce themselves (to everyone)
  • for the most part, when confronted with a threat or other fear-generating situation, a scott will choose to attack rather than flee
  • scottian females can be ridiculously sexy or quick witted, hardly ever both.
  • (female) scotts can be spotted because they have prominent throat tendons (ask us why)

One of the most useful metaphors in the Wakefield Doctrine is: grouping (when you have more than one of each type, what do the characteristics tell us about the individual?) 

a group of scotts is a pack

you gotta like the form, its a fucking bullet list, but lets get all Readers Digest on this thing.

  • rogers are the friendly ones
  • rogers are the glue to whatever social fabric you might care to consider, civic, religious, scientific
  • rogers require rules and traditions, they are in fact the only ‘reason’ that history of human civilization has any continuity whatsoever
  • rogers are behind the creation or and perpetuation of virtually all human institutions, religious, civic, political whatever
  • rogers do not create, they maintain, they assemble, they are the machine operators
  • rogers are the engineers, accountants and physicians
  • rogers are the judges, the firefighters and high school teachers (except for gym teachers)
  • rogers believe in a quantifiable universe to such a depth that it is not seperable
  • when you are new to a neighborhood, rogers are the ones who come over to introduce themselves, and they will appear in a group ( herd), the scotts are the neighbors who always offer to help you with projects, scotts will feel comfortable asking to borrow and offering to lend things, but they will show up (at your house) alone.

Herds,  rogers be in herds…

Well, that is helpful, no?

Alright, we have covered a lot of ground.  No, there will be no questions from the floor, roger.  The eyes I see have a distinct glaze.

But in all seriousness, read this shit and look around you today, right now. Pick one person only and decide whether they are a clark, scott or roger. And keep checking their behavior against the Doctrine.  I guarentee that once you find one, the others will be much more obvious.  You will probably spot a roger first, but any of the three will do.  Personally, I think it would be easier and more fun to spend a little extra time and find your nearest clark. (The clarklike females are totally easy to spot).  Don’t bother with which of the three you are at this point.  Not important.  You just want to spot the clarks, and the scotts and the rogers around you.  Like one of those old puzzles in the back of kids magazines or Sunday supplements,  “Find the tigers in the jungle”; once you discern the first pattern, the rest jump out at you.

Now don’t think we don’t know that which of the three (clarks, scotts or rogers) you happen to be, will have an effect  on how you respond to this…but by virtue of the fact that you are still reading, still with us is proof that you have what it takes to apply the Doctrine in your own life.

Good luck, don’t forget the contest and don’t worry so much…



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Established in 1865 by a clark in the Scottish Highlands village of Achurtoes, nestled in the foothills of the Cairgorms Mountains of Scottland(lol). This area is famous for being the home of the precursor to a Downeast saying*, the locals would say, “You don’t have to stay but you need to leave all tha bóidheach example of Morion quartz where you found it.”

(Surely one of the best things about the internet is the amount of knowledge and information so readily available. I know a writer that, if we’ve totally piqued your curiosity about this land of funny place-names and a language that, were not most inhabitants one might encounter prone to… robust argument, lol, you could go ask him. C.E. Ayr  wrote a novel that is way geography-intense, which, for me is always fun, to have a story that roams a real world geography. Totally worth the buy ‘n read.

So for the people, places and things that we identify as inspiring a feeling (or, given we’re a clark, making the idea very clear) of gratitude for this week:

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the blogosphere. (like the biggest used-bookstore where your friends hang out at all times of the day)

5) speaking of the ‘sphere, besides this one, we participate in two other bloghops: Six Sentence Story and the Unicorn Challenge

6) Mimi (plus! I went to her Six Sentence Story a little late but got to read one of her weekly features dealing with humor)

7) Kristi (who I saw post a TToT … running behind but will totally get over there)

8) something, something

9) the concept that one can self-develop oneself to any degree one has the willingness (and imagination) to reach for and practice in gratitude is totally a helpful approach to changing our perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up.

10) Secret Rule 1.3

* “you can’t get there from here”





Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “where exactly is it written that a pop-quiz on a Monday morning is ‘unfair’?

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Consider today’s post as a Essay Question. We have a sense of the question that serves as the raison d’être of our little pop-quiz, unfortunately we do not, at this writing, quite remember the actual, sensible Answer.

So, in a sense, the Reader is the teacher, this grey Monday morning.

(Hint and encouragement: It was realized at the near-beginning of this blog that two types of Readers would frequent our little corner of the blogosphere. clarks, scotts-with-a-strong-secondary-clarklike-aspect and rogers-with-a-strong-secondary-clarklike-aspect. We used to say that if you came here more than one-and-a-half times then, if your predominant worldview wasn’t that of the Outsider, your secondary aspect was totally that of a clark.)

The reason is not important. Even as we typed our little encouragement, we remembered that, following Mimi’s comment last week, we resolved to discuss secondary and tertiary aspects, their character and nature in the practical application of the Wakefield Doctrine.

However, sometime between now and then… (oh, man! ‘between now and then’ it’s a lead-pipe cinch that among the clarks (and those cursed with a strong secondary clark) there was a sudden thrill, the rippling of the abdominals at the thought that we’d go examine ’em, the implications of that little expression.) But, sorry, today’s the theme is set.

What is the greatest weakness of each of the predominant worldviews?

This is Open Book. There is a time limit. The time limit is the measure of your determination*.


  • the Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not them
  • you cannot get the Doctrine wrong (any more than you can ‘get’ the relationships in your life ‘wrong’)
  • we all have the potential to relate to the world around us and the people who make it up as do all three
  • the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine are fun for everyone (i.e. there is absolutely no applying the perspective of the Doctrine to others with the intent to laugh, at least not without the un-coerced participation of the other (if’n they’re in the room with us, of course lol).

Pick up your Number 2 pencils.

  • Remember! Compare and Contrast


In keeping with our own barely-repressed, highly redacted, if not edited memories of classes during tests, we will make comments to no one in particular, engage in short conversation-sounding interaction with some and generally be distracting.

There will be blatant hints.

<No, Nick we did not forget the original question! Just write about your own perception of the Question> <Thank you, Denise, for the reminder. One of the basisisisis of this exercise comes from the early days. clarks (thinking Lizzie and Cynthia (neé Cyndi)) not only ‘got’ the Doctrine, they immediately began to extrapolate the principles> <Sorry, Mimi. If we tell you anymore, your little classmates might think you have an unfair advantage. Web of abuse, yo, web of abuse lol><Yes? Mr. Coyne Music? Since you asked so meekly, there is nothing in the Rules book against it.><Yes, Chris Open book does mean anywhere your computer leads, however, your camera drone must remain aimed at your own test booklet, *lol*>

Hint(s): What is the opposite of a strength? How does the individual relate themselves to that opposite. What action might/might not be effective? How would one feel, forced to accept it? What’s a predominant worldview to think? What’s the greatest existential threat perceived by the three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine?


* ‘determination’ we do not mean (your) determination to be right, to get the Right Answer** It simply offers a slightly objective measure of where you are in the learning process and, by that, meant to give us a sense of (or if) where we need to focus our attention

** ok, rogers get a little leeway in this regard but their Answers must be coherent to a set of standards available to any of the others engaging in today’s exercise



Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise, it offers a prompt word around which a story is requested. One rule: six sentenae*

Prompt word:


They arrived early this morning.

Flecks of ground pepper on a verdigris tablecloth, the grackles swooped over the lawn, a ravenous Tourette’s-afflicted cloud. Feathered appetite, they moved like the probability cloud that higher math tells us describes the path of electrons around the nucleus. Dark-winged extracts of invisible clouds, their wings made terrycloth-paddle sounds as they argued at each other with a ferocity louder than it should have been, given the fact that no dead bodies were left in their wake.

They called to a part of me that doesn’t need language, scorns rhetoric and is silent to reason; I felt the Seasons move, more massive than continents, more personal than an erotic daydream.

Summer took wing early this morning, just outside my window, deaf to my calling out to stay.

* Latin for sentenceseses

