the Wakefield Doctrine | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 55 the Wakefield Doctrine | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 55

RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

As is often the value of posting an old (but hopefully germane) post, lets go with the below and see/trust/hope that it stimulates/prompts/cheet-sheets some original content on this, the last Monday in March.

Damn! Ain’t that an emotional fricken’ claymore mine. We could wax philosophic on that little meta-gory but, lets not and insist we did.

Suffice to say, the dawn of hope is almost always from a cloudy night.

ayiiee! Dude! Dial down the poignant observation setting to something less than ‘Hey, it’s Monday’. All we need to do is put one foot in front of the other, not let too much blue* to show and be grateful at the end (is there ever an end to Mondays?!!) Sorry, Hold on to the thought that the day after Monday is almost always Tuesday.

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

It’s that time of the week, amigos! Tomorrow night  is Saturday Night Drive night!

For our newer Readers, the Wakefield Doctrine  Saturday Night Drive is a feature of this blog that you will find no where else!  Really! We are not lying to you. We are speaking the truth to you. But don’t just take our word for it! Lets use a chart to illustrate this fact, and as we all know, Charts Don’t Lie!

All those other blogs out there the Wakefield Doctrine
Quality of Format/Presentation From fair to very good …hey I write these things first thing in the morning, it’s only caffeine not amphetamine
Organization of content Sometimes they even have different fonts for headers, sub-topics even comic sans day, once in a while(Hey! They said headers  huh huh,…thank you scott)
Freshness and appeal of topics Usually very good, comprehensive analysis of subject matter … well, we got funny pictures
Originality Hardly ever (‘cept for Mel over at the Spatula) Step aside, we gots your originality,    right here!
Thought provoking Content …yawnnn ..did you say something? It’s the frickin theory of clarks, scotts and rogers, yo
Live call-in blog What? You do what? Nah…nobody does that! Saturday 8-8:45 EDST1-605-475-2200 (when prompted)  password 6660467 #
Do you really? Call-in? Live? Isn’t that against some blog law or something? Damn straight we do!
Who is on the line? Line? What line? This is a blog! I write this from my basement bedroom in my parents house, Damn Downsprings is who and even a Progenitor or two
You’re re joking, right? Yeah, you must be jokin No suh! True, it’s all true
Cost! It must Cost something to call? Jeez, I spent my allowance on HALO MVI (‘enemies in Study Hall”) Nada, nothing, free, no charge….dial ‘an smile!
Which is the best of blogs! Pass… Step right up!! Call in

You know what you have to do…if you are real interesting on the phone, we might vote you a Wakefield Doctrine hat (for your damn head).

(one more thing, just read an article that be sayin I should link Posts to Posts, like this link back to a February Post. let me know if it works).

Mr. B? some music, if you will…


* to ‘show too much blue’ is directed at those Readers who are clarks. It is a reference to an apocryphal sociology experiment in which they took one monkey from a happily functioning troop and painted it blue. And returned him/her to the group. You can imagine the result. (If you’re here more than three times, we know you can.) ‘Blue monkey’ is an affectionate term for clarks, when speaking of their acceptance by a Herd of rogers. (Affection, bordering on the shameful for the Outsider, not the Herd Members)


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

Created by Lizzi in the Autumn of 1940, it served both as anodyne to the stress of the nightly air raids and paradoxically, engendered an attitude of acceptance that was of primary benefit to the children huddled along the platforms of cold subway stations.

‘Out of trial comes insight’, A a wise woman once said. So, now, seventy-three years later, we participate in a weekly celebration of the people, places and things that engender the state of gratitude.

For the Wakefield Doctrine:

1. Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story  (this week’s Pic of the Six(sss) is: ‘Bank‘  by Yinglan

5) the Unicorn Challenge (this week’s ‘corn extraordinaire) is: ‘The Bethany‘  by Michael B Fishman

6) back to Arcactia* The bridge that was, has been assessed and the bridge to be, dreamt. You know, ‘as it was in the beginning…’ Psalm VIII (Coverdale’s Translation.) Wait…what??!!  He did translate both Old and New Testament? No. Way.  We have no choice. Secret Rule 1.3 subsection 69 insists that our benefit from discovering the ‘true’ David Coverdale must be manifested in video form!

7)  ed. ok, for any Readers out there not hailing from Y-Chromia (during the Mid-Adolescencia Era) we offer this alternative rendition of the author. (favored by Phyllis: Here I Go Again Magicians cut))

8) something, something

9) oh! yeah!   don’t forget to go to “…of Heroes and the MisUnderstood”  which is the serial story being co-authored by ours truly and Tom. You can read the whole thing. Don’t forget to Follow and Share and tell all yer friends to do the same. ya know?

10) Secret Rule 1.3

* imaginary land of struggling flowers and gripping cold

music vids






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ffff Freezday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Unseasonably cold in this part of Oceania, hence the clever title, which if combustible, would have already been busted up and thrown on the fire. (Metaphorically, of course… the clever, not the combustible)

this is the Wakefield Doctrine’s semi-weakly* contribution to jenne and ceayr‘s photo-prompt bloghop, the Unicorn Challenge.

Simple enough rules: Muse on the week’s photation and write a two hundred and fifty word (or less) story.

They say the world, as it appears at night, is reproval of the certainty with which we hold our assessment of the people, places and things that occupy us when the Sun rules all.

We stood and stared across the harbor.

To say we stood in silence would be as inadequate as a parent telling their child that someday they would grow up and be happy.

The mundane solidity of the second-hand car, it’s engine quietly ticking, the automotive equivalent of constrained groans of an octogenarian returning from the garden on an intoxicatingly-mild day, provided non-judgmental support as we leaned against the front fender.

The space between us, sipped at by secret inhalations as we tried to create the most neutral of settings for words that could do nothing but hurt, remained empty. The once carnal heat that flooded the space between us was now dark energy, forcing our worlds apart.

“I need to leave.”

The lights of the sailboats were at once pointed to an infinite ocean awash in stellar plankton and luminescent krill, while, their reflections were anchored to the earth, as if to remind the couple, still clinging together, there can be no parting that does not leave a hole behind.

“I know.”

The irresistible power of the Sun, when it reigns over the daylight world, lies in banishing darkness which can only survive into the following night if there is someone who is willing to hold it within, succoring it until the Sun retreats.


* sorry, any Doctrine TToT Readers, can’t say why I enjoy that weak pun as much as I do, but I be careful not to totally wear it out.


Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…of Heroes and the MisUnderstood” [Part 1.5]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is our contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise, governed by simple rule: ‘Do it in Six or don’t do it at all.’

Tom and I are writing a Serial Six Sentence Story: ‘…of Heroes and the MisUnderstood‘. (If you’re just starting, this link will provide the whole story.)

If you’ve been following along, here are Tom’s most recent, which serve as a lead-in: ‘Two Sides‘ and ‘Svikja‘.

Prompt word:


“If I hear, ‘It’s not a bad as it sounds’, one more fuckin’ time, it will be…for you,” Lou Ceasare pointed his cigarillo at the man standing next to his booth, that being nearest to the kitchen and the backstage dressing rooms, served as his office/boardroom; acutely aware of his employer’s business practices, the former owner of a Dark Web consulting company realized that reminding his boss that he was ‘only the messenger’ would do nothing other than hasten his demise.

Diane Tierney slid into the opposite side of the booth, nodded the grateful man away and spoke in a calm yet, somehow, commanding voice, “Lou, in all the years I’ve been hostess here, there’s never been a problem you couldn’t,” a smile teased the corners of her eyes, “solve”; and if you choose not to believe me, I’ve got a list of frustrated local and federal law enforcement professionals who will be surely testify to your innate ability to …problem-solve.”

Her eyes flared a shade of purple not yet proven to exist, and, a heartbeat later, the bartender dropped a glass, and the dancer who, at that moment was playing keep-away with a circle of light on stage in the strip club half of the building, broke a heel which was more serious than it sounds, it being one-half of her remaining costume.

“You can godamn well take that to the bank,” Lou laughed his crocodile laugh and the grey-blue bank of cigar smoke obscuring his face lifted, “I’m open to any suggestions that get my dancer and her bodyguard back in one piece, provided it don’t involve that rompicoglioni down in Miami; I regret trying to put Cyrus-fuckin-St. Loreto in my debt by agreeing to send Rue on a scouting expedition over in England, or Iceland or wherever the hell the company he needed espionaged.

“There is one resource,” Diane did something with her face, a look that Lou had witnessed stopping a hormone-and-gin drunk Superior Court judge from ending his career on the stage in his club; “But it’s worse than dealing with Cyrus and his Bernebau Company, it involves Anya Claireaux.”

This time, the bartender dropped a bottle of liquor and the dancer fell off the stage.


Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…of Heroes and the MisUnderstood” [Part 1.0]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is our contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise, governed by simple rule: ‘Do it in Six or don’t do it at all.’

Tom and I are writing a Serial Six Sentence Story: ‘…of Heroes and the MisUnderstood‘. (If you’re just starting, then this link will provide the whole story.)

If, however, you’ve been following along, here are Tom’s most recent, which serve as a lead-in: ‘Two Sides‘ and ‘Svikja‘.

Prompt word:


“Hey, doll, not for nothin’ but I’m pretty much a third-date-before-the-slings-and-trapeze come out, kinda guy,” I was doing my best to lighten up the not-so-funny turn of events as my former captive-chick snapped a final lock on the harness I let her put me in; she immediately waved up at the helicopter hovering in the dark-and-rainy night sky.

Getting hoisted into the sky at gun point wasn’t entirely without redeeming value, given the panoramic view I had of my recent crash-on-a-deserted-London street experience; I could see Rue being bundled into the front passenger seat by the guy who kinda seemed to set off the whole evening action sequence, but setting aside my growing resentment, I called down as he raced around the front of the SUV and the driver’s side door;

“Hey, Moonbeam, take good care of my friend there and, as my boss, Lou, has been known to advise, ‘When everything’s gone to hell, your best bet is to do the opposite of what your rational brain is telling you; it’ll surprise the other guy and chances are they’ll be aiming right where you’re not’.”

The guy gave me a ‘thumbs up’ like in some 1940s war movie; I couldn’t help but think that maybe, if I had rays coming out of my hands, I’d be kinda trying to fuck up the rocket launcher or the helicopter, you know, mess up their night too, but then thought, different strokes for different folks; I did manage a kind of salute, but by then they’d disappeared down the deserted street in the direction opposite the rocket launcher.

Turning my attention to my little Dom, I realized that after securing my harness, she went and climbed on my back with her left hand to a spare strap, like a subway rider but with an added personal touch of wrapping her legs around my waist.

“There is a God,” I laughed, twisting the harness in such a way that we were face-to-face; never one to underestimate the power of spontaneous romance in my never-ending effort to learn what it is a woman wants, but, as God is my witness, I’d swear I saw a corner of her mouth twist upwards.

My positive vibes disappeared as the helicopter started to bank in the direction opposite where Moonbeam had driven; all I could think was how Lou was gonna react when he got the news that I managed to let Rue get kidnapped right in front of me; it killed my mood faster than a bunch of parents showing up a day early for Parent/Student weekend at a coed college dorm.




