Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
Fun Saturday Night Call-in this weekend.
In attendance: Denise. Roger and Cynthia and yours truly. Topics as wide-ranging as you’d expect of three clarks and one roger. Actually, ‘careening’ is a verb that pushes its ownself to the front of the line marked: Descriptive Phrases Apply Here
Last week, we ended our ‘Wakefield Doctrine Posts (the Series!)’ with: ‘Tewesday‘
We did, this weekend, pose the question to our guests. The consensus: clarks. (as written in Cynthia’s original comment)
The ‘why’ of the consensus was interesting and, of course, enlightening.
New Readers? The thing about the Doctrine is, if you’re still reading and are thinking, “Interesting. Intriguing even, Where have I seen this before? ok, five more minutes moving up-and-down these untidy rows of ideas. descriptions of nearly familiar concpets and then, back to face the world out there.”
You’re probably a clark. (Or a scott or a roger with a very strong secondary clarklike aspect*)
* we, all of us, relate ourselfs to the world around us in one of three characteristic ‘styles’:
- as would an Outsider (clark) seeing the world as a separate place (‘the world out there’ in the comment to New Readers). We are certain that we missed the day all young children were given their membership papers and secret, invisible Real Person badges. Out of an excess of caution, we decide, (as young ‘uns), that our status as Outsider is best kept on the down-low, at least until we can figure out what it is we did not learn. Or worse, why they skipped on the invitation. About being a Real Person
- like a Predator (scott) living in a hostile, (but in no way a judgmental/personal/ad hominem way** Meant to be lived in, full of adventures, larger predators to contend with and plentiful prey to live on, the world is perfect
- in the manner of the Herd Member (roger) who was totally the first in line (in the reference to pre-pre-elementary education class, AP-level Sociability and Advancened Emotions-as-a-reality), the world is perfect.
ok, New Readers? Those who see in the three bullet points the indication of why we say that the Wakefield Doctrine is for clarks… you may leave early.
…no, wait, it was suggested Saturday that, with the clutter of our Fiction Writing, it might be useful to take advantage of the search function in this blog.
Optional Reading
at beach? here ya go
sitting out back on the the deck? don’t say we never gave you anything (to read)
** heh heh he wrote add hominem… ha ha