Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
Here we are again. The linear merry-go-round of the week brings up, (or, does it, in fact, bring to us), the last of the workdays. Friday.
Lets see what our Apperceptive Thematicians, jenne and ceayr have cooked up for us this Friday.
this is the Unicorn Challenge
“You do understand the fusion cycle of stars, do you not?”
The Inspector decided to interrupt the scientist. He’d been warned by the Dean of the Oxford School of Physics that a Noble Prize in astrophysics notwithstanding, Professor Liverly would’ve had a shelf full if they gave one for lecturing.
“Yes, but this, this occurrence is here on Earth. In Hyde Park if I’m not mistaken.”
Turning from the blackboard, the academician raised an eyebrow with the assumed authority of a symphony conductor, “As Above so Below, you have heard the expression?”
Not bothering waiting for an answer the man continued, turning a rhetorical corner with such force that, had there been any personal injury attorneys in the lecture hall, they’d have cheered.
“You’ve heard the tale of King Midas?”
“What does any of that have to do with geese and the human race?”
“Consider: at the heart of our Sun,” the man looked at the yellow dust on his fingers as if for the first time, “a process that, despite the scale of time, is a dead end road.”
The Chief Inspector felt a chill, “You’re not making sense, that’s nuclear fusion.”
“Imagine if, somehow, fusion manifested within living things, with their infinitesimally short time scale… atoms fuse and create heavier elements. But only until they reach a certain element. That element is iron. When our sun reaches tries to fuse iron, it dies.”
“The rusty swan the news reports are blaring on about? That is mankind’s future.”