Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 93 Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 93

All the Days are Fridays… -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Here we are again. The linear merry-go-round of the week brings up, (or, does it, in fact, bring to us), the last of the workdays. Friday.

Lets see what our Apperceptive Thematicians, jenne and ceayr have cooked up for us this Friday.

this is the Unicorn Challenge



“You do understand the fusion cycle of stars, do you not?”

The Inspector decided to interrupt the scientist. He’d been warned by the Dean of the Oxford School of Physics that a Noble Prize in astrophysics notwithstanding, Professor Liverly would’ve had a shelf full if they gave one for lecturing.

“Yes, but this, this occurrence is here on Earth. In Hyde Park if I’m not mistaken.”

Turning from the blackboard, the academician raised an eyebrow with the assumed authority of a symphony conductor, “As Above so Below, you have heard the expression?”

Not bothering waiting for an answer the man continued, turning a rhetorical corner with such force that, had there been any personal injury attorneys in the lecture hall, they’d have cheered.

“You’ve heard the tale of King Midas?”

“What does any of that have to do with geese and the human race?”

“Consider: at the heart of our Sun,” the man looked at the yellow dust on his fingers as if for the first time, “a process that, despite the scale of time, is a dead end road.”

The Chief Inspector felt a chill, “You’re not making sense, that’s nuclear fusion.”

“Imagine if, somehow, fusion manifested within living things, with their infinitesimally short time scale… atoms fuse and create heavier elements. But only until they reach a certain element.  That element is iron. When our sun reaches tries to fuse iron, it dies.”

“The rusty swan the news reports are blaring on about? That is mankind’s future.”



Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [a Rue DeNite Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is our contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise, guided by the simplest of rules: use the prompt word and tell a story in exactly six sentenceseses.

Story note: as we learned in last week’s Six, Rue is a stage name, not her real name,

Prompt word:


“Now, keep a strain on that bowline and I’ll kick the stern around ’til we’re clear of our bunkmate.”

Her father’s voice, although church-quiet as he prepared to free their boat from another that had tied up to them in the night, had a way of gently brushing her hair over her ear; it always made her feel like she could do anything.

The harbor was a mirror full of pleasure boats, the 5:00 am sun still behind the salt-scented gauze of fog preparing for the day ahead; standing on the bow, her hands on the line wrapped around the small-t of the bollard, Kasia felt the boat shift and then rotate stern-first outwards; her father jumped from their boat, the Elysium, to the dock to secure the boat that had blocked their departure.

“Good job,” the girl fought the urge to laugh, her oft-misunderstood way of reacting to a compliment was acceptable in grade school but that was now a month behind her; stepping down into the cockpit, breakwater approaching like a good-natured crocodile, she laughed anyway.

“You have the helm, Number One,” her father backed down through the hatchway and into the galley, the sounds of cups and coffee temporarily competing with the private burbling of the small auxiliary engine as the boat found it’s way out into the still mirror-flat sea, the uniform overcast-sky erased the horizon as her father returned topside.

“Your life is as this ocean, at this moment, limitless and accepting any course you chose to chart,” Kasia smiled and let her fingers trace flowing runes in the water as the boat headed East.



-the Wakefield Doctrine- (ok, a RePrint… we promise)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

We’ve promised a RePrint. But contemporaneous writing has elbowed them aside like a hungry scott in a high school cafeteria line. (And, come on, you remember! The lunch ladies all laughed. Them lunch ladies loved them some scotts cutting in line.)

Talk about your psychosocial ‘Lost World’ (1960) High School! A land that Time repressed! lol

(wait! We’re feeling a bit guilty* Nick and Mimi and Denise were kind enough to comment on yesterday’s exegesis re: Referential Authority (The Hunt for Artifacts!) It would be rude of us not to include (an) actual reprinted-’cause-we-already-wrote-it post. Seeing how tomorrow is Six Sentence Story day and then, Friday is ‘Is Unicorn a verb or an adjective‘ bloghop day.

We would be remiss, bigtime, if’n we don’t produce the thrice-promised post.

Here ya go (Thanks, guys)


‘the reality of worldviews and everyday life’ the Wakefield Doctrine (an effort to apply Molly’s Rule*)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

hey! Readers between the ages of  30 to 40 …quick!! what performers are the 18 to 20 year olds in college listening to right now, today?  …don’t laugh, ’41 to 60 y.o.s  what are the names of the three highest drawing live music acts that will bring out the 13 to 15 years old set?  ok, good, …don’t get too confident!  golf fans!!! yeah, you!! who is the current top seed male tennis player?  (hell, lets make it easy on the golf fans… hey! golfers!!! who recently deposed the (previous) top player on the LPGA?   …no, I didn’t think so.)

People sometimes have difficulty ‘getting’ the Wakefield Doctrine and the leading reason for this is the concept of worldview (aka personal reality).  The Doctrine is predicated on the notion that we all live in a reality that is personal. The ‘personality types’ of the Wakefield Doctrine are simply markers for the (characteristic) worldview that a given person grows up, develops and lives their lives in, day in and day out. Rather than ask you, the Reader, a series of questions and then seeing what category you fit in, the Wakefield Doctrine would have you try to infer how a person is ‘relating themself to the world around them. If you can do that, then you will know more about that person than they know about themselves. And the way we get to the point of being able to correctly infer the worldview of a person is by a thorough understanding of the characteristics of the three worldviews:

  1. the reality of the Outsider that results in a clarklike personality person, (…sitting invisibly next to you through 4 years of high school, dreaming of the chance of being normal and you expect him to believe that washing your hair is the only reason you can’t go to a fuckin football game… or giving the freshman rogers their first look at  MC Escher and Maxfield Parrish prints only to be left sitting there on the single bed with the macramé wall hangings and the ‘hang in there, baby’ poster taped to the cinderblock wall as he just about runs out of your dorm room because his girlfriend from high school decided she would entertain a further apology )
  2. the life of the Predator, who survives growing up in a world of Predator and Prey simply is that person (male orfemale… yay!! for the female…woohooo!! scottian women…. the stiletto  shoes industry bows before your plunging neckline…. and male scotts??  hell, how else was I ever expecting to end up in the Principals office/local police station/soldout concert in Boston with 3 dollars in gas and 40 minutes to get there?!?!  of the three personality types, who better knows that life is all about today?)
  3. the orderly, predictable, quantifiable and there-is-a-Right-way-to-do-things world of the Herd Member, rogersto the right of you and rogers to the left of you, they are all around, always, simply because the roger lives in the center of the herd….which herd? does not matter… why are they of the herd? didn’t you hear me? they are in the center of the herd, with rogers to the left and rogers to the right…what more do you need to know? male or female, they are there, wherever you go, unless you are stranded on a desert island and, you start to think, ‘well, I’m here alone stranded on a desert island, so I guess there are no rogers around’ and then you realize you are talking to a decorated coconut….and you are not alone)

ok…out of time today.  Molly’s Rule?  go ask her… here’s her Facebook page  (she’s a friend of the Doctrine and so, probably won’t have you blocked for stalking her…but you never know, better go ahead and tell her the Doctrine sent ya)


Don’t forget!!! tomorrow is Guest Post Thursday’s Weekly Once a Week Guest Post….Thursday   rogers!


*once we were talking about writing on one of the Saturday Night Drive calls…and I was asking the same old question: how to better get the Doctrine across to the Readers, and Molly, who knows her way around story writing said, ‘you don’t need to give them every possible fact or information, assume they are intelligent enough to get it and if they need more information, they can ask‘  (or words to that effect). I try to keep the Rule in mind, and sometimes even manage to apply it.



* yeah, right! guilty. kinda an appendix, inculcated social limiter when it comes to clarks. rogers? they totally feel guilt but it’s more often than not the exquiste sauce on the banquet of life’s multi-course meal and.. scotts? the ketchup on the side of the mouth resulting from ‘burgers-on-the-run’ to be swiped with a forearm as they head to their next adventure




Et-Tuesday? -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Damn! Forgot to post the RePrint yesterday.

Here ya go*


* of course, today being a different present from yesterday. e.g. pre-present, we’ll simply have to find another reference point to search randomly.

That’s it!

Referential Authority.

One of the coolest moments in modern Doctrine development. Starting in 2009, it was an exciting time of discovery and exhibition. Like a room full of LPs in unlabeled cardboard boxes, or those 1950’s illustration of nuclear fission, where the non-Superman, clark kent-looking guy tosses a ping pong ball into a room that, while otherwise devoid of furnishings, has, like a zillion mouse traps covering the floor. ‘Look, kids! Isn’t nuclear fission cool’?


(Insider Insight: the posts here at the Wakefield Doctrine pretty much write themselves. But the early years were, like, ‘Damn! You know, you’re right! Those are good examplae of clarklike, scottian or rogerian behavior”.)

I was a wonderful time of discovery as well as teaching and examplifying**

But, being on the second half of the morning writing time, let’s make a long parable, short.

We decided to write posts that describe a semi-real life situation, (a restaurant) and offer the Reader of a choice of three ‘endings’. These alternate conclusions would infer behavior on the basis of a ‘character’s’ predominant worldview. In one of the first of this series, we had a girl go to the restaurant for a job interview. At noon. During the lunchtime rush. The storyette opens as she is acknowledged by the owner/interviewer and by the waitress. That she needs to wait, as they are clearly backed-up, is established.

Despite the rush subsiding, the lone waitress is clearly falling behind and a growing percentage of tables remain un-cleared. The ‘hook’ for the story is to present three ‘endings’. The three would, of course, represent action according to personality type.

One of the endings: the girl, seeing the waitress being overwhelmed, gets up and begins to clear tables.


Two words: the rogers went nuts! The Readers, at least those who were Herd Members reacted with such vehemence, ‘She can’t do that!! She doesn’t work there. What the hell!!’ was the response with unanimity.

They meant it.

And, we’re, like, “Wait a minute… you’re serious. The interviewee demonstrating her willingness to work, not to mention be helpful, this is bad?”

And they’re, to a roger, “But she doesn’t work there yet, does she?!?!”

And, a purely serendiptious bathtub suddenly lights up: Referential Authority.

rogers, in experiencing the world as being quantifiable and knowable (or, at very least, learnable), require people to obey the Rules. And, since there is no official Book, there must be a control. A way of preventing, (or, at least hindering) the masses from taking the Rules of behavior into their own hands. ‘That’s not how it’s done here.’ ‘This is the Standard Operating Procedure. We all call it the bible’. (Said every HR manager to every new hire).

We had discovered an artifact of the world of the Herd Members. From beyond the range of extrapolation from primary characteristics. But then, we’ve been fortunate here at the Wakefield Doctrine. Insights are made available. All we have to do is practice seeing the world as the other person is experiencing it (all the time).

Benefit? Our fictional applicant did not have to beat-up on herself in (natural***) response to being berated by the over-worked waitress.


** not a ‘real’ word

*** one guess which of the three predominant worldviews she was.




RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Before we get to today’s Monday RePrint© lets return, ever-so-briefly, to the beginning-years of this blog.

[Full Disclosure: we tried to find an old post that had, at minimum, a formulaic relationship to today, i.e. 07/10/2017 or 07/10/2013 but … nothin’. Well, one had something, but it was deemed too anachronistic or excessively topical. So we resorted to the scientific approach: spin the wheel, (of post-published-dates), and below, if we have time, is the result.)

Where were we?

oh, yeah

You know what we remember as being a part of the fun of the earliest of posts? No, not realizing that our skill-level in the writing was abysmal. For that there is a simple strategy for clarks, provided the Will is there to continue, to not give up, to not succumb to the pressure of avoidance of scrutiny. (Which, if you are wondering about ‘the deal with clarks (Outsiders) and scrutiny we wrote a brief, little post HERE)


Hey! Did you realize that you, the Reader, are living in a Perfect World’?

yep, sure are.

You have things to do today, right? Well, if you were reading the day’s Wakefield Doctrine on this Monday morning, say, in 2017 or 2013, we might have made the statement: ‘Everyone works as hard as everyone else does at their job/work/school/homemaking/etc

And… and! we were quite sincere in these statements. With the meaning intended, (almost), literally.

Well. Out goal today is to write/RePrint something about the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine that, if read and comprehended, would get you, the Reader, closer to enjoying the benefits of this here personality theory here. In part, we’re referring to the statement: With the use of the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine you will be in the position to: know more about the other person than they know about themselves.

Bold claim?

Yes. Yes, it is.

But, since we’ve begun typing, we’ve embedded in our, if-only-we-could-write-like-a-roger post, several interesting discussion points (about the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers). The challenge, an unavoidable cost of taking the SOC*, is remembering the surely fascinating side roads we marked.

Better bullet-point them before they get too far in the rearview mirror. (Not in order or sequence to original post)

  • you remember ‘the Everything Rule’ right? My reference: if-only-we-could-write-like-a-roger is to illustrate the fact that, even though there is nothing exclusive to one personality type and not the other two, there are some things that one (predominant worldview) can do ‘better’ than the others. In this case: writing (popular fiction). rogers have a way with the written word that we used to refer to as consisting of smooth, well-rounded words. (Look only as far as your favorite commercially-successful fiction writer. No, we’re not going to tell you which author is a roger (or clark or scott). You can figure it out. You have the tools.
  • at the top of this post we referred to: “... a simple strategy for clarks, provided the Will is there to continue, to not give up, to not succumb to the pressure of avoidance of scrutiny“. lol  When in doubt about proper rules of grammar and/or rhetoric? Wordify the hell out of it. (Making up words ‘that should exist’ is the clarklike equivalent of the rogerian expression. Not as funny, but just as aggressive.)
  • the provocative statements? We totally stand behind them. Of course, this requires the Reader to accept the notion that we go about our lives in a reality that is, to a small but nevertheless significant degree, personal.

outa time.

Sure, we can post a music vid that’s related*

*to the posts that we didn’t reprint… ha ha


