Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 86 Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 86

Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [a (Kasia and Michael/Rue DeNite & Rocco) Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise, it offers a prompt word around which a story of a mere six sentence is requested.

[Editor’s Note: Of late we’ve been challenging ourselfs to write a Six Sentence Story in only six short sentences. Not critical of anyone, (or ourselfs, for that matter); we will surely continue to celebrate the unbridled liberty offered by the use of feral semi-colons. However, we’re liking this new fictional couple, Rue DeNite and Rocco and thought to spend some time with them after their sucessful mission to Miami on behalf of their employer, Lou Ceasare.]

Prompt word:


“No, really.”

“Swear to God.”

“I grew up in the southern part of the state and was a Double-Hormone Threat: Class Valedictorian and a three-sport letterman in my Senior year, almost got to be Yearbook editor, but had to have a tooth extracted the day of elections.”

Rocco slowed the car from, ‘Stolen-on-a-whim‘ down to ‘Rental-with-a-significant-deductible‘ miles-per-hour and took the exit at a speed that reminded Rue why God invented convertible sports cars.

Pulling herself back into the open car, Kasia smiled from behind a light-brown curtain of wind-coiffed hair, “But ‘Hobbomock‘ High School, dude, even for New England, that’s gotta be a made-up name; that or conqueror’s guilt is finally getting to the minds of the Town Fathers.”

Michael’s laughter, boisterous enough to stimulate the drive-up box at the McDonalds at the traffic light into asking, “What can I get for you?” created a small, moving and self-contained happiness that Rue DeNite had forgotten she’d once taken for granted.





Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise, it offers a prompt word around which a story is requested. One rule: six sentenae*

Prompt word:


They arrived early this morning.

Flecks of ground pepper on a verdigris tablecloth, the grackles swooped over the lawn, a ravenous Tourette’s-afflicted cloud. Feathered appetite, they moved like the probability cloud that higher math tells us describes the path of electrons around the nucleus. Dark-winged extracts of invisible clouds, their wings made terrycloth-paddle sounds as they argued at each other with a ferocity louder than it should have been, given the fact that no dead bodies were left in their wake.

They called to a part of me that doesn’t need language, scorns rhetoric and is silent to reason; I felt the Seasons move, more massive than continents, more personal than an erotic daydream.

Summer took wing early this morning, just outside my window, deaf to my calling out to stay.

* Latin for sentenceseses



Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- Part Next

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

As promised, the follow-up to yesterday’s post

As to the language describing the core Doctrine concepts, has it changed over time? If so: Compare and Contrast

Once again a Reader has offered, (consciously or not), the suggestion of a perspective that, while not directly bearing on today’s stated theme, is one that offers perhaps an even more interesting look-see at this here Doctrine, here.*

Mimi’s Comment to yesterday’s Post:

All things being equal, perhaps they are about equal.

Yes, in the everyday sense. All (three) have strengths, weaknesses and ‘omg-you-can’t-be-serious?!?!! or ‘that’s what you think/how you’d act/the way you feel!??!’

(lol) We all have our own experiences with the more outlying behaviors of ‘the other two’ personality types in our lives. And, even if we can’t see it in our ownselfs, if lucky we afford ourselves of the opportunity to witness another person who shares our predominant worldview doing something that is total ‘wtf’?**

That said, we’ll take Mimi’s ‘the three are equal’ and raise her the admittedly less obvious, but definitely worth the stretch, view that the three predominant worldviews are one fractured whole person.

The (unstated) goal of the application of the perspective made available by applying the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine (out-of-breath-emoji here) is take advantage of the strengths of ‘the other two’ predominant worldviews. And, before you say it, as a personality theory, we recognize that it is not practical to think one can simply decided to ‘be a roger‘ or ‘go at them like a scott1.

Well, not quite.

From the very beginning of this theory of clarks, scotts and rogers there is the belief that while we may not have grown up relating to the world around us a(n) Outsider (clark), Predator (scott) or Herd Member (roger) we did, and still do, have the potential. The innate ability. Whatever the cool wordification for the capacity to act in a given circumstance.

Ok… too clarklike in our writing. (There! See?!?! Just Demonstrated the rogerian ‘honest, self-crit’ of my public behavior here. And… Hey! This is kinda fun! Lets go steal a car!!)



* New Readers? There’s a reason we recommend reading as many old posts as possible. It is beyond our ability (and focus) to present a totally comprehensive list of characteristic behavior/responses of all three predominant worldviews. (Bonus note: we just said ‘behavior/responses. That choice of verbs over nouns would allow a determined enough person to, dare I say it, reconstruct the entire Wakefield Doctrine. Being focused on relationships (to the world around us and the people who make it up) we did not say: traits and tropisms. But that’s not important now.) What we were about to say regarding the choice of words in the introduction above is that our choice of words were indicative of a clark, finding themselves lacking the succinct and eloquent words to complete the sentence, choosing to indulge in what we probably (and, mind you, a certain pride), pidgin intelligence.

** and surely this experience is the most difficult. to get ourselves to the point of being able to observe, appreciate and identify with another person of our own predominant worldview. Which is, of course, the ‘point’ of this post.

  1. extra credit to whoever shouted, “What about secondary and tertiary aspects, huh? What about. them! ‘nother post yo. But, seeing how you brought it up, what say you Comment the thesis and we’ll see what we can do.



RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

A fine hat for your own damn scottian head.


Sure! One of our favorite ‘bands’ is Pompaloose they do this mash-up thing so damn well.

Almost any Reader would not be remiss for suggesting the idea of a post mashup. In theory, all posts should have a level of internal congruency despite the passage of time. Other than, of course, the level of skill/sophistication of writing. Plus a few developments in understanding our little personality theory: the Everything Rule, Referential Authority and the general shift from relying entirely on defining the predominant worldviews as personal reality; rather, to simply describing them as the characteristic way ‘we relate ourselves to the world around us and the people who make it up‘.*

(As early/old a post as possible)

who are these people?

With a basic understanding of the characteristics of each group (clarks, scotts and rogers), anyonecan understand everyone else!  You will know how those around you will  act in virtually any situation. Finally you can understand what has never made sense to you about the people you work with, live with and/or are friends with. The answer to the question, ‘Why on earth would you do that/say that/feel that way?’The three  ways of perceiving the world are referred to as: clarks, scotts and rogers. We all begin life with the potential of all three types. At some point we become predominantly one.

The Wakefield Doctrine is based on the premise that  behavior is a response to  perception (of the world). That we choose how to perceive the world means that we acquire a characteristic way of seeing the world and that leads to characteristic behavior.

We become clarks, scotts or rogers.


If you are a first time visitor, above is an outline of the ‘purpose’ of this site. (Despite the title, please avoid the ‘FAQ’ page and the ‘So, Which Am I?’ page, until you get a sense of what this Wakefield Doctrine nonsense is all about.)

(quick intro…)

A clark is the person you have to make an effort to notice. In high school the clark is not clearly of one group or another. Not popular, not a jock, not a geek, not a hippie not one of those who seem to always be standing next to their cars in the student parking lot. In a workplace environment same thing happens, the clark is seen in any setting but is not a part of any of the normally identifiable groups. The thing about clarks is that they will be seen at one time or another in all of these groups! Not as a member, but apparently a part of whatever the particular situation is; clarks will be found in association with the ‘leader/alpha’ of whatever clique or social group. But only in a ‘situational’ sense, definitely not a member of that group.

A scott is the person you can’t not notice. In high school the scott is the class clown or leading hoodlum or the captain of the sports team or the head cheerleader. The scott is popular, the entertainer, the joke teller. In a workplace environment they are also the leaders, but limited by the extent of organizational complexity, white collar or blue collar the scott will lead as a pack leader. Scotts are not good managers, they require a great deal of freedom and latitude. A scott might be a ceo or an owner, but only if it is ‘all his’. Truly an example of a ‘cult of personality’.

A roger is/are the masses. The people who make up the circle around a high school fight, the people who know what you did last weekend and tell the other people at the office. In a workplace environment rogers are the middle managers or that person in charge of supplies that has always been there and insists that they follow the rules (always refers to it as ‘I call this the bible’ lowercase).  Rogers are the members of the cheer leader’s squad, the football team. Rogers are the crowd, the mob, the congregation, anywhere there are people with a common interest, most of the members will be rogers. They form the social fabric in every society.

So, hopefully your curiosity is piqued. Look around the site, look around where ever you are and you will them.


P.S. Given that this is a new site, there is a better than even chance that you are a clark. (and, yes, I know you have a system like this with different words etc).


Hey! Tough month for content, that August. Went through ’em all, couldn’t find a post what sounded congruent to the above (post).

On a personal note** Looks like the rate of posting is currently on par with the early years. hunh.

Lets close-out with some sort of point/lesson/morel1


what? damn! you’re correct, the next topic should be a contrast, ‘as in the intro to olden essay question: ‘Compare and Contrast’

will get right on it! See ya tomorrow. (which provides the music vid.)


* if this reprint doesn’t pan out, this would make a legit topic for today’s post, i.e. ‘Which is more useful: Personal Reality or Relationship?’

** yeah, right!***

*** well, as we type it, we suspect that this particular self-dep joke has less force than one might assume (assuming one’s current self-image is accurate and not chaotically-anachronistic along predominant worldview patterns)

  1. ha ha



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- “Nothing says ‘Summer’ (for old people) like ‘reruns’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop on it’s One Hundred sixty-third anniversary! Long a beacon for those of us with an abiding interest in: self-improving ourselfs, finding other bloggers of like-mind and making sure we don’t lose writing-momentum. (This last is, actually, kind’ve a real thing. Taking time off from this admittedly odd pastime/avocation involves a very real risk of not returning. Not that that is a bad thing. Only if it was not intended.

[ed. damn! found the TToT post I was looking for…on the first try! from the beginning. the links actually, still kinda work!]

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story

5) Mimi (who, if you want to get a laugh, visit her site, not sure which day, and I won’t link into it (the humor feature but it’s a regional humor thing. up here in New England there’s an old, old act called ‘Burt and I’ so I guess every region (at least those with a strong culture or mix of cultural influences) seem to have them.

6) hey! we should do the Summer Re-Run thing and count (it) as 6-8!

Re-Run TToT from August Two-thousand Thirteen! (a vid ‘oT to boot!)

‘… the Top Ten Ts of T for the 11th Week!’ the Wakefield Doctrine (well, if you must know, for a lot of different reasons!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)I am ‘happy’ to have another Post to contribute to the Ten Things of Thankful  bloghop. Created by Considerer with the aid, support, encouragement and participation of Christine and them, this is not your typical bloghop. While there is nothing wrong with the ‘typical’ bloghops (I participate in the Twisted MixTape Tuesday run by Jen (My Skewed View) and Kristi (Finding Ninee)  and Finish The Sentence Friday  Janine ( ‘mommyholic) and Kate (‘bottle of Whine) and Stephanie (‘for Real) and Kristi.

What makes our TToT different is that it is a true ‘weekend blog hop’. By that I simply mean that it starts this morning and ends tomorrow night. If you want to participate you can do so at any time this weekend…and (here’s the difference) people come and read and Comment throughout the weekend, so if you have trouble today (I am a great example, I have to work today, so I’ll get this Post in and read who ever is around…later in the middle of the day, I’ll pop in and see what’s going on…then the end of the day and so on). And… Comments? that’s a little different here too!  Jump in anywhere we totally believe in cross commenting. So… I think I have put this off as long as I can… my List of Ten Things:

(…yeah, I know!)

(too late to quit now!)

(…lets wrap this up!)


Ok… I had fun doing this…. (did someone just imply that they were….?)

Number 10 I am grateful that I am able to submit the above as my TToT of this Week.

We’re here all weekend (‘try the veal’) Be sure to tip your Waitress… and Comment (‘dammit! Jim  I’m a Wakefield Doctrine writer, not a videographer!)

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3


music vids



