Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 86 Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 86

Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Why do clarks always (seem) to hedge-their-bets/hold-back/not-embrace-the-present/pay-the-price-but-leave-their-purchase-at-the-fufilment-center*.

The answer is at the heart of why clarks (and scotts/rogers with way too much secondary clarklike aspects) enjoy the Wakefield Doctrine.

The answer** lies in understanding the predominant worldview of the Outsider, aka clarks.

[Ran out of time. Need to work on Six. And go to work. Comments are always fun.]

* an actual word for the place you go (or used to go, pre-internet) in any sizable department store to gather up your purchase and toddle off home with a new portable entertainment center or Three-Speed SunBeam mixer

** we trust some of you have started waving your hands in the air like Prince and shouting ‘There are no Answers in the Doctrine!!’ ‘There are only additional perspectives… and, well ok, if you must, a few Rhetorical Questions, such as:

  • they say that clarks abhor being the center-of-attention, but will not tolerate being ignored
  • if they’re so curious, why don’t more clarks look into their tendency to procrastinate, at least on things that involve others
  • …what do you mean, ‘That last bullet point makes no sense?!’
  • of course it does… but, this post notwithstanding, the attitude remains: offer the tools to self-understanding yourself and let the Reader decide how to proceed
  • …no, we don’t think that this approach to what is, purportedly, at-least-in-part, a self-improvement system is a wee-bit on the laissezfaire
  • sure, and it might seem to some to be the equivalent to the Captain of the Titanic directing his crew to slide notes under the cabin doors of all the passengers informing them that ‘Skiing, rock-climbing and competitive Ice-Water-Swimming has been added to the ship’s athletic program…
  • no, we’re not goings to keep this up
  • yes, there is a coherent answer:
  • clarks, as Outsiders, tend to avoid accepting (things/people-who-seem-to-want-more/events that represent the culmination of a deliberate effort) because then others would be in a position to know us
  • …. we have to spell everything out?!?! ‘Know us without an allowance for a ‘makeup effort’ There is always something of a mystery about clarks and we are good with that because if everything is stated and we don’t measure up (to whatever standard) what’re we gonna do then?



(yeah, like Prince wasn’t no clark1)

  1. similar to Hendrix in the contrast between stage persona and… personal (at least in interviews and such). Even more (than Hendrix) in the contrast with lyrics and music…

Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘…ok, ok!. this time an actual/’real’ RePrint!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Of course, regular Readers know that the idea of posting an old Doctrine post is to prime the rhetorical pump, as opposed to merely to re-purpose old words, right?

Of course, as we type, the thought comes, ‘How can there be such a thing as an ‘old post?’ At least in the implied pejorative sense. And, the answer is, there is not. Since the core of the Wakefield Doctrine is the relationship (we have) with the world around us, then there can be ‘no getting it wrong’.

There are three characteristic relationships in the Doctrine and only three. Sometimes a person will come along and say, ‘Great system, but it needs one more personality type’.* Not to worry! Not only can you not get it wrong, you can’t break it.

Hey! Maybe we can find an old post that discusses one of the old standards: i.e. ‘the Wakefield Doctrine is gender, age and culture neutral’

(hold on….)

Well! We couldn’t quite find that, but we did find a post with bullet points!

A post from our second year online.

look no further! we have the answer you are searching for, provided of course, that the question you have is: How I can understand the behavior of others and better understand myself through a system comprised of only three personality types?

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers).

Please make yourself comfortable, feel free to browse through the Table of Contents (over there on the right) or just flip through these Posts. There is a lot of information to cover and not a lot of time. So in a nutshell, seedpod, or lunchbox the Wakefield Doctrine is:

a fun and useful way to understand yourself and other people, a “theory” of personality that is much, much more than all those other theories you read about. The Doctrine says, “hey, there are three personality types in the whole damn world”. You and the person next to you and the folks back home can be seen as being one of these 3 types. They are clarks, scotts and rogers. Figure out which the person is and you will know a whole bunch about them. Figure out which of the three you are and you will not only know a whole lot about yourself, but you will be able to change whatever things (about yourself) that you have been trying (unsuccessfully) to change.

Really.  It’s true.

Of course, there’s a lot more to it than that, but for that you have to read more of what we have to say. But to get you started we will say this, the Wakefield Doctrine is gender and culture neutral and if you find yourself saying, “Hey, Mr Wakefield, sometimes I’m one of those scotts and sometimes I feel like one of those roger people.” To you we say, “whats the matter with feeling like a clark?, huh?”  (oh yeah, clarks not do that “I feel like” shit, do they?)
Anyway, we would say, “Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine! You have all 3 personality types, of course, but you are mostly one of the three. Don’t worry about it.

Besides we like to think this Doctrine thing is a lot of fun. We might be talking about someone in the news and one of us will turn to the other and say, “Obama….what a roger!” or we might say to each other, “You know those Progressive Insurance commercials on TV? That Flo person, how much of a clark is she, huh?” So this is not just a website you go to and take a test and find out that your personality type is INTP/otter-with-malamute tendencies, hell no! We have fun because we see clarks and scotts and rogers out there in the world and they act just like the Wakefield Doctrine tells us they should act! And it’s getting like we don’t have to make any of this shit up anymore…the clarks and the scotts and the rogers prove that the theory is totally true. Try it your ownselfs!

Today I have copied a page out of the Table of Contents to show that the personality business is not all dry boring, reading stuff! Clearly we like to borrow stuff, here at the Doctrine. So it should not surprise anyone how we went an sort a used Jeff Foxworthy’s “you might be a redneck…” thing. But hey if it makes you laugh, then you will be learning the whole thing about which are clarks and which are scotts and which are rogers.

You immediately stop surfing the channels when you come upon a show that uses only black and white documentary photos and film…you might be a roger

You totally love Christmas lawn decorations and cannot imagine having too many lights… you might be a scott

You find a flier stuck under the windshield wiper of your car and you take the time to read it… you might be a clark.

You are asked a question and you start to answer with “in the beginning…”  you might be a clark.

You are addressed by the wrong name and you answer to it without correction… you might be a clark.

You are building model cars/ships/planes, you always put the extra parts  back in the box along with the re-folded instructions for future safekeeping…you might be a roger.

You think that Slacker was the greatest movie made in the 90s…you might be a clark

You think that Borat was one of the funniest movies of the year…you might be a scott

You think that the 107 episode,  Directors cut, 15 DVD un-abashed edition of the compilation (with Writers notes (including what he had for breakfast) and voice-over reading of the credits by someone who knew someone who was a re-enactor who actually got hurt at an event) of all Ken Burns films, PBS episodes and commercials that last longer than most readings of the Iliad is the greatest film of all time…you might be a roger

You have any inclination to wear hats for a fashion statement (for male rogers only) or a ‘fanny pack’ (either male or female rogers), or  any clothing designed specifically for riding a bicycle (branded or un-branded)…you might be a roger.

You happen to be at a golf tournament and feel that it is expected of the members of the gallery to yell anything (including but not limited to “get in the hole”)…you might be a scott.

You are contemplating a project of any sort; a new deck or a term paper, writing a resume or planting a garden and you:

…you look forward to making the list of things you need to buy/gather/acquire first more than anything else…you might be a clark

…you must know what your friends on the ’do it yourself’ shows have done, that is what you want…you might be a roger


So, there you have it. You laugh…you join…pretty simple, isn’t it?



* if they’re laughing (in a good way), chances are they’re’ a scott; if they’re dreadfully concerned and sincere then you got yourself  a roger talking and if they preface it with ‘I know…’ and propose an enhancement, you’re dealing with a clark. damn! (further explication available upon Comment)**

** if any Reader shouted-out ‘the Everything Rule’ you’ll get a free DocTee***

*** Limit one per winner, quantities non-existent


MondayReprint™ -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Two Gold Stars today: a) to whoever shouted out, ‘Ya shoulda been doin’ that Trademark shit from the second post here!’ and 2) ‘Too bad your tertiary rogerian aspects is so weak!!! and c) ‘Starting with that 2 answers schtick’

Be that as it may. At least the phrase/name, ‘the Wakefield Doctrine’ is somewhat protected.

But, as often happens, this warm-up to a RePrint has triggered a thought as to a useful topic.

So I was talking to a scottian friend last week. (New Readers? There is a certain affinity that exists between male clarks and scottian females that is quite instructive and useful. It might even have an inference in today’s discussion. But, if you want to know more, you can either do like everyone else and read a buncha posts or write in a Comment your question. Maybe we’ll answer it.)

The topic we ended up discussing* was the Wakefield Doctrine’s value in the matter of self-improvement. This, btw, was a higher frequency topic in the early years. We enjoy the fact that, from last week’s conversation, it remains as pertinent as it was back in the early years.

So, she, (my friend), said something to the effect “So-and-so is going through a difficult time. I wish I had her capacity to leave the future to itself as she is, I’d be stressed out as hell trying to do something.”

We agreed with her. Such is the nature of our scottian brethren. But that choice of words triggered my response: ‘If you want those qualities, you must start with realizing that you already have them. It’s just a matter of accepting them’.

the Wakefield Doctrine maintains that we, all of us, grow up and develop our ‘personality types’ in response and reflection of our personal reality. Wether we find ourselfs in the reality of the Outsider (clarks), the world of the Predator (scotts) or the life of the Herd Member (rogers) doesn’t matter. We practice and refine the social strategies suited to our world. We call this our predominant worldview. In a cool sense, we say, your personality type is perfect! For the world that you grew up in. An Outsider doesn’t benefit from moving fast, they want to avoid immediate attention. A Predator does not succeed by stopping (frequently) to introspect on the reason they are chasing this Prey at this Moment. The Herd Member does not need to surprise anyone with their opinion on this or that, they, (everyone else), are already on the alert for a forthcoming insight on the efficacy of a given action.

The thing of it is: while we have one predominant worldview, ‘the other two’ are always there. Dormat**  Discrete** Deferential**


Gotta wrap this up… The cool thing the Wakefield Doctrine offers to those who would self-improve themselves is that, no matter what the: ‘improvement’/’I-really-want-to-be-able-to’/’Why-can’t-I-be-more-like’ we do not need to learn it. We have it within ourselves already. This is huge. Most times, people be, ‘Sure you can do that. I don’t have a clue how you could do it. I’m not likely to learn that anytime soon. I’ve been this way my whole life.’

Well. You’ve had the potential to relate yourself to the world around you as would a clark/scott/roger all along. You just haven’t practiced. (As, see above, is quite appropriate.)

… now, we do realize that scotts and rogers are pretty much good enough at what they do to not to need a Wakefield Doctrine Self-Improvement Program.

Thing of it is, if you’re you’re a scott or a roger and you’re still here, guess what? Your secondary aspect is clarklike. And, being that, a part of you are thinking: ‘Ya know, if we took this to heart, maybe we’d have an edge’ or ‘Those Doctrine people do seem to have something… besides, change a couple of nouns…who’s to know?’


There you have it. The Wakefield Doctrine Guide to Totally Fun and Efficacious Self-Development. Imagine for a second, your relationship to the world around you and the people who make it up is that of:

  1. the Outsider (clarks)
  2. the Predator (scotts)
  3. the Herd Member (rogers)

…ever thang else will take care of itself.



*(lol Three Gold Stars if you’re a New Reader and you just shouted, ‘The fricken Doctrine! What else!?!?)

** Doctrine jokes from way back… ask the old Reader next to you


’cause of the ‘joke’ ‘maybe we’ll answer your comment’ the following:


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is our (weekly) contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

Banned in more than seven countries (and two kingdoms), Bloghop #1 on UNESCO’s inaugural ‘Ten Most Subversive Weblogs’ (in early 1999) and a favorite haunt of Andy Warhol. Needless to say, the TToT has been the darling of Free Thinkers, followers of Madame Blatavsky and fans of Shirley Jackson. The latter, taking as oblique encouragement of their own little blogs, the immortal phrase, ‘Whatever walked there, walked along’.

But, as Leslie Neilson would point out, ‘That’s not important right now…’

What is (important) is the exercise in cultivating an additional perspective. A perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up that is sensitive to those people, places, things and events (both real and imagined). By doing so, we accomplish two things: 1) enhance our capacity to see the world as others are experiencing it and b) realizing the positive energy at the expense of the negative (ref: our resident positive-from-seemingly-negative maven, Mimi.)

Out list for this here week, here:

1) Una (Sunday Napation)

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop

5) Lawn-to-Be: last week

6) Lawn-to-Be: this week

7) the Unicorn Challenge fun-in-two-hundred-words

8) something, something

9) the RAILING REPAIR! (this is a stupendous undertaking by virtue of the CAP locked title.) Before photo:

10) Secret Rule 1.3









You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


“And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.-the Wakefield Doctrine- It’s no accident about Friday-night

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to jenne and ceayr‘s bloghop, the Unicorn Challenge.

The rules are simple. Write a story inspired by the photo of the week. Keep it to (or under) 250 words. Pretty simple, isn’t it?

It isn’t. But here’s the photo and our take. Be sure to read and comment at all the entries and tell ya friends.


The hillside grew to his right with each sneakered-step. The level ground, worn into the primordial hill  did not threaten, nor did it ignore. It merely became more and more unavoidable.

The center of the lane, at first step, a broad thoroughfare. It offered adventure and companionship; surely, to the young there can be no more direct expression of the gift of life. Not yet ten, the sources of instruction in the world beyond home are few in number. Catechesis, surely the more effective, just behind sordid cautionary tales from big kids.

The grass growing in the lane evidenced an increased vitality. The beginnings of an inchoate dissonance began to grow as the hillside loomed, the shoulder of a friendly adult blocking the heat of the sun and the view of home.

The cabin, set into the hill, looked interesting and, in a certain way threatening; unfortunately experience in the most important contexts, i.e. life, does not favor the young.

The door was open, curiosity elbow-wrapped caution around the a young neck and darkness ate the boy’s innocence.


“How was your day?”

The loving words of his mother filled the kitchen with welcome and taught the boy the first lesson of Sin: ‘Participation is nine-tenths of condemnation’.


And the second, even more insidious wisdom: ‘What they don’t know can’t hurt you’.

“I think I’ll just go to my room and read until dinner.”



* says it right here: (God said, ‘What Day is it? Friday?!?! Lets get this party started!)
