Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 84 Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 84

et tu Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Hey, sent this (post below) to myself the other day! Let’s see what it is we thought we needed to recall/re-read!

‘and a thousand telephones, that will not ring’ the Wakefield Doctrine: the theory of personality predicated on three characteristic worldviews

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of personality that you get to enjoy with your friends and them, before it gets all famous and mainstreamy and everyone will know about it)

Question: If your husband is a roger and you are a clark, is it true that they never accept how much you have changed over the years, since you first met?
Answer: Too true1

(Welcome to ‘ya shoulda just asked Tuesday’! We will be presenting some common questions and the semi-comprehensive answers…along with a little commentary, mostly to let us get away with dividing the page into block quotes.’)

Question: My best friend is funny and fun to be with, but sometimes when we are around other people he gets like, mean even goes and picks on me. But this happens only with certain people, this big kid that (my friend) knows. What gives?

Answer: Chances are your friend is a scott and the person that, when they’re around, your friend starts acting mean?…well, that other person is a scott too, but they are what we call dominant (to your friend). So your friend, even though he is picking on you, doesn’t mean to hurt your friendship… it’s a pack2 thing, you know?
Answer: jeez, if you say so

(This question deals with the changing pack order (from the scottian perspective) and it’s effects on the behavior of a scott. Note: this question (and by implication, the experience cited), will most likely be posed by a clark. Do you know why that should be?)

Question: My fiancée and I are getting close to the Big Day. When we first got engaged, we both agreed to keep the ceremony and everything on the quiet, low-key side, but lately, ( the wedding is in 3 months), she has been talking more to her sisters and some of her old friends and it seems like the guest list is getting bigger and bigger. What gives?

Answer: She is probably a roger. Forget about changing her mind. It means a lot to her, in a way that you will never understand.  So relax! Sneak a couple of your friends that she might not have approved when the guest list was small, she probably won’t even notice now, and if she does make an issue of it, say the following to her (word for word): “I understand how important family is to you now. And even though I am not close to my family, you have shown me that my feelings3 of friendship with (fill in the names of you friends) make them like family. Won’t you let my family join your family …darling?

(And there are those who would say, ‘Hey Wakefield Doctrinaires! Sure you have a uniquely clever take on personality types, but what about practical applications? Huh, what about those?‘ Well, here ya go! Who cannot not identify with this situation? …not counting the rogers, of course!)

Question: My boss is nice enough, but it seems like he tries too hard to be, like my friend or something! Every day it is ‘how are you doing?’, “is there anything I can do to make your job easier?” I mean, all the time! I can’t get any work done when he is in the office, he is always offering to ‘help’! I might be able to deal with this, except that every time I do get some work done that he needs to sign off on, he always finds  fault! And if I come up with something on my own initiative (he likes to say that he wants me to try to ‘think outside the box’) he is either totally negative or acts like he is amazed that I actually did it myself!  Should I quite my job?
Answer: Probably.4

(This Question deals with a scenario that is all too common. And, although we do not propose that all bosses are rogers, we will say this, ‘If your boss is a scott you have: a) a good time everyday up until the day he decides that it is time to change careers or b) a lead pipe cinch of a sexual harassment lawsuit, so the day you get tired of her shenanigans, ‘it’s sayonara see ya in court’
If your boss is a clark, then we know the following: a) if your clarklike boss is female then her boss is a roger, if your clarklike boss is male then his boss is a scott!  and b) they (clarks) make great bosses, will stick up for you totally against all opponents, but jeez! enough with the leadership by consensus! Get a set, yo.

That music referenced in the Title of today’s Post? Totally weird. I’m sitting and watching TV and a commercial comes on and before I can hit ‘MUTE’ I hear the music in the background (of the commercial) and I’m off to the great and omnicient google… and here we are


1) rogers are about consistency, if they are about anything at all! The worldview of the herd (rogers) maintains that history, tradition, continuity…consistency is of the greatest good! The worldview is also one in which the individual’s relationship with the world-at-large manifests primarily in emotional terms. So when a (lasting) relationship forms, the details of ‘the other’ person are important, in a sense, manifesting the emotional investment. So, as time goes by, even though people change and grow and develop, the roger will still insist on seeing the ‘original person’

2) scotts, in the initial behavioral metaphor: like pack animals, i.e. wolves, dogs, lions and such. The social ranking in the pack is one of simple dominance, an alpha at ‘the top’ and everyone else in order of strength/prowess/capability downward from there. It is a primary characteristic of the scottian personality type to establish ranking when entering a new (social ) environment. Literally going from person to  person, figuratively pushing them on the shoulder in order to establish ranking

3) emotions! always play the emotion-card when dealing with rogers!

4) you could try to…nah, don’t even bother.  Maybe if you got to the Doctrine sooner, you might have learned enough to invoke your own rogerian aspect to re-configure your work relationship… but too hard, too frustrating, easier to get another job. But then again, most bosses/middle managers/supervisors/Principals are rogers!  so maybe you should be asking about the Wakefield Doctrine School of Self-Improving Oneself…school



RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Simple. straight-forward RePrint*:

Hey! I thought you said I would be famous by now and someone else would write these things

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) which just happens to be a fun, unique and productive way to look at the people in our lives and the way they act. With the Wakefield Doctrineyou can not only understand why they do the things they do, you can predict how they will act in any situation, at home, at work, at school and at play!mother theresa, yo

It  has been a productive week, in a exhilarating and depressing sort of way, here at the Doctrine. Exhilarating because we are beginning to better understand the obstacles that are before us as we continue our efforts to spread the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers across the globe and depressing because we are beginning to better understand the obstacles to spreading the theory of clark, scotts and rogers across the globe.  To wit: so far everyone who ‘gets’ the Wakefield Doctrine learned it directly. They were shown who in their circle of friends was a clark, show was a scott, who was a roger. The obvious advantage of this direct, ‘in person’ being the examples used to demonstrate and illustrate the three types was always correct and true to form. Plus there would be an immediate feedback loop between teacher and pupil.  And probably the most helpful thing of all, the simple fact that the teacher enjoyed the Doctrine and we all know that enthusiasm on the part of the teacher always conveys to a pupil. The damn thing is simply fun.

And therein lies our challenge. How do we convey the fun of the Doctrine? Limited to the present medium of communication, effectively teaching by email, we need to present the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers in such a manner that not only can the Reader  learn the characteristic traits of each of the three… but at the same time…have…….fun.         (yipee)

Well, it is way, way too late to stop now. The Doctrine is out there. We have Readers who come and read this blog and they/you deserve the opportunity to ‘get’ the real fun of understanding the theory of clarks, scotts androgers. There are approximately 100,000,000 people out in the internet every day, looking for exactly what we, here at the Wakefield Doctrine have to offer. So while we are hard at work making the format (of this blog) more ‘findable’, eventually they will all stop by and read this thing. So lets do the math! there are only 3 Progenitors and 4 DownSprings and if we divide the number of potential Readers equally among us and  if we make it our full time jobs to talk to everyone….that’s still…(carry the 1, divide….) ….(shit this calculator only goes to 10 millions….)… (screw it, add a zero…) …thats 14,285,714 people each!  Hey! that’s not as bad as I thought… let’s see now, we can  go out 5 days a week, see 4.5 people a day (on average, of course!) that means it will take us…90,702 days to reach ‘n teach everyone! (…one last calculation….)  that’s only 248.49 years!

I feel better now. It is do-able. It is just going to take time.  Er,  Readers? any of you happen to be Jehovah Witnesses? We really, really could use the help…seriously.  Some people, (scotts) like to make fun of Witnesseses {to a scott it must look like a group of Fenway Franks walking up the sidewalk to their door} but I actually admire them (…no! a clark liking something that everyone else is laughing at? that can’t be!!)… in all sincerity I give them props for their willingness to go against the stream and do their thing, and you’ve got to admit, they gots mad door-to-door skills.  Anyway, if there are any Jehovah Witnesesses among our Readers, I will not point you out, your secret is safe with us…but maybe you have some ad space in that Watch Tower mag?

So. We will keep up the efforts here. The Wakefield Doctrine can be learned from reading this blog, the Pages and the Posts and everything else. We will be reaching out through as many channels as possible.  Ms AKH seems to be donning the apparel of the Mistress of Publicitousity and she is doing yeoman-ette work in that regard. As a matter of record, she is Commenting about finding a Reader who is actually willing to admit to liking (sort of) this thing of ours!
“Hello (your name goes here) Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine!! Everyone help give me give (your name goes here) a warm Doctrine welcome. Hidy!”

So that gets us started for another day. Just so no one thinks that we do not have totally appreciative Readers, following are a couple of admiring Comments that I found (for some strange reason) in our Spam Folder:

Considerably, the blog post is actually the greatest on this worthy topic. I concur with your decisions and will thirstily look forward to see your approaching updates. Saying thanks will not just be adequate, for the phenomenal lucidity in your writing. I will at once grab your feeds to stay informed of any updates. Delightful work and much success in your business endeavors! Have a nice day

Excellent post I must say.. Simple but yet interesting and engaging.. Keep up the awesome work

“they like us!! they really, really like us”…(Sorry cheap joke)

(Did someone say, “Hey Doctrine People, play us some old people rock and we will buy your hats (for our damn heads) and will even write Comments that are real, and thoughtful and we don’t mind if they are so totally off-base that one could only wonder if the writer (of such Comments) was drugged, overly tired or a Jehovah Witness!)


ikr? Yeah, sure thing


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Established in 1865 by a clark in the Scottish Highlands village of Achurtoes, nestled in the foothills of the Cairgorms Mountains of Scottland(lol). This area is famous for being the home of the precursor to a Downeast saying*, the locals would say, “You don’t have to stay but you need to leave all tha bóidheach example of Morion quartz where you found it.”

(Surely one of the best things about the internet is the amount of knowledge and information so readily available. I know a writer that, if we’ve totally piqued your curiosity about this land of funny place-names and a language that, were not most inhabitants one might encounter prone to… robust argument, lol, you could go ask him. C.E. Ayr  wrote a novel that is way geography-intense, which, for me is always fun, to have a story that roams a real world geography. Totally worth the buy ‘n read.

So for the people, places and things that we identify as inspiring a feeling (or, given we’re a clark, making the idea very clear) of gratitude for this week:

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the blogosphere. (like the biggest used-bookstore where your friends hang out at all times of the day)

5) speaking of the ‘sphere, besides this one, we participate in two other bloghops: Six Sentence Story and the Unicorn Challenge

6) Mimi (plus! I went to her Six Sentence Story a little late but got to read one of her weekly features dealing with humor)

7) Kristi (who I saw post a TToT … running behind but will totally get over there)

8) something, something

9) the concept that one can self-develop oneself to any degree one has the willingness (and imagination) to reach for and practice in gratitude is totally a helpful approach to changing our perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up.

10) Secret Rule 1.3

* “you can’t get there from here”





Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [an Ian Devereaux Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise, governed by the Lord High Sextuplet (aka ‘the God of as many arms as fingers…sorta’)

Prompt word:


“And, this is Diane, she is Lou’s righthand err hostess… in charge of the, mostly men on the strip club side; like, in the Patrick Swayze movie, you know, the cooler, she also takes care of this side, the Lounge side where I eat lunch, mostly…”

I was beginning to regret my suggestion for where to go for lunch; Dr. Leanne Thunberg showed up at my office declaring that if she encountered one more grad student complaining about the grind they endured at Radcliffe, she’d find a Peace Corp recruiter and exchange academia for the contemplative life of fomenting cultural revolution.

Now, at the height of the lunch rush, I attempted to introduce the head of the Department of Advanced Anthropology and Cultural Semiotics to Lou Ceasare, Chairman of the School of Advanced Shylocking and Off-the-Books Entertainment; for some reason, I was every third grader choking at the sight of the audience for his school’s Thanksgiving Day play and then Diane Tierney walked up with a single menu in her hand.

“A pleasure to meet you Leanne, or would you prefer, Madame Chairwoman,” Lou has this zen-thing where he gives the impression of standing and welcoming a person, without getting up from his booth; after accepting Leanne’s hand, he stared at me fumbling the introduction to Diane and smiled at Leanne,

“I’m thinkin’ Acts 9:18,” his eighty dollar cigar becoming, somehow, every pointer wielded by a tenured professor.

“Like fish scales glittering a hopeless face-palm, Lou, am I right?”

They say maturity is the ability to not be surprised at the behavior of others; I resigned myself to late-adolescence as I joined Lou and Leanne as they laughed like a pair of high school kids on their first marijuana high.




Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise, governed by the Lord High Sextuplet (aka ‘the God of as many arms as fingers…sorta’)

OK. You’re surely used to how we do some sort of intro here, before you get to the Six below. Can’t help you on this one. The most charitable I can be, in terms of ‘what-the-hell?’, that seems to seep from this story, and, to no small degree inspires a sense of gratitude at being limited to six sentences, we’ll say, ‘Hey, It’s no secret that half of why we participate in this ‘hop is to learn to write better.’

Prompt word:


“Are you sure?”

Kathryn Holmes smoothed-down the edge on the personal pronoun and, as added insurance, remembering the three-week wait for the plumbers now standing in the basement of her new vacation home, threw in a touch of eyebrow furrow; a successful career on Wall Street equipped her with interpersonal skills if not an over-abundance of patience.

“oh, ayuh. You got the scale on your heater coils,” Ralph (of Ralph & Son Plumbing & Heating) looked down at the mostly-disassembled hot water heater, glanced around the 60 watt bulb-lit utility room and let his gaze glide down, like a red-shouldered hawk spotting an inattentive rainbow trout, to the woman between him and his nearly-worthless son, Ike.

“Can you fix it?”

Smiling at the man, so as not to let her annoyance at her husband, Bart, who insisted the kids shouldn’t miss the first day of school and left for the city on the weekend only compounded her increasing unease.

“Don’t got the part in the truck, gotta drive all the hell down to Augusta, by Jesus,” despite years of experience negotiating with finance professionals from multinational corporations, Kathryn felt a certain sense of bewilderment at the smile appearing on Ralph’s three-day-stubbled face, made more somehow disturbing by it being mirrored on his son’s face.

