Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 84 Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 84

Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “… of tissue paper and hidden pins.”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

‘Regular’ Readers will be rolling the subtitle to today’s post around in their (metaphorical) mouths by now. Some will concentrate on any random word that appears, others will, remembering an admonition* from the earl(iest) of days here at the blog, simply wait. Knowing, as do we all, the Answer is never simple, (but) always accessible.

Speaking of Answers. That’s easy. It’s not the answer that provides the benefit, it’s accepting the question.

ok, ok, will stop with the opaque “oooh! I divine the the secret of the universe’. (Clearly there are some times we appreciate the mechanism of the ‘RePrint’ post more than others. After all, there is only so much to say about the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine. Of course, about the relationship between us and the world around us and the people who make it up. That’s the near infinite part.

Ya know?

So, let’s stay with the method and print an old Doctrine post.

As to the (near) infinite supply of blogpost topics, themes and inspiration? Consider:

  • There will be a clark in your day ahead. You will see them best by not looking (or throwing something weird into the room first, the clark will respond with… enthusiasm).
  • witnessing a scott (in any multi-person social context) is like being with friends, watching an old TV series, (one of your total favorites), and realizing you had, somehow, not yet seen the episode. Don’t shout, “I’ve never seen this one, but you should…” (As a matter of fact, remain quiet. No sudden moves.) There will be interaction between the scott and… well, whoever she/he decides. Enjoy the show. Save the critique/appreciation until you’re alone.
  • bumping into a roger. sure, kinda hard not to, the Herd Member comprising easily 66% of the population. Like that movie ‘A Quiet Place’. Stay calm to the point of serene, don’t contribute to the conversation … blend into the Herd. You can remark later. When you’re safe from scrutiny

Well, that was pretty interesting. (Remind us tomorrow to reprint a …err RePrint. lol)

The thing about relationships being endless? In number, not (necessarily) tenure. The Wakefield Doctrine describes three relationships with the surrounding world to which we, as humans, are heir to from the day we are born.

  1. clarks (the Outsider) real simple: It’s not merely that we don’t seem to belong here, it’s that we seem to be missing a key bit of understanding. Whether that understanding is (of) ourselfs or the people around us is not important. What is important is our belief that we must learn the reason before we are discovered (by nearly everyone else). The hope lies in the ‘nearly’ of the preceding sentence. There are other Outsiders. We can learn from their mistakes. We can benefit from their successes when we share with them. (At least to the edge of their comfort zone.)
  2. scotts (the Predator) the coffee of the human experience. lol. No, not merely the caffeine, the coffee. They aren’t overcoming a weakness, roger. The Tasmanian devil (of Warner Brothers cartoon fame) is not seeking to demonstrate his/her view of the world. They simply exist in the here-and-now, knowing that there is only one real place, one genuine time. Now.
  3. rogers (the Herd Member) there is, for this predominant worldview a Right Way to live/act/respond. Nothing more is needed. And, oddly, (for rogers being the essence of society/culture), they will seize the intended meaning of the David Oglivy quote at the beginning of this post. Well, to be absolutely accurate, the quote is down below, the reference is above. Details are important. (To paraphrase: The Details will set you free.)


time to get out there and see what the day holds.

The Wakefield Doctrine.



*there are no stupid questions, just your questions. That ‘joke’ (bon mot when we’re feeling clever**) is borrowed, or maybe better to say ‘inspired’ by a famous adman in the 1950s, David Ogilvy who said, “The customer is not a moron, she’s your wife.”


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s weakly contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. (That’s not, however, a Wakefield Doctrine deer. They just pass through, from time-to-time.

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop

5) the Unicorn Challenge photo-prompt bloghop

6) (the Doctrine’s two hundred-fity word story for the challenge):

“Man, what’re we gonna do with all these extra model car parts”?

Two friends sat on the floor of the most kid-friendly of the two’s house. It was Saturday. It was raining. The house was empty of parents and siblings.

Spread out on the bedroom floor was the detritus of countless Aurora™ model car kits, at least to the extent of the spare parts that remained after assembly was complete. The problem of what to do with the extra pieces demanded resolution. That the growing urgency each pre-adolescent boy felt, sitting on a bedroom floor on a Saturday afternoon, foreshadowed choices and demanded-decisions neither boy yet felt.

For one, (whose bedroom it was), the arrival of an initially strange world was one year away; for the other, (whose superfluous collection of parts without use or function constituted, at the moment, their best hope for entertainment), it was an indeterminate number of months in his future. More than the twelve of his best friend, less than thirty-six; with any luck and the intercession of a heartless god. Of course, in matters of boys, girls and puberty, the calendar was more often than not written in chalk. This transition would be the first, (but surely not last), experience with being left at the metaphorical train station.

But for the two friends, the afternoon together with nothing more than: their friendship, more little plastic hood-ornaments than needed and a near-lethal parts-per-thousand count of airplane glue, practiced the better parts of relationships.

7) sneak peak at Fall Shoe Fashion Collection from the House of Khafka

8) Something, something.  (oh, yeah. the TToT is taking the month off. As the old saying reminds us, “Habit is the foundation of wisdom” so, since ‘dollars-to-donuts’ our friend Mimi is writing a TToT post… here’s the Link to Mimi’s Blog.

9) Progress in the Grass

10) Secret Rule 1.3


music vids






Satriday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clark’s scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine to jenne and ceayr‘s the Unicorn Challenge.

A photo-prompt(ed) story in two hundred and fity words (or less).

The photation:

“Man, what’re we gonna do with all these extra model car parts”?

Two friends sat on the floor of the most kid-friendly of the two’s house. It was Saturday. It was raining. The house was empty of parents and siblings.

Spread out on the bedroom floor was the detritus of countless Aurora™ model car kits, at least to the extent of the spare parts that remained after assembly was complete. The problem of what to do with the extra pieces demanded resolution. That the growing urgency each pre-adolescent boy felt, sitting on a bedroom floor on a Saturday afternoon, foreshadowed choices and demanded-decisions neither boy yet felt.

For one, (whose bedroom it was), the arrival of an initially strange world was one year away; for the other, (whose superfluous collection of parts without use or function constituted, at the moment, their best hope for entertainment), it was an indeterminate number of months in his future. More than the twelve of his best friend, less than thirty-six; with any luck and the intercession of a heartless god. Of course, in matters of boys, girls and puberty, the calendar was more often than not written in chalk. This transition would be the first, (but surely not last), experience with being left at the metaphorical train station.

But for the two friends, the afternoon together with nothing more than: their friendship, more little plastic hood-ornaments than needed and a near-lethal parts-per-thousand count of airplane glue, practiced the better parts of relationships.




Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [a Café Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

How long has it been? Jeez, it’s not like I have to buy a ticket on an aeroplane, needless to say there’s no extra value in a fast train.

As we all know, the Six Sentence Café & Bistro is just a short city-walk, if the weather is nice, a low-cost taxi ride if packages are involved. Even if Mimi’s shift coincided with our schedule, the bus runs every forty-four minutes, so we could get there with good company and interesting conversation.

But, this is a Wakefield Doctrine Six Sentence Story contribution to Denise’s ‘hop.

Prompt word:


“Hold on… won’t be but a moment,” the casual observer, and, this being the Six Sentence Café & Bistro, you were expecting, maybe an emotionally-depressed undertaker? Queried as to their immediate impressions, a (first time) visitor to the Café might have reported, “Well, he was tall and thin, but the thing about the man was the air of distraction that surrounded him like a degenerate eigenstate, ya know?”

If challenged on this characterization, the tall, thin man would, likely-as-not, deny being distracted, busy or even partially-aware of what a degenerate eigenstate is, other than being a cool name for a band.

Within minutes, the Manager re-appeared, a stray cobweb hanging off his left ear, “Just checked the utility room, the problem is not with the power grid, maybe it’s in the plumbing, give us one more minute,” three steps away towards the hall-that-is-buried-in-night, he might turn and say, “Now that you mention it, could you see if we have any eggs and stale Wonder Bread in the kitchen, I could really go for some French toast when I get back.”

Feeling uncomfortable about stepping behind the bar and through the double swinging doors in to the kitchen, our hypothetical first-timer might look about the interior of the Bistro, hope being pulled along by ambition, (and not a small ripple of visceral thrill at the daring, like adolescent friends pulling her towards the stolen car), and suddenly realize that the room was not entirely empty.

From somewhere, perhaps an alcove bathed in cathode-blue light, a woman appears behind a smile and calls out, “There are no take-backs in life, seize what you can and let no regrets hold you back;” and moving around the end of the bar, another, baritone in timbre, good natured in intent, a man behind that bandstand agreed, “You can’t step in the same river twice, so go for it,” smoke obscured his face; pushing through the double-swinging doors into the kitchen, the visitor, (now, very much no longer an innocent bystander), remembering rainy, childhood days announced, “…and what is the use of a book, without pictures or conversation.”




Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [a Cyrus St. Loreto Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise.

Last week we were privy to the ‘morning after’ enjoyed by Rue DeNite. She (and her bodyguard/man-in-waiting) was but half the dyad of that night’s dinner meeting. In the interest of fairness, shall we look in one her host, Cyrus St. Loreto’s morning after?

Prompt word:


“So, Cyrus, is a toast in order this morning?”

The conference room on the actual top floor of the Espirito Santo building consisted of a very large table and two walls of optically-engineered glass affording a view down on Miami’s financial district and out over the Atlantic Ocean.

Genevieve Novak crossed the expanse of carpeting between the door to her reception area and the man sitting at the head of the conference table; the pre-dawn light from the East was striated by a hedgerow of clouds low on the horizon, turning the glow from glass panels into columns and tempted a person with a certain inclination to think of ancient temples and profane rites.

Standing to the left of the only person seated at the table, before a single setting consisting of crystal, china and linen, she waited with the restrained excitement of a trained raptor, the slightest of quiver of feathers betraying her anticipation of the command to fly; the smile, a skilled misdirection of the intensity of her focus on her boss, Cyrus, permitted no doubt that for this couple, the hunt was her dowry.

“The affair to the North has become of greater value and, as such demands a certain… gentle nurturing,” the first of the sun’s knocking on the coming day’s door brought a transitory illumination to the sole owner of the Bernebau Company’s face betraying an often unexpected humor, “This no longer is a, ‘wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am’ negotiation, and as much as that might come as a disappointment; call Constantin and have him return with no further efforts to convince our Mr. Caesare.”

Seeing the disappointment in his admin’s face, Cyrus smiled, rose from his chair and as he walked to the only other door into the conference room, left his words as sole consolation,

Fiecare dimineață este produsul neintenționat al Păcatului Original. Aș fi mai rău decât un prost să nu sărbătoresc, aș fi un ingrat și Dumnezeu urăște ingrații.”


