Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.
Hosted by Denise, it offers a prompt word around which a story of a mere six sentence is requested.
[Editor’s Note: Of late we’ve been challenging ourselfs to write a Six Sentence Story in only six short sentences. Not critical of anyone, (or ourselfs, for that matter); we will surely continue to celebrate the unbridled liberty offered by the use of feral semi-colons. However, we’re liking this new fictional couple, Rue DeNite and Rocco and thought to spend some time with them after their sucessful mission to Miami on behalf of their employer, Lou Ceasare.]Prompt word:
“No, really.”
“Swear to God.”
“I grew up in the southern part of the state and was a Double-Hormone Threat: Class Valedictorian and a three-sport letterman in my Senior year, almost got to be Yearbook editor, but had to have a tooth extracted the day of elections.”
Rocco slowed the car from, ‘Stolen-on-a-whim‘ down to ‘Rental-with-a-significant-deductible‘ miles-per-hour and took the exit at a speed that reminded Rue why God invented convertible sports cars.
Pulling herself back into the open car, Kasia smiled from behind a light-brown curtain of wind-coiffed hair, “But ‘Hobbomock‘ High School, dude, even for New England, that’s gotta be a made-up name; that or conqueror’s guilt is finally getting to the minds of the Town Fathers.”
Michael’s laughter, boisterous enough to stimulate the drive-up box at the McDonalds at the traffic light into asking, “What can I get for you?” created a small, moving and self-contained happiness that Rue DeNite had forgotten she’d once taken for granted.