Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 80 Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 80

Mo Moday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


N0t even gonna review this RePrint. (Full Disclosure: We did scan it. When we do this it is to determine if there is mention of clarks, scotts and rogers in any kind of bullet-point, blockquote or otherwise set apart from the normal, single column of text format.

This one seems to fit these exacting criteria. Let’s see what we gots here this freezing cold Monday. Maybe even will comment afterwards. (There is, btw, something slightly disturbing about that last sentence. Let’s see if the malaise continues after we read it.


snippets, tidbits and snicky-snacks, stop and set a spell at the Wakefield Doctrine personality spa


Welcome to ( ah! much better! ) the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

As the title purely implies, today is an easy day…easy font, easy title and easy on the complex, OMG! I had no idea how totally insightful you people are…kinda way. No grammar concerns, no worries about ‘story arc’ just going to have a little conversation.  Well, we know it is not going to be a ‘conversation’, because that would require a give and take, an exchange of ideas, a frickin effort to get out of your Chair-of-Total-Self-Idulgence and and actually do something. ( And we know you are too fuckin lazy to bother doing that! Life in the Virtual Zone!! ain’t it grand?)

Lets play with fonts, seeing how we’re all ‘comic sans-ly this morning’. Like the following short statement:

This is type on wing dings font  what the hell!

now, would someone out there please tell me why this ‘font’ would be permanently installed in my software?  Seriously, other than some pudgy-fingered, greasy-hair, bad-complected roger (male or female) using this font to send secret messages to other rogers, why do we have it? No answer, is there?   (And we now arrive at the Wakefield Doctrine Lesson of the Day):

We all know that this Doctrine is based on the premise that there are three characteristic ways/manners/styles that all people perceive the world, i.e.  ‘as an Outsider’ (looking on) if you are a clark,  ‘as a predator’ (watching out) if you are a scott  (or)  ‘as a member of the group (looking around) if you are a roger.
With me so far?  good! Then you know that at an early age, we all become predominantly one of these three, (and this is where the magic happens):

  • If you are a clark: you are different, you know that everyone and everything around seems normal and you know you are not crazy (well, not crazy crazy) but everything is out there  and you are here watching and hoping that you can understand what it is that everyone else seems to know (and then) you will fit in and you won’t be out here
  • If you are a scott: you just got to do something, you see people act and move and you feel….you move  you suspect that you are different but everytime someone does something you re-act and you are …not glad…not happy…it’s just right. Sometimes you feel like you maybe, shouldn’t do so much so fast, you feel bad when others seem to not enjoy it…but you know thats the way the world is
  • If you are a roger: you are busy, all the time, things need to get done but they must be understood and appreciated and …and enhanced  You feel the responsibility, the sense of duty but it is not oppressive, sometimes you know that there are people around you who are in the way, but for the most part, everyone has a place and life will unfold as it should

What we are talking about here is not the dominant aspect, the fact that we are mostly clarks, scotts and rogers  (most of the time), what we will look at is the role of the two ‘non-dominant’ aspects. Remember! We never lose the capacity/capability/drive/instinct to experience the world as any of the three types, so what happens to the other two that we are not (mostly)?

That question formed the core of the constructive part of last night’s Saturday Night Drive.
You know, the live call-in blog that you couldn’t drag yourself away from the totally engaging TV show that demanded your attention, or those loser friends on ‘the Facebook’ that you so hadn’t talked to in so long, in order to call us and thereby slightly increasing the chance of (your) living a better life?  Anyway AKH, DS#1and DownSpring glenn were in the car (in one form or another) and the result of the discussion was this:  anyone understanding/getting/reading and/or following the Wakefield Doctrine blog has their clarklikeaspect in 2nd position. No matter what.  Why this is true came about later in the conversation. And since one of the key bits of wisdom that the Doctrine has given us maintains that for most people ‘if it is free, it is worthless’. So that we might demonstrate the benefits of the Doctrine in action, ” you want to know more about the role of the sub-dominant aspects of personality?”

That will be $23.57…bitches



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Chodský pes breaking the time barrier in suburban backyard.


This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s weekly contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Cited by Guiness as ‘the clearest demonstration of the carrying Power of the internet, the low bar to admission and testimony to persistence-in-the-face-of-indifference’; this hop invites one and all to share the people, places and things that have recently inspired a sense of gratitude.

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) bloghops: they’re a way of nudging oneself down the creativity path when, as must happen, we become used to the wonder of reality-creating words and start to think that the TV* will provide diversion, entertainment and wonder for us. This week we participated in the Six Sentence Story and the Unicorn Challenge ‘hops

5) you know how, every now and then, life shifts in such a manner that you think, ‘You know what would be nice? A nightlight. And, not just a little glowey bulb in the wall but something that would, when you wake at unfamiliar hours of the night, would allow you to acknowledge a benign presence and go back to sleep?’ Sorta like watching the LPGA on a weekend afternoon, but more nightish. Welll  We found a youtube channel that you will want to stop in at: Action Kid. (We won’t take the fun of discovery away but two words: clark. How do we know? Learn by trying yo. Watch and come back and share your opinion. )

6) The aforementioned technology that has given rise to the blogosphere and the reality referred to as the virtual world.

7) The positive side of the annual death of human-philic weather (aka Summer): is the population of EMLC** outside is way diminished. Mr. Chainsaw (chainsaw motto: While easily the most dangerous hand tool available for purchase without training or mature-good-sense, the only requirement to operate one is the willingness to hold the closest thing we have to an actual, in-the-real-world Tasmanian Devil at one’s side while climbing over bushes and uneven terrain. Advanced students of the Raging Science, will, of course, seek to enhance their credentials by climbing small trees and/or balancing on deadfall while operating), where-were-we? oh yeah! the requirement of owning and operation is the arm strength and mental ability to pull the pull-cord to anger the plastic-enclosed Devil or failing that, a nearby ‘adult’ to help.)


9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3

* or whatever it’s referred to nowadays

** Extremely Multi-Legged Creatures

music vids





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Ffff Fridday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘a Unicorn Challenge post’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

hey! the world out there is holding off, (stalled, occulded coldfronts, windsheer from the West’ard), lets see what happens when we try a photo-prompt from our friends to the east…(way East, so East they’re having lunch as we write). We referring, of course, to  jenne and ceayr‘s hangout, the Unicorn Challenge.

Simple rules, subtly provocative photos and a gang of writers with mad talent at the wordage.

(this week’s photation):


“This is it? A second-rate staging of metaphor that makes a pie-in-the-face the height of subtle inference?! If there’s any divine agency and, if this mise-en-scène offers any insight, we’re dealing with a god possessed of all the sophistication of a Norman Rockwell painting, minus the pederastic sub-text.”

The man looked back down the trail that were there any chronological continuity to where he became self-aware, was the path he’d followed. The hint of bitter whimsy rose among the words of his soliloquy like the smell of a fart at a formal dinner; but a stirring of his hair, as if by a breeze, restrained his coiled pain sufficiently to permit the view of the world he’d spent a lifetime enduring to re-establish a sense of narrative order.

“Clearly,” he thought, “Death has accepted my offer of the exchange. Damn sporting of Him.”

From beyond the second fence grew … sound. Not noise, not words-shared-in-common-context, not simple nature, but the sketching of an aural portrait. Pushing past what appeared half a rusted-pipe turnstile, the notion of a turnstile and the words on the sign exuded tendrils of sentimental need, like emotional sea anemones, predators posing as passive vegetation, giving up the advantage of speed and strength in exchange for co-opting the will of the prey.

It wasn’t the bite of a certain Apple that condemned Man, rather it was their creator’s conceit in bringing to the world Hope as the stalking horse of Death, the true god of the mortal.



Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

the part of the boat where the name ‘Roann’ is? that’s the fo’c’s’le (sleep and eat there…work everywhere else)


This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise.

Prompt word:


“Keep us on this heading; I’ll relieve you at four,” not waiting for agreement, argument or even acknowledgement, the owner of  F/V Christine Denise opened the port-side wheelhouse door, stepped down to the mercury-vapor lit deck of the trawler and made his way forward to the fo’c’sle and his bunk; leaning back against the pedestal chair, the newest deckhand looked down at the compass, it’s ordinal-point disc floating in fluid and indirect red light; outside the windows, the sea was biding it’s time as the young man who paid for his intelligence with the coin of easy boredom had already fled the scene, retreating to the recent past.


Milt’s Tavern was everything a bar in a working port might hope to be: no windows, one clock on the wall, (a brass ship’s clock that reminded the patrons of their responsibilities eight bells at a time), and a tolerance for desperation; having stowed his seabag onboard the Christine Denise, the young man walked down the dark and aromatic docks to kill an hour with the bar’s new owner; the place was fairly empty, as most of the fleet had departed for Georges Bank earlier in the day.

The bartender smiled at the young man and the empty stool in front of his station, “Bound on the evening tide, are we, Mr. Selkirk,” the new deckhand laughed as he sat, ” You know, with that accent of yours I’m surprised you didn’t rename this place, ‘Paradise’s Cost’; folding the white bar rag, the owner smiled, ‘Better to serve in a bar than to rule in a retirement home?”

“Yeah, only got an hour, better make that my usual,” the barkeep busied himself behind and below the expanse of burnished teak, an expression of hard-earned serenity creasing the corners of his eyes: with the flourish of a stage magician, he placed on the shining wood, a glass of milk and, adjacent to it, a china saucer holding three Oreos; glancing over the white crescent of frothy-cold milk, the young man, in a mumble serving to highlight his desperate attempt to sound casual asked, “So, Keith, is Reena working tonight?”


The newest deckhand, standing second watch, learned one of the oldest lessons of working on the sea: no matter how dire the circumstances might seem to the waking, alert and alarmed mind, a sufficiently exhausted body is capable of taking hostage all senses except balance and so, standing at the wheel, the man jerked forward suddenly awake and alert.







Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise, governed by the Lord High Sextuplet (aka ‘the God of as many arms as fingers…sorta’)

Prompt word:


The phrase ‘...the milk of human kindness‘, deployed by one of the earliest bloggers was, in the context of the play, a powerfully ambiguous burn.

As humans, cursed with all the ambitions of the devil yet little of the blindly powerful faith of the angels, our playwright (Will@stratford), reminds us that we are created to doubt: ourselves, our motives, others, (especially their motives), all under the guise of entertainment and diversion.

It has been said that the degree of difficulty distinguishing between the living and the dying is inversely proportional to the relationship binding one to the other; the future of the stranger lying in a hospital bed can be evaluated with a five minute chat with a nurse or physician or with a glance at the cybernetic clergy watching over the patient; because, well, facts are facts.

Taking a measure of the state of vitality of a loved one is an order of magnitude greater in difficulty; such relationships are always, (to one degree or another), interactive because in the creation of the pair, each becomes a part of the other.

How can one be expected to maintain the mature rationality exhibited in our first scenario; that said, a gift from the realm of science, in general, and quantum physics, in particular, is the most-misunderstood concept of quantum entanglement, that, in terms of change and effect, two can become one.

Arguably, the true reason for mankind being cast from a certain Garden lay not in disobedience, but rather defiance; the willingness to sacrifice all to change the fate of a loved one, to bargain without thought of recourse, to invoke and facedown both the Good and the Profane demonstrates not weakness, rather the very human (and oft-flawed) quality of love.


