Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 78 Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 78

Monday Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

(Will try our best to produce a little original content at the bottom of the following RePrint post.)

-the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘of clarks and pre-emptive denigration’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)John-Grimek-le-premier-Mister-Univers-1948-dans-un-mouvement-special

(Note for New Readers: the Wakefield Doctrine is about nothing, if it’s not about understanding ‘the way that we relate ourselves to the world around us’.*)

This concept of pre-emptive denigration initially emerged from a conversation about how clarks tend to laugh too often. No! yeah, I did so say that! And I mean it, even though I suspect that making this statement will generate multiple  parentheseses and feet notes…*

clarks laugh too often and, these events of laughter, are (often) the manifestation of preemptory denigration. We (clarks) laugh, (and self-denigrate), to take the pressure off  ourselves. A clark will, at times, take on a responsibility that becomes the focus of attention of the people around them. It may be at the job or in class or perhaps even calling out a teacher who appears to be singling out our child in a negative fashion. No matter what the individual circumstance, there are times that clarks find themselves the center of attention. Somebody out there want to tell the Readers what the biggest fear of a clark is?  Anyone?  lol…. no, don’t worry! I won’t insist on a Comment. lol.  Z?  no, I know you know! lets give the others a chance.  Christine?  (well, yes… fear of failure is close, but we’re going for something a little more personal.)  Kristi? (  being wrong?  very good and quite close! but still something more… or less specific).

New Readers: the Wakefield Doctrine maintains that we live in one of three worldviews (personal realities). The personal reality that we grew up in is referred to as our predominant worldview and is sorta what others call personalty type. We have clarks (the Outsider), scotts (Predators!!!) and rogers (people who live in the world as a Member of the Herd). The really tricky part of this Doctrine is that these personal realities are real. They are not: interests or inclinations, (they aren’t) tropisms or sub-conscious drives, nor phobias or likes and dislikes. The world I woke up to this morning is the reality of the Outsider. And my way of relating myself to the world today is the most efficient and effective in terms of successfully navigating the course of my Monday, May 4th. Oh, yeah!!  one other thing. You’re born with the potential of all three. You live in only one, but have the potential to have the behaviors and strategies of ‘the other two’ at times and to certain degrees (most often at times of duress).

ok! times up! the answer? ‘scrutiny’.  What clarks fear the most (well, not quite, what they fear the most, but the way that clarks express to themselves, what they believe they fear the most), is commonly called scrutiny.

….where does the time go?!  Quick wrap up:

  • clarks laugh too often in order to ‘hedge their own bet’…. (ex: I will write a book about the Wakefield Doctrine. No, don’t worry I won’t mention names or addresses… ha ha)
  • clarks do not do this hedging because they don’t take themselves seriously enough, but because they take themselves too seriously
  • clarks, being Outsiders, have way too little sense of acceptable risk of failure (as defined by themselves, but ascribed to everyone around them)
  • the pre-emptive denigration?  ‘I’ll give my best shot, hope you’re not disappointed’  ‘I don’t know, yeah I can try’  ‘Look, if this doesn’t work out…’  ‘Before I start, maybe I could ask a few more questions, you know?’

You know, this book writing isn’t as easy as it seems. (ha ha)



* and this concept is so key and so easily misunderstood, that I’ll point out that what was just said was ‘the way that we relate ourselves to the world around us’ not ‘how we relate to the world’. This is a very common mis-something…but that one little word, ‘ourselves‘ totally makes all the difference in the world.

** I will make this my last footnote, someone out there is absolutely correct. I do sometimes underestimate my Readers and do not have to explain everything. Although, in  my own defense I’ll say, “I’m still striving for the Perfect Post, which, by definition, will be directed at the New Reader. But you’re right, I need to stop with the extra explanations


Thanks and a shout-out to Friend of the Doctrine Cynthia for modeling a Doc-tee in the photo at the top of the post. A true multi-capable person, while it may still be in a remodel phase, totally worth your while to stop by at Art Funky Media.



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Hey, ho! Looks like we got picked up for another Season! Thanks to all the ‘Teers for your effort. Without y’all with you cards and mail campaign, we might already be on Netflix. (There was an expression, aka fan meme, on one of our top three shows:  Community: ‘Six Seasons and a Movie’.

So keep the cards and letters coming. Tell you friends! (Friends not included or provided. Your social network may vary.)

To provide marketing help, here’s an elevator pitch that you’re all free to use when you encounter a friend or relative who, in a moment of vulnerability says, ‘The internet sucks. There’s no one who isn’t spoiling for a fight. Even worse, there’s nothing on cable worth watching.’

Say to them. ‘Go to the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop. They use a ‘list format’. It’s all about writing the things you really enjoy. But it’s also about things that other people enjoy. Link up with them and you’ll lose twenty pounds, your nail fungus will disappear and your days of wondering if all the negative people might be right will be over. Guaran-fricken-teed!’)

Our list for this week.

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop for fun, serial fiction and the Unicorn Challenge for…well, like accepting the gift certificate to a day’s visit to the health club that everyone cool goes to and might even not stare. At least not too much

5) (hypo-grat*) the continuing process of establishing a perfect lawn for the cottage. Or, as most of the pros will say, getting the foundation of a perfect lawn to build on next season

6)  other favorite shows: the Good Place, The Magicians and, of course, the king of the ‘hey-what-can-we-do-on-an-0ngoing-basis-that-has-the-feel-of-an-underdog-sport-yet-the-drama-is-impressive-even-if-the-crowd-size-is-not-of-LPGA-golf?’ by god, you’re right! We’ll call it ‘How It’s Made

7) * ‘hypo-grat’ further proof that this ain’t your great-aunt Earline”s gratitude blog. (ok, it is a grat blog. But how many of the 678,003 such blogs allow, encourage even, the listing of things in our lives that, well, suck. The TToT do! Well, there is a certain approach that, in and of itself, is an advanced and rather sophisticated perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up.

8) something, something. Wait! Got a Surprise Grat!  The internet. What?!? Sure that’s on every list and half the embroidered doilies in the world. Wait Let us explain.  The first song on the music vid? Heard it on the college station we listen to. Well, Friday I’m driving to the office, the song came on. Standard sounding R&B… until the guitar solo in the break. Damn! Most excellent. Anyway, we searched the Youtube high and low, for, like 45 minutes. Found the song but not the same version. This morning had another go and… success! (the first music vid)

9) cohostinae Mimi and Lisa and Kristi and Dyanne!

10) Secret Rule 1.3 ‘If ya gotta ask, you’ve probably broken it




music vids






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-the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘a Unicorn Challenge post’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Today we revisit Friends of the Doctrine, jenne and ceayr over at their bloghop, the Unicorn Challenge. The way it works is this: there is a photo provided, new for the week. All are invited to write a story, one of no more than two hundred-fity words that involve/relate-to/jeez-don’t-ask the aforementioned photo.

Prompt photo:


“…a World in a Grain of Sand.”

Miss Emily M. Haighdeann read the line with the bold trepidation commonly heard shoring up a day’s end in most new relationships, ‘I’ve had a lovely evening‘.

Standing at the front of the class, she felt an urge to close her eyes and follow the call of the poem to a place that was not a Sixth grade classroom and a time not the miraculously still painful present.

“But, but! Miss Haighdeann!” With the enthusiasm of a shipwreck survivor discovering the link between his sun-torn shirt and sails on the horizon, the boy in the back row, Seth, asked, “Is that like just one of them? One piece of sand? If it is, how could anyone find the right one?”

The eleven-year-old boy, viewed as gifted by some adults and weird by most of his classmates, usually spoke with the fluent mumble of most inwards-looking children. However, on the rare occasion something engaged his mind, he acquired a certain, tonic accent, his timbre compelling. On this particular afternoon in September, there was a presence to his voice that elevated his words above the miasma of disdain and sotto snarls of ‘what a nerd’.

With the logic of leaving Blake out of this year’s lesson plan lurking in the corner, the sixth grade teacher applied a smile to her face, ‘This is what poetry is for, Seth. To encourage us to see a distant shore and believe we know its people.”




Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [a Café Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop

Run by Denise, defined by it’s eponymous sentence-count, you should join in.

Prompt word:


“Don’t give me that ‘half-empty, half-full’ bullshit, all I said was ‘Could be better!”

The Manager’s office door opened on ‘me’, slammed shut on ‘bullshit’ and proceeded to hold the Sophomore like an insect pinned to a spreading board on the realization the room was not empty.

“Come in,” the tall, thin man sat behind the desk facing the door and smiled in a way that made the young student think of semicolons; his brief welcome was (in the voice of his Creative Writing professor from the early nineteen seventies), ‘When a semicolon is used to join two or more ideas (parts) in a sentence, those ideas are then given equal position or rank’.

A defensive self-consciousness flared into words, “And no, I don’t need more ‘attitude of gratitude’ or coaching on nurturing positivity, thank you very much.”

A muffled, blue-popping sound from one of the floor-to-ceiling bookcases, followed by the soft hissing of a needle seeking the groove in the vinyl record, transported the long-haired college student back in time so comprehensively that all five of his senses, with the exception of hearing, found a chair and sat quietly as the music reminded him how far from home he was.

“The thing to keep in mind is, ‘You’re the cup’.”



Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

We know you’ll understand; are doing a 3rd in a row RePrint post.

(Well, yeah, how Readers will respond is predicated on how they relate themselves to the world around them (and the people who make it up).

So, expectations not met:

  • clarks (Outsider) hide reaction from pretty much everyone, spend whatever time available in your head (lol) trying to figure it out and devising a plan to avoid it in the future
  • scotts (Predator) either: a) bust their balls (if in the presence of the agency of the disappointment) or, if not available: 2) make a non-spiteful joke to bystanders and move-it-down-the-line
  • rogers (Herd Member) feel good, (in that anticipation of recognition of personal qualities that you know are under-appreciated sort of way), console the nearest clark by listing the unredeemable qualities of the agency of the let-down and get to work! (showing anyone in the room, the Right Way)

On with the re-run. (And, as the one true pleasant surprise in the day-to-day classroom life in olden high school: there’ll be a movie (or, if you’re real, way-old) a ‘filmstrip’.

Hump Day1 the Wakefield Doctrine ( “…dentists are to surgeons as firefighters are to cops …”)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)Firemen mourn the closure of Clerkenwell fire station, after finishing their last-ever shift there.


(Today we will take a break from the Write-a-Post-write-a-Book Series, and address a couple of Reader questions and concerns and such.)

The primary attractiveness vectors* when interacting with the opposite (or near-opposite) sex and the three personality types:

  • clarklike female: head<>feet<>face                         easy target: rogers then scotts
  • scottian female: body<>eyes<>personality           easy target: rogers and other scotts
  • rogerian woman: clothing<>hair<>friends          easy target: …er, not easy, you know, there’s like so many guys who don’t appreciate how much work goes into what she does and keeping up with the trends and…

So that we have equal time, genderistically-speaking:

  • clarklike male: shoes<>clothes<>(secret)personality  easy target: yeah, right
  • scottian male: body<>lack of escape route<>body         easy target: roger then clark, if no else around and has the first aid kit handy then a scott
  • rogerian male: fashion affectation<>talent<>friends  easy target: clark is easiest and will do if there are noscotts in the vicinity, and if the drugs or the inspiration are too strong, then a roger


So lets look at the eyes of a roger (and a scott):

Jack’s  a scott… (yeah, no kidding!) You see the eyes. It is not just that he is staring at Stewart (James Spader), but the intent/intensity is quite marked. That is the gaze of a scott. Go out today and watch the people you associate with, hang out with, are married to… if you see eyes like this, then you have arrived at the the first step (of) the process of identifying a person as a clarkscott or roger. The second step is to watch this person further, and decide if their behavior is consistent with what we know the behavior of a scott to be. (Are they a little, overly-exuberant? Are they fun to be with? Are they constantly joking/telling jokes, do they appear to have difficulty sitting still?) What you are doing, in this phase of personality type identification,  is inferring the (actual) reality that they are experiencing.* Once you have decided which of the three they are, the Doctrine will take care of the rest!**

James is so a roger… and his character Stewart’s eyes? they’re are all over the damn place! Watch him, watch his eyes (particularly in the context of what he is saying)! He looks to the left, he looks to the right, he looks directly at Jack, without flinching and with equal ease, he looks out the window!! Remind you of something??  (You younger Readers may miss this reference)…. ever watch those old fashioned ‘lion tamers’?  (No! not Siegfried and Roy, I mean the real old timer,  big round cage, with these like ‘stands arrayed around the interior and the Lion Tamer would go in with a whip and a chair ( yeah, scott  just like your date last night…) And this person would make the lions (and sometimes tigers) sit and stay (and a number of other ‘tricks’ that now, seem just plain cruel and childish, but that was in the last Century and humans were remarkably un-sophisticated).
In any event, the point I am trying to make here is that at the climax of the act, the Lion Tamer would do something like get close to the lions and turn his back on them. To show us how brave a man he must be and (show) the lions how dominant he feels he is.
James Spader, with his eyes is trying to do that with Jack.

Didn’t we tell you how much fun and how constantly fascinating this Wakefield Doctrine is?  And we have not even delved into what is about the reality of the scottian personality it is that makes this behavior permissible!! For that you need to call us next Saturday!

1) you want a quick id of a personality type?  at work or at school, the person who goes around announcing it’s ‘Hump Day’ and makes like it’s something to get all up about?  total  roger!

* come on!  you know what this means!!  you look in the mirror and you make the decisions to enhance your strong points (ha ha scott!) and downplay your weakness with the aid of clothes and fashion and prayer… you know! dressing for succeeding

