Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 74 Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 74

Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [a League of Redacted Metaphorians Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise, dominated by the Rule of Six

Prompt Word:


“What the hell is this thing?”

The ‘thing’ was a black-plastic square about three inches on a side, thin enough to flap out-of-plane when held by fingers that displayed, on each finger nail, lacquered figures and designs of an intricacy to make Jan van Eyck weep in despair at his own ambitions.

“You found it!”

The man considered a variety of necessary kinesthetic strategies involved in rising from his current posture sitting on the floor of the bedroom; most were graceful and sublimely athletic in form, motion and execution, fortunately he remembered the missing link in the complete sequence, i.e. being as young as his companion.

“What’s with all the concentric grooves?” Even as her voice ski-jumped up the interrogative slope, her phone began to glow and blush like a teenager trying not to appear their age, “It’s like an old-fashioned record, a ‘forty-five’ at least according to Wikipedia; whatever that means.”

The man rose with what a person of comparable age might consider a reckless disregard for physical consequences, “The Lady, you’ve found the recording from my old college Psych text book, my god!”

Seeing the expression on the girl’s face, he hastily added, “Not for nothin’ but there are sects among the ambiguously religious that hold the belief that Adam did not complete the first task God assigned to him, that is, naming all the animals and fowls and everything in the world; some say he was distracted by the appearance of Eve, his second wife, which the Creator had surprised him with in what many consider the first instance of regifting.



Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

When last we met in Tuesday-as-memoir mode, we alluded to the power of the rogerian worldview in matters relating to popularity. Specifically writing and books and such.

Simply put, rogerian writers are more successful than clarklike or scottian authors.

(Wait for it…)

Success being defined as attracting the maximum number of Readers, viewers, attendees and followers. Quantity, not (necessarily) quality.

This is surely a perfect time to bring out a fundamental element of the Wakefield Doctrine. Frankly, if you’re a new Reader, will need this concept1* to best understand our little personality theory.

First things first. As to the core concept that eliminates much confusion:

The Everything Rule: ‘Everyone does everything at one time or another’.

In the context of the Wakefield Doctrine, this rule allows the entirely un-necessary, nay, the self-destructive balkanization of a novel and productive perspective on human nature. The Everything Rule reminds us that there is nothing in one of the three predominant worldviews that is exclusive relative to the other two.

Example: People, new to the Wakefield Doctrine, often will ask, “No matter how many times I ask him not to, my husband leaves the toilet seat up. Is that a scottian thing?”

No. It is not. Leaving the toilet seat up is not exclusive to those who relate to the world as does the Predator (scotts). But close!** How this peculiar ‘contrariness’ manifests in clarks and rogers is different, but definitely present. The key concept: how a behavior, predilection, tropism..whatever manifests in (an) individual is the product of their relationship to the world around them and the people who make it up.

Much more on the Everything Rule in future Tuesdays.

Lets end with one core concept and one old saying.

*The Wakefield Doctrine is gender, age and culture neutral.*


clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel.

Holy smoke!2

  1. ok, here is where the fun of this series surely will be found. What we say and what we do and etc. is the product of our predominant worldview. easy concept, yes? so, in this little aside we see a primary characteristic of the clarklike predominant worldview and …and! we gain an insight into one who relates themselves to the world around them as does the Outsider. How cool is that?

* so as not to muddy the waters any more than necessary, this asterix to the footnote points out one of the better/worse qualities of clarks, vis á vis our interaction with others. Will leave a full explication for another Tuesday. (Hint: we are so terribly concerned with the feelings of others.)

** lol  We’ll let the more seasoned Readers explain to our newer Readers how that might make one laugh (Hint: part of the fun of the Doctrine is that it not only allows, it encourages, us to use our imagination. In this case, visual imagination. That’s all we’ll say.)




Monday daymoN -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

RePrint Monday. Want to be sure to be obscure with our pick for a Monday RePrint, as we’re starting a week that is the occasion of the first of the ‘damn! no way we can do better than the first post! Let’s cut ‘n paste that bad boy and be done with it!’

That is correct, yo. Thanksgiving week. It’s the holiday that’s as on-book with the Doctrine as the Pesci/DeNiro Casino pen scene.

(New Readers: Here in Oceania, there is a holiday that we sometimes refer to as the Feast of Saint Roger. Always in November, all citizens are pretty much required to acknowledge, if not participate in it. And the liturgy of the day is celebration of everything rogerian. (Seriously! Tell us another day of the year that, as part of the holiday festivities, includes what can best be described as a lay collēcta invoked by a weekday morning weatherman!)

sorry, getting ahead of ourselfs.

Tomorrow is Tuesday, The morning of the Book of Wakefield (WIP) Then… Six Sentence Story day and then Thursday (‘Hallowed be thy college football game’)

But for today:

‘why is a raven like a writing desk’? (and) what is the Wakefield Doctrine’s take on those other personality theories?

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

A frequently asked  question: ” What does the Wakefield Doctrine call this personality type? ( Always  one of some other personality theory’s type), i.e.  the Driver Type ( from the Merrill-Reid schema) or the ‘Type 2 ( of the 9 Enneagram Types ) or even the famous Axis 4 (from the rogerian geek school of personality typology). Sometimes answering this question is fun, other times it is frustrating but the outcome of this exchange is always less than is hoped for by the person posing the question.

Comparisons between mainstream personality types systems and the Wakefield Doctrine  hardly ever yields an answer that is satisfactory to the interlocutor or the listener. While the underlying motivation for these questions  is often well-meaning,  the goal behind asking them is misguided. (  “well, don’t you see?  The Wakefield Doctrine and (  well-known personality theory) are both talking about the same thing, so the Doctrineis not so unusual or odd or weird! Maybe if you describe clarks and scotts and rogers using some of the same  language, you will attract more people to the blog!
At this point the answer (from the Wakefield Doctrine is always the same: No.   (…for 2 reasons):

  1. The Wakefield Doctrine is not scientifically based on empirical data nor does it rely on test subjects providing statistically significant  and consistent reporting of identification with certain traits or behavior(s). The Wakefield Doctrine does not  approach the ‘classification of personality’  on the basis of traits and quirks, phobias and foibles gathered from a test subject. ‘Personality Typing by Chart’,  in which  check-marks are totalled/summed up and added up, with a score at the bottom of a column labeld:  ‘Your Personality Type!  A lot  like  a dinner party at a restaurant,  the host glances down to the bottom of the bill that the Waiter has brought to the table. Scanning the menu items and tallying the cost, the guests will hear:    “OK!  who had the FEAR OF HEIGHTS with the DISDAIN FOR AUTHORITY Combo?  no, scott!! I am sure you ordered the MECURIAL TEMPERMENT COMBINED WITH AN INGRAINED RESISTANCE TO LEARNING BY EXAMPLE! OK folks, the total  is: (2) Drivers with homophobic tendencies masked by an excessive interest in contact sports and (1) Passive-aggressive nurturing-type with  un-resolved oedipal conflict compensated by a need to demonstrate language skills un-supported by actual ability! Alright everyone!!  Ante up!”                                                                               
  2.  the Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not for them!
    For most of us, the attraction to ‘personality types’ and ‘personal profiles and assessment’ is founded in a genuine curiosity about ourselves and a sincere desire to help other people in our lives handle  their own problems and shortcomings better. Unfortunately, the focus all too often comes to rest on ‘the other person’.   We all know this person,  a caring friend/relative/co-worker who goes to great lengths to find answers so that they can ‘help you’!  With a magazine article in hand (or a book, or a CD or  DVD) that promises to describe personality types and how to identify them…whats the second thing you/they do after learning these well-researched, empirically based systems of understand the human psyche?  The second thing (and sometimes the first) is to say, “Hey! You know who is a real Driver personality? This personality system totally  got his/her number!! This is really helpful, I can’t wait to tell them how much I understand their personality!”
    …this is where the Wakefield Doctrine and all the better researched, better marketed, widely-accepted personality theories part ways.  No matter what you think you can do with the understanding that this Doctrine can help you get, it is for you,  it is not for the other person.

Are we saying that the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ) is neither scientifically valid nor  an effective method for helping other people to solve their intractable mental and emotional problems?
Yes, yes we are saying that.

So why bother with this thing of ours? Well, for starters:

  • you will have an advantage over the people you meet in the course of your day today
  • the behavior of the people in your life will make more sense to you (because of your understanding of the Wakefield Doctrine)
  • you will be able to anticipate the actions and (re)actions of people to virtually any situation
  • you will see your own life, habits, behaviors in a different light
  • you will have fun with your friends spotting the clarks and the scotts and the rogers as you go about your day today

Sound like reason enough to figure out this blogsite?

I promised Molly, a short and concise definition of the Wakefield Doctrine:

…three personality types predicated on (three) characteristic ways to perceive the world at large.  All people are born with the potential to see the world as any of the three (types) that we call: clarks, scotts and rogers. (Further) the Doctrine maintains that at an early age we become predominately one (of the three) but we never lose the capacity to experience the world as do the other two. The personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine are gender and culture neutral and is predicated that the personality type is derived from understanding the reality in which a person lives, not by trying to identify specific traits, interests, drives or ideation. The Wakefield Doctrine is a tool meant to aid a person who would try to see the world as the other person does.

Works pretty damn well, too!




TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. The once-a-week reflection on the people, places and things that have conspired, inspired and otherwise triggered a psycho-social state of mind sometimes referred to as gratitude.

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) writing and such

5) Six Sentence Story bloghop

6) Project Pythagoras and the Saw of Density* (photo #7) ok: the second from the left (vertical) trees is the intended removal. Problem: though not visible in the photo the target tree was leaning towards the bridge (lower left) a lot. It wanted to fall on the bridge as a Hans Gruber gesture. The horizontal piece is a 10 foot cedar fence rail. What you can’t see (no, you’re right! there’s a lot you can’t see in this photo ‘illustration’. Sorry, there are no returns on your investment in this post. all ticket sales are final).

Due to the angles of the trees relative to each other, the target tree was being force into bending in the opposite direction. You remember that ‘flyer thing’ you learned from your scottian friend as a kid using popsicle sticks…  wait, here: at the top of the post. One of those.

So we took the saw and cut real low (careful that, when the pressure was released, we didn’t get hit on the head by the fence rail).  Success.

7) illustration

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3

8) oh, yeah skipped one!  damn  err…. grateful for double-checking my list before posting! (lol… and for the willingness of Readers to accept that, as the old saying reminds us, ‘Chaos is the amniotic fluid of creativity.’)

* a future hat for anyone who gets this reference Doctrine honor system applies**

** Doctrine honor system: a product of the Outsider worldview (and it’s propensity for learning things) says, even if someone types in the correct answer before you can, if you had the correct answer and was about to enter it in comments, go ahead and type it in. The clarks believe you.






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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise every week it’s the same thing: “Use the prompt word and create a story of exactly six sentences, aiight?”

(Hey! Just read what I wrote. Permit me to claim: Shaggy Dog Six.)

This week’s prompt word:


“You’re all set,” the receptionist smiled towards the all-but-one-empty waiting room and the man walked decisively to the sole corner seat where, at the price of being bathed in the aural pathos of Today’s Top Headlines, he could watch both the entrance to Each Coast Ophthalmology Associates and the door to the right of the sign-in window, where the doctor would appear.

“Mr. Ezikial, please follow me,” without waiting to see if he was being obeyed, the doctor walked down a corridor and, finally, standing in the sole open door he nodded, “Have a seat and we’ll get started.”

“Says here you’ve never had your vision tested,” delegating the interrogative to his eyebrows, the doctor busied himself with the apparatus suspended and gimbaled over and above the examining chair, all of which couldn’t have been more steampunk if the ophthalmologist had worn a leather duster and padded aviator goggles; the brass and dark metal contraption, made reasonable in a down-to-earth sense, had two apertures, but they were almost lost in the concentric rings of gears and levers and flip-wheels of colored glass.

“Are you having any problems with your eyes?” the overhead light winked out and the only illumination was a vertical rectangle of bright white light on the wall across the room, “Blurriness, persistent afterimage, that sort of thing?”

“Nothing wrong at all, I’m here on the recommendation of my parish priest, to whom I recently mentioned that I realized there is a certain perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up, and that there were, if one wanted to gain useful insight into human behavior, all while having fun, three personality types accounting for everyone; this Idea came to me all as one understanding, it’s constituent elements appearing as necessary with an inevitability of correctness that made me say, ‘My god, this is the Wakefield Doctrine, I must share it with the world.”

With a soft plastic click, the overhead lights came on and the doctor stood abruptly, “This hasn’t happened in quite some time, but,” he smiled to convey good will, “But you want my colleagues in the second building in this office park, Ineffable, Noetic, Transient and Passive, Associates, LLC.; lets see if I can’t get my receptionist to write you a referral, I’m sure they’ll be able to determine the origin of this…. Doctrine of yours.”


