Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
Just a quick second to restore the prime to the rhetorical (and metaphorical) Doctrine explainage-pump. We’re thinking we want to discuss the balance of antipathies among the three predominant worldviews. Read this olden one first.
hey, did anyone else just hear a bell?
May 24, 2010The Wakefield Doctrine maintains, that since there are three types of people, experiencing three (fairly) different realities, then what is written in these Posts must be lost on the other two. Today we are writing to one of the three today, and tho’ there is no need to say which of the three ( clark or scott or roger ), there is only one target.
This Post has something that you want, it has something you need and it has something that will give you an edge, today. If you read all of this Post, you will agree that the knowledge you can get from it is worth more than what you have to give for it. Guarenteed. And I can prove it to you.
You are skeptical at this point, as you should be. Yeah, everybody makes claims for what they are selling and they are all lying. But this is different, this is something that you can prove to yourself and you can do it right now. What I might sell you is a tool.
This tool will not make you better at what you do.
This tool will not get rid of bad habits.
This tool will not make you popular.
This tool will only help you do what you already want to do…If you answer a few simple questions, then what this new skill will do for you is cut down on the distractions in your life…
…you do have distractions in your life, don’t you? You do want to have less distractions and more time to do what you enjoy, don’t you?Then here is what you do…
At the bottom of this page, right below the music video, is a place to leave a Comment. Go there now, you can come back and listen to the video later…
Answer the following questions:
a) of the three types, the most reliable/the one to have at your back in a fight is:
b) of the three types, the one most likely to already have your back is:
c) of the three types, the one that is the biggest pain in the ass, the most trouble/least fun is:
d) if I could change anything about either of the other two I would:Alright…done.
(the mandatory Wakefield Doctrine lesson in this Post is), we know that we all have the complete range of qualities of all three (clark, scott and roger) and at the beginning of life we are most likely able to see the world from (the) different viewpoints. As we “learn to live and deal with the world” we become more and more habituated to one of the three. As we see the world through the eyes of (a clark or a scott or a roger) the world becomes more and more the world that a (clark or a scott or a roger) would find themselves in. Nothing fantastical in that, we just see the world a certain way and our ways of living are appropriate to that world. (“…come back little scott! come back!” ) lol (“…run roger! ruun!!…”)
(aiyyee. vid not available! Not to worry. Just step over the low-fence of the blockquotes and we’ll talk a little before you have to turn over the light configurator, get dressed and get out there into the world)
ok ok. here’s a quick music vid
There! Made it! Take a penny please.
The primary dynamic antipathies among the three are, not surprisingly, grounded in ‘what’s the worse thing that could happen’*
damn! where’d the time go?**
The most antithetical qualities are for:
- a clark to be a roger
- a scott is to be a clark
- a roger is to be a scott
Essay homework, yo. Why would that be and, 2) does an understanding of the point of conflict for all three yield a productive insight into one’s own relationship with the world around you
Well, does it, punk?***
* a true foundational keystone to virtually any and all cultures with an interest in locking in membership beliefs of those young candidates. Who just muttered, ‘fuckin’ aye’
** yeah, if you found that rhetorical question not only interesting but something you could imagine spending some part of your day exploring it’s implications, you’re in the right place. Outsider
*** you’d think, but no, he is a total roger