Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
This is the Doctrine’s weekly contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.
1) Una
2) Phyllis
3) the Wakefield Doctrine
4) writing for fun and de-confusioning* (see Grat Five and Six)
5) the Six Sentence Story
6) the Unicorn Challenge (with ceayr, jenne, Pensitivity 101 and them)
7) discretion being the better part of valor… the rain washed the bridge (photo in Grat 1 and 2 above, taken in more temperate climes)
We considered moving the bridge back into place before the flood waters had receded. In theory, less effort to float it back than to lever it back. So we waded into the water, thigh-high and reconsidered our ambition. It was not the depth of the water, not even it the strength of the current. It was the temperature of the water. As we observed our leg muscles getting all Gordian on the knee and ankular regions, standing in the shallow section. (There is a reason for the bridge, not so apparent in either of these photos, but there’s a channel, not deep, say only three feet or so… when the pond is at the summer level illustrated by our photogenic canine and human. That said, the water was over our knees… on shore. lol While we laugh at danger, we haven’t needed jumper cables for any of the automobiles for so long. Well, let’s say we decided that it would have been a pain in the neck to go dig them out from wherever they are if the water remained as cold as it reached our upper torso.
The good news is we will have a Cro-Magnon Challenge by next week when the water recedes! The rules are: only muscle and the simplest of machines, the lever; in the form of small tree trunks which we have an abundance of in the woods.)
the ‘After’ photo for the bridge at the top
8) rain (both as hypograt and as anti-snow)
[Hey! In the interest of setting the scene for the Bro-Magnon Challenge next week, here’s a photo of the Bridge-Too-Far with the water levels down today.]9) something, something
10) Secret Rule 1.3
* not a ‘real’ word but clarks, of course, will sense the meaning, if not the application
music vids