Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.
1) Una (Hey! An old TToT/Friday Night Walk vid!)
2) Phyllis
3) the Wakefield Doctrine
4) the first of a twelve-year-career of self-videos*
5) the Six Sentence Story blog hop. (Week’s featured contribution from Sixarian/Anne: ‘How Did It Know?‘
6) the Unicorn Challenge blog hop (Week’s Featured from Unicornitum/Unicornita)/ ladysighs: ‘Collection-Unicorn Challenge‘
7) sure, why not another vid-from-the-days-of-travel see Grat #9 below
8) something, something
9) the Doctrine sure is an efficacious tool for self-improving oneself! Consider the intro-phillic behavior of a died-in-the-hood clark and then the vids, the Wakefield Doctrine deserves all the credit yo.
10) Secret Rule 1.3
Music vids