Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 59 Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 59

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s weekly contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Heralded by institutions, both professional and civic, this grat blog is considered by many to be ‘the place to go in the blogosphere after the toxic exhaustion of daily news alarums and the incessant mid-numbing chittering of much of what passes for social media wears on us’. As an exercise in Will, the TToT is second to none. While the choice remains inherent, if not unfashionable, to deliberately perceive the positive in the world around us and the people who make it up, is not the worst thing a body can do.

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story  the Doctrine’s ‘Six Pick of the Week!’: ‘Time and Space‘  from D. Avery

5) the Unicorn Challenge  the Doctrine’s ‘If you only have time to read one, this is it: ‘CSI‘ from the co-host of the bloghop ceayr

6) Our new Serial Six Sentence Story, “…of Heroes and the MisUnderstood

7) hey! the Quick Brown Fox is back!! And even quicker than in previous years, Which between you and us, is not such a dramatic assertion, at least in terms of your Humble Narrator’s physical response time. To our credit, we did look down at our desk and almost immediately spotted our cell phone. However, this particular morning, Mr. Q.B. Fox was clearly on a mission and did not stop to pose for photos. (the path he followed diagramed in the photo at the top of this post). Looking, btw, healthy and well-fed, and, (to quote W. Z.) his brownish-red coat was perfect.

8) something, something

9) Made it to March (booyah!)  Of course this is telling when contrasted with previous year’s posts and their reasonable hesitancy to express elation at the achievement of survival. But as, Chuck Palahniuk wrote: “On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.” 

10) Secret Rule 1.3


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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…of Heroes and the MisUnderstood.” [a Rue DeNite Serial Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise.

(Still searching for a convention to make it easy on the new Reader to catch up. How about we say, ‘Last installment: Tom’s ‘Tattoo’)

Prompt word:


“If our little ninja-ette doesn’t wake up in the next ten seconds, we’re outa here; screw the deposit, the airbnb rental contract is through one of Lou’s holding companies and besides, I’m pretty damn sure I declined both the optional homicidal au pair and enhanced-human butler,” Rue glanced at the girl on the floor whose arms were twitching as Rocco did something to her ear lobe with the nail of his right thumb and forefinger; without further comment she turned to the man who called himself Moonbeam.

“Tell, me, Mr. Beam, did someone hit a mute button on me when I wasn’t looking?”

Moonbeam, looking down at the girl briefly, immediately touched his index finger to his ear, sub-vocalized a short interrogative and received a barely-audible, but clearly negative response; never taking his eyes off the girl and Rocco, addressed Rue, a frown putting his words in italics, “We’ve all been subject to a certain degree of social ‘what-the-fuck’ this evening, Miz DeNite, but your companion ministering to the girl on the floor appears to have acquired a red dot on his shoulder.”

Seeing the suspicion in Rue’s eye, the envoy from the Co-ordination of Supervillains parried with a wry smile, “Ain’t none of my people, chica. Such a ham-fisted attempt at violence as using snipers and laser sights is beyond gauche, we’re citizens of the last civilized monarchy, after all.

Fortunately my transportation two doors down the street is a quite sufficiently kevlar’d Maybach GLS; I suggest we repair to the getaway car, my boss frowns on excessive use of superpowers with it’s inevitable collateral damage, the local constabulary get so worked up and my mission included a directive to be discrete at all costs.”






Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘…in which our dauntless Curator empties his pockets in a Courageous Search for Clues”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

While this is, (and will always be), ‘that blog about those three personality types that, as strange as it seems at first, not only makes sense and is useful, and a total hoot once you learn the basics’.

Yeah, that’s us.

The ‘Curator’ in the Dickensian subtitle? That would be us, your Humble and (mostly) Reliable Narrator. Say what you will about RePrints, we’re finding the process of reading old, (especially the ‘old old’ as opposed to ‘recently old’). One change in writing that jumps out at us is the POV of the early ones. Counterintuitive, at least to us, is the use of the first person singular up until… damn, don’t know (at the moment) when we shifted to this, the ‘editorial we’.

(Funny story. So I just searched for something along the lines of 1st person versus 3rd person POV and, being a clark, the ‘APA Style’ in the first search return I clicked on transformed itself, (all without telling us… I mean me….) into ‘CMS Manual of Style’! It wasn’t until I read it again did I notice the APA was American Psychological Association…. lol damn! We love it when (we) notice that kind of shit happening.

Anyway, back to our citation

Referring to yourself in the third person

Do not use the third person to refer to yourself. Writers are often tempted to do this as a way to sound more formal or scholarly; however, it can create ambiguity for readers about whether you or someone else performed an action.

Correct: I explored treatments for social anxiety.

Incorrect: The author explored treatments for social anxiety. A

(APA STYLE as opposed to CMS)

Damn! We’ve totally lost the train of thought, as often happens to we scholarly types. Also lost the Clipboard Copy of the RePrint post that was to serve as a example of our early writing.

Suffice for the moment to say, at the point we currently are, the editorial ‘we’ is preferred. It serves as a reminder of the serendipitous nature of the decision to start (and continue) writing this weblog.

Speaking of reminding, remind us to return to the topic of the writing style of the early years at the Wakefield Doctrine.


Tonight is the unofficial start of the week’s Six Sentence Story. (as Christmas Eve is to Christmas Day… for those us less mature and adultistic* the former is the exciting time). In any event, we’re engaged in a Serial Six. Co-written with Tom. It’s a story of Supervillains and ordinary folks (well, as ordinary as characters frequenting a certain Strip Club and Lounge, at any rate) so be sure to stop in tomorrow for a bunch of fun with flash-fiction.

* not a ‘real’ word




Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

So what if we say, the following is an example of a meta-Doctrine post?

Reader’s response (in reverse the traditional ordering):

  1. rogers: well, I don’t know how to tell you this but, that’s not quite what is happening, it’s simply a normal RePrint post with a power chord on the first beat
  2. scotts: (grin) lay it on me
  3. clarks: I’m listening

A quik Wik:

Metafiction is a form of fiction that emphasizes its own narrative structure in a way that inherently reminds the audience that they are reading or viewing a fictional work…”*

Yeah we can live with that. But of the three, clarks clearly have a deep-rooted affinity for meta (hell, they live in meta-time, narrating a life in which the audiance, on average, really wants to like the play, but they have lives. Real-person lives.)

We were going to go for something profound, but time is not our friend. (Time is no one’s friend. Time is the original incubus/succubus of the spirit*)


Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “… of Mondegreen(s), reality and clarks”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Live! From the waiting room of a dentist office. George Michael is singing an example of ‘the writer not realizing the true power of his own work*.

Which surely leads us to the wonderful word/concept ‘Mondegreen’

(…back in real time. A little more to tell you about)

This post is so for clarks (and scotts and rogers with significant secondary clarklike aspects).

It wasn’t ‘Careless Whisper’ that made me appreciate how interesting being a clark can sometimes be. It was Electric Light Orchestra’s ‘Don’t Bring Me Down’.

So I’m sitting there waiting for my hygienist (who is a clark) to call for me, so I did what any (of us would do) I looked things up. As it was, ‘Don’t Bring Me Down’ played from the ceiling. Naturally I thought, ‘so who is Bruce?’ And went to wikipedia (the best thing about the internet, from a clark’s perspective) and looked it up. I cite:

A common mondegreen in the song is the perception that, following the title line, Lynne shouts “Bruce!”. In the liner notes of the ELO compilation Flashback and elsewhere, Lynne has explained that he is singing a made-up word, “Grooss,” which some have suggested sounds like the Swiss/German expression “Gruß.” After the song’s release, so many people had misinterpreted the word as “Bruce” that Lynne actually began to sing the word as “Bruce” for fun at live shows”

OK I accept that.

Now this is where the fun we have (as clarks) begins…. mondegreen?!  What might that be… all blue in linkage.

A mondegreen /ˈmɒndɪɡrn/ is a mishearing or misinterpretation of a phrase as a result of near-homophony, in a way that gives it a new meaning. Mondegreens are most often created by a person listening to a poem or a song; the listener, being unable to clearly hear a lyric, substitutes words that sound similar and make some kind of sense.[1][2] American writer Sylvia Wright coined the term in 1954, writing about how as a girl she had misheard the lyric “…and laid him on the green” in a Scottish ballad as, “…and Lady Mondegreen”

of course!

I smiled (to myself). This is part of the better part of the world of the Outsider.

The fun and genuine pleasure in knowing the Wakefield Doctrine began when I heard my name called, ‘Clark?’

Given that we spend a few minutes twice a year together, naturally I had long since told my hygienist about the Wakefield Doctrine. And, equally naturally, by virtue of being a clark, she immediately ‘got it’.

So as I sat back in the chair this morning she said, “So whats new?”

I smiled the smile of one clark to another.

“So you  know that ELO song… I forget the name, its the one where they say ‘Bruce’?”

She nodded “I know the one you mean.”

“Well I looked it up and there’s this thing called a mondegreen and it’s a term for the times we hear one word and substitute it with another thats different but makes sense in a weird way, ya know?”

She smiled and nodded in acknowledgement and appreciation for the concept.

“You realize, of course, the implications of this for how we deal with reality, right?”

She laughed out loud and proceeded to tell me what it was I was thinking.

Thats the fun of the Wakefield Doctrine.


*  ‘Careless Whisper’ I would argue that Seether’s cover of the song is one of those rare ‘better than original’



*eh…. not really a punch in the face, but what can you do?




Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

I can't hear you, theres a banana in your ear

Let’s try this:

[Damn! Ya gotta love the way random luck (aka stop fricken’ trying to control the non-controllable!) rarely ever declines an invitation to dance. Look at what we found in a search of all Posts by ‘using the Wakefield Doctrine’.]

(Remind us tomorrow to speak to the writing-as-path-to-telling-the-world-something-useful (and, then remind us about how faux rogerian that sounds) lol)

the singing of the clarks, scotts, rogers the news...clark...scott...roger

…in the news…clark…scott…roger


Here we are, the beginning of the third month of our effort to tell the world about the Wakefield Doctrine, (aka the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers).

Given that the attrition rate of new blogs is probably 99% disappearance in the first 30 days, we are surely entering ‘middle-age’ in the realm of blogation.

The two challenges facing us: a) creating an enticing and engaging introduction to the Wakefield Doctrine(in the form of these Posts),  b) explaining the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers in an effective way. Given a window of opportunity with new visitors  measured in seconds, it is critical to say the words that will convince you, the reader, that it is worth your time to explore the Pages of this blog.

A part of this development process is the search for a voice. That is, a style of writing,  that is most accessible and engaging to the widest range of readers. The voice that developes here will be the ‘proof’ of the Wakefield Doctrine. The way it is described by each of the three Progenitors (clark, scott, roger), if the theory is correct, means that it should appeal to at least one segment of the audience depending on author.

Fine, if you don’t believe me* let’s have a damn contest! The first person who can correctly designate  the Post to the author (clark, scott or roger) will qualify** to win a hat. Thats 3 Posts 3 different writers.

Sorry. Anyway if you are reading this (as opposed to acting it out (which actually you are in terms of your reactions)), then look through the Pages. We are trying to provide objective examples of the principle that does not require an active ‘guide’ in order to convey the way and the use of the Wakefield Doctrine.


The purpose of this blog is…(to use the start of many a grade school book report) to make the Wakefield Doctrineavailable to as many people as possible. Granted there is no shortage of  theories and approaches to personality and understanding human behavior, this Wakefield Doctrine is simply fun. Fun to learn and especially fun to use out in the world.

  • see that girl with the rather strange choice of footwear? she has a tendency towards goth, will talk with her hands, probably laugh a little too much and will not complete a sentence;
  • hey, here comes that guy that is always telling jokes that push the limits of taste, what do you want to bet that he will insist on using the diminutive of your name and probably make fun of you for the entertainment of his friends
  • see that office administrator? she always leaves at the end of the day with something that she announces is work that she will do at home, well if you want to know how is on trouble at work or who is most likely to get laid-off, she is the go-to person.

(This just in from scott: ‘hey, jus tell them to read the damn thing and then tell us how much they like it!!’)

So read through the Pages. (Personally I recommend the ‘You might be a…‘ Page and the ‘So what am I?’ Pages.)

Read, comment, buy a hat.


*”Believe what!?! I didn’t say anything, just trying to figure what the hell they mean by “one segment of the audience”.

**Progenitors and Downsprings are not qualified to play. At this rate not overly qualified to participate, come on people, a little help here.


