Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 51 Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 51

Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Full Disclosure: We’re writing this intro section on Sunday evening. As most Readers know, RePrints have come to serve as prompts… maybe stimulants (in the laxative use of the term as opposed to the speed freak of the late ’60s). Yes. we will wait.  “…ewww

hey, there’s a good reason most post writing happens in the morning.

(We interrupt our stem-winding for a Monday morning observation. Wait, no. Nothing.)

Lets go see if’n we can’t find a basic ‘this is the Wakefield Doctrine’ RePrint

Here ya go

‘why is a raven like a writing desk’? (and) what is the Wakefield Doctrine’s take on those other personality theories?

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

A frequently asked  question: ” What does the Wakefield Doctrine call this personality type? ( Always  one of some other personality theory’s type), i.e.  the Driver Type ( from the Merrill-Reid schema) or the ‘Type 2 ( of the 9 Enneagram Types ) or even the famous Axis 4 (from the rogerian geek school of personality typology). Sometimes answering this question is fun, other times it is frustrating but the outcome of this exchange is always less than is hoped for by the person posing the question.

Comparisons between mainstream personality types systems and the Wakefield Doctrine  hardly ever yields an answer that is satisfactory to the interlocutor or the listener. While the underlying motivation for these questions  is often well-meaning,  the goal behind asking them is misguided. (  “well, don’t you see?  The Wakefield Doctrine and (  well-known personality theory) are both talking about the same thing, so the Doctrineis not so unusual or odd or weird! Maybe if you describe clarks and scotts and rogers using some of the same  language, you will attract more people to the blog!
At this point the answer (from the Wakefield Doctrine is always the same: No.   (…for 2 reasons):

  1. The Wakefield Doctrine is not scientifically based on empirical data nor does it rely on test subjects providing statistically significant  and consistent reporting of identification with certain traits or behavior(s). The Wakefield Doctrine does not  approach the ‘classification of personality’  on the basis of traits and quirks, phobias and foibles gathered from a test subject. ‘Personality Typing by Chart’,  in which  check-marks are totalled/summed up and added up, with a score at the bottom of a column labeld:  ‘Your Personality Type!  A lot  like  a dinner party at a restaurant,  the host glances down to the bottom of the bill that the Waiter has brought to the table. Scanning the menu items and tallying the cost, the guests will hear:    “OK!  who had the FEAR OF HEIGHTS with the DISDAIN FOR AUTHORITY Combo?  no, scott!! I am sure you ordered the MECURIAL TEMPERMENT COMBINED WITH AN INGRAINED RESISTANCE TO LEARNING BY EXAMPLE! OK folks, the total  is: (2) Drivers with homophobic tendencies masked by an excessive interest in contact sports and (1) Passive-aggressive nurturing-type with  un-resolved oedipal conflict compensated by a need to demonstrate language skills un-supported by actual ability! Alright everyone!!  Ante up!”                                                                               
  2.  the Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not for them!
    For most of us, the attraction to ‘personality types’ and ‘personal profiles and assessment’ is founded in a genuine curiosity about ourselves and a sincere desire to help other people in our lives handle  their own problems and shortcomings better. Unfortunately, the focus all too often comes to rest on ‘the other person’.   We all know this person,  a caring friend/relative/co-worker who goes to great lengths to find answers so that they can ‘help you’!  With a magazine article in hand (or a book, or a CD or  DVD) that promises to describe personality types and how to identify them…whats the second thing you/they do after learning these well-researched, empirically based systems of understand the human psyche?  The second thing (and sometimes the first) is to say, “Hey! You know who is a real Driver personality? This personality system totally  got his/her number!! This is really helpful, I can’t wait to tell them how much I understand their personality!”
    …this is where the Wakefield Doctrine and all the better researched, better marketed, widely-accepted personality theories part ways.  No matter what you think you can do with the understanding that this Doctrine can help you get, it is for you,  it is not for the other person.

Are we saying that the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ) is neither scientifically valid nor  an effective method for helping other people to solve their intractable mental and emotional problems?
Yes, yes we are saying that.

So why bother with this thing of ours? Well, for starters:

  • you will have an advantage over the people you meet in the course of your day today
  • the behavior of the people in your life will make more sense to you (because of your understanding of the Wakefield Doctrine)
  • you will be able to anticipate the actions and (re)actions of people to virtually any situation
  • you will see your own life, habits, behaviors in a different light
  • you will have fun with your friends spotting the clarks and the scotts and the rogers as you go about your day today

Sound like reason enough to figure out this blogsite?

I promised Molly, a short and concise definition of the Wakefield Doctrine:

…three personality types predicated on (three) characteristic ways to perceive the world at large.  All people are born with the potential to see the world as any of the three (types) that we call: clarks, scotts and rogers. (Further) the Doctrine maintains that at an early age we become predominately one (of the three) but we never lose the capacity to experience the world as do the other two. The personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine are gender and culture neutral and is predicated that the personality type is derived from understanding the reality in which a person lives, not by trying to identify specific traits, interests, drives or ideation. The Wakefield Doctrine is a tool meant to aid a person who would try to see the world as the other person does.

Works pretty damn well, too!



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop

1)  Una ——–⇓

2) Phyllis —————————————————–⇑

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop. Doctrine Six Pic of the Week: ‘Iron-Hearted‘ from Eliza Seymour

5) the Unicorn Challenge. Select ‘corn: ‘Unlimited Travel‘ by Tom (who has a positive genius for names (and appropriately quirky yet lovable characters)

6) the Great Stump Challenge: removal

Primus (Shovel, Pry bar and Cottage)

Secundas (Chain Saw and Pry Bar… )

Completus (Chain Saw:1 Stump: 0)

7) the Great Stump Challenge: Unintended lesson from childhood(ish) ‘When replacing the soil in a hole, the thinner the layers compacted, the more resistant the dirt)

8) something, something

9) oh yeah! Almost forgot! We’re nearing the exciting conclusion of our Serial Six, ‘…Of Heroes and the MisUnderstood‘ Let Tom and us know what ya think!

10) Secret Rule 1.3


music vids





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Semi-form Shillelagh -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Friday already!

(Don’t tell anyone, especially not Doug or Misky, but of the three bloghops we participate in each week, this, the Unicorn Challenge is the most daunting of them all.)

While generally-speaking we do not indulge in serial stories, we do admit to having ‘come across’ a couple of characters that exhibit that rare and wonderful quality of ‘writing themselves’. I refer to ‘the Crone and the Stone’ who we first met here and, subsequently here.

This week our hosts, jenne and ceayr offer the photo below as inspiration for a story of no more than two hundred and fifty words.


“We’re too early!”

The woman shuddered impatiently, eyes scanning the empty train car, the platform and station and, finally, the man looming over her. Looking down on his companion, he exhibited the restrained power of a mountain snow-mass teetering on the edge of Spring.

“Find us an alley nearby, preferably with a streetlight you can put out with a stone!”

The stolid intensity of the man’s face softened at the hint of a compliment, lumbered off the platform. A half a block to Anchor Ln and, after a glissando of falling glass, awaited his companion in the dark alleyway.

Together in the shadows, the Crone leaned against the man; a drier and, arguably, more protective a wall to have at her back.

“Remember, back when you’d bring me a Saturday Evening Post from the canastair sgudal down at the train station and we’d leaf through it waiting for closing time to push the unfortunates to the sidewalks where they’d totter homewards like a desert cart with one bad wheel?” The old, grey woman retreated into her mind, leaving her tattered body to sway in the artificial breeze of cars racing past their hiding place, driven by the 21st century imperative of faster, faster…

The pair who, subjects of whispered tales of fearful parents to innocent children, were referred to simply as the Crone and the Stone waited for the crowds to be pushed towards the empty train car by the social peristalsis of last call on a Glasgow Saturday night.




Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘…Of Heroes and the MisUnderstood’ [Part 1.5]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise there is but one rule: 1) the story must be exactly six sentences in length and b) the prompt word must be apparent, evident and/or otherwise referenced

Tom and I are writing a Serial Six Sentence Story: ‘…of Heroes and the MisUnderstood‘. (If you’re just starting, this link will provide the whole story.)

Previously in our story: (from Tom): ‘Mooncross Industries‘ and (from us): First this. (then) this

Prompt word:


“Are you fuckin’ kidding me right now?”

“Get that goddamn woman back on the phone…” Lou Caesare rarely tolerated being unable to do something about a problem; having survived and, more importantly, thrived in the core of the extraordinarily-lethal world of organized crime, were an author to write the biography of the owner of the Bottom of the Sea Strip Club and Lounge, an fitting epigraph might be:

All great men, criminal and honest, are possessed of a natural talent for performing before an audience and the most successful of these project an air of irrefutable sincerity.

“Miz Claireaux, I wanted to thank you for your efforts on behalf of my people,” Lou frowned at the smile of unalloyed approval on Diane’s face from the opposite side of the booth.

“Lou, how kind of you to say that and let me assure you, I will consider your input regarding how much destruction I arrange over there in Iceland. After all, a girl can’t kill every blind date who turns out to be a boor, of course a few, every now and then, well, that’s what makes life worth living, don’t you think?”

She laughed in a way that, were there normal people participating in the conversation, they would likely soon be found in therapy, a confessional or the depths of existential despair.




Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘…Of Heroes and the MisUnderstood’ [Part 1.0]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise there is but one rule: 1) the story must be exactly six sentences in length and b) the prompt word must be apparent, evident and/or otherwise referenced

Tom and I are writing a Serial Six Sentence Story: ‘…of Heroes and the MisUnderstood‘. (If you’re just starting, this link will provide the whole story.)

Previously in our story: (from Tom): ‘Diversion‘ and (from us): ‘“La naiba de vrăjitoare

Prompt word:



“Well, I guess this incident, out near the London City Airport proves it, ‘You can’t win them all.'”

The classroom in the Whitechapel branch of the Order of Lilith could have been a Kansas farmhouse at the moment an F5 passed by, (cutting through the dooryard but miraculously missing the barn), such was the collective intake of breath of the thirteen acolytes.

Brother Aloysius paused, in demonstration of one of the rarest of gifts among those who would teach: a realtime synthesis of didactic and socratic method; officially the middle-aged man enjoyed the title of Headmaster, but as with so much in a life in the Order, it was both more and less than might be inferred in a more conventional education context; a voice from the back row filled the emotional vacuum.

“Brother Aloysius, people died; I knew a technician at Mooncross Industries and, well, I don’t know how you can be so uncaring about the loss of life,” ignoring the possibly rhetorical question, the man clad in the traditional brown robe and sisal rope belt addressed the room:

“Class, I will expect a twenty page paper from each of you tomorrow morning analyzing  John 15:1-27  justifying, if possible, explaining in historical context, if necessary, the point your classmate, Andrew, has raised,” the teacher focused his legendary baleful gaze at the latter, “Andrew, be prepared to open the class with a three minute oral presentation on the true meaning of this verse.”

“Now, before we break for our respective tasks preparing to open the Free Kitchen doors, never forget our core mission is to help the less fortunate, and know this: No one is disposable, everyone is expendable and you are here to learn to incorporate these two seemingly contrary sentiments, the better to maintain our Order as a counterweight to the influence and guile of the Fallen.

Any questions?”


