Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
Friend of the Doctrine, Mimi, wrote a Comment that sets us up rather nicely for a discussion of ‘the Everything Rule’
But first! The Wakefield Doctrine is a personality type (system/perspective) that posits three predominant worldviews:
- clarks (the Outsider)
- scotts (the Predator)
- rogers (the Herd Member)
We’re all born with the potential of having any of the above three as defining how we relate ourselves to the world around us and the people who make it up. We do, however, settle into one (and only one) such experience of the world at a very early age. The cool thing about our little Doctrine is that we maintain that how we relate ourselfs to the world, the world, in turns, reflects the relationship. We refer to this as (our) personal reality.
Relating to the world as a clark results in one experiencing other people as being distant, somewhat mysterious and thoroughly perplexing. To the Outsider, the way the people around them act implies a certain kindred nature, a shared experience a common understanding that is missing within. At least as far as the very young clark can understand. And, as a result the young Outsider believes that most everyone in their world are the beneficiaries of a certain insight, privy to information that supports their common realities and develops the social strategies and interpersonal styles. It’s inevitable that one (young clark in this instance) should seek opportunities to learn (what they do not know) while avoiding scrutiny, lest the reason they are lacking what others do not and be at risk for others to demand they (the clarks) account for their deficiency. In other words, the Outsider develops a personality geared to staying on the fringes while being driven by the need to learn whatever it is others must know to account for the difference.
And so, as well, with the scotts and rogers. Their worlds reflect, (and support and compliment), the relationship with the world at large. Being young, it takes years to develop effective styles of living in the world. But, to varying degrees of ‘success’, we all do.
The Wakefield Doctrine will maintain that we all, each of us, have the exact right personality type. For getting by/thriving/maintaining our lifes in the world we awoke to.
… and. this Everything Rule?
There is no such thing as: ‘that’s something that only a clark would do’ or ‘no one but a scott would try and succeed in that line of work’ or even, ‘it takes being a roger to know that’
No. There is not.
That said, how a thing (or a person or an occupation or hobby or picadillo or even a life-long interest) manifests is a relfection of the personal reality of the individual. And, by the way, very useful in discovering a body’s personality type!
Outa time.