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TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s weakly contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Founded in 1978 by Lizzi R, this ‘hop has provided safe haven, nurturing encouragement to an unsuspecting Readership each and every week. Visitors are treated to an array of finely crafted Lists that focus on the experience of the authors in the previous week that have involved people. places and things inspiring a psycho-emotional state of gratitude. And, of course, posts from the Wakefield Doctrine.

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine Long grat this week (see Grat #8)

4) gainful(ish) employment… well, technically, self-employment, i.e. real estate sales and marketing. It permits (and, kinda requires) certain activity ever week. Past lists have featured photos of the properties currently in inventory. This week will be no exception.

5) a lack of snow (no hubris in that statement… simple gratitude for weather conditions), that said, while seasonable cold, the ground is frozen, but visible. grat!

6) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop

7) the Six Sentence Story bloghop. Feature:  ‘La Machine‘. by Violet Lentz

8) ok Reader Advisory: the fact that you don’t have to be a clark to read, enjoy and otherwise participate Doctrine posts notwithstanding, here’s a quick little Grat that is right on the edge of acceptable coherency in writing, you know what we mean, esai?* In any event, the Wakefield Doctrine is a tool for self-improving oneself. Especially, if not ‘only’, for clarks. The reason is, it appears that a necessary precursor to growing and development involves the emotional aspect (of being a person). In clarks, there is a relatively high level of ‘hands off that shit’, at least when it comes to us dealing with…well, ourselves. Short story extended: had an encounter this weekend with an online friend that resulted in a better sense not only of ourselfs, but our capacity to interact with the world around us (and the people who makes it up). All due to time spent with this here personality theory here. For the non-predominant clarklike Readers: a reaction to something that in pre-Doctrine days could have been negative, became a positive(ish) lol process. Nothing remarkable, nothing that ‘real’ people don’t encounter and develop in… like childhood days. But, speaking only for ourselves, clark here. lol Thanks! unidentified person in non-comprehensible interaction!

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3  (A clarklike twist to a very rogerian view of clubs, groups, gatherings and common effort, aka ‘the Herd’. Unfortunately, the innate (and near-uncontrollable drive to subversion in clarks pretty much negates any of the natural attractiveness that our Herd Member (rogerian) brethren have in copious amount. oh well.)

* ha ha a little rhetoric joke

music vids




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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise it is governed by a single rule: all stories must be exactly six sentence in length.

Prompt word:


Leaving his third floor apartment, the Sophomore resolved anew to accept that he had been transported fifty-five years into the future from his eponymous second year of college and, upon further reflection, added to his New Year resolutions the goal of nurturing gratitude for finding himself in the company of the people, who, for reasons no one thought to explain, called themselves Proprietors of the Six Sentence Café and Bistro. While lacking the laid-back vibe and remarkable music scene of the end of the ’60s, he knew if he was ever going to find how or even why he’d been temporally dislocated, he needed to embrace the present.

The sidewalk, as he approached the Café, ceased being a brick ‘n soot maze, the work of the first modern industrial engineers serving the monied-patriarchs sitting in homes in the city’s finest neighborhoods, known, without the slightest sense of irony, as College Hill; the young man smiled at the memory the girl he met at a college mixer in the Ivy League school on the Hill, his mood souring with the realization that she would now be seventy-three years old.

The five-story building that housed the Café and served as the involuntary time-traveler’s sanctuary, came into view as he turned the final corner but his attention was hijacked by a billboard sign in the middle of a freshly cleaned lot.

Brand new and totally incongruous, it offered the image of a family walking, in the background were open fields and distant mountains; the adults were smiling grimly and the two children gazed upwards; the artwork was in a pointillist style with an earthy palette, the result was thoroughly wholesome and homespun.

Dominating the top half of the 10.5 by 36 foot sign were two lines of text;

in comic sans:

‘The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog’

below which, in Times New Roman:

‘Serve the Machine and your needs will be met’.





II (z) Dei -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Friend of the Doctrine, Mimi, wrote a Comment that sets us up rather nicely for a discussion of ‘the Everything Rule’

But first! The Wakefield Doctrine is a personality type (system/perspective) that posits three predominant worldviews:

  1. clarks (the Outsider)
  2. scotts (the Predator)
  3. rogers (the Herd Member)

We’re all born with the potential of having any of the above three as defining how we relate ourselves to the world around us and the people who make it up. We do, however, settle into one (and only one) such experience of the world at a very early age. The cool thing about our little Doctrine is that we maintain that how we relate ourselfs to the world, the world, in turns, reflects the relationship. We refer to this as (our) personal reality.

Relating to the world as a clark results in one experiencing other people as being distant, somewhat mysterious and thoroughly perplexing. To the Outsider, the way the people around them act implies a certain kindred nature, a shared experience a common understanding that is missing within. At least as far as the very young clark can understand. And, as a result the young Outsider believes that most everyone in their world are the beneficiaries of a certain insight, privy to information that supports their common realities and develops the social strategies and interpersonal styles. It’s inevitable that one (young clark in this instance) should seek opportunities to learn (what they do not know) while avoiding scrutiny, lest the reason they are lacking what others do not and be at risk for others to demand they (the clarks)  account for their deficiency. In other words, the Outsider develops a personality geared to staying on the fringes while being driven by the need to learn whatever it is others must know to account for the difference.

And so, as well, with the scotts and rogers. Their worlds reflect, (and support and compliment), the relationship with the world at large. Being young, it takes years to develop effective styles of living in the world. But, to varying degrees of ‘success’, we all do.

The Wakefield Doctrine will maintain that we all, each of us, have the exact right personality type. For getting by/thriving/maintaining our lifes in the world we awoke to.

… and. this Everything Rule?

There is no such thing as: ‘that’s something that only a clark would do’ or ‘no one but a scott would try and succeed in that line of work’ or even, ‘it takes being a roger to know that’

No. There is not.

That said, how a thing (or a person or an occupation or hobby or picadillo or even a life-long interest) manifests is a relfection of the personal reality of the individual. And, by the way, very useful in discovering a body’s personality type!

Outa time.


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Hey! You’re right! We did not do either a traditional ‘Year in Review’ post or a traditional ‘New Year’ post this year.

What the hell?

Not to worry. We’ll just pull down some cardboard boxes and find ourselfs a couple of ReCerpts*

Before we do, lets take a moment to thank the Readers from last year and spend a minute to invite anyone in the sight of our words to come on down in 2025**

First things…fourth. Looked up the Zagar and Evans. Catching melody, silly lyrics.

New Readers: Your Narrator (the ‘us’ in this discussion1) Is a clark with a significant secondary scottian and weak tertiary rogerian aspect. Nothing wrong with that. Rule 0.5: No one is subject to another’s opinion of their predominant worldview. We do, however, practice and learn from discussions of others’ personality type. (Example: Jimi Hendrix? a clark. Joe Pesci so a scott. Your local preacher/minister/priest/etc? roger3)

So stop by as we demonstrate ‘if we’re still alive’ (mangled paraphrase of the first verse of the song we’re not going to post. lol)

ok! ok! the ReCerpt

Now the time has come. There are things to realize. Time has come today

Time.In the time it takes to write this, it is about time this subject is addressed, when will it be time to get serious….it’s about Time.

The un-marked Rolodex stopped spinning this morning and came up Chambers Brothers, which means the topic is Time. (I will say with pride  that I resisted the Pink Floyd and stayed with the original source.)

On with it then.  Everything can be seen in light of the Wakefield Doctrine, ever thang.  Even Time.  Especially Time.

(BTW I did make some New Year’s resolutions, and primary among them was to present the Doctrine in as effective a manner as possible, which means that every Post/any Post contain something of the ‘real world’ that will offer concrete and objective expressions of the Wakefield Doctrine.  And I will not stint to present the Doctrine in as many different ‘contexts’ as may make themselves available.)

Time to start?

clarks are of the future, scotts of the present and rogers of the past.
(for clarks) the future never arrives, (for scotts) the present is over too soon and (for rogers) the past is essential


* yes, we claim that little neologism

** yeah, we had the misremembered title/lyric/what’s the cool word…. yeah! mondegren (correction mondegreen) ***

*** jeez Louise, can we get anymore clarklike?2


1) lol

2) well, for starters: excessive third person POV. god forbid we should open ourselfs to criticism for being non-inclusive. (not for nothin’ but one could make the argument that a clark’s excessive use of the 3rd person is much like standing in a group of people and practicing ventriloquism (going so far as to physically trying to sneak behind others while making statements…) See?!! see?!? we’re ‘a part of‘!!! ‘belong’  (lol sorry, where were we? oh, up there?)

3) this last should have italics to signal something extra. wait, we did do that sorry lol Anyway, this is not a ‘direct statement’ we don’t know if they are a roger. But, when you need to guess a type there are certain features about a person that, taken into consideration, drastically improve your chances of being correct. So, profession: religious leader/manager /team builder/coach For most organized religions the key for ministering to member is what is referred to as ‘referential authority’. We don’t think you should think/do/act this way, ‘they/it do/does’  ok scope is exceeding time with this topic. Note: if you’re new and want to learn more, search among these posts the term ‘Everything Rule’ that’ll answer most of your questions on this little digression. aiightt?

clarks are such softies… here ya go (the old, old tune that should be mind-worming you)  (oh man! not the best of songs, but the rogers will enjoy it)


the Unicorn Challenge -the Wakefield Doctrine- [a Stone and the Crone story]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Unicorn Challenge bloghop.

jenne and ceayr have only one rule and that is a 250 word maximum for contributions.

(To read more from this series, go to ‘the Stone and the Crone‘)


“Remember when they built this place? How the stone masons insisted on returning down to Plockton every night? Either our appetites were far greater than I remember or they’d been warned about certain fauna.”

“I must’ve gained five stone over a single summer.”

“Aye and still working it off,”

Against the lower trunk of the 200-year-old oak, the woman’s burlap cloak made her indistinguishable from the riven and craggy bark of a tree that was a sapling when the pair had last visited. It would have taken the occupants of the Land Rover’d tourists more time in concentrated scanning of the forest beyond the lawns than their generation was inclined to invest in parts of the world not displayed on their phones.

“Here now!” To her left, doing a passable imitation of a coarse greywacke outcropping, the aptly named, Stone, felt a camouflage-compromising guffaw growing. Of long-term couples, it is said that jokes are nearly impossible because every punchline is telegraphed from common experience.

“Remember what you starting calling the construction site?”

The ancient woman’s effort to resist the urge to laugh resulted in a coughing fit, every old reptile’s instinctive tightening around the snake hook violating the safety of its ground cover-and-roots hideaway.

“Carron Carry-out?”

“Stop it, mo chirdhe,” the gruffness in the man’s voice, in unintended simpatico with their choice of hiding places against stone and bark, nearly disguised for his feelings of concern for his companion.


