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RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

No. Way. Dude! Way!


What about some other triads manifested in the Wakefield Doctrine?

(You remember, clarks are crazy, scotts are stupid and rogers are dumb. (or): clarks think, scotts act or rogers feel.

Hey! Wanna know your predominant worldview (aka personality type)? Look at the world around you and the people who make it up through one of three lens; that of the Outsider(clarks), the Predator(scotts) or the Herd Member(rogers) one will be totally blurry, discard it. Continue looking at a person, a thing or, even, a situation/interaction through one, (of the two remaining lens), then the other. Is the view of one clearer than the other? Now, repeat as often as necessary until you see the world around you (and the people who make it up) clearly.

Congratulations! You have determined your predominant worldview. Have a better day!

Let’s go search the archives, yo.

alright, recess is over, time to get back to work

Well…..That certainly was different…perhaps a way of ‘letting off steam’ or even just having fun, nothing says this blog has to be all serious.  But our task remains, the goal of this blog remains ever the same:  to present the Wakefield Doctrine (aka the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) in a way that is easy to understand and allows you, the Reader, to apply (it’s) principles to your daily life.

I believe it was in the (…you do not want to look down) Post…we said that we will be focusing on each of the three types, one Post for each.  First up: clarks.

To begin, this Post will not be about clarks in the sense of what they are, or how to spot them or even (their) characteristics.  This Post is concerned with clarks from the perspective of how they relate to this Wakefield Doctrine thing.  A clark reading this blog will be curious and will read much of the material, but they will do this in order to compare what the Doctrine is to the system they already have in place.  Information is the central feature in the world of the clarks.

(A little dry, but then we are talking about clarks…) but stay with us here. This Post and the two to follow will be of value to us in answering the question:  ‘how do I get through to a clark (or a scott or a roger)?’
Put another way, spotting a roger or a scott or a clark is pretty simple.  But, ‘speaking the language’ of these three types of people is not so simple.

Our challenge is to learn to communicate with the other(s) in their language, on their terms.
A clark talking to a scott will sound like a clark (to that scott).  But it is possible for that clark to speak to the scott in the ‘scottian language’.
Of course, we are not talking about ‘languages’ in the everyday sense and it is more  about being able to perceive reality as the other does.
If you can do that, you will automatically speak their language.

Lets try this:  you’re a clark (come back scott, come back  lol), you are standing in a room full of people at some social function.  Being a clark,  you are standing in a corner and you are looking around and listening to everyone,  trying to learn what is expected of you.  Into the room comes a scott, who immediately begins to ‘work the room’, going from person to person, establishing ranking and locating food.  This scott does not need to learn (what is expected of them), they simply need to act.  To survive.
If you, (a clark) goes up to this scott and offers information, you will be identified as a clark.  To the scottianbrain:  you are not a competitor and you are not food.  The scott will be cautious, until you are identified to the scotts satisfaction)

But, suppose for a minute, you could speak scottian, the language of a scott. What do you suppose the difference would be?
You would not be offering information, for a start.  And you would not be trying co-operate with this (scott).  You would simply communicate with the scott directly.
(Now, the clarks out there reading this are leaping ahead of this little example…the implications of switching perspective to that of the other….hold up clarkies…lets try to bring along the rogers and scotts…they are not running out ahead on this one…)

So you go up to the scott and first and foremost demand their attention.  You become a scott.

Let’s just put it this way:  the Wakefield Doctrine can provide you with enough information/perspective/encouragement to enable you to perceive the world as the other two types do and, by doing this, you will be able to communicate with them more effectively.  Totally.

Of course, if you do this you may find that the message that you are trying to convey to the other person is changed by the fact that you are seeing the world differently.  But that is a Post length topic in and of itself.  In the following Posts we will consider this changing of the message effect that comes when we see the world through the eyes of another.  This will be most difficult to the scotts and the rogers, but hey if this were easy I would be on TV by now.

Lets finish with a little (more) music.



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop (TToT).

Foundered in 1873 by L. Rogers (née Lewis) it is one of the premier examples of the blog genre: grat-blog. The theme, purpose, intent and ultimately, manifestation of it’s utility and value to each participant is the introspective appreciation of those elements extant in (the author’s) reality that engendered, progendered and holds up (to the mind’s eye): “This! See this person, are you aware of this thing?!?! What part of the world around you are you not appercieving the presence of the more than mundane!!??! What are you crazy/stupid/dumb?!?!*.

So lets get started! We have a driveway to shovel. (not really, but it is a beautiful early March day out there.)

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine 1

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop  Doctrine Pick-‘0-the Week: ‘Mystery and Adventure. It’s a Six‘  (by) Denise

5) the Unicorn Challenge ‘corn in the morn’ week Selection: ‘Here and Now‘ (by) jenne

6) Me’n Tom’s Serial Six Story ‘...of Heroes and the MisUnderstood’

7)  (1)  that footnote down there? (this kind of writing is emblematic of the driving force behind this here blog here and the three thousand plus posts (Shout-out to Nick for the emojicating the mention of how many of these frickin’ things they is). and, …and as demonstration that despite how minor my tertiary aspect might be, there is always the possibility of improvement. and this, in point of fact, is the goal of the (practice of) the Wakefield Doctrine: to maintain fully-developed  predominant, secondary and tertiary aspects in dynamic balance.)

8) something, something

9) will survey the yard today (grat: don’t care if I’m spotted in the woods with a winter coat, knit watch cap and an axe (little project-ette: dig out a stump in the road to the cottage)

10) Secret Rule 1.3


*  the Wakefield Doctrine’s ‘Everything Rule’ holds that all three personality types are capable of exhibiting less than admirable mental, physical and emotional states… (you were well on your way to getting the vibe from our cutaway, all italicized and such, right?) Well, for the three** here is how it is manifest:

  • clarks (the Outsider) ‘crazy’  example: ‘Sure, Miss. C. The ink has dried on your grad degree, you have several years of inconsequential work experience and now, through no fault of your own other than a tenacity that would shame a deliberately over-fed bulldog, you have a formal interview for the job you have dreamed of. Double down on the streaks of random hair-color, polish those jump-boots to a mirror shine that shows off the cosmetic metal-work that you’ve dotted your head with… oh, and don’t forget to be late!!‘ That is just crazy.
  • scotts  (the Predator) ‘stupid’ example: ‘What? No, we don’t think that guy in the entrouage of suits touring the factory laughed at your joke. Of course it was funny. Why yes, even an investor looking to fund the owner’s desparate effort to keep the family-run place open for one more generation. Maybe he’s not in a good mood. No, driviing a forklift up to the group is not a demonstration of manufacturing skill they would be impressed by.’ That’s plain stupid.
  • rogers (the Herd Member) ‘dumb’ example: ‘OK, that is a valid point. Your date should appreciate the insight into the efficacy of how she does her job. Yeah, the one that earned her the SVP position. No doubt she would value your suggestion, because doing things right makes the man. Well, she might not know that inviting you up to her penthouse at the end of your first date might not be proper protocol or the fact that you know how business behavior begins and ends with…‘ Well, that was dumb.


** you totally have to ask about the rogerian reaction to our little appellation designating the Herd Member’s less than optimal state



music vids


*due to the demography of out readership we will indulge in a repeat-within-the-week music vid



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Friday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to ‘the Unicorn Challenge‘.

Hosted by jenne and ceayr, the only strict rule is: a story may not exceed 250 words. how much time, or license or psycho-emotional careening around in one’s reaction to the prompt photo? Unlimited.



“…and I get to be immortal.”

“A couple of simple tasks, that’s it?”

“”Minor challenges, easy-peasy and then I get the permanent status of…”

“Weak opponents. pretty much symbolic in their presence… exactly how weak?”

“”Picked from a handful of candidates in a process extended down from the Bronze Age, sure anyone would feel honored…”

Human candidates, no, that does make me feel even more special…”

“Opportunity to save Mankind, well, of course I’ll step up…”

“‘No, I don’t, no one would, given the situation…”

“Next of kin?”

“No, no one left…. oh, a standard question. No, I’m not aware of any family history of suspicious deaths.”

“No, I wasn’t lonely. Sure, but what kid doesn’t? But that’s not anything exceptional and …besides, that was all the nuns talking they way they did with grade-school kids.”

“Who believes that stuff anymore, Satan and the Bargain, sure makes for great blues music but pretty much every kid outgrows that.”

“Hey! Look! My Uber’s here. Been great talking to you, we’ll have to do it again….”

“What the hell, man? Quit pushin!”



Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [‘…of Heroes and the MisUnderstood’ Part 1.5 ]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise

Tom and I are writing a Serial Six Sentence Story: ‘…of Heroes and the MisUnderstood‘. (If you’re just starting, this link will provide the whole story.)

Previously in our story: (from Tom): ‘Whitechapel‘ and (from us): ‘Slide

Prompt word:


“La naiba de vrăjitoare” (“Godamn witches!”);

my current host, jailor and fashion icon leaned out the open door of the helicopter with a grace that made me think of a tiger crouched in a tree; despite using a single hand on the edge of the opening to prevent his falling the fifty or sixty feet to the ground, he was totally focused on the instructions originating in the cell phone held to his ear with his free hand.

The language was predominantly Romanian, yet even with the roar of the engine, his half of the conversation had a decidedly Samuel Jackson/Jules Winfield tone; that said there seemed to be an awful lot sentences needed to say: ‘Mooncross Industries will need an excavator and bulldozer before they continue their research… and a coroner and a premium LinkedIn account, given the apparent body count’.

Nodding at no one, but doing it with the palpable sense of obeisance of a samurai with none of civilized tradition but way more a feral acknowledgement of a pack’s alpha the man put the phone in his pocket as the helicopter tilted and moved towards the airport abutting the industrial park; Isla leaned against me before catching herself as her eyes went all thousand-yard stare when we passed over the remains of a sign halfway between the frontage road and the building’s blasted exterior: ‘Mooncros.. I..dustr. R&D D..vision.’

We landed next to a Bombardier Global 8000 that had the runway all to itself, the light of the luxurious interior was occluded as Constantin Szarbo stood in the doorway locking eyes with me; I heard the sophomore philosophy fave, Fredrich Nietzsche’s voice intone: ‘look into the abyss and the abyss looks back’ the thought way more disturbing now than any college dorm poster.

I felt Isla pull on my arm and, plugging my headset back in it’s socket, we got out of the helicopter and began to cross the tarmac, skirting the JP4 hurricane as the engines strained the aircraft’s brakes; halfway to stairs up to the cabin, my phone started playing a totally unfamiliar ringtone, something from a band my grandparents liked, called The Beach Boys.

I put the phone to my ear and heard, “Mr. Virgilius, listen to me, if you want to live,” I held the phone at arms length with a eyebrow raised to Isla as a woman’s laughter flooded from the speaker, “Sorry, Rocco, couldn’t resist; but what you will definitely not be resisting are my instructions, that is if you and Miz DeNite ever hope to again see the inside of a certain American Strip Club and Lounge.”



Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [‘…of Heroes and the MisUnderstood’ Part 1.0 ]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise

Tom and I are writing a Serial Six Sentence Story: ‘…of Heroes and the MisUnderstood‘. (If you’re just starting, this link will provide the whole story.)

Previously in our story: (from Tom): ‘Whitechapel‘ and (from us): ‘Slide

Prompt word:


[GCHQ London Branch]

‘Audentes Fortuna adiuvat’; consistently ranked in the top 3 tattoos requested by the hopelessly-romantic segment of the post-adolescent male Gen-Z population, Leftenant Custos sneaked a peek at the Vaseline-blurred letters under the clear plastic bandage on his right forearm, anticipation of his friends’ reaction provided all the analgesic he required.

Approaching the midpoint of the graveyard shift in the Live Monitor Nexus facility, the young man sought diversion in the depths of  his cellphone; the thrilling tales of high-tech intrigue and clandestine daring-do the government services recruiter painted on Career Day back in university notwithstanding, Abel Custos was beginning to question his professional trajectory; fortunately by virtue of being young, he was spared the irony lurking in his new, yet very permanent, ink.

Glancing around the vast subterranean complex, active monitors attended by row-after-row of dedicated civil servants, he opened a second window on his display, quickly reducing it to a thumbnail in the lower right hand corner of the screen; it showed, in realtime, a land vehicle and a helicopter both on a heading of east-northeast, their point of convergence the London City Airport.

“Lets agree you are double-checking the track of the two vehicles that we are not tracking and have no interest in, before bringing it to my attention, shall we?”

Watch Supervisor, Colonel Villicus, smiled without humor; as a trainee, Abel Custos wondered if he were the only one raising an eyebrow when the Instructors would refer to Colonel Villicus as Prospero, never, of course, to his face and with an obvious if not fear-tinged deference.

Tapping keys on the controller strapped to his wrist, the supervisor commandeered the primary display, “While we are under orders to direct the local authorities to ignore this intriguing affair of gun battles, helicopters and luxury cars speeding through the streets of Whitechapel,” the older man leaned towards the screen and expanded a satellite feed of a building in the industrial park adjacent to the airport that appeared to be in the process of being blown up, “fortunately for us, we are neither local, nor ‘the authorities’; both men watched the convergence of the SUV and the helicopter on the local airfield.

