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Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Who said that?

(thank you, very much)

(all we had was a couple of examples/illustrations/manifestations of ‘the Everything Rule’*)

* ‘Everyone does everything, at one time or another’

But, interestingly enough, it (the Rule) has become less necessary than it was in the early days. Most likely this is attributable to a) the frequency of visits from people coming to the blog for the first time, 2) the percentage of rogers confronting the lack of herd evidenced in the posts, comments etc or c) developing the idea of predominant worldviews (the ‘personality types’ of our system) as relationship (‘how we relate ourselves to the world around us’) as opposed to the notion of encountering three characteristic personal realities. i.e. that of the Outsider, the Predator and the Herd Member. We suspect Readers are more comfortable with the former paradigm than the latter: ‘are you saying I am stuck in the screaming dimension/no, sorry, but you have overlooked one thing, ‘my opinion/cool‘.

damn! interesting  but not as invigorating as this Monday warrants

wait! shit! all this way before the topic appears! ‘Aging and the three predominant worldviews of the Wakefield Doctrine’


the level of comprehension, (if not natural affinity for the concept), of Readers these days is too great to stay interested in a topic as simple as:

‘While age neutral, the Wakefield Doctrine accounts for the subtle changes in one’s personality as time goes by. This is not simply because there is, on the whole, less energy for the individual to express and manifest the effects and products of their interaction with the world around them. The interesting thing is that a person’s secondary aspect rises in relative prominence as their predominant worldview declines.’

Just as in the early days of this blog, the question tends to be: ‘I know my (spouse/friend/boss) is a (clark/scott/roger) but sometimes I’d swear they were not. Worse, sometimes they act inconsistently with your theory! I know the Doctrine is perfect in it’s basic premise so what gives?’

As the predominant wanes, the secondary, (and on occasion, the tertiary), aspect becomes more apparent.

ok… RePrint

snippets, tidbits and snicky-snacks, stop and set a spell at the Wakefield Doctrine personality spa


Welcome to ( ah! much better! ) the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

As the title purely implies, today is an easy day…easy font, easy title and easy on the complex, OMG! I had no idea how totally insightful you people are…kinda way. No grammar concerns, no worries about ‘story arc’ just going to have a little conversation.  Well, we know it is not going to be a ‘conversation’, because that would require a give and take, an exchange of ideas, a frickin effort to get out of your Chair-of-Total-Self-Idulgence and and actually do something. ( And we know you are too fuckin lazy to bother doing that! Life in the Virtual Zone!! ain’t it grand?)

Lets play with fonts, seeing how we’re all ‘comic sans-ly this morning’. Like the following short statement:

This is type on wing dings font  what the hell!

now, would someone out there please tell me why this ‘font’ would be permanently installed in my software?  Seriously, other than some pudgy-fingered, greasy-hair, bad-complected roger (male or female) using this font to send secret messages to other rogers, why do we have it? No answer, is there?   (And we now arrive at the Wakefield Doctrine Lesson of the Day):

We all know that this Doctrine is based on the premise that there are three characteristic ways/manners/styles that all people perceive the world, i.e.  ‘as an Outsider’ (looking on) if you are a clark,  ‘as a predator’ (watching out) if you are a scott  (or)  ‘as a member of the group (looking around) if you are a roger.
With me so far?  good! Then you know that at an early age, we all become predominantly one of these three, (and this is where the magic happens):

  • If you are a clark: you are different, you know that everyone and everything around seems normal and you know you are not crazy (well, not crazy crazy) but everything is out there  and you are here watching and hoping that you can understand what it is that everyone else seems to know (and then) you will fit in and you won’t be out here
  • If you are a scott: you just got to do something, you see people act and move and you feel….you move  you suspect that you are different but everytime someone does something you re-act and you are …not glad…not happy…it’s just right. Sometimes you feel like you maybe, shouldn’t do so much so fast, you feel bad when others seem to not enjoy it…but you know thats the way the world is
  • If you are a roger: you are busy, all the time, things need to get done but they must be understood and appreciated and …and enhanced  You feel the responsibility, the sense of duty but it is not oppressive, sometimes you know that there are people around you who are in the way, but for the most part, everyone has a place and life will unfold as it should

What we are talking about here is not the dominant aspect, the fact that we are mostly clarks, scotts and rogers  (most of the time), what we will look at is the role of the two ‘non-dominant’ aspects. Remember! We never lose the capacity/capability/drive/instinct to experience the world as any of the three types, so what happens to the other two that we are not (mostly)?


Hey! That was interesting in a dissappointing-but-haven’t-we-matured-so-we-don’t-feel-the-need-to-get-upset way. The font effect of the original did not copy forward.

Oh well, Readers will have to use their not-inconsiderable imaginations to visualize the effects we were going for back …. er holy shit! thirteen years ago!!  ayy-fricken-yeee



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. In the week/month/quarter/including-the-one-not-given/decade/collective-lost-weekends/idealized-mid-childhood/and most re-constructed memories we are grateful for:

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) something, something

5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop  Six Pix of the Week: ‘Torn Seam‘  by Denise. (a nice little, quick glance across time (and, maybe dimensions)

6) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop Best of Show: Margaret‘s ‘The view from a diving bell‘ (a little exercise in the art of employing the rhythm of language)

7) writing colaboration with Tom (“…of Heroes and the MisUnderstood“)

8) Six Sentence Café and Bistro. Hey! Mark your favorite characters’ calendars… a couple of weeks, (or so), Tom and I will be concluding our Serial Six (Grat #7). And, one way or another we’ll, (collectively and metaphorically), find ourselfs at the Café. Send you characters (or be, bold-devil-may-care and show up however you manifest). A Splendid Time is guaranteed for all! Not to worry about setting/physical context, will provide descriptive references leading up to the event. (Or you can check in with any of the regulars (or their metavars*): Nick/Gatekeeper, Denise/Bartender, Mimi/(ma’am or ‘cher’ will work or whatever moves you), Chris/Raconteuse or Tom (Anyone with Ford’s current address, feel free to send it on) and jenne. It’ll be fun in a meta meta kinda way, ya know? (Quick overview: in a semi-deserted factory/mill district of most cities, (Misky has a excellent story that manifests the concept that Six Sentence Café and Bistros can be found anywhere provided there is sufficient desire to find it. Easiest description: rectangle shaped, entrance at the lower right corner(ish). Once through the foyer, with it’s cigarette machine piled high with free magazines addressing: local real estate offerings, band-members and used cars, copies of the Watch Tower and brochures from the local Chamber of Commerce. You might see Frank there, sitting on the single vinyl-upholstered bench seat (for the busier nights). Through the doors to the Café proper, the bar runs down the right wall, the rest of the public space is to the left. Architecturally-opportunistic alcoves are found along the exterior wall, opposite which is the long interior wall, (looking at our non-existent floor plan the top edge of the rectangle), in the middle of which is a small, one-step up stage. Back to the bar behind which the shelves of liquor are interrupted by double-swinging doors (with those cool porthole windows) that give access to Tom‘s domain, the kitchen. At the far end of the bar is the start of a hallway running to the right and the Manager’s office. Further past it no one is quite sure of anything other than the overhead lights always burn out too soon.

9) minor yard project (Yeah like a bagatelle for rake and wheelbarrow) Before and after (clearly all our hard work and effort paid big dividends! lol)

10) Secret Rule 1.3  sub-chapter 18; “… the effort to


* if this combination of meta and avatar hasn’t already been coined…. then you can thank the Doctrine








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Friday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to ‘the Unicorn Challenge

Hosted each week by jenne and ceayr, we who are about to write are tasked with creating a story, (a world, a glimpse off the continuum or, perhaps merely a daydream), inspired by the week’s photo image. The limit to this construction is that it require no more than two hundred and fifty words to convey.

Nighttime on the open ocean is irrefutable testament to limits of Man. His wooden, (or steel), constructions appear to defy the limits imposed by Nature. But humility is not the most celebrated quality of humankind. In fact, one might argue ambition was the reason for expulsion from a certain Garden. Leaving water for fish, air for birds an affront; surely good only for the weak of mind and timid of spirit.

The trawler had set out at dawn. Then, the sea was flat, the temperature unremarkable and the wind pushed-and-played with the crew’s hair, like barroom predators when the evening is young and appetites weak.

Now, however, emboldened by acquiescence of the sun, darkness reigned and the waves grew. As the boat wallowed in deceptively indolent troughs, the sea stepped over the gunnels like boys jumping hedges. The crew, standing on the main deck, continued to pick through the catch, halogen suns casting crumpled shadows.

Hearing the captain’s uncertainty, the deckhands employed the most human of strategies when confronted with forces beyond their control, they put it out of their minds. Increasingly the deck was awash with green water breaking against the rails. Rollers of bycatch, seaweed and froth brushed past their legs, racing from one side to the other. Upside down pendulums, the men worked, knowing there was no return without the boat, and only by filling the fish-holds would the captain allow that to happen. That the sea had other plans was permitted no space in their thoughts.




Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘…of Heroes and the MisUnderstood’ [5.1 traP]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

It is hosted by Denise and has a strict Six Sentence Limit

Speaking of ‘Penny Dreadfuls’, Tom and I are writing a Serial Six Sentence Story: ‘…of Heroes and the MisUnderstood‘. (If you’re just starting, this link will provide the whole story.)

Most previously   …from Tom. and, now following our first Six this week, we continue the tale.

Now, as we’re sure you surmised from our peculiar subtitle, we up to some hijinks. Given that we’re approaching the climax of our Serial Six, we decided to switch desks! Tom is writing ‘our’ storyline, (in which Rocco is protagonist), and we’re taking over the Rue & Moonbeam narrative. For a while, at least.

Prompt Word:


“I’m just outside the main doors, hurry the hell up, we’re on the move.”

Stepping into the cold morning air, Rue DeNite laughed at the sight of Moonbeam leaning over the empty front passenger seat of a brand new, shiny metallic green, something-or-other brand SUV; as soon as she clicked her seatbelt, he pulled away from the terminal, drove past what appeared to be a giant acorn sculpture and headed northeast.

Rue leaned against the passenger door after checking the GPS display in the dashboard; there were two starred highlights: the airport, receding along the illuminated route in the animated map and, on the destination end, ‘Tunglfjőrður’, with a label “Mooncross Industries’ at the bottom of the screen, Estimated Travel Time: 1 hour 50 minutes blinking in red.

“You’re mad at me, that’s what’s going on here,” in premeditated response to Rue’s assertion, Moonbeam furrowed his brow, as if his concentration on the nearly empty road was all that stood between their success and the fate of the world;

“While I’m impressed with that business of dark energy shooting out of your arm and being able to make people, like, suddenly fall sleep, when it comes to boosting cars and other forms of transport, of all the Supervillains I know, ‘You’re my all-time favorite‘;” Rue, pretending to admire the snow-covered mountains took hope in a slight tremor to the corner of his mouth.

“I don’t know what you mean, but since you brought it up, am I safe thinking that under all that white denim, you’re not wearing some kind of stripper-secret-weapon that, when we get cornered, you’ll start to twirl in the face of our foes?”

Taking off her jacket, Rue turned in her seat, added an unprovable arc to her spine and, with the hint of a side-to-side shoulder motion, brushed a button on her phone; Bob Seger’s voice filled the car, “They’d kill to make the cut“; laughter once again proving itself to be the best tonic.





Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘…of Heroes and the MisUnderstood’ [0.1 traP]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

It is hosted by Denise and has a strict Six Sentence Limit

Speaking of ‘Penny Dreadfuls’, Tom and I are writing a Serial Six Sentence Story: ‘…of Heroes and the MisUnderstood‘. (If you’re just starting, this link will provide the whole story.)

However, most previously   …from Tom.

Now, as we’re sure you surmised from our peculiar subtitle, we up to some hijinks. Given that we’re approaching the climax of our Serial Six, we decided to switch desks! Tom is writing ‘our’ storyline, (in which Rocco is protagonist), and we’re taking over the Rue & Moonbeam narrative. For a while, at least.

Prompt word:


“Jeez Louise, the secret-samurai architect of this terminal totally rocked the East-Meets-Nanook-the-Warrior minimalism,” Rue DeNite crossed under the glass-and-aurora borealis expanse of Keflavik International Airport’s main terminal, found the bar, ordered a tonic and tonic and headed towards the Danish modern sofa where Moonbeam was seated, the soles of her tired feet shushing over the terrazzo floor, when his jacket pocket began to make chirping sounds.

Holding up his right index finger, the Supervillain put his phone to his ear; on the basis of facial expression, the other half of the conversation would have been accurately represented had someone thought to provide cue cards with bold-ink exclamations marks, big-assed pound signs (aka hashtags) and an asterix or two; after a particularly distraught series of ‘…but you weren’t there, I had to make that call, the situation was fluid‘; Rue, now sitting close enough to rest her crossed right knee on his left thigh, took the phone from his hand.

“Hi, this is Rue DeNite; first off, loved the jet; second thing, even though we haven’t actually met, I’d appreciate you cutting my friend here a little slack.”

Smiling at Moonbeam, Rue nodded several times, paused at least twice and pantomimed writing something down, bold strokes in the air with a silent laugh towards her companion who had begun to gesture somewhat frantically;

“Don’t get me wrong, your stepping up with transportation was very kind, but I’m here because my boss asked me to and, not for nothin’, but of the three people in this conversation, only one has gone up against Cyrus St. Loreto and walked away unscathed; I’ll give you a hint: it wasn’t you.”

Curling her legs up on the couch, Rue held the phone between her right ear and some part of Moonbeam’s head and continued, “So listen lady, oh, it’s The Lady, classy, I like it; but the thing of it is, the amount of shit I allocate to your insight into the global ramifications, geopolitical repercussions and nuanced counter-moves of this little circus is in the range of negative zero;” Moonbeam’s eyes acquired the wild look of a horse at the approach of a glowing-hot branding iron, “So, what say we end our little chat with an American idiom you might be familiar with, ‘Fuck you’.”

Turning to her companion with a look of surprised innocence, Rue laughed, “What?”


