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Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Damn! almost forgot where I left this draft Post.

Might comment below this RePrint post. Or, maybe just push that badboy down the page and continue with whatever it is that we would say on this May day.

Ya know?

(Hey! Remind us to tell y’all about my musical superstition sometime)

How early is this post? Damn, hadn’t settled on the format yet. Interesting! (or not).

ok, ok, quick ‘in the narrative observation.

Once of the first totally remarkable effects of the Wakefield Doctrine on us was being comfortable with writing badly. Not that anything here (at least the posts that reference the Doctrine) is bad. Or, even badly written. (tho as the gaggle of attorneys I used to overhear back when in the course of work I spent some time in courthouses, might say, “I’ll stip to that…”) There is, imo, a difference between bad writing and badly written. We’ll accept the latter, not the former.

Back to our point. As a clark it is remarkable that we would be comfortable enough with the concept of: “Keep writing, that way the dull, stupid or otherwise not good posts will get buried by subsequent posts.” That, we will maintain, hell, we will shout, is the first proof of the Wakefield Doctrine’s efficacy as a tool for self-developing oneself.

That’s how it began.

FAQs + WD + wtf = Enlightenment and Self-Improvement Wakefield Doctrine-style

a) the Wakefield Doctrine, of course
b) yes, glad to have you here too!
As the Readership of this blog grows, we are beginning to see questions forming in the minds of our Readers about this here Doctrine here. Signs of uncertainty are as immediate as the interview with DownSpring Joanne ( Episode Eeeleven of Video Friday), and as inferred as the Comment written in response to yesterdays Post.
We all know that it is a time-honored technique, when in the middle of the Summer’Re-run’ season to write a Q & A Post  (or as our clarklike Readers might prefer it, Q & I(nference) & (modified)Q & A(interrupted).  This saves the really good, original material for the Fall, when everyone is back from vacation and/or holiday and are ready to read online blogs. In addition, the use of a Q & A Post helps Readers who may have a passing interest in the Wakefield Doctrine, by allowing them to see that other people have the same questions*, which makes them? (all together now, rogers!!). Our scottian Readers have no more need for a Q & A than say a polar bear who happens upon an ice floe where 3 seal pups have been abandoned by their mother.
So lets get on with the Qs and the Answers!Q: Alright, are you  guys for real, or what? Sometimes I read things that make sense in a serious and thoughtful way and the next thing I read is something about a girl in an imaginary High School. Whats the deal with you people?
A:Yes, we are for real. At least, as real as can be assumed about anything that you find on the internet. The Wakefield Doctrine really is the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers and there really are people who think in terms of all personality types being clarks or scotts or rogers.Q: Sometimes I am (a scott) then other times I must be (a clark). Whats up with that?
A: You’re a clarkQ: Hey, wait! You can’t be that sure, on the basis of only one questions!
A: Yes I can. ( I’m a clark)   The question you should be asking is, ‘why does it seems that sometimes we are one form, other times others’? The answer is, of course, that we retain the capacity to experience the world as the three types, but have one (of the three) as a dominant view. i.e. clark, scott or roger.A:  I heard that you have been doing this for more than 2 years, what have you learned about the Wakefield Doctrine that you did not know when you started?
Q:  How much fun and how satisfying it would be…this is the clarklike  answer. There may (or may not) be an answer to this question from the others in the Comment Section of this Post. But I would say, to amplify my answer, I am amazed on a daily basis how damn correct and ‘accurate’ the Wakefield Doctrine actually is! As a tool for self-development it is remarkable, as witness the progression of stunts and Posts, hats (for your damn heads) and trips across the country and latest of all, the Video Friday Interviews. I defy any clark reading this to say that the videos alone are documented proof of the efficacy of the Wakefield Doctrine as a personal development system.

So, there you have it. Questions and Answers and even a damn, borrowed music video. Is dis a system, or what?



Yes, I have seen three gigantic rogers before…but no, not this gigantic  lol




Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “..ten somersets he’ll undertake on solid ground”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

The Wakefield Doctrine is a perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up. The term ‘personality type’ is employed, not as much to entice those in search of scientifically rigorous tests, surveys and/or APA sanctioned theories of personality. We employ that terminology/lexicon/jargon (in the subtitle of our blog) for two reasons: 1) it sounds cool and, you know, like, official and b) to provide an illustration of a defining characteristic of one of the three ‘personality’ ‘types’.

As a perspective (we normally make a point that) this is an ‘additional’ perspective, and, as such the Wakefield Doctrine is useful, productive and fun. The matter of going to the length of adding the ‘additional’ to our definition of our theory being a perspective is a literary artifact from the early-to-mid years of this blog. The use and abuse of (one’s) perspective on the world around them and the people who make it up, having since been co-opted, abused and otherwise rendered less significant as time carries us forward (well, most of us) in time.

Speaking of time and subtitle. We set out this morning to write a short, Doctrine-post without excessive references or research. And so we will.

There are three personality types in the Wakefield Doctrine:

  1. the Outsider (clarks)
  2. the Predator (scotts)
  3. the Herd Member (rogers)

And we are all born with the potential to ‘become’ one of the three.

The Wakefield Doctrine does not view ‘personality, personality types or ‘are you fricken serious!?’ as qualities (biases, tropisms or drives) as we do: responding to the world we find ourselves in when we’re new to the world and developing the strategies that seem to work best. In other words, everyone has the perfect personality. In terms (or available as a viewpoint) that which allows us to live and thrive optimally  in the personal reality in which we found ourselfs.

These three personality types? Simplest way to look at them is the character of one’s relationship to the world. We all have the potential for each. We end up with one. We never lose the potential to experience the world as do the ‘other two’. But just one. (It is well beyond the scope of this post is a discussion of ‘the Everything Rule’ which simply states: Everyone does everything at one time or another. Which is to say there is nothing that is uniquely inherent to one personality type. The difference lies in how a thing is manifested in whichever predominant worldview (aka personality type) you chose. This is, of course, because the Wakefield Doctrine is grounded in the relationship one has with the world and people and Life…and such.

clarks think; scotts act and rogers feel

The Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not them

(to be cont’d)



hey, old people… we’ll save you the keystrokes on this song


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT). First published in 1983, the TToT has been the preeminent Grat blog since arriving on the scene. And, as you’re sure to guess, this week’s TToT is a celebration of the moving-threshold-of-a-body’s-capabilities. To move stuff. And, as Mimi confirmed, we’re almost ready to submit a paper in support of the under-reported fact that the earth’s gravitational field has not only increased in what amounts to the blink-of-an-eye (geological time) but has also directly altered the density of certain parts of the earth such as flooring (op. cit. mimi 5/2023) while paradoxically-decreasing the density of certain others, i.e. soles of the feet, and the latissimus dorsi (et. al.)

Theses are interesting times.*

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop. Six of the Week  ‘To Trace a Curl‘  by Misky

5) the Unicorn Challenge. Selectitious Story ‘o the Week  ‘Book of War‘  by ceayr

6) The modern manifestation of Pablo Fanque Fair (without the horses, of course) but…but! ‘on solid ground’, (See Grat 7 below)

7) the Great Air Conditioner install: Photo1: Object Photo2: Target Photo3: Success

(Not shown: the chair used to stand on the counter to get all Herculean on Antaeus the AC

8) something, something

9) * old standby Grat: the internet in general and Wikipedia in particular.. the famous curse, ‘May you live in interesting times

10) Secret Rule 1.3 (Because what kind of blogpost would this be without rules… nay, secret rulers!)


music vids





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..sighday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Unicorn Challenge.

Hosted by jenne and ceayr, each week they get all TAT on those of us what have a fiction-writing jones and say, “Tell us what you see, (or dream or regret or fear-above-all), in this photo and keep it under two hundred and fifty words.”


There once was a man named Diogenes

Who viewed Man’s nature, with dis-ease

With his truth-telling lamp

He sat like a tramp

’til the cops said, “Move along if you please”.



(connection to the above? what can we say? we gots no idea)


Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [a Café Six Part .05 ]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise. Regulated by the Department of Sentenae Limitation, Ordinal Section

Prompt Word:


“Got a light?”

The tall, thin man offered something of a throwback 18th Century formal bow as he stepped up to the Gatekeeper outside the Six Sentence Story Café and Bistro.

The Gatekeeper complied, but not without the slightest hint of a interrogative arch of one dark eyebrow; the man with the unlit cigarette hastened to explain the occasion requiring portable fire.

“Well, earlier this evening, the Sophomore suggested there was an early point on my timeline when these,” the Proprietor held out his left hand, the white cylinder nestled in a reversed V-for-Victory gesture, “and I were inseparable”.

“Players, haven’t seen those in, like, forever; while I prefer my cigars, got nothing but props for the brand,” The Proprietor-slash-Heimdall grinned approval.

“Not for nothin’ Nick, was there a small but odd group of people on your line this evening, consisting of a stripper, a bodyguard, a short young woman with a homicidal vibe and a guy in blue tights?”
