Featured | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 26 Featured | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 26

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Created by Lizzi R in 1973 it is the longest running Grat Blog in current publication. It has been voted “How many Hosts did they have when they started? Even with modern medicines, surely the supply must be dying off by now or, at very least, entering Life’s ‘Kindergarten II Phase’ Award of the Year.

We are now the host of this here bloghop here. And what follows is our list of the people, places and things that have saved our bacon (list-writing-istically-speaking) for yet another week.

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop Six Pic of the Week: “Punch‘ by Yinglan

5) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop   Doctrine Pick of the Week: ‘Initiation‘ by Margaret

6) *NEW* the Blogger edition of the TToT. >Click This<

7) Guest Post from the Earliest of Days T.A. Woods who we’re working with to see if’n we can’t get a TToT post through a alternate social media, Medium. Cross your fingers and stop over at her FB page (linked name) and say, ‘Hidy’ Welll! (Just returned from the Middle platform) I’ve always wondered what the minds behind Scrivener would do now that they’re successful with the most rogerian of writing tools. “Hello! Kitchen Parts and Products Department? I’l like to order a shipment of sinks for the fine folks working on fine-tuning Scrivener. How many? Why, all of them, of course.” lol (I kid Scrivener. We have a paid subscription and ever thang).

8) something, something

9) our co-hostinae Lisa and Kristi and Mimi

10) Secret Rule 1.3






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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [an Ian Devereaux Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop

Hosted by Denise, ruled by a sole numeristic imperative. Six

Prompt word:


“…get the hell back here, I got a job for you.

Lou’s voice rolled up the Lounge side of the Bottom of the Sea, and, like the true destructive power of a tsunami, did not manifest as anything as theatrical as a towering, white crested wave, destruction and death incarnate, instead it was as fundamental as a in change sea level; a reorientation to the norm, as he intended. Best way to describe the effect, it was like the adolescent-boy dominance game, (as if everything, at least until the arrival of girls wasn’t), of ‘Who can hit the lightest’, but in a metaphysical sense, of course.

Diane Tierney’s hand on my forearm was the reason the subjective and metaphysic view was not the sole guide for the Path of Man; at least not after the grandest of boyishly-mean pranks, the ‘You can have anything in the world except for this one thing;” I wrote a paper in sixth grade titled ‘Why I’d Rather God Punch Me Now and Get it Over With’; Sister Mary Imela was not amused.

Although some of us would like to think the world should be amusing with intervals of fascinating followed by happiness and contentment, I had pretty much given up on that view of Life; the touch of a hand reminded me why that was still, ‘pretty much’.

“A word to the wise, Ian…”

the overtone of caring to the lightly saracastic interrogative brought me back to earth, one that held the promise of life with things worth being serious about.


Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop

Hosted by Denise, ruled by a sole numeristic imperative. Six

Prompt word:


“Who the heck made the punch?”

“Wait, don’t even think about going down that road, or I swear I’ll call Keith.”

“Chill, dude, I was just going to mention what a punch it had, nothing to the effect of implying that the word lended itself to a puh…”

“As god is my witness, I mean it, I will totally do it!”

“Sorry! Jeez, it’s just that I was reading this old magazine, ok! I won’t say the name, it’s from like the Victorian Era; and, for the record, your music video that you think enhances your story, the line you base the connection on is not; ‘Punching Judy and calling Keith’, the line is: ‘They’re all Pimping Judys and Popping Speed’.”

“Hello, operator, I need to send a telegram to England…. What do you mean you’ve never heard of them, telegrams are basically emails-by-castanet; no, really; ok take this down: to Keith (stop) Have a writer friend practicing Pun-ation without a License, send help (stop)!”




Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

ok, ok, we did promise to discuss, ever-so briefly, the concept of serendipitous insights into the personal realities inherent in the three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine.

this will not be on the Final Exam for one very good reason.

if you haven’t found this thing of ours fascinating, fun, weird-but-you-know-kinda-true. and possibly even useful, you are no longer reading…

(lol. jokes on them. well, technically, the joke (or the necessary premise of said bon mot), does not exit for them what clicked away five minutes ago*)

New Readers!! Following is our statement of role:

Your Narrator, being a clark with a significant secondary scottian and weak tertiary rogerian aspect, is the Curator of these pages. That is the extent of it. The reason for this seemingly clumsy exhibition of humility is to be found in the ‘Eureka Moment’ of the Wakefield Doctrine. (Hint: found in the ‘About’ or one of the other Pages (as opposed to Posts).

The Eureka Moment is Number One!! on our ‘List of greatest insights into another’s personal reality’.

(Quick Note: sure, the Doctrine will, in the course of describing the characteristics of the three personality types, enable anyone to see examples (of them) in their own worlds. But, beyond that. there have been occasions when we simply get lucky, spot a situation and correctly infer what a person of a different predominant worldview  is experiencing as they are experiencing it. In other words, see further into their world than even the principles of the  Doctrine ordinarily permit.)

anyway… in no particular order**

  • ‘Referential Authority’ in the world of the Herd Member, the ultimate exertion of will on their surroundings always involves referring to a commonly-held belief system/coda example: HR person says to new hire: “This folder contains the SOP of our operation, we call it ‘the Bible'”1 Any religious leader-wannabe will always speak of higher authorities on… shall we say, ‘as a personal friend, confidant’
  • ‘Lashing-Out’ again in the world of the Herd Member, this is an extremely effective (and efficacious) strategy to exert dominance in a Herd. It (the identification of and definition of this mechanism/tactic), is also the greatest gift the Wakefield Doctrine makes available to clarks. (Hint: It eliminates the damage of the reflexive thought “What could I have done to make my rogerian friend say such a thing?”)

ok,  out of time

Don’t forget!

The Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not them.


*no, we wouldn’t be making fun of the creatively challenged. no way

** we did identify ourslefs as a clark, did we not? lol

  1. you clarks out there know that no one, with the exception of the referenced HR person ever calls it that

2sdae -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

…Pencils down.

Well, how’d ja do?

As promised, you will all grade your own tests following yesterday’s audio-video Essay Test.

A little review of the key concepts manifested in the video.

All three of the predominant worldviews, by virtue of being human, will strive to exert control on their surroundings. Be it physical, social or spiritual. Some (examples of this drive) will be more obvious than others. All will, as the Everything Rule maintains, reflect the character of the personal reality of the individuals.

Remember, the key to understanding a person from a predominant worldview other than our own is ‘manifestation’, as in:  ‘how does this noun/verb/object manifest in the world of the speaker?

  • clarks (the Outsider) looking up from their test booklets smile, the manifestation of the drive to control is through the un-witting/un-knowing/un-intended cooperation of someone else. there is a saying among Outsiders when confronting a challenge that they cannot handle themselves (falsely or otherwise): “I can’t, you can, I think I’ll try to get you to,” passive aggressive? sure. effective? you’ll never know (lol the clarks in our metaphorical classroom are trying to cover their amused reaction)
  • scotts (the Predator) look alert, were the MC (in the Video) a scott, she would have already turned on the tv, the better to stay aware of the situation in the environment, note: her interest would be in situational awareness, not the safety and well-being of the students. the students would not have to muster the courage to leave, the MC would have said, “Hey. This class is not the most important thing. Class dismissed. ‘cept you (fill in the name of the hot/cute student)…. you look like you could use a hug.” (lol the scotts in the our metaphorical classroom are producing a variety of sound effect, the clarks are joining them)
  • rogers (the Herd Members) well, they are kind of the center of attention in our bullet-point shaped room. The clip from the video provides a clear and unambiguous example of a roger expressing their need to control, in this case, the classroom. Seriously, would anyone, in the role of the MC who was not a roger, at very least acknowledge the student’s request to turn on the new? That pause goes on forever. And, …and it’s not that she’s busy or perplexed, she is clearly reflecting on something that, (Alert: the following WILL BE ON THE FINAL EXAM!) was a considerations that the students in the classroom were not qualified to be a part of… *) She does, of course, turn on the TV and the result is predictable. The thing of it is, she was the center of the Herd from the moment the legitimate request (to turn on the news) was stated.


* ProTip: If you have had the experience of being in a workplace in which a manager’s office is in direct view of the general work area, you can determine the predominant worldview of the occupant on the basis of how often the door is closed, during normal business hours. Do the Math. This will be an Extra Credit question on the Final Exam. Hint: No one in the immediate vicinity will not be aware of the door closing. The closing of the door (on receiving a visitor or taking a phone call, whatever) will be for the benefit of the people who are not qualified to be in the now-closed-door-office. So rogerian.

