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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise and defined by its numerically-eponymous title.

Prompt word:


“I don’t know, I think I wrecked my chances with her.”

“What the hell you talking about man; you went out for breakfast after work so, a) how could you screw that up and, this is a mandatory follow-up question, call it 2), exactly how do you define ‘your chances’?”

It has been said that friendship at the stage of life between immaturity, i.e. late-teens and college years, (provided it’s a Liberal Arts program), and for lack of a better term, ‘practical maturity’ are surely the most intimate of relationships; when true passion is the measure, friendships trump romance nearly every time.

“Well, we talked until three in the morning and she laughed at my jokes.”

Laughing, and thoroughly overlooking the irony, the more experienced of the two friends at the coffee shop smiled with genuine affection, “Dude, given your amateur status, her laughter, though a simulacrum of actual making out, gets you an ‘A’ for sincerity and an ‘A-‘ for momentum, so why the long face?”

“Well, I let her out at her car, drove to the edge of the parking lot and watched in my rearview mirror to make sure her car started; but I don’t think she realized that; oh man, your face says it all… I totally blew it.”



Short-Wednesday Post -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Not much time.

Fortunately the subject is the Wakefield Doctrine so…don’t need a lot.

(…damn! tried the ‘easier, shorter path’… nothin’. Guess we gotta go old school)

The Wakefield Doctrine is a way of looking at the world around us and the people who make it up. As an alternate perspective on people and our interactions with them, it is more a language than a schedule/chart of traits and behaviors.

There are three relationships, (holds the Doctrine), we might experience. It is the character of those relationship styles that determine what we do and say and respond when interacting with the world.

In one sense, the Wakefield Doctrine is a translator. By providing a glossary of experiences unique to the three individually, the determined person can not only better see the world as the other is experiencing it, they will know more about the other person than they know about themselves.

These three relationships? That of:

  • the Outsider (clarks) grew up apart from, at a certain (before the age of knowing the rules) became convinced they missed a class: “Being a Member of the family/tribe/society). Assuming the worst, the clark see the world as a treasure hunt that everyone else has one more clue than they. Being different unfortunately has a default setting of ‘un-deserving’ but the Outsider has good survival instincts and keeps it to themselves/maintains a low(ish) profile.
  • the Predator (scotts) life? You mean today? What else is there? If it’s smaller and moves: chase it. If it’s fricken’ huge and moves: run away. Sleep when tired, When awake listen to the inner shout! Live. Now.
  • the Herd Member (rogers) The world is a puzzle. Not of information. Not of standards of behavior. It is a puzzle that, while you know what you are doing is the Right Thing, the rest of Life remains insufficiently resolved. You seek the Right Way. And you rely on the attractiveness you maintain among the people around you to guide you along that Path. While you’re doing that, the increase in the number of others looking towards you is your North Star.

There ya go!

Get out there into the world today and when the other person (in an interaction) says something totally non-sensical / outrageous / mean whip out your little Doctrine translator/glossary/Michelin Guide/Berlitz cheatsheet and you will be in a position to respond on the basis of what the other actually meant as opposed to seemingly intended.


Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

(If we might continue?)

iii) The three predominant worldviews, aka personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine are:

    1. clarks (Outsider)
    2. scotts (Predator)
    3. rogers (Herd Member)

So there you go.

What? Define each. Give list of characteristics?

What do you think this is, the Oscar/Meyer ABC schedule?

Here is all you need to complete the picture: ‘The Three Personality Types of the Wakefield Doctrine’: it comes down to relationships, as in, ‘How do I relate myself to the world around me and the people who make it up’. (Hint: We said ‘relate ourselves to’ not ‘relate to’.) Critical point. Like we said, the Doctrine is about (a) relationship.

Second necessary part (for your successful assembly of our little personality types.) Wait. It’s already been provided above. ‘Outsider’? ‘Predator’? ‘Herd Member’?

(ed. Don’t feel bad. A lot of clarks do that. You know, be so excited and in such a hurry we neglect to read every single line of instruction, rather than only the ones that give the impression of ‘getting closer to the Answer’.)

Hate to get rogerian sounding on y’all,  but. “The Wakefield Doctrine is not an/the Answer. It is only a Suggestion”.

Suggestion massaged into a Proposition: Suppose everyone lives in a reality that is personal. Nothing weird or gigantic. No flying without planes or total self-acceptance in the here and now. Just personal, in a zone outwards from the mind, the body, the heart. In this zone, things are as the individual’s nature would have them be: a world where thought and reason combined to create belonging; action becomes love and acceptance conveys peace.

like that, ya know?

Fortunately for any New Readers two things happened once this blog saw the fluorescent/LED(ish) light of reality: a) the characteristics of the three personality types became self-perpetuating, to the extent that followers found ‘new’ examples of characteristics consistent with the Doctrine and 2) people found this thing useful, valuable and fun.

what more can we ask for?


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

“Don’t worry! I’m an angel”


What say we return to the topic of: Why the Doctrine and Why clarks?

First the overture…overview… prelude…preview

i) The Wakefield Doctrine is a(n) additional perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up.

(The ‘additional’ in our first sentence is redundant to some, confusing to others and, sadly, non-sensical to others.)

Be that as it may, as a perspective it is presented as a tool to those with the occasion (everyone) and the capacity (only some) to employ it to their advantage.

(We’ve established this qualification many times. clarks and those with significant secondary clarklike aspects. scotts and rogers without? they account for those in the in the category of ‘what the fuck is this?’ and ‘so you think you’ve created something useful, sorry to tell you but…’)

ii) We are, all of us, born with the potential to experience the world as one of the three. At an early age we settle into one but never lose the potential, if not partial, capacity to see the world as do ‘the other two’. We grow up in the world (and, perforce. develop as people in the personal reality corresponding to each of the three predominant worldviews.)

(The Wakefield Doctrine, well, more accurately, the principles of the Doctrine as it describes a personality type and predicts behavior accordingly, is gender and age, cultural and everything else neutral.)

iii) The three predominant worldviews, aka personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine are:

  1. clarks (Outsider)
  2. scotts (Predator)
  3. rogers (Herd Member)

Damn! In an interlude following the above numbered bullet points I came across the image that now graces today’s post.

lol makes us remember the early days. before we were, (borrowing from a writer in the MCU), ‘burdened with glorious purpose’. Each post would be a surprise and some, not without ‘jeez. maybe dial the crazy random back?’

so lets go find such a post.

damn! couldn’t find what I wanted to believe I was looking for*

But, what say we substitute ‘wicked outrageous’ for the Reader and substitute some, ‘Practice what you preach, binyon’.

Here’s a post. Didn’t read it and, more exciting, did not (pre)view the Video. Yeah, now that you mention it, am a bit… nervous. Thanks, roger. Actually there is nothing in these pages that make us think, ‘damn thats silly/childish/amateurish writing. At all. The reason? We are the curator of this here personality type blog. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Video Friday …is this thing on? the Wakefield Doctrine clear, plain and simple

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )  Vid  Deo*  Friday

Today is Friday. Friday is Video Friday Day at the Wakefield Doctrine.

The Wakefield Doctrine, as in:

“…hey dude, you seem kinda bummed, whats the matter?”      (and your friend/friendette goes)

” Well,  at work yesterday my boss called me into his office and was all like, ‘We appreciate the work you do here, you are a hard worker and you never complain, but I have to let you go. It’s just that some of the other people say that you seem to not want to be a part of the team and sometimes you act like you don’t even care about the work we do here.
And I couldn’t think of a thing to say, so I left and no one would say goodbye to me or anything (except that odd little guy in the corner with the really clean desk and he just looked up and half-smiled and looked away). I feel like such a loser!”

(To which you can reply):
You ought to go and read the Wakefield Doctrine blog and/or website!! They have the answer.

(and your friend/friendarini says)
“What? Is it some kind a one of those stupid self-help places or cult things or…I don’t think so, I just need a chance to ask for my job back, maybe they’ll  give me a second chance”

(…and you will say):
“Dude/dudette!  don’t waste your time with your old job! They think they know you, you don’t have a prayer…go to the Wakefield Doctrine blog and try and figure out what the hell they are talking about! If you do,  (just so you know, a lot of people just don’t have what it takes to understand it), but if you do ‘get it’  everything will be different”

(…and your associate/personal friend will look hopeful and say)

“Are you sure they can help?”                  (and you will say)

“Of course I’m  not sure! What do I look like, a scott?  Jeez, you really are a clark, aren’t you!!  Damn, if you are lucky and work real hard and ask questions, maybe…just maybe you will understand what the Doctrine is all about…and you will see things differently.  Especially those fuckin rogers at your old job…you will have a view of the world that at times you will wish you didn’t have, but things will never be the same.”

(and you will hear the other person say):

“You sound confident and happy”…            (and as you part ways,  you will say)

…”hey! they have hats, too!

If you really need to hear the other three videos then you will have to go to the other Doctrine site…click here.

*from the Latin:  deus videissimus  roughly translated to ‘Thank god for a video clip, I got nothin in the way of content today.

* we’re clarks, you’re surprised?



Un-reliable Fridae -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to jenne and ceayr’s weekly photo-prompt bloghop, the Unicorn Challenge. Each we they provide a photo, an image a clue comprised of light and dark, hue and tint and invite all to write a story of two hundred and fifty words maximum.

The subject, style and genre is left to the author.

And therein lies of tale this week.


“Ya gotta believe me. A hundred and fifty eight human beings will die here. One battle. A war of old men paid in the lives of the young. And that, that 158,000? That’s just the deaths on one side during one battle of the war!”

I’ve been with the homicide squad only a week, Listening to the young man in the odd clothing rave made me think the other detectives were indulging in some 20th C hazing of the new hire. The prisoner was found standing next to an abandoned car, an antique DeLorean, as a matter of fact, in a downtown parking lot. He now sat opposite me in one of the station’s interrogation rooms.

“My machine, it totally works! I’m here, right? Almost where I wanted to go. Just a slight recalibration needed to date and geographical location. Being off by 1818 miles and 110 years proves my theory is correct. Luckily I still have enough fuel to complete my mission.” The volume in his voice decreased, though the same couldn’t be said for the desperation in his eyes.

“We have nothing to hold you on. Your conveyance has been towed to a safe location. You are free to go. We strongly advise you to seek professional help. We’ll drop you off at your,” I indulged a side of myself I’m not proud of and did air quotes with my index fingers, “time machine. Feel free to resume your journey,”

This time I resisted the sarcasm, something about the man’s name was nagging me as I read from his statement, “Mr. Princip.”
