Featured | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 18 Featured | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 18

Fraedae -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to ‘the Unicorn Challenge

A photo-prompt bloghop hosted by jenne and ceayr, it has the simplest of rules: keep it at (or under) 250 words.

Something a bit different. (shh, ceayr… I can hear your eyes rolling)…what follows is a continuation of a ‘Corn from a couple of weeks ago; ‘Friday‘ (which, in turn, was an effort to riff off of ceayr’s ‘Attack‘)



My car slid just enough to embed the tyre treads into the tide-compacted sand, just below the line of wave-tossed seaweed. While the safe house could be seen from the road, the exposed granite ledge shielded us from the occasional trophy wife’s morning walk. Favored as an exclusive enclave for the wealthy, it’s distaff constituency was resigned to accepting that form is function.

The girl sitting next to me was staring at her hands. She had been since I drove us away from the failed crime scene outside the Weekapaug Inn. Given the ferocity of the reverse-autopsy conducted by her father on her attacker, she had but a single chevron of dried blood on her right hand.

The Order of Lilith, to which I belong, is many things. A manifestation of the virtue of poverty and subsistence lifestyle is very definitely not among them. Devoted to maintaining the balance between the human race and the Adversary thereby allowing Man to realize his Original potential is our sole raison d’être. And that requires money.

“From the looks of those clouds on the eastern horizon, once the sun sets, it’s going to be a dark and…”

Interrupting myself, I recalled Brother Abbott saying in my recruiting interview, “Brother Anselm, of all the Gifts retained when we left the Garden, humor is surely the most questionable in terms of becoming the apex predator.”

The girl turned in her seat, raised a single finger, streaked with dried blood,

Please, don’t say it.”


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. We are currently holding Open Auditions for positions on the Board of Hostinae. The qualification for a seat on the Board are to be found among the Grat List here (and possibly on other’s TToTs)

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) [HypoGrat] Got a new phone. Dealing with Improvements (lol) Our Resident Expert on All Things HypGratuitous (motto: there-there-it’s-not-entirely-about-you) Mimi will be happy to esplain.

5) Watching an LPGA tournament last Sunday and hearing one of the announcers use a delightful idiom, “That just throws the cat among the pigeons”.

6) the Six Sentence Story bloghop. Pick of the Week:  ‘Better Angels‘  by Liz H-H

7) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop.  Ear of the Week:

8) Open Houses (as a location that both allows reflection (Hypo-Grat) while inspiring the narrative of a WIP story)

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3






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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [a Café Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise defined by it’s numerical eponymous title.


Prompt word:


“What an asshole.”

The tall, thin man sat, the music flooding the Café public spaces having chased him to the Manager’s office and accepted the fact he needed to take stock, not only of himself, but the new human-variable introduced to the Six Sentence Café & Bistro …but, mostly of himself.

He put his recent conversation with the young woman who showed up as unexpectedly as spray painted obscenities on a bus stop kiosk, on continuous playback; his assessment, free of the actual reality of their interaction, was constrained to the point of impotency, “What a thoroughly unlikeable young woman.”

Rosetta Storme initially fascinated the Proprietor, she was everything men dreamt of and women told themselves they knew better than; until, that is, he gave her an opportunity to speak freely.

“I don’t get how this place is supposed to be so fuckin’ special; if you ask me, it’s really kinda weird.”

Now, alone, the Proprietor took cold comfort in having access to certain, extra-legal agencies, willing for a certain fee, to exert any degree of behavioral modification he might desire; but mostly he was pissed that he actually did ask her.



Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [an Ian Devereaux Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise defined by it’s numerically eponymous title.


Prompt word:


” …left no good deed unpunished, no bad one unrewarded.”

Diane Tierney demonstrated a gift possessed by few women: she smiled seriously as I approached her hostess station.

“I once had a friend, we were waitressing at a supper club when I was still in school, who got it into her head to start a real estate agency just so she could name it ‘Really Realty’,” as she glanced to her upper left, recovering the memory, I found myself captivated by her necklace; a small ruby on a gold chain, ever-so-slightly cantilevered by her collar bones, my fear of looking up grew even as I continued in the opposite direction.

I felt her silence, transmuting into affectionate amusement, as my autonomic nervous system went all civil war on where to send the excess blood supply; gathering the tatters of my confidence, I looked up into her laughing eyes.

To illustrate her interpretation of Walter Maps’ oft-misconstrued aphorism, Diane handed me the brown-paper takeout bag.

“Be careful, Ian, our Ms. Storme is the soul of discord; you might do well to consider changing careers, selling houses has less potential for permanent physical and/or psychological disability.”



Tiewsdae -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

cont’d from last week

Hey! Picture the senior lion, missing a tooth or two, ok, maybe a claw more suited to massage than tear, nobody needs to act surprised. But is it still a lion? Yessir. More to the point (and the essence of the Wakefield Doctrine) is he/she still maintain the relationship of the Predator to the world around them? damn straight.

The interesting part of this aging process is when we consider an individual’s secondary and tertiary aspects.

We good?

So we assume you’ve done your reading on secondary (and tertiary) aspects of the Doctrine. Influences, potential, behavioral sports… not dual predominant worldviews. One per customer, please,

So we, some of us, have secondary aspects that are…noticeable. By noticeable we mean, for the skilled observer (aka studious student of a certain personality theory), and even then most often a secondary aspects shows in situations of duress and/or heighten energy (we would have used the word ‘arousal’ but, you know…. scotts*

Although we all retain the potential to experience the world as do ‘the other two’ (as distinguished from our predominant worldview), it’s useful to look.

Funny thing about secondaries, it’s become axiomatic ’round here to say that the only people who come back to this blog more than twice are clarks or scotts/rogers who have a significant secondary clarklike aspect.

It’s true! (lol)

ok, this being a Tuesday, we’re out of time. But as a teaser for anyone finding the topic of secondary aspects interesting, consider this: If you’re not in a hurry to learn a person’s secondary, wait ’til they get old.

(‘Old’ means:

  • for a scott… a missing tooth, a worn-down claw, a tendency to pause before leaping at prey,
  • for a roger… newspapers and National Geographic ‘collections’, an affinity for wondering what total strangers are thinking,
  • for a clark… what old?! we were born old… we’re the original merlin in that regards, ‘cepting the cool portrayal in myth and legend leaves out things like the ‘terrible twos’ (and fives and sixes and such). But hey, we think we’re in a better position to interact effectively with the world around us, what with having already seen the movie.





* as in, it doesn’t take much to get them scamps all rambunctious… lol
