T-minus Useday -the Wakefield Doctrine- | the Wakefield Doctrine T-minus Useday -the Wakefield Doctrine- | the Wakefield Doctrine

T-minus Useday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

damn! with a post title like this, you’d think this’d* be one for the ages.

…speaking of which:

clarks are born old, scotts manifest the essence of youth and rogers are secure in their place in the Herd (maybe not so much elsewhere)

(sure, but let this rest in your Doctrine-reading minds, whilst we reassure any visitors who, through luck or happenstance, might have stumbled upon this blog and are frozen in the threshold, walking in mid-lecture, hesitating on the wrong side of the door, a thoroughly atavistic search for familiar faces in the amphitheater style lecture hall as facing turn, all Larry Niven’s Slaver Sunflowers slowly focusing on you… “Please, don’t leave. We’ve been waiting for you.”  )

New Reader: the Wakefield Doctrine is an additional perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up. Nothing to worry about, (in it’s level of novelty), not overly difficult to learn, (skill acquisition being enjoyable in the sense of enhancing the known rather than replacing the familiar) and composed of the same elements of the world as you’ve always known it, but with a couple of new manifestations of the same old, same old. As such, all the Doctrine requires, like one of those ubiquitous ‘Un-boxing’ youtube videos, is that you accept the premise and let the demonstration convince you of the fun and value of adopting this view of the world.

Three ways to relate to the world. The relationship is not merely our grasp on reality, it is how reality grasps us. Personal reality is real, (to a small, but significant extent), and, to borrow from Nietzsche, ‘Our relationship with reality modifies the world and reflects our beliefs.’

ok!! lol

For any New Readers still in the room, (or the meta lecture hall anteroom)… the Wakefield Doctrine is fun, useful and if you are prone to imaging things that have zero apparent value and no discernible utility, then Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine.

Three ‘personality types’. Easy to learn. Fun to use. Endlessly applicable to both everyday routine life and ‘oh damn! what’ve I got myself into now?’ situations. Check the pages (of the blog) for description of the three; clarks (Outsiders), scotts (Predators) and rogers (Herd Members). Keep in mind that we, each of us, have one predominant worldview and while ‘the other two’ remain as potentials within us, we grew up as babies learning to cope and survive and thrive in the world as we experienced it. So, we are happy to inform you that, of the three personality types in this here Doctrine here, you gots the perfect one!. booyah.

probably should link a RePrint post about ‘How to Use the Wakefield Doctrine’ hereabouts… but, we’re approaching 500 words, so, nah. The parts are all here (admittedly somewhat scattered about)… but the fun of this thing of ours is in: ‘OK so what would an Outsider think to do first? How in the world does a Predator respond and… Herd Members, suddenly waking up surrounded by…. how would they feel.’


* shout out to Violet for getting aggressively creative with her word dominance, specifically in application of the prompt word in her recent Six Sentence Story



clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Excellent post!
    And an excellent cover of a song I was never crazy about.

  2. Fun and value, spot on.

  3. Cai says:

    I was drawn in by the title of this post. And enjoyed reading the content.

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