Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “Gonna write a little letter, gonna mail it to my local D.J. …” | the Wakefield Doctrine Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “Gonna write a little letter, gonna mail it to my local D.J. …” | the Wakefield Doctrine

Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “Gonna write a little letter, gonna mail it to my local D.J. …”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Tuesday. While each day of the week is associated with one of the three personality types and a couple, like multi-associated. (Go! Everything Rule!) Some are totally owned (by a particular predominant worldview).

Tuesdays. clarks.

Don’t ask us why.


No, serially, don’t.

Some things (ok, a lot of things) about the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers, are in the Realm of the Subjective. Remember how, at the beginning of this blog we described the typical fan/follower as being: intellectually fit, confident in the value of additional perspectives and totally a fan of the odd and unusual side of reality? Yeah, we said that. Look it up.

In any event, mention Tuesday to any Friend of the Doctrine and you’ll hear:

  • yeah, finally! a day without pre-established debt to the world… whew! no rush
  • lol fricken clarks
  • well, you’re certainly entitled to one day. I don’t think many people would take issue with that. as long as you don’t get carried away with it

Lets go rummage. What’s the point of having endless cardboard boxes of old books and comics and un-assembled model cars and whatnot if you don’t take the phone off the hook*, empty one or two on the floor and see what you can see?

*New/hypo-aged Readers? The expression, ‘take the phone off the hook’ harkens back to the day of two-piece telephones (like the one at the top of the post). If you did that, it wouldn’t ring. (Though it would make a couple of total-movie-meme sounds before going quiet. Including a recorded message that became the working title of our first attempt to write a full-on story. So there is that.)


Too(s)day the Wakefield Doctrine ( “I think Tuesday is the cutest (of the) Workdays! …like a 2nd date, so full of promise, yet such a potential source of suffering!”)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)images-37

so, yesterday we wrote a Post that was built on the following promise:

So here’s what we’ll do: I’ll write a couple of hundred words about the value and use of the Wakefield Doctrine on a typical Monday morning. I’ll stop writing, take a quick shower, get dressed and start my work day2. After an hour or so of work, I’ll come back here and ‘re-write’ this post. Let’s see if this ‘oh-my-god-can’t-you-see-how-incredibly-useful-and-fun’ theory of personality accounts for any change in my day.3

Fine. I’ll tell you about my day and the (principles) of the Wakefield Doctrine. I won’t attempt to re-write yesterday’s Post, for the obvious reasons. (Actually all I want to do is try and come up with something clever (and a touch risqué ) about character of Tuesday). But promises are promises (unless they are threats, and then you need to be more careful of clarks than scotts or rogers by a long shot!)

In the middle of the day yesterday, I had occasion to interact with people I had never met.*
I walk up to the front door, (noting that a person was coming towards the house from across the yard), and knocked on the door. a scott answered. I knew she was a scott from: a) her eyes** and 2) she smiled and stepped forward at the moment of introduction,  ‘Hello, I’m clark from….’  ( I laughed to myself and thought, ‘god! I loves this Doctrine’ …and increased the volume of my voice, shortened my sentences and cranked-up my (level) of eye contact.) The meeting went well.
The person I noticed walking across the lawn towards us? (who I ignored because I needed to establish a relationship with the dominant personality)  another scott! (he was there to help with the move…) he had no legitimate role in the interaction,  but he kept coming back into the room where I was talking to the scottianwoman.  lol ( you ever watch a bunch of puppies playing as a group? one is always trying to establish ranking***  that’s what this guy was doing. He walked in to the house, didn’t introduce himself by name, (because he was a member of her pack and therefore not alpha), but nevertheless was trying to see if he could establish dominant ranking on me  (it would have enhanced his relationship with her, of course).  I mean you could see the energy as he walked, pretended to be a part of the conversation, walk away and then come back in…. I did not allow myself to be distracted… it was fun to watch.

Anyway…. that was my Day-with-the Doctrine.

Tuesdays… your favorite Day of the Workweek?

Tuesday: as a Day of the Workweek is the best of all days because


* it was a meeting with transitioning tenants, I was there to make sure everything was being left as it should (by the parties leaving), not necessarily an adversarial interaction, but the potential was there, as I was representing the interests of the owner of the property and the people I was dealing with were representing their own…

** new Readers?  not such an impressive deduction… a primary identifier of the scottian personality type is in the eyes, ‘the gaze’ to be more succinct  (read more on the Page on scotts… suffice to say, ‘a scott is never not paying attention to what’s going on around them’)

*** another primary characteristic behavior of people who live in the world of the Predator… the drive to ranking, trying for dominance, but not attaching importance to being the alpha, as much as it is necessary to know where one stands… the pack social order



clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Misky says:

    I only acknowledge Fridays because that’s bin day, and if I miss that I’m up to nose in smelly rubbish. Happy Tuesday to you. Nevertheless and etc. 😂

  2. Tuesday is when I have a day off, or get to take care of the baby. Either way, a golden day.

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