Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘Wakefield Doctrine answers the question: “If a tree falls…” | the Wakefield Doctrine Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘Wakefield Doctrine answers the question: “If a tree falls…” | the Wakefield Doctrine

Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘Wakefield Doctrine answers the question: “If a tree falls…”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


And….and! we saw it too!

For next week’s TToT we’re setting aside our response to the sound of a tree trunk crashing (they, at leaset, pine trees, which make up the majority of tree in our forest, fall with a two-stage thing: a crack (single or with accent then note… thusly ^ or ^…^ *) then crash.

Anyway, heard the sound and said, without hesitation, “We heard that!”



yeah, lets do a RePrint and…

What? Yeah, you’re right. When it comes to the concept of ‘Before and After’ photos and such, it’s pretty much in the Herd Member’s wheelhouse to do that well and effectively.

New Readers? Here we have a perfect illustration of ‘the Everything Rule’**. While rogers, of the three predominant worldviews, manifest the providing ‘before and after’ photos, illustrations and other forms of record and evidence. It categorically does not mean that clarks and scotts cannot engage in this type of story-telling***  Basically it’s this: there is a common reality. We all share in it. Within this shared reality we have our personal realities. When we talk about personal realities and the perception of them by others, the word ‘manifest’ is employed.

To our example: this weekend we had snow and rain and ice. A lot of it. At one point we had to go out, (into the cold and rain and flooded driveway), to chip ice that was, due to a temporary fluke of topography, cause runoff to head towards one of our abutting neighbors. He’s a scott. He was out there already chopping ineffectively at the ice with his plastic snow shovel. (yeah, a bunch of those jagged lines in cartoons and comics coming out of his head…. and a few $^*@* lol

We arrived with our eight foot pry iron pry bar:

Eight foot pry bar motto: “Yeah, fun tool, right? Check back in twenty years, aight? …Than are dreamt of in your philosophy” (Hamlet, 1.5. 165–66) yo

In any event, this was the right tool for the job. So our scottian neighbor found happiness as beta in our little pack of two. Cool. At the end of the process, the thought occurred that before and after photos would make a cool, ‘the Doctrine battles Winter post’. But the thing of it was, we didn’t think of it until we were in the ‘after’ phase.

Our contention is that a rogerian blogger would have fully documented the ice dam sitch and taken the supporting evidentiary photos. Supporting you ask? Welll… while tempting to digress into why, of the three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine, rogers tend to be the more commercially successful writers, we’re way of time. Suffice to say: the Everything Rule is a hint to the mission critical task we are heir to when adopting the Doctrine as an additional perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up. And that task is translation.

Hey! that’s actually a relatively logical jumping off point. And, to reinforce it, lets just add to our sylabus: Translation of the three predominant worldviews, each to the other.

Be sure to remind us tomorrow!


*finally! a legitimate use for a keyboard symbol we don’t hardly ever used. damn!  No, wait! It’s not an emphasis, it’s a preceding sound… (at last! House lights on. ‘Is there a Musicologist in the House?!!’). Short on time. Any help with this… it’s not a trill… or whatever. we better stick with what we know… yeah, clarks. scotts and rogers

** ‘Everyone does everything at one time or another’

*** you know, that thing about people? How they talk and remember and teach and reinforce reality and such? Story-telling. That’s right, every interaction with a person (or concept/memory/imagining of a person, place of thing), is story-telling. Think about! (if you’re a clark, lol) scotts? don’t get mad, we’re not saying nothing is real, we’re just pointing out that, with a few exceptions i.e. punching, kissing and finger-pointing, we’re all telling each others stories, But that’s a whole story in itself for another time.

Denise used a Michael Schenker vid yesterday which, was one other than the following. (So, technically, we’re not ‘copying after her’)



clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Engaging, entertaining, informative, instructive and…fun post.
    The “sitch” you describe, damn if I wouldn’t have wanted a front row seat, lol

    Translation requires fluency. Fluency implies learning how situations manifest in all three personal realities. Who in their right mind wouldn’t want to learn another language!

    As to Michael. Reminder of what a good album it was/is.

  2. I’ve learned to take before and after sometimes at Carl’s place. Although often just the before is enough. It’s not so fascinating after.

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