Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- | the Wakefield Doctrine Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- | the Wakefield Doctrine

Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

RePrint Monday!

ok. before the RePrint:

three personality types, we live our lives in the context of one, (and only one), our personal reality is a reflection of the nature, (and character), of our relationship to the world around us and the people who make it up. as we said, three: clarks (the Outsider), scotts (the Predator) and rogers (the Herd Members). our personal realities support, reinforce and otherwise make our personality types pretty much perfect (ok, we’ll allow for ‘appropriate’).  clarks live in their heads, scotts manifest their spirits in the action of their acts and rogers find and strive to be the ever-moving center of the world. most people with a little time and a healthy dose of intellectual confidence (and curiosity) find this theory interesting. (ProTip: if you are moved to comment (which we totally encourage and welcome) but feel compelled to let us know that, for reasons beyond your control (not saying this isn’t an interesting theory), you are the exception to the rule and are all three types at once? we will ask one question, on the honor system, of course. in the perverse way of the 21st C, the honor system is alive and well, albeit turned on it’s head, i.e. truth is what the individual takes responsibility for believing. the one question? ‘How much is 2 + 2?’


‘Monday the unlikely’ -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘…of Motivation and videos, serials and insights’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


So a number of topics to cover:

  • friend of the Doctrine, zoe has a new bloghop that we are participating in, over at the Carrot… (this will be linked over there, so be on your best behavior! I don’t want a repeat of what happened last time we went visiting as a Guest Post writer!  I still haven’t heard back from the blogger who asked us!)
  • running a little late on Chapter 20 (will still write a little teaser)
  • an old video, like the secret moon rocks sample, still waiting to go viral
  • Cynthia and Denise and I had a most excellent and insightfulizing discussion during Saturday’s Call-in…. about why clarks are so easily bored. We’ll trial-balloon a few thoughts today.

Carrot!  (oh shit!  I just jumped over there and…and she’s got people sending in genuinely interesting things, information and samples of, like, talented people working on things paintings  and playing musical instruments, making really attractive jewelry. damn! gotta just tough it out)

Hey! I used to do travel videos! Well, not so much travel videos as videos of places that I visited when on business trips… not so much videos as selfies (before they were all the rage and total expected)…. here’s one I found in an old Post!

here you go zoe!

Item 2: Chapter 20…. a little late this week. Plan to publish tonight, still need a little polish and a rogerian review (courtesy of Phyllis). Chapter 20 accounts for what happen after Chapter 19…. no, wait, that did come out right, of course, it deals with Chapter 19! What I’m saying is that, you know how Chapter 19 ended? well, it now seems that Sister Margaret did not make the safest decision, one might even say that her impulsive act has set off a chain of events that no one could have anticipated… yeah, I know! I like Sister Margaret too! Watch for the Chapter later tonight, early tomorrow morning.

Item 3:  well, that’s kinda already covered in Item 1

Item 4: so we were talking about the Doctrine and someone, I think it was Cynthia said, ‘I notice that I always end up getting bored, no matter how interesting or challenging or difficult a project might be at the beginning. You don’t suppose the Doctrine addresses that, do you?’  As a matter of fact, the Wakefield Doctrine does! The Wakefield Doctrine can say that it addresses virtually everything in life, because it’s concerned with relationships, not merely a list of activities, attributes, tendencies or inclinations. The Doctrine does not limit itself to providing a comprehensive list of things that hopefully match what a person ascribes to their own personality types. No, it does not. What the Wakefield Doctrine does, is direct our attention to the way, ‘we relate ourselves to the world around us‘. (Note the exact wordation. I didn’t mean to say, ‘we relate to the world around us‘, there is a huge difference in the two statements).  So that’s why I think we can work with the topic that our accomplished friend has raised…. in the next Post!  lol  (sorry, gots to finish Chapter 20)




clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Not as much new stuff to learn when you are getting to the boring end of a project…

  2. Cai says:

    So the cameraman sneaked in the view to defuse the mystery of the Wakefield Doctrine propagator. Interesting.

  3. Misky says:

    I’m still trying to suppress my glee—I can blow stuff up, and not just balloons.