Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
Hey, we were thinking about the Doctrine this morning. (lol*)
Like everything in life, the Wakefield Doctrine has developed over the years, primarily in how it is expressed and explained and illustrated and such.. And…and! though we haven’t had as many radical insights, break-through understanding in the experience of reality by the three predominant worldviews as in the early days, well, to paraphrase Joe, “If I knew I’d be writing this for the rest of my life…”
The thing of it is, we, all of us, experience the world from the perspective of one, (and only one), of the three predominant worldviews. As an Outsider (clark), a Predator (scott) or a Herd Member (roger). That said, we do not lose the potential of ‘the other two’.
For example: We have a significant secondary scottian aspect. That means, there are times, (especially in conditions of stress), when we relate to the world as would a Predator (scott)… you know, all teeth, not the slightest hint of considered reflection…
New Readers? If you’ve been doing your homework, you will know that ‘scotts act, rogers feel and clarks think’.
Secondary aspects tend to be situational and all. We’re still an Outsider when the emergency is over and ‘we get back’
Lets wrap up this train wreck with the point we were making about our paraphrase of Mr. Walsh. We are a clark with a secondary scottian aspect.
to be cont’d
* ikr? when are we ever not…
Good points to remember.
snow day?
You kept them well hidden… but I found the videos of you playing guitar.
I wish
Don’t tell anyone, but part of the deal to become curator of the Wakefield Doctrine was I gave up my desire to play music. Not exactly Robert Johnson level exchanges but I haven’t touched a musical instrument since June 2009. I have to say I am happy with the transaction.