Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
This is the Doctrine’s season-appropriate contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. On this occasion of the 837th installment of the grat blog that no-less esteemed an virtual literary publication than “Bloggers On The Move” (1957 ed) said of the TToT: ‘Not only has the Founder (referred to as the Founderette for reason uncertain), this bloghop maintains an advisory board of hostinae (‘again with the spurious disregard for convention or Reason), that ranges in number from a high of Ten (10) and a low of six or five or something.
In any event on the evening of Summer, we offer our list of the people, places and things that have inspired, incited and otherwise not-leave-us-the-hell-alone state of grataciousness.
1) Phyllis
2) Una
3) the Wakefield Doctrine
4) the Unicorn Challenge. Pick of the Week:
5) the Six Sentence Story Pick of the Week:
6) Hey! Summer is but days away! By the time you read this (and/or we actually complete and publish it) Summer arrives! *
7) * (new TT0T Readers/Participants: hey, we may lack something by way of logic and sensible narratives, but we’re very not new to the Grat Game. Hence the extra Grat Item to explain what you should already know: The essences of Summer is daylight. This weekend the days’ supply of said light begins to increase rather than decrease, (Certe hoc longe credibilius sonat1)
8) driveway markers in the ground this week. good ole’ fashioned New England Winter juju
9) something, something
10) Secret Rule 1.3
- And indeed we prefer to adhere to their opinion. (Hieronymus or some cool, but long-deceased guy in a bedsheet suit)
Yes, summer is coming. Are you sure you don’t want to move to the swamps?
tempting but I believe the multi-legged lifeforms down there are, at least up here in southern New England, classified as ‘livestock’
Happy Holidays!
Same to you!