Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
… who needs that fricken’ ‘G’ wannabe anyway?
We’re typing from our laptop.
At the start of a brand-new day.
Many wise words we wish to impart.
As long as they don’t start with a….
No, serially, we have no letter… (rhymes with ‘play’) No, not capital nor lowercase. We could. we suppose find one of the special characters to stand in for it. But, who needs it/her/him?
We suppose we could search for the etymology of this tenth letter in the alphabet. Maybe suss-out the original gender of the root word. (Smart money’s on it being a roger*)
Lets find.. hey about that year when we tried to be all, ‘You say everyone participates? That it’s the most popular group activity. Well, we guess we could try. Really appreciate being included and all…
‘J’ -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘
jokes are the billboards on the road through our worldviews‘ and now with cows!!April 11, 2015Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
You want to hear something funny? (How many times have we all heard that threat?) There is much to be aware of when it comes to jokes and the three worldviews that will serve us well in our efforts to better understand the people in the world around us. Mostly that we can laugh. That, as the old saying reminds us, ‘…the capacity to make jokes is what separates man from ….women’ (bar ump bump!! ) no! wait! I kid women, but this is no laughing matter.
This is abundantly clear in the case of scotts. scottian men are the best of joke tellers. (for them), jokes are the condiments, the way to spice up the prey. (no!, seriously! hear me out!) Go to a party (or any other social gathering), see that group of people laughing? at the center will be your scott and he will be telling jokes. not just any jokes! funny jokes. jokes that are nearly as funny in the ‘set up’, as they are in the punchline. And, if you stay long enough, you will see a curious thing happen. (Appropriate to the demographic of the people gathered around), the jokes of the scott will not only become funnier, they will become more… more outrageous, more scatological, more risqué (to borrow a word that will eliminate any doubts as to my own worldview). And, as we watch this group, you’ll see some people leave, offended by the jokes. and it matters not at all to our scottian joke teller. In fact, that’s kinda what he’s after. This telling of jokes to an audience at a social gathering illustrates a number of things about scotts: a) they are all about ‘being paid attention to’, 2) they are confident and c) they are looking to dominate their prey. And so the joke escalation continues until there is only a handful of clarks and maybe 2 rogers left.
(scottian females? oh, they’re funny too, but on a much more retail basis. they don’t need to attract their prey by telling jokes, their prey walks up to them, (if they’re rogers, and they mostly will be, they’ll have a salt shaker in one hand and a bottle of A1 sauce in the other…lol), and hopes to be selected. You’ve heard the expression: ‘like horseshoes and hand grenades? that’s jokes telling as exhibited by scottian women and scottian men.)
Won’t even try to provide a video sample of a scottian joke teller
Well, we’d say something to the effect of how proud we are to have completed a Monday post despite the lack of a certain letter that will remain un… specified.
Final note: we were typically cryptic with our reference to rogers when talking about our ‘missing letter’. But, as anyone will tell you, if there’s something that puzzles you consider that it was put there by an agency that was grounded in one of ‘the other two’ predominant worldviews.
The problem with interpersonal communication is not in vocabulary, context or the other person wanting to yank yer chain. The problem, (and therefore, the solution), lies in determining the nature and character of the speaker’s personal reality, accepting the fact that if you both do not share the same one, (personal reality, aka predominant worldview i.e. personality type), then there’s some translating to be done. And as it happens, the Wakefield Doctrine happens to be a big-assed Michelin translator book-thingie.
* New Readers? Whoever said, “What about gender and the Wakefield Doctrine!!?!?” You are absolutely correct (scott)…. lol The Doctrine is gender-neutral. a clark is a clark (ain’t nothin’ as obvious as sex gonna get us to admit it!) a scott remains scottian (yeah, baby) and a roger is above all that chromosomal conceit, there are far more important values, (“Do we know you?”)
Since you bring up scotts –
rogers flock to scotts just as clarks with secondary scottian aspects, will stand by and marvel at their behavior (the rogers).
Are there any rogers to comment? Is it the energy of a scott that attracts you? Engaging as bystander (term “bystander” does not exist in the rogerian lexicon) living outside the lines, if but for a moment?
Or, could it be the unconscious desire for dominance, leadership?
Funnily enough, the letter “i” on my computer wouldn’t work for a while earlier. Computers are persnickety critters.