Tewesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “we continue with our discussion of… you know, rhymes with ‘Wakefield Doctrine’ | the Wakefield Doctrine Tewesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “we continue with our discussion of… you know, rhymes with ‘Wakefield Doctrine’ | the Wakefield Doctrine

Tewesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “we continue with our discussion of… you know, rhymes with ‘Wakefield Doctrine’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Mild Tuesday, y’all

Leave us continue from where we left off yesterday:

(Excerpted from her Comment this weekend) Cynthia sez:

in the past we’ve talked about it, but it would be interesting to talk about how Clarks operate under sustained duress, how Rogers do and how Scotts do. I feel like clarks can move into their more unpredictable nature. Lol.

Astute oberservation yo

But first a word about ‘manifest/manifesting/manifestationing* Germane, and really quite helpful to any discussion of the Everything Rule is an appreciation of the concept of manifest.

Question: Is being a cop something that only scotts are really good at?

Answer: There are successful clarklike policemen/women and there are rogerian law enforcement personal. The ‘being a cop’ manifests differently to each of the three.

  • for a clark (Outsider) the role of being a policeman/woman manifests as something akin to a game of truth or dare or, perhaps, Halloween Evening. A clark will need to work hard at wearing a uniform (clarks are not real big on that or, for that matter, wearing a name tag). They will be effective as long as possible provided they believe the potential to rise through the ranks into plain clothes or better yet, policymaker.
  • to a scott (Predator) this could be the perfect job! (If stripper or tort lawyer isn’t currently available, of course). There is almost nothing about the job that does not resonate with the personality type, aka behavioral metaphor of Predator! Drive fast, carry a gun, drive fast, chase and capture people. Chase them!! In a car or on foot… all good. In the car? sirens and lights. Loud sirens bright (and swirly!) lights. We repeat: what part of this predominant worldview doesn’t fit like a glove (or handcuffs)?
  • for the roger (Herd Member) the elements that resonate the most is: to enforce the law (aka Rules). Whether it’s a jaywalker or a Unibomber, a roger will not suffer those who carelessly break the Rules. And a roger will execute his/her duties to the full extent of the law. At least until there’s and opening at the Fire Department.

So, be it the field of carpentry and woodworking (perpetual helper/rough carpentry, framing/finish carpenter, respectively) or the judicial system (Public Defender/successful personal injury attorney/DA, also respectively) all three predominant worldviews of the Doctrine can find satisfaction and success in all jobs, hobbies, avocations, careers, professions and ‘someday you’ll find a way to make this pay’ activities.


* ok, that last? Not a ‘real’ word


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. messymimi says:

    Building the clubhouse, I held nails and passed tools and made sure everyone had the right piece of wood for the job.

    And those “not real” words are real enough to you in your reality.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      And fun!*

      * my ‘not real’ words**
      ** and, secretly a bit aggressive… don’t tell anyone, but back in the day I had a touch of self-consciousness about my skill with the wordage.. heck we were all hanging out in a world where the medium is totally the rhetoric message. (Funny, I used to talk to some scotts and rogers back then and not infrequently they would respond along the lines of “Aren’t you concerned that your Readers and others might think you just aren’t very well equipped in vocabulary or other smarts.Maybe even laugh. And my response was, “Yeah and?” Being a clark is not easy in a lot of areas that the other two have no trouble with, being smart/intellectually competent isn’t one of them. lol We genuinely do not have that ‘jeez I hope they don’t think I’m dumb or anything’.
      This is actually post-level topic I’ll try to remember to address it, i.e. what quality each of the three predominant worldviews are confident of to the point of it never occurring to them to worry about the opinions of others.
      Thanks! Once again, a post topic in a Comment.

  2. Misky says:

    So in other words, this is a doctrine that fits everyone who chooses to wear it.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      Very much so. Though we tend to use the phrase: ‘alternate perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up*’ The three relationships informing the three personality types somehow correlated with the real world to a degree that surprises me to this very day. It’s fun to don the lens offered by the Wakefield Doctrine and the insights it makes available allow us, if we learn the principles, to get a glimpse of the world as the other person is experiencing it.

      * err, we are a clark lol

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