Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘…of reprints and comments, both reflective and declarative’ | the Wakefield Doctrine Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘…of reprints and comments, both reflective and declarative’ | the Wakefield Doctrine

Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘…of reprints and comments, both reflective and declarative’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

New Readers? Of late, our preferred ‘jump start’ to writing posts with ‘new’ content is the RePrint post. It does one thing quite well. It eliminates the ‘white-space fever’, the phenomenon that accounts for eighty percent of transitional writer’s block.

so, here’s the RePrint. If you and I are so inclined, I’ll meet you on the bottom-side. (Damn! Ask us about the pronounage*)

Il Barbiere di Siviglia

(“La ran la le ra la ran la la.”)
Largo al factotum della città.
Presto a bottega, ché l’alba è già.
Ah, che bel vivere, che bel piacere
per un barbiere di qualità!

Ah, bravo Figaro!
Bravo, brayissimo;
fortunatissimo per verità!
Pronto a far tutto,
la notte e il giorno
sempre d’intorno,
in giro sta.

Miglior cuccagna per un barbiere,
vita più nobile, no, non si dà.
Rasori e pettini, lancette e forbici,
al mio comando tutto qui sta.

V’è la risorsa, poi, del mestiere
colla donnetta col cavaliere
Ah, che bel vivere, che bel piacere
per un barbiere di qualità!

Tutti mi chiedono, tutti mi vogliono,
donne, ragazzi, vecchi, fanciulle:
Qua la parrucca. Presto la barba
Qua la sanguigna. Presto il biglietto
Figaro … Figaro
Son qua, son qua.
Figaro… Figaro…
Eccomi qua.
Ahimè, che furia!
Ahimè, che folla!
Una alla volta, per carità!
Figaro su, Figaro giù
Pronto prontissimo son come il fulmine:
sono il factotum della città.
Ah, bravo Figaro!
Bravo, bravissimo;
a te fortuna non mancherà. ‘
(The above is from a Libretto from different source, if any Italian speaking Readers would Comment if above is even close to video lyrics)

I can explain!  Really, I can give you a rational basis for todays…Post?

Look, some Posts are well planned and (hopefully) well executed expositions of an idea or a theme, something that says, ‘we have all been thinking about… now that you mention it… since you asked, the answer to your question is…’ A Post that answers questions or provides valuable information.
The previous Post (‘…Pulled out of San Pedro late one night..’) is a perfect example of a rational and reasonable little Post.

Today’s Post….maybe not as much.
But hey, there was the (…when the moon hit your eye like a big pizza pie…) that was a little bit of the, (as rogermight say)  ‘spontaneous conception.’ school of Post writing.And there have been other Posts that seem to show up in the morning, screaming like a chicken with it’s head cut off “…write about this…write about this!!” (Apologies to any PETA PALS, my sub-conscious apparently has managed to get an ‘outside line’, as we used to say in the day of rotary dial phones.)

But it is my Post and you are (my) Readers, so the least I can do is come up with some explanation as to why we are watching opera, lyrics in Italian, video with English sub-titles. Surely there is something in the path I followed this morning (to end up here) that will lend even the slightest patina of rationality.

No, no there isn’t.

So screw it. Here is how it all went down.
Minding my own business this morning and decided to listen to the ‘famous Barber of Seville song’. (There has got to be a secret ‘sons of Rossini’ sect out there planning to attack Warner Brothers and steal all the Looney Tune archives.  Bugs and Company having single-handedly destroyed most of this (and other reasonably enjoyable) opera by having Bugs or Elmer (in drag no doubt) doing an acceptable (to my 6 year old Saturday morning cartoon watching ears) rendition of this and other Great Music.

Anyway, not really a fan of opera, but this particular morning as I listened to (Figaro’s Aria), I could hear lyrics! Not just ‘figaro, figaro’. Sure, the lyrics have been there all along, but this time I heard them. This Figaro guy, he was telling a damn story!

And whatever, sub-conscious energy switch was thrown, I was stuck.
I mean, it was instant the hell with work! Find out more about the opera, find a video, do whatever has to be done so that I can to do Post all about this fine piece of music.

So, here you have it. Figaro’s Aria with libretto included.

And, yes  Figaro was totally a roger.


* well, the truth of the manner in the choice of non-First Order personal pronouns, i.e. ‘I’, ‘Me’… fricken Mine!! found in nearly every Doctrine post has always been 1/3: ‘didn’t think about, why do you ask?’ and 3/4s” ‘Well, did you read the Eureka post… the one in the About Page… the damn Origin story…. well, did you? No, wait, I got this for you… You did not read a thing that was told to you! Not a problem.’

Be that as it may, we need to move this thing along so’s we can sneak in some useful new content.’**

** no, serially, not a problem… who reads About pages anyway. At least reads it before you’ve come to like the theme.


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one