Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- | the Wakefield Doctrine Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- | the Wakefield Doctrine

Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Not enough time this morning*

Here’s yer RePrint. Don’t say the Wakefield Doctrine never gave you anything,…

Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘enough about the weekend! there’s a work-week coming at us like a runaway train!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Good weekend. Got Chapter 4 of Blogdominion finished and published. Cynthia called in on Saturday Night. Wrote a TToT Post and washed the kitchen floor. Not bad as weekends go.

What might this have to do with the Wakefield Doctrine? To be more direct, ‘what does the above ‘list’ of weekend activities have to do with your reading, understanding, applying and enjoying the benefits of our little personality theory?’ Everything and nothing.

But, as Fritz Perls would tell us, lets start with a demand!*

…. ok! you’re back!

(running out of time!)  so, the thing about not being cynical and such? …my reference to the poster that sold so many copies and the poster that would not sell that many copies, provides an illustration of what we mean by ‘personal reality,’ here at the Doctrine. We all, everyone of us, go through the day in a reality that is, to a certain degree, personal.

Example: you could have told the owner of the   “…it’s beautiful” poster about the part of the quote that was left out, and it most likely would not have changed her feeling towards having the poster on her dorm room wall, (but doing so would, most likely, have changed your odds… unless you were a scott, in which case, if you were still there 2 minutes after your revelation (about the poster) your chances would, like, totally improved… but, if you were a scott, none of this would be going through your mind at the time, because…well, because you’re a scottand as the Wakefield Doctrine tells us, ‘scotts act‘ (and) ‘clarks thinkrogers feel

Where the hell was I? personal reality! so these three worldviews that are at the center of the Wakefield Doctrine? personal realities, each and every one of them. and…real.

You want to know one of the cool differences between the Wakefield Doctrine and all those popular mainstream personality type systems? (yeah, besides the mountains of empirical data, documentation and clear writing style… thanks for reminding us, roger)… it’s this: imagine that you grew up in a world in which you were, somehow, an alien, an oddity…. they love you and care for you as part of the family, they even ignore the fact that you’re so different and pretend that you’re part of the family and not an Outsider. Well, you’re just learning to deal with the world (you’re 2 or 3 or 5 years old) and, no different from your brothers and sisters and classmates at the pre-early-child-daycare, you’re developing ways to get through your day, learning to deal with the world.

….you live in a world in which you’re the Outsider. Your strategies and style of interaction, i.e. your personality type is geared towards that kind of world, that reality.
You grow up to be a clark, (i.e. you mumble because you don’t want to be noticed, but you will not tolerate being ignored… you stay on the fringes of any group, but manage to be closest to whoever is the alpha, in case you need power… and you learn things, everything and anything, because you believe, (beyond doubt), that the reason the people in your life are accepting of each other is that they know something that you do not know)
…the same for the child finding herself in the world of Predator and Prey   and the child who wakes up a Herd Member.

they’re all developing the perfectly appropriate social skills to get through life ‘in the world as they are experiencing it’ clark(Outsider), scott(Predator) and roger(Herd Member)

… that should get us started for the upcoming week!


*ha ha… old grad school joke. Well, not really a ‘grad school joke,’ as much as it’s a joke playing off a quote attributed to our favorite scottian pioneer in the field of modern psychology, Fritz Perls **

** Fritz is also responsible for one of the most enduringly hopeful sayings ever to grace a college coed’s dorm room wall… right next to the ‘hang in there, baby’ poster and just above the desk with the straw-wrapped bottles of rose (one with a candle stuck in the top, an offering to the god of sophomore romance) and one un-opened  (in case the gods deign to answer aforementioned offering) and 2 macramé belts, which were the second things the current occupant purchased upon moving into college life as a Freshman…. anyway!  the quote that was printed on the poster:

I do my thing and you do your thing.

I am not in this world to live up to your expectations,
and you are not in this world to live up to mine.
You are you, and I am I,
and if by chance we find each other, it’s beautiful

the actual, complete, quote:

I do my thing and you do your thing.

I am not in this world to live up to your expectations,
and you are not in this world to live up to mine.
You are you, and I am I,
and if by chance we find each other, it’s beautiful.
If not, it can’t be helped.

…and no! before you think it, I am not being curmudgeonly and cynical! (well, not too much), I use this ‘marketing-to-hopeful-kids correctness’ as an illustration of one of the really critical aspects of the Wakefield Doctrine. But, to hear the rest of my argument, lets go back to the beginning of today’s Post, ok?


*ProTip: for the three predominant worldviews of this here Doctrine here vis-à-vis time; sufficiency of:

  1. clarks (Outsider) degenerate gambler
  2. scotts (Predator) day-to-day, roll of bills in back pocket
  3. rogers (Herd Member) ‘I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today’**


** One letter-grade extra credit for the old person who can source this quote (no, no googling)



clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Spira says:

    I have been seeing this trademark photo of you three… but apart of the TTMan, who are the rest? And obviously, this pic signifies something…which is?

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      clark, scott and roger

      the progenitors, if you will. their true names

      (I know you’re not asking for an ID on ‘the other two’… a man’d be plum-insane to ask such a question in public, much less a Friend-of-the-Doctrine*)

      * I acknowledge the Era of giant-eyes and tiny-screens: if you are unable to enlarge photo to sufficient degree to get details, lemme know

      • Spira says:

        So, it is the Original Three!

        (A man’d be bananas-crazy to even suggest I was asking an ID… either publicly or privately…)

        You should photoshop that one then and build in a more proper background…something like Mt Olympus!😀

        There are details to get?
        Nah, I’m cool… if there was anything further worth knowing I trust you would have told me at your reply.

        • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

          yes sir…

          the basis for what I would argue is a truly valuable (and fun) perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up was inspired (though I hesitate to use that verb as the whole thing showed up (sans bathtub) Eureka-style, one morning in a music store.
          I’ve spent god-knows how many posts trying to express my own astonishment at how, though the photo is of this Century, the originals (longer hair and lesser tailoring) would have presented themselves as much of the ‘Everything about me tells you how I relate myself to the world around me’ as does this photo.

          a body can’t make this shit up!

  2. Cynthia says:

    Apparently I called in on Saturday, November 7, 2015. Been calling The Doctrine a long while I have. And of course, I’m still as Clark as ever. And you put two of us clarks together and you’ll have us learning coursework on. Saturday and laying tiles on a Sunday. 😂 And reading up some Doctrine on a Monday. 😎

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      where does the time go?
      (what a great question! what clark wouldn’t totally get drawn into the thought… probably write a post on it)

  3. messymimi says:

    I always thought that must be the original 3, it’s nice to have it confirmed.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      Hey! Thank you (and thanks to Nick) for scraping some of the scales-of-time from my eyes.

      Won’t go into a long dissertation (yeah, right) but both of your comments on ‘those three guys’ brought home (lol after a full day and two comments) the subtle effects of time and change and the world as we experience it.

      I am grateful to you both (totally making a note for next weekend’s TToT lol) for allowing me to recalibrate my perception of those who are Readers and Friends of the Doctrine. (There are several posts over the years that look at our tendency to not update our perception of our everyday worlds… even when the changes are sought-after improvements! We (sometimes) live in an old house with banging pipes and intermittent heat when we could be in a much more (something) that we’ve worked so hard to achieve.

      who said Origin Story!?!

      Following is the ‘eureka moment’ for the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers (the Wakefield Doctrine):

      In the early 1980’s, Scott (the progenitor scott) worked at a music store in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. He was the only full-time salesman and (also) ran the store’s repair department. In addition to musical instruments, the store provided repair services for a wide range of electronic equipment, including  tape recorders and other audio equipment.

      One day I happened to stop by the store to visit. While there, a young man walked into the store, went directly to the ‘repair department’ where Scott and I were talking and without preamble placed a ‘dual cassette recorder’ on the counter. A dual cassette recorder was designed to allow one cassette to be copied directly to another, what today we would call, making a back up. The controls on this ‘dubbing recorder’ consisted of two sets of tape recorder controls: Volume, Treble and Bass. Where it differed from a single recorder was that it also had a Master Volume control. As the name implies it controlled the volume level, for both recording and playback. The tape recorder the customer placed on the counter appeared to be new and showed no signs of damage or abuse. I stepped back, Scott looked up and said, ‘What can we do for you’?  The customer said, “This thing is brand new, it worked for a couple of days, then it stopped working entirely. I can’t figure out what’s wrong”.

      Scott looked at the device for a second, then, without a word, reached under the counter, brought out a roll of black electrical tape, and, tearing off a 2 inch piece, taped over the Master Volume control (after returning the dial to it’s highest setting). He then slid the device back over the counter and said, “There, it’s all right now.”

      The customer asked to plug in the recorder. Taking a cassette from his pocket he put in the machine and ran it through it’s paces. Satisfied that  his ‘broken tape recorder’ now worked like new, he thanked Scott and walked out of the store, a totally satisfied customer.

      My reality shifted. For reasons unclear to this day, although I observed what scott saw as to the nature of the problem with the dual cassette recorder, I realized that the character of his solution implied a reality, a ‘context’ that was clearly different from mine. At that moment I came to believe the personal reality that I experience as I went about my life was not necessarily the exact reality of anyone else. That the manner in which Scott perceived the ‘problem’ was fundamentally different from the way I witnessed it.

      From that moment, standing in a small music store in Pawtucket, I’ve been observing the behavior of others knowing with the conviction that what I could see was not necessarily what they are experiencing. That, in fact, all reality is personal to a small, but significant degree, personal.

      This blog is all about: ‘Can I find a way to better see the world as the other person is experiencing it?. And, (through this effort), ‘Can I improve and enhance how I relate myself to the world around me and the people who make it up?’

      Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (already in progress…feel free to wander around)
      ok (one last note. I trust that the quality and resolution of the iconic photo of the progenitors is sufficient to allow enlarging without losing detail… the eyes of (the) scott and the regard of (the) roger are, like 21st C flash cards* for those of us interested in this personality theory.

      * hypo-youthful Readers will remember. Those not, in all likelihood it is a moot point.