Month: December 2022 | the Wakefield Doctrine Month: December 2022 | the Wakefield Doctrine

Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [a Sybil Trainor Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Denise is the host.

You know what one of the things I like about this bloghop? The practice it tricks me into putting into my writing. More than that, the occasional prompting/encouragement of the other participants to trying a little harder. Case-in-point: Miz Av’ry, a week or so ago, when we first introduced the character of Sybil, in a comment wrote:

Why did she so hate the midwest? Why is she so angry? What are her goals and ambitions with all this attitude? Will she be shown as vulnerable, will she learn something from the SSC&B cast of characters, or does she have something to teach them?

This Six is a continuation of the backstory and history of Sybil Trainor (previously in Sybil Trainor)

[While I don’t disagree with ceayr on everything…lol, he mentioned improving skills. And, surely that is an available, if not utilized, element of this here bloghop here]

This week’s prompt word is:


“I suppose putting off your schedule by a couple of hours is too much to ask,” Sybil’s father stood at the end of the drive, it’s loose stone and gravel seemed to gather itself into a tighter surface, as if self-conscious at the seemingly endless expanse of KS-47, uniformed with lines of painted color, presenting an almost martial bearing that would brook no casual un-paved driveway.

His words were aimed at the open driver’s side window, delivered from more than a car door’s arc; like a person, pressured into returning to confession, maintaining a buffer between confessor and supplicant, as if physical distance had any effect on a relationship.

“Your friends were planning a surprise going-away-to-school party, you wouldn’t want to disappoint your friends,” a lifetime of stubborn hope to find a girl who wanted to be her daughter, finally ran out, the interrogative lilt unable to transform an accusation into an invitation; Jessica Trainor stood at the end of the driveway, bound by her husband and his ties to the land, as much a permanent feature as the mailbox or the nearest fence post that strove endlessly to impose a sense of human scale to the endless prairie.

Had there been a neutral, but interested, observer, say, the driver of an east-bound FedEx truck, they might, mention how rigidly the man, held onto his wife’s wrist, the difference between date-rape and consensual relations, the distinction sometimes difficult to ascertain, by a moving observer.

Stepping down on the gas, the ‘make-them-non-consequential pedal’, Sybil smiled at the ‘incredibly shrinking family’ in her rearview mirror, and felt as happy as she figured she could be at the moment, the qualification as to time and duration always a variable.

Doing a quick review of the route she’d decided on to get her to Cambridge MA: ‘two-or-three ninety-degree-turns and then upslope to the Northeast’, Sybil Trainor felt as free as she could remember feeling.



Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [a Café Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Denise is the host.

Previously (in our serial story )   to which Nick has added

Betcha you’re right up to speed in our story thus far.

This week’s prompt word is:


“All done in the kitchen, Tom will be pleasantly surprised when he gets back from his culinary safari.”

The tall, thin man stepped towards the woman at the bar, the double swinging doors whispering shut behind him, like a modern-day CS Lewis wardrobe, restoring the appearance of uninterrupted rows of liquor bottles standing in prismatic defiance of the half-dark Bistro; a sash of white linen aproned his waist, a nod of respect for the vest and trousers of the Dege & Skinner suit; the woman sat on the customer-side of the bar, jotting on a yellow, top-spiral notepad with a chewed-cap Bic.

“Thank you, cher,” Mimi smiled at the cup of tea and, on a china bread-plate precisely at two o’clock from the saucer, two Hostess Cupcakes, “if your work as the pro tem manager of our little Bistro becomes a chore, you could make out like a bandit in the household management business; I have friends in the business.”

From behind her, where the chaotic prism of light from the bar washed against the reefs of lacquer-and-wood tables, came the sound of laughter, in the key of three; one basso and confident, another soprano and affectionately-challenging and the third, seemingly the most minor, a contralto that deferred to the other two in a manner that reminded Mimi of her trip to Botswana and the sight of a pride’s dominant lioness in the branches of an acacia tree looking asleep.

“They like her,” the man frowned;

“And you do not,” not a question, rather an invitation to share, “the Gate Keeper and the Bar Tender, bless their hearts, are not nearly as scarred and jaded as you”.

“Nor as perceptive and wise as you, M”, the tall, thin man shrugged into his suit-coat,

“So, do you really think I could get work as a gentleman’s gentleman?”




RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

We’re in the process of updating the ‘static pages’ of this blog. Have completed a redo of the ‘About’ page. Working on that middle tile of the landing page, ‘What is the Wakefield Doctrine?’ After that, the ‘In a Hurry?’ finally the bottom-most: ‘I (got) the What and the How now tell me Why!’

Hey, here’s an idea. We’re in the last week of the year, with New Years Day approaching like a cop walking up to your driver-side door with a big-assed flashlight and a recent break-up with his girlfriend. In other words, (aka, enough with the metaphors, already!), the traditional practice of stacking up the emotional baggage of New Year’s Resolutions. aka our last attempt to atone for the previous year by offering an IOU on the next.

So here’s the thing, let’s do the Resolutions before the end of the Year, rather than after.

Fine! It’s a deal! Our Old Year’s Resolutions are: complete the above-cited revisions and updates before twelve-oh-damn-it’s-over o’clock on this coming Saturday.

But, being only the Monday-that-would-be-Sunday, what say we do a quick, little reprint. You know, to get into character.


NTSB: Proposed Ban on Cell phone use in cars to be expanded to include: ‘distracting or frivolous talking among passengers!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )Hey there! Did Knackles1 overlook you Saturday night?

But that’s not important now, what is important is that I think we have edged past the event horizon of the super-massive black hole of all Holidays. I am talking about Christmas, of course. Everyone understands that holidays are, ‘occasions meant to reinforce the social fabric’, serving to act as a binding force on the individual members of (a given) society. And since no holiday is without a cultural-historical reference point, it is very instructive to look at the basis of the holiday against the qualities of it’s ‘targeted demographic’.  In other words, “why do we use Pilgrims to attract the rogers” (Thanksgiving) or  “what the hell is it about babies and old men that will draw the clarks from their hiding places“? (New Years) and given that today is Christmas Day, ” a holiday in which the signifying character is a reclusive, over-weight, bearded man who spies on children, rewards behavior and insists on being permitted a degree of physical intimacy with total strangers that would have them doing ’30 to Life’ if they acted this way any other time of year… now which of the three personality types would respond to that? lol
(See how everything makes so much more sense when you use the viewpoint, the perspective made available by the Wakefield Doctrine?)

The question we ask is,  what does a particular holiday allow, condone, encourage in terms of individual behavior, targeted, as it is, towards one of the three personality types? As with much else we do with the Wakefield Doctrine, the goal is to observe behavior and (from our observations) infer what the person is experiencing. The holidays offer an opportunity to see the world as the other personality types do, in other words, by inference. We believe, here at the Doctrine, that behavior and personality is the result of responding to the world in a manner that is appropriate, given the nature of the world (being experienced). The trick being, of course, to keep in mind that the other person is, in all probability, experiencing a reality that is different from the one that you are experiencing. One of three characteristic realties, the world of a clark, the reality of a scott and the worldview of the roger…all three quite distinct but with enough in common that we can all identify with each to some extent.This concept is key because the Wakefield Doctrine focuses on the reality that a person is responding to rather than simply trying to create a list of traits and behaviors and other artifacts of the personality. When you understand the reality that a scott exists in, the behavior that you see exhibited (by a scott) makes sense, and as an added bonus you will be able to effectively predict the behavior of the scott.

For the newer Readers: the initial behavioral metaphor of the scottian personality type is that of predator. This means that your girlfriend or your husband or the woman who has worked the checkout lane next to you all these years? if they are a scott and you want to know what they will do next, simply think to yourself:  what would a wolf (or a lion or Wile E Coyote, for that matter)  do?
And the really messed up part (and the scary, inspired quality of the Wakefield Doctrine) is that their behavior will be less puzzling if you view it in that context. (the predator thing).  Granted there is much, much more to the Wakefield Doctrine in terms of  how we can apply it’s insights into human behavior, but bottom line?  scotts = predator,  rogers = herd animals  clarks = outsider, aka blue monkey2

So read through some of the Pages that are listed at the top of the landing page of the blog. You will find pages that give overviews of the three personality types and you will find pages that have photos of examples of the three personality types, real people (well, celebrities at any rate), and you will even find photos of the Wakefield Doctrine hat. Ask the right question and you too could be stylin’ in a Wakefield Doctrine hat (for your damn head).

1) you so need to read this short, short story by Curt Clark (Donald E Westlake), click here

2) there was a famous experiment in psychology or sock

3) do not forget that the Wakefield Doctrine maintains that while we all are predominately one of the three personality types, clarks or scotts or rogers, we never lose the potential of the other two. These are referred to as the secondary and tertiary aspects, an important concept, but for the more advanced students of the Doctrine.



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

Celebrating eighty-nine years of continuous weekend posts, the TToT was foundered by Lizzi and her ten co-hosts. A time, we might add when the internet, in it’s technological infancy connected it’s web of dedicated pioneer members with a variety of barely functional media, including mimeographs, heat-sensitive printer paper and a rubber cone to capture the torrent of information, before it could spill all over the floor. Her efforts are understated and greatly appreciated. (The most impressive thing and what surely should be an automatic Grat Item for contemporary Gratitudicians, Lizzi started by doing lists of fifty things… (yeah, that was 5 zero things)… sensing the frailty of future followers fear of falling down before such a feat…. (alliteration con’d)

She relented, gave us Ten and, walking down a twisting, cobble-footed lane in Stokes Poges one Sunday in early October in 1973, disappeared into the madding crowd.

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop

5) Instagrain project. The real estate business encourages practitioners to build a presence in ‘the social media’. So we did. @clarkfarley.csr over at Instagram. We do something a little different. Hey! they audio on the clips are muted by default (of course they are! lol) Stop by, click like and follow! (only have, like, four or five reels, but they’re fun*)

6) …just a photo

7) something, something

8) & 9) an old, old… did we mention old Christmas post

Merry Christmas!! and a Happy… (insert preferred religio-culturalis-tradito-centric greeting) -[here]- !!! from the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

There is an old saying, ‘repetition is the most efficient form of creativity‘, to which we will add, ‘you can say that again’!

Given the enormity of the holiday, we would be remiss in our self-imposed duty to provide one more insight into human nature from the perspective of our little personality theory, if we did not tell you why Christmas is a holiday that resonates with all three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine. But, due to the increasing influence of our rogerian aspect, let us first extend the heartfelt wishes of those of us here at the Doctrine, to those of you out there in Reader-ville:

To all of our Readers and Visitors:

Angola…Feliz Natal e (feriados felizes do específico da cultura)!
Australia..Merry Christmas and Happy (culture specific) Holidays!…on the barbe
Belgium…Vrolijke Kerstmis en Gelukkig (kweek specifiek) Vakanties!
Bosnia and Herzegovenia… Čestit Božić i Srećna (specifična kultura) praznici! (I hope!)
Brazil….Feliz Natal e (feriados felizes do específico da cultura)!
Canada…Merry Christmas and Happy (culture specific) Holidays!…eh?
Columbia…¡Feliz Navidad y Feliz (cultiva específico) Feriados!
France…Joyeux Noël et Heureux (cultiver spécifique) les Vacances !
Germany…Fröhlich Weihnachts und Glücklich (kultivieren spezifisch) Feiertage!
Ghana…Merry Christmas and Happy (culture specific) Holidays!…(!click!)
Greece…Καλά Χριστούγεννα και ευτυχισμένο (πολιτισμός συγκεκριμένες) διακοπές!
Ireland…Merry Christmas and Happy (culture specific) Holidays!…go bragh
Israel…חג מולד שמח ושמח (תרבות ספציפי) חופשה
Italy…Buon Natale e Felice (la cultura specifica) le Vacanze!
Philipines…Merry Christmas and Happy (culture specific) Holidays!…(send translation-o)
Slovenia…vesel Božič ter vesel ( kultura poseben ) dopust
Spain…¡Feliz Navidad y Feliz (cultiva específico) las Vacaciones!
Sweden…Munter Jul och lycklig (odla specifik) Helgdagar!
United Arab Emirates…عيد الميلاد قد وسعيد (ثقافة معينة (العطلة?! (dude!)
United Kingdom…Merry Christmas and Happy (culture specific) Holidays! pip! pip!
United States…Merry Christmas and Happy (culture specific) Holidays! y’all!

(Special Greeting Update! courtsey of our friend Melanie Chisnall over at Scribbles and Smiles )
South Africa…Geseende Kersfees!

Apologies to any whose (translated) Greeting comes out as “I hope the dog eats all your fish..” or something.  It’s the damn internet, I want to click once and get an accurate translation into any language in the world.  What’s un-reasonable about that?

The enormity of the Christmas holiday? It has clear appeal and, in fact, resonates strongly with all three personality types:

  • clarks: who love to give…selflessly, and to an extreme, we will give everything that we (think) we have to give, in the hopes of becoming so much a part of the group…which is, in fact all, of you ‘out there in the world’…that we will no longer consider ourselves the Outsiders
  • scotts: who love to give because there is so much life and activity inherent in a celebration such as is manifested by Christmas, that all they can do is run around and bark at the lights (or bark using lights), chase down and herd those who gather together on this holiday, never stopping, until without warning, they drop into a sleep, like a 2 month old puppy… wherever they last stood, eyes closed, teeth showing, legs twitching as the chase continues in their dream with the occasional wag of the tale, showing their essentially good natures
  • rogers: a tradition and the participation of nearly all people, Christmas has everything they could want and to top it all off, there is the second most feared manifestation of ‘referential authority’ there is:  the gift giver who keeps records, verifies those records and rewards and punishes behavior, all by standards that, while thought by most to be understood, are never explicitly stated.

So to all our friends (new and old), those of us here at the Wakefield Doctrine say, ‘Yo Ho Ho’!

10) Secret Rule 1.3  You know what they say about medicine and Secret Rules…(well, rather than the boring, ‘What doesn’t make me…’ trope and ask M. Ali:  “I’m so mean I make medicine sick”.)

* hey, if you got to Grat #5  then you’ll probably enjoy our effort to be mainstream in the social media**

** oh yeah, thanks for reminding us! It is common knowledge that we’re always trying to learn about writing and such… so, when it comes to doing the Instagram thing, while it is a video and sometimes we speak, there is a section under the video for words. We thought, ‘hmm, this is a video, so the viewer will need little help in appreciating what is on their visorphone. Then it came to us, one word: ‘Unreliable Narrator’. lol We will admit to struggling with this rhetorical device in our current stories. But, hey, this is a far more fleeting interaction with Readers Viewers

music vids




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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [a Café Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise each Thursday (link in becomes available Wednesday at 6 pm ET) if you have jones for writing or a hankerin’ for reading short, little stories, this is surely the place to be!

This week’s prompt word:


“I don’t fuckin’ care if you’re closed, any more than I give a shit it’s Christmas Eve, I just spent twenty-three minutes in the creepiest empty hallway on the planet,” in a voice both intimate and devoid of emotion, like the rote deceptions an obstinate child might rehearse while sitting alone in a time-out, Sybil Trainor stared at one more man in her way, “So tell me where I can find the Sophomore and I’ll leave you people be”.

The tall, thin man compressed his lips, not so much in sympathy as empathy, much the self-reassessment observed in infants and puppies when first encountering a mirror and being forced to come to grips with the true story of the Garden of Eden: ‘I am’ becoming ‘We might be’. The cold calm in his eyes obscured by the light to his back, in something between a sigh and an assurance, “While I cannot, in all honesty say I know where your friend is at the moment, I assure you that I will know when he returns and, at that point in time I will be in a position to facilitate your reunion.”

In alien benediction, the soft yellow light from the office bathed both the man and the girl, who now wore: bell-bottom jeans that were a patchwork of deliberate, if unnecessary mending; an intricately-knotted macramé belt and an off the shoulder peasant blouse, the perfect framing of the face of a girl fluent in non-verbal intercourse.

The sound of voices to their left drew Sybil’s attention and she turned away from the man without the slightest hesitancy and walked towards the long bar, behind which liquor bottles, neon letters and mirrored reflections created a 2D representation of the nearly empty café; gliding along the reef of barstools, Sybil felt her anger pulse into life at the sound of confident familiarity, but then, her anger was never, ever, too far away.

A voice, at once sure without need to convince, anchored the form of a woman on a stool, and Mimi smiled, “Tonight, strangers are friends-by-default, shair, jess tell that rahdoht voice in your head to leave your heart alone.”


