Month: September 2022 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: September 2022 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Today is Wednesday. Usually we’re drafting, or, at very least, thinking about drafting some kind of idea for the Six Sentence Story bloghop. The Six Sentence Story bloghop starts this evening at 6:00 pm (Oceania time).

So, we’d best keep this short, no?

(Funny story: so I did a search of all posts for ‘short post’, got, like 534 returns. ok. searched ‘very short post’. 487…. ‘very short little post’ 328! gave up. scanned the last set of posts. got what’s below.)

Before that, remind us to write more about our Herd-inclined members. On the other side of the Six, of course.


Decoding the Doctrine: the 3 personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ).

Predator!!!  Herd Animal!!!   Blue Monkey!!

(Simply convenient terms for a characteristic perception of reality or… hate speech?)

“rogerian indulgence… scottian impulsivity…clarklike irresponsibility”

(Examples of productive linguistic shorthand or…fighting words?)

“Don’t be such a clark!!   Jeez, they shouldn’t say mean things like that,  he is such a roger…god, why won’t you just grow up? scott!

( Honesty or……… slurs?)

As awareness and interest in the Wakefield Doctrine continues to grow, we are benefiting from increasing feedback from Readers.  (This) input becomes a useful and significant element in the crafting of the message (in) these Posts. As we know, just as the Doctrine holds that we all have the capacity to experience the world as each of the three personality types, the descriptive terms assigned to each (type) is meant to be multi-interpretive. Often found when describing aspects of human nature, the tendency to exaggerate should never be underestimated.  And when you factor in writing skills that are at times rudimentary, the urge to use terms that  are easy to misconstrue is just…about…irresistible. But, hey! what are ya gonna do?
The core fact remains, there are three personality types (that) are predicated on each of us experiencing the world in three distinctly characteristic ways. And as we are trying to describe the perception of one (personality) type to another personality type, we are forced to draw the picture in broad strokes…very broad strokes.

It’s funny, each effort to present the Wakefield Doctrine to new Readers seems to bring along with it an example of the validity of our little personality theory. Today is no exception. The use of terms like predator and herd animal to describe scotts and rogers are often met with objections, “yeah but that has such negative connotations“, or “you must not think a lot of our type if you describe us like that…”.

The thing of it is, while people take issue with connotation or implication or insinuation, no one yet has said,  “What? What does that term refer to?”

In most instances, when the discussion, say about clarks, gets to the point of, …”and so, the idea that you like to carry sentence fragments around with you…to spread through the few conversations that you have that allow the other person to get more than 3 complete sentences clarks talk like that on purpose?”  … everyone laughs.
Or if someone were to say, “…the print they use on the latex cycling suit is specially formulated to cause the wind rushing by to sound like the commercial jingle of that particular corporation, that way, during a ride, you can hear, ‘have it your way…have it your way at….” rogers (and clarks and scotts) all laugh. And understand, they know that we are talking about rogers without having to be told.

What we are trying to say is that so far, no one has stopped and said, “What? I don’t get it.”  Of course this has as much to do with the quality of intellect that the Readers (and Progenitors and DownSprings) bring to the table at this stage of the growth of the Doctrine.  We all might as well enjoy it.

No doubt there will come a time, when the Wakefield Doctrine is on a par with Catholicism or Islam or Oprah that we will hear people say,  “Hey, did you hear the one about the socially-contexted guy who met a socially-disconnected dream-instead-of-live girl and they ran into the act-without-reflection priest?”

Until then, clarks are ‘head-decorating, mumbling, manipulative funny people and scotts are ‘the Tasmanian devil-from-the-Warner Brothers-cartoon but with higher levels of social skills as represented by the Joe Pecsi character in ‘Good Fellas’ and rogers…’damn they talk so good you want to sit and listen forever…until you wake up and realise they have all left but you still to have to wash the dishes.’



…don’t forget to remind us!


R-P-M -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘…this day in history*’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Secret theme and September(s) for a Monday?

fer sure

….Sept. 15th twelve years ago, here at the Doctrine (wavy lines special effects denoting a flashback)

Hey! this being one of the earliest of Doctrine posts to generate comments, we thought it would be fun to (try to) include them in the Reprint (hint….hint…. God-gave-you-a-keyboard-for-a-reason-people!) lol


Now, children! everyone find someone else and hold onto their hand

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine, class. If you pay attention, and listen closely, then at some time later in your life, much, much later, you will remember what you have learned here today. And when that time comes, you will say, (to your spouse, your friend, the police, your priest, the nurse or the man with the hearse)…”there was this place and there were these people and they told me about clarks, scotts and rogers and how it was so simple to understand other people if only I understood the Wakefield Doctrine! I see now that they were so very right…it is just sad that it is so very, very late for me…if only I had…written a Comment“!

Well, it’s not too late, binyons! You can participate, join in on the fun.  We are only a third of the way through the 90 Day Challenge, plenty of time to turn this bus around. Speaking of buses, lets make that the topic of today’s Post! (and the Wakefield Doctrine Lesson of the Day).

First Day of  School Trauma!

Alright! All-right! I’ll go first…

… oddly enough, I have no memory of 1st grade but I do remember that my 2nd grade Teacher’s name was Mrs. Brennan. Starting with the 2nd grade I attended a parochial school  and for the most part all the Teachers at Our Lady of Mercy (who doesn’t hear James Brown, “mer-cey!!”)School were nuns. Real nuns, not just sallyfield-looking-hey-just-a-normal-girl-who-happens-to-be-a-nun, no sir! These were Nuns of the Order of the Sisters of Mercy. En regalia, full-dress nuns. For those unfamiliar with the look, we’re talking about white on black habits, with face and hands as the only clue that there is a human there, never mind a female human. Damn! (The borg look like nudists compared to the Sisters of Mercy back in the early 60s.)
(Back to my First Day of School Trauma). Arriving in class, the very first thing I learned from a classmate was,  “if you don’t eat all your lunch, they make you eat in front of the whole school and for the first day of school they always serve something called Welsh Rabbit”. I spent the entire morning of the first day of school in the Second Grade in fear of what would happen when I refused to eat the Welsh Rabbit. We are talking “worry” on a level such that I was so focused on trying to come up with a plan to avoid the lunchroom embarrassment, that I almost got sent back to the First Grade. I could not have spelled my own name when called on, cause I was busy! I had to think of something!  Sitting in one of those desks with the fliptop writing surface and the seat attached and the whole thing held together by a wrought-iron frame. Somehow I survived. I look back now, from the vantage point of the Wakefield Doctrine, can there be any doubt that there was a clark sitting in that totally uncomfortable seat in September, trying to figure his way out of spot that (he) was barely equipped to deal with.

( …Pero Principal Clarke, lo que Wakefield Lección Doctrina del Día vamos a tener de su historia muy interesante?… )

Why thank you, Miguel,  for that reminder. The Lesson of the Day is more an illustration of the clarklike personality. The reaction of the 8-year-old clark in this story is that his response to a threat was to try and think of a plan to avoid the embarrassment that he perceived to be waiting for him at lunch (he really, really hated cheese). The saying at the Doctrine is: clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel.

Alright DownSprings! Next?


  1. Downspring#1 says:

    FEAR. clarks spend their entire lives living with fear – trying to overcome it, face it, run away from it but damn, can never quite shake it. Fear has amazing power(s), not only in a present sense but in a future sense also. I wrote a Comment at this blog some time back about clarks being the ultimate “planners”. When faced with a challenge, in this case, how to avoid eating a Welsh “Rabbit”, the clark very often will go into “planning” mode.
    A plan that is predicated on events that have not yet happened. Unless clarks are imbued with divine powers, they/we cannot know the future. (except that knowledge of the Wakefield Doctrine, (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) can in fact help one to predict what oneself and those around them may do in any given scenario)
    As clarks spend time in a future that does not yet exist, they miss out on the very present that will affect said future. Had the young Progenitor clark said to himself “lunch isn’t for 3 hours yet, who cares what they’re having” he would have avoided the self-imposed embarrassment that came when he was called on in class while he was doing his “planning”. One might say, ‘had the young clark been more scottian (who cares)or rogerian (everyone will be having Welsh Rabbit) all would have been avoided’.
    Interesting that this was noticed by our young clark at such an early age. The “formative” years are so very, very crucial. The question oft asked at this blog is how/when does one eventually become predominantly a clark, scott or roger? What are the events that precede this “becoming”?
    How was I to know that in first grade, while acting strictly in the here and now (scottian) and talking, talking, talking to my classmates (rogerian ) when I was not supposed to that, that was my defining “clark” moment? Maybe it was.
    (In my ‘First Day of School Trauma’ contribution) I will simply say that for talking when I was not supposed, my punishment was to stand in front of the entire first grade class opening and closing my mouth (as if talking) until I was told to stop. I was absolutely mortified. I was embarrassed in front of my peers and mostly certainly would have been laughed at by them if it were not for the utter fear elicited by …..Sister Mary Cedric.

  2. AKH says:

    WOW!!! Talk about flash backs! It’s weird, but I too can’t remember anything about early school (kindergarten and first grade). Not a single memory. When my family moved from Illinois to New Jersey I attended Holy Cross. I was in 2nd grade and remember that clearly. Loved egg salad sandwiches. Remember we had to put our lunches in the back closet instead of a refrigerator where they would ferment all morning? And then those little cartons of milk that were always warm? Well, I loved egg salad sandwiches and would bring them to school for lunch all of the time. And all of the kids used to move their desks away from me. Fuck ‘em I thought to myself while I enjoyed my lunch. Looking back I’d have to say that was the first glimpse of my scottian nature as opposed to the previously mentioned Blood, Sweat and Tears stuff.
    Yeah, those nuns were something else. I remember a really mean one called Sister Chairatina (sp?). We used to call her Sister Cherry Bomb. She was one mean, retched nun. There was this kid in my class (Jimmy Reynolds) who never paid attention and was always disrupting the class. Looking back I think he had ADHD. Anyway, Sister Cherry Bomb used to take him out of class and bang his head against the wall. The concrete wall. No lie.
    One morning when the school bus pulled into the school parking lot Sister Chairatina was out there and we started chanting “…run her over, run her over….” Needless to say, the bus driver wasn’t too thrilled about that.
    And then there was the time that my brother was caught with gum in his mouth. The nun made him put it in his hair for the rest of the day.
    Man, those nuns got away with murder.
    And of course there were the nun jokes. “What’s black and white and re(a)d all over? A bloody nun.” Shit I still remember the damn secret school song about tossing a nun down the stairs. I’ll spare you the lyrics.
    But I digress. When I read the post all of those memories came flooding back. And now I am absolutely irrevocably certain that the scott in me came to life.
    Thankfully in 6th grade I started attending public school. I was finally free from the wrath of those ungodly nuns. And I didn’t have to wear a uniform (I bet all you rogers loved wearing uniforms). How liberating that was!
    OK, class dismissed.

  3. RCoyne RCoyne says:

    We public school kids weren’t allowed uniforms. We were dragged in on Wednesdays after school and on Sunday after Mass for catechism, when they would try to convert the godless heathen Irish kids, or at least hope that we could be taught to stand upright. Many, many knuckles were bloodied by a nun wielding a three-sided ruler. The offense? Daring to touch something in the parochial kid’s desk that you were sitting at. I once studied the wrong catechism lesson, and was made to not just stand outside the classroom, but out of the school altogether in the parking lot. My mom was extremely pissed, but couldn’t even vaguely intimidate the nuns. I thought that was pretty amazing because she tore up the public school teachers on a regular basis. And we always thought that they liked you guys. Amazing how you can carry that stuff around for decades, eh?

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      yeah, those of us on the inside (the ones with the frickin school-clothes that you public school kids never had to wear) like the fact that you poor kids had to do the Wednesday afternoon cathecism thing, we alsways got out early that day.
      Not just that we felt bad for any kids who had to go back into a school building, after the school day endedbut we also were told that it was all for show anyway…you know…”Class, the public school children will be coming in today, be sure not to tell them that they are all going to burn in hell when they die, anyway. Lets just keep that to our selves”.

  4. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    Hey, AKH! I have a scottian associate at work who read these Comments…her contribution: that as punishment for not behavin like a good catholic school girl should, the nuns would make her be the one who had to clean up when someone puked! (Which considering the time and setting that we are discussing) was a fairly regular job. She does remember the green saw dust shit that was always the clean-up material of choice. (Long corridors of shiny green and black tile offset by short trails of sawdust, all headed in vain towards the bathrooms…)

  5. Downspring#1 says:

    Even though I am running late this morning, took a quick turn here and can’t resist my own “nun story”.
    4th grade penmanship class. That’s correct. In the old days students weret taught the proper way to write. They called it “cursive”. (kids have it easy now – look at the picture and push the screen icon. can you spell “hamburger, no pickles”?)
    (At this moment, Sister “C” is sitting in a rocker reminiscing over the last 175 years. Wait a minute! No, she isn’t, because back when I was in 4th grade she was already 125!)
    Anyway, quiet spring day learning cursive. What’s that noise? Seems Donald B keeps whispering to his buddy. While the class looks on, Sister C quietly walks over to Donald B’s desk (while his back is turned, mind you) and waits for him to turn around and notice her. Once he does, we all hear a few semi-loud recriminating words and then watch in utter horror (and amazement) while this 125 year old, 100lb nun (wearing glasses) takes one hand and completely upturns Donald B’s desk.
    Whoo-wee! It was loud, it was scary…. it was parochial.
    A clark on steroids? A scott in a bad mood? A roger with not enough attention paid to her?




TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop(TToT). Founded in 1986 by Lizzi, the TToT is reputed to be among the longest-running grat blogs in the ‘sphere. “Way to go, L!”

For our part, we’re tolerated by Dyanne (hostinae) and Lisa and Pat and Mimi an them, what with our Secret Rules, hypo-sensible descriptions of the people, places and things that inspire, surprise, trick, inveigle and otherwise push us into the empty classroom that has ‘Gratitude 101’ written in yellow chalk on a black blackboard.

So, here ya go!

1)  Phyllis walking from the cottage past (a) regrowth of the ferns (to her immediate right) and a crop of zombie Triffids lurking in the middle of the yard. (If you’ve never encountered these Flora-That-Time-Forgot, they’re from the Mesozoic Era (aka ‘No frickin way a plant evolves needle-sharp antlers to survive, unless they’re native to Planet Nightmare‘)

2) Una (who is watching from the picture window, displaying more sense than her two humans)

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop

5) excellent vid chat with Nick and Denise (stay tuned!)

6) Phyllis’ cottage complete(ish)

7) serial (no, not cereal, serial) stories and how they always have one more thing they want the writer to tell the Reader

8) something, something

9) Friend of the Doctrine Cynthia (we all had a nice chat last night on the Saturday Night Drive)

10) SR 1.3 (from the Book of Secret Rules, aka the Secret Book of Rules)


music vids







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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [a Doctrine Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is our contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise, the only requirement is to present a story in six (and only) six sentences.

This week’s prompt word:


“Would it be too much to hope for our son learning to be more on guard; a kid like him, head in the clouds all the time, is asking the other sixth graders to lash out, it’s what we did at that age,” the man seemed to address the otherwise empty kitchen, even as his wife placed the tea cup and saucer at the upper right corner of the evening newspaper opened on the kitchen table; his smile of thanks faltered as he rotated the handle on the steaming cup to precisely three o’clock and adjusted the teaspoon on the saucer.

The tall woman compressed her lips, a tacit expression of agreement, however, her husband had already turned his attention to the black-and-white newsprint, sparing him the blaze of protective fury in his wife’s eyes; folding the front page carefully to the left, the man continued,  “You’re his mother, and for reasons beyond me, there are times when he’ll listen to you, go have a talk and tell him to apologize to whoever and, while he’s at it, grow a thicker skin.”


The boy, sitting with his back against the plain headboard of the single bed, the tensor lamp, chrome-articulated neck leaning over his shoulder like a concert pianist’s page-turner, looked up from the circle of light illuminating the pages of the book, his eyes held both questions and answers as his mother stepped into the room, tension diminishing ever-so-slightly as she shut the door;

“You’re here to tell me to not let them get to me, that I just need to grow up,” no longer focused on whatever he was reading, the boy’s attention flared like a kitchen match in an empty basement.

“Well, yes, but this is one of those life lessons that need to be memorized like passages from a favorite book; what you felt in class today, when that boy, William, said your book report was pretentious is part of a strength rather than the weakness you’re thinking it is right now; like it or not, it will take time to practice being you.”

“Thanks a lot, Mom, so all I have to do is hurry-up and run into doors, sit on tacks, have ‘Kick Me’ signs taped to my back in school and I’ll get to become the best person I can be?”

“Well, yes, …but at least you won’t have to become your father,” the walls of the bedroom seemed to bulge inwards for a split second, until both mother and son broke into gales of silent laughter.




ok, ok! a reprint -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

We’re working on our Six Sentence Story(s) for this week. (And a secret writing project with a couple or three other clarks*), so gives us a minute, ahiight?

Hey! There’s a topic for the advanced student of the Wakefield Doctrine.

The emotional backlash (pretty much self-inflicted) that often follows a period of elevated ambition (in combination with heightened confidence). Any Reader thoughts?

Not quite ‘dark-place’ intense, but not a walk in the park, either. More of a ‘head swells up and your face falls’ a certain mental nausea, to which our inner critic/tonal almost always tries to get in on, grab a piece of the action, if you will.

Not fun. But at least we have the Doctrine and, inherently, the resource of other clarks.

Let’s see what a search of clarks + emotional backlash gets us.

Full Disclosure: the complete search parameters returned a post from, like, last week. Dropped the ’emotional’ and got, among others, a New Year’s Eve post from 2013.

Ja! si mislil, da bi prenesli na novo delovno mesto Leto Resolucija! the Wakefield Doctrine ( hey, we are so damn mainstream these days!..*of course*, we have Resolutions!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

For the coming (and very cool number) Year 2013  we would offer the following Resolutions:

Resolution(s) for clarks courtesy of both the scottian and rogerian worldview:

  1. stop asking the world for permission…. (scotts: look up the Babe Ruth adage;   rogers: the world? all us? we are not that important, no matter how we act!)
  2. give yourself one day (a week) when you throw your  ‘better judgement’ down on the ground… (scotts: you keep moving and the averages work in your favor;  rogers: you cannot be certain what is ‘better’ in the long term take if from a worldview who specializes in statistics
  3. let yourself act silly (without the ‘backlash’ feeling of everyone is laughing at you)… (scotts: they are laughing, screw ’em!; rogers: you have a new thing here…maybe not a herd and probably not a pack…enjoy it (whatever it is!))

Resolution for scotts courtesy of both the clarklike and rogerian worldview:

  1. slow down!… (clarks: no  we did not say stop!  we said slow down there is more than one hunt left for you out there; rogers: we know you’re there, no need to stalk so much!)
  2. you can learn new tricks… ( clarks: lol  nothing to add to that! ;  rogers: try not to feel like there is no tomorrow, there might be, there might not be…don’t get frantic!)
  3. you are a member of this (new) herd, enjoy it… (clarks: remember! we do not eat our friends!  no going for the last laugh using us as fall-things, lol; rogers: I’ll sit over here, you have that whole big area to yourself…there you go!)

Resolution for rogers courtesy of both the clarklike and scottian worldviews:

  1. stop feeling like you need to stand out… (clarks: we know you’re there and that you have a lot to offer… we get it; scotts: you wonder why you are our favorite prey?  lol)
  2. try not to alienate your actual friends, no one is keeping score… (clarks: you are the more long term of the two when it comes to relationships of all types, don’t be such a pig;  scotts: you can run but you can’t hide, you might want to learn from that!)
  3. you have the gift of emotion and certainty, you get more by giving it away (clarks: we give away what we most value, don’t mistake ‘without cost’ with ‘without value’; scotts; did we say that you are our favorite prey? guess we did, what the clarks say, we will be watching…better pay attention

So from all of us here at the Wakefield Doctrine, we would be pleased to see you all have the best of possible timelines in the ‘new’ ‘Year’  2013  yo

* sorry, guys. The best way to kill and ear worm is to infect as many others as possible**
** what? who said, ‘How rogerian!’ Come on up! You’ve just won a scholarship to WDU

