Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- | the Wakefield Doctrine Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- | the Wakefield Doctrine

Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Six Sentence Story bloghop

Hosted by Denise

This week’s prompt word:


The tall, thin man was, by both nature and conscious choice, disinclined to place a value on physical exertion greater than necessary to make routine tasks appear effortless.

Being more t’ai ch’i than tae kwon do, more gavotte than gigue, the goal of power was to alter the world in a deliberate manner and, as such, more advantageously viewed as a fluid than a solid; in early life he’d decided the world was not merely a clockwork of moving parts, subject to vector and force, rather an organism moved by appetite, constrained by its environment.

Deciding to walk to work, he smiled at his choice of dress: bespoke sports coat from Dege & Skinner, grey Dockers from JC Penny and, five-dollar black gum sole shoes from a card table set up near the theatre district; his path, characteristically random, resulted in modern steel and glass towers giving way to older, more earthbound structures with less decoration and more loading docks and chainlink fences.

“Wait up!”

Proprietor Mimi was gifted with a voice capable of making a shout from a bus stop be heard as the laughing whisper of a classmate from a time in life when the army of the young was unified in the uphill battle with adults.

Walking beside the man who adjusted both his expression and his gait, the former, a pleasantly involuntary act, the latter simple politeness, Mimi was about to add an admittedly superfluous greeting when the canyon of mills, thrift shops and nightclubs was filled with the sound of sirens.



clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Chris Hall says:

    Being a former fire insurer, I’m always concerned when I hear the siren of a fire engine (am I on this?). Indeed I am, it seems. Let’s hope the damage is contained before certain precious and irreplaceable objects are destroyed!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      we’ll surely (begin) to find out in Chapter 2

      Proprietoresque Query: have the Tale from the Six Sentence Café & Bistro as a page here in the Doctrine (at the top of the page, Menu). But, as far as I understand, I can’t enable comments* maybe I should do a standalone-blog using (with the annoyance of ads) so there’s the potential of increased interaction…
      your opinion?

      * nothing but most of the reason I write lol

      • Chris Hall says:

        Ah, I hadn’t notice the lack of a comments box. That is a drawback for sure. The only other option I can think of (just now) is to publish each chapter / story in the form of a post (or link to an existing one) and then put the links on the ‘Tales’ page. However, it’s a bit clunky and requires the reader to click through to each post. Maybe a new WP blog is the only solution. Greater minds may need to be applied to this query.

        • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

          Went ahead and set up a blog (in the Doctrine’s blogroll)… Gots to figure out how to maximize the sharing opportunities for Readers. Since you’re the (or one of) the published Proprietors… and thoughts or suggestions as to theme or layout or whatever*
          Anyway since we’re all agreeing that this should (at the moment) be a combination big sketch pad/drawing board/rehearsal hall… I figure as we get ideas, we’ll just make it a new chapter! (there’s a wonderful book, Roger Zelazny ‘Roadmarks‘ in which, I think, he has two chapters 1 and 2 (sorta, the Wikipedia might explain it better)… in any event, if we want to take the micro-attention span, minimally-logical plot book market by storm, we’re probably better off getting words in one spot and figure out how to make sense of it later.

          *content?!!?! lol yeah definitely one of the whatevers

          • Chris Hall says:

            Followed! I have to say that writing and publishing books is so much easier than organising the ‘nuts and bolts’ of this particular project… but leave it with me.

  2. Spira says:

    Damn…I’m dead less than a week and …mayhem…you are writing 100 words Six, the SSC&B is on fire…what’s next…Lou becoming a TV evangelist??

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      that should be relatively unlikely (or at least as unlikely as can be expected in a reality with as few restraints as this one..)
      Since I seem to be eschewing the Thread this morning, your character Ms. F. L. MacGuidhre, by my reading will not be actively present in and around the Café, yes?*
      So, would you prefer a Banquo approach (to the function of Gatekeeper) or, maybe reverse Mrs. Muir?
      lol damn if this medium don’t be fun

      *movie reference! PR Deltoid…

  3. Frank Hubeny says:

    The world does seem more like “an organism moved by appetite, constrained by its environment” than a mechanism.

  4. Indeed, thank you for matching pace with me, the tortoise only beats the hare in the story.

  5. phyllis0711 says:

    Some Clarks match the pace of their readers in the most pleasant manner.
    Thank you.

  6. Different in mind, body, dress and attitude. I think I could get to like him, and I guess Mimi does too!

  7. Spira says:

    ” Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow;
    Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead;
    Walk beside me and just
    Be my friend”

    Nick the Gatekeeper or Albert Camus (Nah, kidding Camus all the way!)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      Well then, lets see what kinda fuss Seven Proprietors can kick up, here in the ‘sphere

      the SSC&B is now a (the free version) feel free to add it to your blogroll… Guess, for now we should use ‘The Thread’ for story continuation and or manipulation aka editing.

      In fact, I would ask of you, perhaps, a scene to get us into the next chapter*…

      the Scene: the offices of your Ms. MacGuidhre where she might be discussing the status of the estate… etc… (this premise should permit some light physical description and, with an implied listener (or simply dictating) you could have all sorts of fun (and exposition) with her thoughts on the futures of the Proprietors …and such)

      *the beauty part of writing to this medium, the SSC&B blog is there is no (or one should not feel) any pressure to hit a deadline

      … it is stark illustration of a deep-seated drive to ‘suggest’ what others might write and imagine… Admitting I have a problem is supposed to be the first step
      Hi, Clark!”


      • Spira says:

        Excellent!(maybe add a WP follow button also.)
        I am sure we will fine tune it.
        As for the scene…why don’t we wait a few days…a lot may happen …and then we can discuss again if a scene is needed.

        • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

          totally (on the scene) ‘the Tale’ has a different time cycle (imo) than do Sixes involving the Bistro

          I am way dense and ill-informed as to how to add buttons and follows and any other widget that will let Readers do stuff… Any suggestions and/instructions will be appreciated

          • Spira says:

            There should be a Widget option at your admin menu. In there are the follow buttons.
            Also, despite being too early, dont you think there should be a copyright notice? Who knows what the future will bring for our collective madness. Maybe Chris can be helpful in how to do this ( I have a Creative Commons at my blog)

  8. jenne49 says:

    I would comment, but I’m too busy biting my nails and hoping that someone got the apricot cocktails out of the cafe. You’re certainly building the tension!
    It saddens me to be so far away on this world tour of other obligations at such a difficult time for all at the SSC&B, but rest assured that my thoughts are with you. Especially this thought, again from Monsieur Camus, “If something is going to happen to me, I want to be there.” Until then…

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      As we used to say (to someone) in a situation (similar to what you allude to), “Take notes”…

      I, for one, believe it’s better to have too much to write and not enough time than to have too much time and nothing to write (about)… but then again, we’re writing about fictional characters engaging in multi-referential adventures… what possibly could go wrong?

      (I mean, have seen some of the stuff out there in the way of online books and such?

      (One of my favorite writers, Robert Sheckley used to write some books that were as close (to my reading) stream of consciousness as a body could want. I’m thinking of the book ‘Options’ well worth the read.

    • Chris Hall says:

      Rest assured the apricot cocktails are safe… as it the TT Tomahawk!

  9. Tom says:

    Sirens? A new blog?
    Have I missed something again, Clark?

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      Sirens… you’re asking about the sirens?@?! the kind on firetrucks as in ‘hey, the kitchen’s on fire, better call the department that has red (or yellow) trucks with hoses and sirens!’

      you do remember the kitchen at the SSC&B, do you not?

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      oh yeah, the new blog… complicated (but fun)…while we all continue to write individual Six Sentence Stories that are grounded in the reality of the Six Sentence Café & Bistro, it was decided to establish a standalone blog for various adventures involving the people, places and things therein… calling it ‘Tales from the Six Sentence Café & Bistro‘ you should go there and follow it and such
      …and, if you can this week or next, you might want to give some thought (Six Sentence Story-wise) to helping Denise out with the clean up (of the kitchen)
      ya know?

      • Tom says:

        I shall pop on over forthwith.
        And the clean-up is already in hand… handbook… no, hand.

        • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

          lol (visual of moping a floor and the after wringing out the mop, the bucket is full of the image being mopped…)

          the worst part (of the start of this Reply? It’s like early Monday morning… aiyee)

    • Spira says:

      Yeah, Tom…you are asking about the sirens ?! LoL
      As I said few comments above, I’m dead for a week and all hell broke loose…
      …but on the flipside, the kitchen could use a renovation and since Chris and the insurance loopholes exploits will finance it, enjoy!
      Also, it wouldn’t hurt to take some fire prevention lessons!🧯🔥🚒

      • Tom says:

        🔥🙄 It wasn’t me. 🙂
        It’s always been chaotic, Nick… you’re probably just seeing it through fresh eyes!

  10. Spira says:

    And Clark…how come Denise is the only person Tom will help cleaning up?
    You’ve given everyone else the weekend off??
    I can only say one thing…thank goodness I am dead!!👻

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      no, but wait… Despite the damage being confined to the kitchen… the Bistro is not only a place to eat (I would imagine there was a kitchen at ‘Rick’s American’ but we remember Sam and his piano playing)

      was going to use Elton John’s Burn Down the Mission (but, as Proprietors, we might be confused with the wrong characters ‘Behind four walls of stone the rich man sleeps

  11. I see what you did there! Seamless. But will the firefighters get there in time?

  12. Totally enjoyed your Six. Of a pleasant moment in time.