Month: April 2022 | the Wakefield Doctrine Month: April 2022 | the Wakefield Doctrine

Six (point-seven) Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Six Sentence Story

Denise is the host

(continuo from this week’s Doctrine Six Sentence Story)

Prompt word:


The knock on the Manager’s office door was soft enough to eliminate at least two of the seven Proprietors.

Pulling the chair away from the desk brought a quick correction to the list of door-knockers. The Sophomore sat and was immediately assailed by the memory of the first night he’d, ‘worked the door’, of the Six Sentence Café & Bistro. Standing at the top of the three granite steps that terminated down at the entrance door, his mentor/sponsor/probable-friend, the Gatekeeper, in a deliberately comical sotto voce, said, “So, young dude, it’s not the people who know they should be allowed in who matter, it’s the people who hope to deserve to be let in, that, my friend, is the art of Gatekeeping.”

The second (double) knock on the door cued a memory of advice from yet another Proprietor: ‘When people, other than cops, knock on your door, it’s a lot like the first-date teenager pretending to stretch his arms in a movie theatre as a premise to establish an emotional beachhead; it’s a total Schrödinger’s moment.”

With a smile, the only employee rumored to be a Time Traveler, deepened his voice into what he believed sounded adult, “Come in!”




…fffFriday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Was going to do a ‘Phuhket Friday’ post. Search as we might, just could not find the previous post(s) using that, oh so clever,…. err misnomer*

I know it was from the ‘Snide Period’ which ran, like, between 2011 and the end of 2012. That was a fun time here at the blog. A post a day. Not the slightest concern with quality of writing or rhetoric, just the exhilaration of discovery… uncovering the manifestations of the Wakefield Doctrine in the average day. We wrote because there not only was much to say, to share with Readers, but it just made sense. To write it all down. Totally a gift. Never was an effort.

It’s fun, though, even when I think, ‘Really, another Reprint?’ This happens. We consider the Doctrine as it relates to those of us who enjoy it’s benefits and the world that surrounds us. (lol… clark much?)

But it’s Friday, so lets get all Fridistic on the up-coming row of hours.

For the last day of the traditional Work Week** lets get all bullet-pointy. For the three predominant worldviews, Friday is:

  1. clarks(Outsiders) the hope of sneaking into the party under the cover of raucous rogers and free-falling scotts. clarks believe that Fridays are like practice quizzes in school, the fear of getting too many correct answers is greater than getting too many wrong and, not even on the scale of dreaded-outcomes, the disappointment of realizing neither;
  2. scotts(Predators), you know how, in, like the Olympics, some athletes like, jump up in the air from a standing position as a way to stretch before actually competing? thats kinda Fridays for scotts. What with the Predator being their behavioral metaphor, they’re jumping like that to get a better view over the surrounding territory, trying to identify the type of prey they’ll soon be enjoying;
  3. rogers(Herd Members) because they’ve earned it. No, really. Go ahead and disagree or mildly challenge that assertion/assumption and you will be doing your rogerian friend a favor, they always welcome a challenge as that is invariably the simplest way to orient the Herd on their position, aka the center.

(ok… promised, or inferred reprint from 2011)


Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ).

(Funny thing about producing videos for Video Friday, sometimes the idea for a video is fully formed and all the effort is easily directed at execution, i.e. taping and up-loading and editing. Other times there is not the slightest hint of an idea or topic and we simply do something and post the results. And then there are the times….)

The video Post intended for today’s Video Friday post will not be seen today. Last observed floating into the ether, all attempts to download, re-load, upload or otherwise publish this 20 minute exposition on the value and utility of the Wakefield Doctrine have met with failure. Further efforts to re-create, simulate or otherwise try to salvage the video have been postponed indefinitely.
Instead we will have an encore1 presentation of the wildly popular…Saturday Night Drive  Episode…

Well, that certainly was refreshing!

(….the Post Title?  Why do you think it should have anything to do with content?  …oh!  You are a new Reader…that makes sense… I can see why you might wonder if there is a connection.  Funny you should mention that… )

How To Tell (if you are in a converstion with) a clark:

  • measuring the level of eye contact involves the use of imaginary numbers and the ( negative of ) the square root of pi
  • the density of verb modifiers ( both legitimate adverbs and illegitimate-made-up-adverbilizers ) is higher than Lindsey Lohan at the Norml Annual Lifetime Achievement Awardssss
  • seemingly random references in support of the main topic of the conversation, (op. cit.  Gibbon’s Rise and Fall of the Klingon Empire)
  • the ability ( and willingness )  to continue a conversation that was interrupted 4 months ago…
  • for conversations involving 2 clarks, the tendency to ‘bump into each other’ (conver.. uh sorry…conversationally) speaking
  • funny, funny asides…totally without regard to the seriousness of the conversation… ( “hey, she always said she would die of cancer…joke’s on her, no”? )

The Post Title refers, in a general sort of way, how each of the three personality types view dreams…  further questions on this topic should be addressed to Molly  (who is  said to be considering the position of HeadMistress of the (new) Wakefield Doctrine Early Ed Program…)  of course, if your questions are of a more…dynamic  nature ( relating to dreams and such )  you might want to ring up Ms. AKH.  …and if you are in a total rush and just want the ‘down ‘n dirty’  try  Alx C.  that boy will set ya straight on what to dream about and how to not get caught doing it!

1)   encore (interject) 1712, from Fr. encore “still, yet, again” (12c.), generally explained as being from V.L. phrase *hinc ad horam “from then to this hour” (It. ancora “again, still, yet” is said to be a French loan-word).

Whenever any Gentlemen are particularly pleased with a Song, at their crying out Encore … the Performer is so obliging as to sing it over again. [Steele, “Spectator” No. 314, 1712]


* no, not a rogerian expression… closer to a scottian word rassle

** yeah, we know! as dead as …well, dead (lol)


Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Which is hosted by Denise

For one reason or another, we had the good fortune to ‘remember’ (more accurately, to stumble across among the familiar memory debris of the past), a story titled, ‘Knock’ by Frederic Brown. Surely, for those us with the ambition to write brief but engaging Sixes, it’s the holiest of holies.

Prompt word:


The tall, thin man sat back like a marionette with half of it’s strings suddenly cut; it was not a graceful change in posture, like the slow-motion transition of one seeking only to relax, confident the back of the chair would be waiting.

As the only Time Traveler to have returned from the past without adulterating his present, he felt a need to share as much of his experience as possible, texted a single line on his phone and began to write on the yellow-lined pad to the left of the computer keyboard that sat, like a spaceship just outside of a 19th Century town in the American West.

There was a knock on the door.

The Sophomore approached the cluttered desk, unmindful of the door closing behind him, the hardware store lettering, ‘Manager’ returning to it’s post in the dark hallway like a battle-scarred warrior returning to sentry duty.

The office was empty.

Pulling the sheet of paper taped to the computer screen, he read, ‘It wasn’t that the new buildings looked old, or that old buildings looked new, it was the mature trees where once grew a field of grass; which when you get right down to it, is the difference between a ream of virgin paper and a college term paper from the bottom of an attic-bound cardboard box: one resigned to manifesting the ambitions of the novice writer, the other a forgotten ward of a State absorbed by a ravenous future’.




2-oozeday* -the Wakefield Doctrine- *(“we concur! eww“)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Full Disclosure: As we continue to leverage established assets, (aka posting re-runs*), the criteria involved in selection, shift from day-to-day. Today the criteria was ‘catchy subtitle’.  We usually don’t include them in the paste half of ‘cut ‘n paste’ because the font is always off and most of the time, not worth the trouble to try and re-size. We’ll make the semi-exception today, at least to the extent of typing it out:

“I think Tuesday is the cutest (of the) Workdays! …like a 2nd date, so full of promise, yet such a potential source of suffering!”

The other thing about re-runs is that, for us, it’s fun to watch the writing style change over the years. We’ll leave it at that. (ok, ok, We’re referring to certain periods of time here at the Doctrine when the smart-ass quotient was higher than others). This is not just fun, it’s a healthy reminder to not take oneself too seriously and, even more so, to always keep moving… to experiment, to shrug off the comfort of the not-getting-anyone-upset approach.

One of the two most valuable insights or understandings or alternative standards, the Wakefield Doctrine has provided clarks is: “Well, were I to do that and everyone got mad at me, I guess I’d just have to get another set of everyone.”

(Readers of the scottian and rogerian predominant worldviews: your first response to this observation will be a useful insight into the intensity of your secondary clarklike aspect. Healthy levels will result in a scott laughing, ‘You fricken’ clarks!’ and the roger smiling, ‘OK, with a coat of paint and a healthy buffing, that might not be the worst way to feel about the world‘.)


(From 2014)


so, yesterday we wrote a Post that was built on the following promise:

So here’s what we’ll do: I’ll write a couple of hundred words about the value and use of the Wakefield Doctrine on a typical Monday morning. I’ll stop writing, take a quick shower, get dressed and start my work day2. After an hour or so of work, I’ll come back here and ‘re-write’ this post. Let’s see if this ‘oh-my-god-can’t-you-see-how-incredibly-useful-and-fun’ theory of personality accounts for any change in my day.3

Fine. I’ll tell you about my day and the (principles) of the Wakefield Doctrine. I won’t attempt to re-write yesterday’s Post, for the obvious reasons. (Actually all I want to do is try and come up with something clever (and a touch risqué ) about character of Tuesday). But promises are promises (unless they are threats, and then you need to be more careful of clarks than scotts or rogers by a long shot!)

In the middle of the day yesterday, I had occasion to interact with people I had never met.*
I walk up to the front door, (noting that a person was coming towards the house from across the yard), and knocked on the door. a scott answered. I knew she was a scott from: a) her eyes** and 2) she smiled and stepped forward at the moment of introduction,  ‘Hello, I’m clark from….’  ( I laughed to myself and thought, ‘god! I loves this Doctrine’ …and increased the volume of my voice, shortened my sentences and cranked-up my (level) of eye contact.) The meeting went well.
The person I noticed walking across the lawn towards us? (who I ignored because I needed to establish a relationship with the dominant personality)  another scott! (he was there to help with the move…) he had no legitimate role in the interaction,  but he kept coming back into the room where I was talking to the scottian woman.  lol ( you ever watch a bunch of puppies playing as a group? one is always trying to establish ranking***  that’s what this guy was doing. He walked in to the house, didn’t introduce himself by name, (because he was a member of her pack and therefore not alpha), but nevertheless was trying to see if he could establish dominant ranking on me  (it would have enhanced his relationship with her, of course).  I mean you could see the energy as he walked, pretended to be a part of the conversation, walk away and then come back in…. I did not allow myself to be distracted… it was fun to watch.

Anyway…. that was my Day-with-the Doctrine.

Tuesdays… your favorite Day of the Workweek?


* it was a meeting with transitioning tenants, I was there to make sure everything was being left as it should (by the parties leaving), not necessarily an adversarial interaction, but the potential was there, as I was representing the interests of the owner of the property and the people I was dealing with were representing their own…

** new Readers?  not such an impressive deduction… a primary identifier of the scottian personality type is in the eyes, ‘the gaze’ to be more succinct  (read more on the Page on scotts… suffice to say, ‘a scott is never not paying attention to what’s going on around them’)

*** another primary characteristic behavior of people who live in the world of the Predator… the drive to ranking, trying for dominance, but not attaching importance to being the alpha, as much as it is necessary to know where one stands… the pack social order


* Hey, are there still ‘such a thing’ as re-runs? That term, for us, at any rate, are from the olden days of TV**

** timus velociraetus  Latin: That was how long ago?!!?


RePrintacious Mondaylily -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This Monday’s reprint post, despite it’s attractively nonsensical title, is about two things: the Wakefield Doctrine and one’s effort at self-improvement.

The second first. After all, today is Monday.

It’s been said, in these pages, if you wanted to identify the clarks in a group of people, like, real down-and-dirty, get as many people as possible to gather in an otherwise non-remarkable room. Go up on the stage (or any other location the all can see you) and say, “A quick show of hands! Who would like to be someone else?”

count your clarks.

The first first, now second, “The tools made available by the Wakefield Doctrine are most comfortable in the hands of the person with a predominant worldview of the Outsider(clark). That said, either of ‘the other two’, the Predator(scott) or the Herd Member(roger) are quite able to take advantage of the Doctrine’s utility. It has been observed, however, the ease and facility of these tools are in direct proportion to the level of secondary clarklike aspect in both the scott and the roger.

We’ll leave the reason why this is so to another day and it’s post.


Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

The Wakefield Doctrine is a tool that is easy to learn to use.  The theory of clarks, scotts and rogers is a fun way to look at the way the people in your life act and behave. The Doctrine is a tool that can be a huge help in changing the things about yourself that you have come to believe should be changed. The WD is a group of people with a common interest who share a way of  knowing about human personality (and) the interactions between different people.

Because of the Wakefield Doctrine and this blog: clarks will come to understand that they are not as different from scotts and from rogers as they sometimes think;  because of the Wakefield Doctrine and this blog: scotts will see for themselves that the world is less difficult and challenging and (that) not everyone is a threat; because of the Wakefield Doctrine and this blog: rogers will know that it does not matter whether they understand the reasons for the actions of others and (that) people who are different can be ignored without fear.

We are not being overly lyrical or mystical or theoretical or controversial with today’s Post. Sometimes it helps to just let passing thoughts see the light of day.
The Doctrine is beginning to catch on with people who had not heard the term: Wakefield Doctrine. We are getting emails from people who, after reading these pages are asking questions.
Questions about the value and the validity of the Doctrine.

In order to get the most out of today’s  little Post,  please do the following:

  • finish reading this Post before moving on*
  • know that everyone has the qualities of all three personality types, the idea is that one (of the three) is dominant
  • understand that this is a tool, however,  the Doctrine is more  a file than a saw,  more a screw driver than a hammer (simply, relax, go slow and it will come to you)
  • take assurance that if you have gotten this far, in this Post, you will grasp the concept of the Wakefield Doctrine and you will get something (in return for your efforts)
  • the Doctrine is genuinely inspired and has a core of truth that is a little bit amazing in what it offers, but lighten up…it is meant to be fun as well as useful
  • practicing the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine will return benefits way in excess of your efforts
  • talk to others about this Wakefield Doctrine
  • don’t worry about getting it right ( and you clarks especially!…don’t worry so much you will get some of it wrong at first)…but the Doctrine is very flexible, you can’t break it
  • use the tools this thing offers, use it on yourself and when it works tell others

Glad you could stop by. Follow these simple suggestions and let us know how you make out!

* clarks!  do not jump around half reading pages….scotts sit! read! think first then act….rogers get back here, you will be glad that you did…later they will understand you, first you must understand them



*no, stop! Do not follow that path down Interstate Route Day-olde Breadcrumbs! clark, instead, get this oldie in yer head for the day
