Month: March 2022 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 Month: March 2022 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Denise is our host.

Hey! Let’s jump back to the serial story, ‘the Whitechapel Interlude‘ for a break from our moving-in/redecorating chores at the Six Sentence Cafe & Bistro. To help you get caught up, here’s the link to Chapter 38. While the over-arching narrative is focused on the Order of Lilith’s mission in the Whitechapel neighborhood of 1880s London and a mysterious Count dwelling in an eastern Europe city, there is a branching plot line, (beginning in Chapter 38), that has Brother Abbott returning to a life he would have preferred to leave in his past. Now, as a top-billed performer on the vaudeville circuit, he renews old acquaintances.

Prompt word:


“I wasn’t talking to you, I was talking to the dummy.”

“Who are you calling a dummy?”

The late-morning interior of the Théâtre du Vaudeville was empty in the curious way of public buildings, a darkness that seemed possessed of an appetite for any and all sound, only the stage was protected by artificial light; being late morning, when performers were allowed time to rehearse on the broad stage, the sounds of Saturday on the Boulevard des Capucines whispered like an audience before curtain rise, ingredients of a feast lacking only the skill of the chef.

In the center of the stage, two men stood: one adjusting the balance of the one-third-scale man sitting in the crook of his left arm, carved wooden limbs wrapped in a miniature tuxedo and glistening-button eyes; the other, Brother Abbott, remembering one of the reasons he did not regret leaving behind ‘the life’, when he joined the Order of Lilith, even as a pair of glass eyes sought his own.

Nodding towards the card on the tripod left of center stage, vermillion ink, executed in 84 pt Didot lettering, shouted:  ‘Monsieur Magnifique and Petit Pierre’; Brother Abbott smiled and pulled at the sleeve of his tailored waistcoat,

“Still not giving the true talent top billing?” after a pause, both men burst into laughter.

Angelique Déchue, polishing the brass rail marking the empty edge of the mezzanine, heard three voices: one thinly enthusiastic, a most wary of welcomes, another raucous and barely-restrained joy and the third, a measured confidence with a subtle undertone of a mature predator; watching only the convex reflections of the two men on the stage below, she crossed herself and clutched the small crucifix resting protectively over her heart.




Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

You know, you’re right!

It has been a while since I attempted a one-take ‘this is the Wakefield Doctrine’ post.

(ok…give us a minute… wanna clear the, whats the old term,  ‘Just need to clear me gulliver’)

The Wakefield Doctrine is an additional perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up. A fundamental principle of the Wakefield Doctrine is: reality is, to a small and not-weird degree, personal. The utility of the Doctrine in an individual’s life hinges on this concept. Although presented as a rational system of thought, like many other things in life, it involves the use of faith. Nothing religious, more like a piano student or a person beginning to train in the martial arts. Accept that personal reality, extending an opinion or knee-jerk reaction radius around us, is real and the power will manifest eventually.

The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that we, all of us, are born with a predilection to experience (a) world that manifests in one three characteristic manners

  1. the reality of the Outsider(clarks)
  2. the world of the Predator(scotts)
  3. the life of the Herd Member(rogers)

The basis of the ‘personality types’ of the Wakefield Doctrine is: at a very early each we settle into one of three, (and only one), and grow up. Growing up is, in this context, the child developing strategies and styles, ways of interacting and surviving the world as they are experiencing it.

Drop a two-year-old girl into the reality of the Outsider, observing a world in which everyone else appear share a connection, a belonging and before long, she will find her strengths and hide her weaknesses. Throw a two-year-old boy into the world of the Predator and he’ll survive and thrive or die trying, teeth bared at a world that offers life for the quick and the strong. Open the life of the Herd Member to a two-year-old child and, upon oberseving the behavior and the understanding of the rules of the family/class/culture, they will gladly don whatever colors the local gang wears.

So, for the Doctrine, personality type is a label for relationship of the individual to the world around them and the people who make it up.

This relationship is referred to as a person’s predominant worldview. There is only one. We never lose the capacity, the potential, to experience the world as would the other two, but our ‘style’, our social strategies are of one, the one we grew up knowing was the world.

Some people have more developed secondary and tertiary aspects than others.

The benefit of the Wakefield Doctrine is realized as we look at how we relate ourselves to the world around us. How we relate ourselves to the world… not how we relate to the world. Big difference.

Learning the characteristics of the three predominant worldviews is the starting point. (Pro-tip: it’s how the other person is relating themselves that leads us to which of the three personality types a person is.The path to this understanding/appreciation/acceptance is to learn to see the world as they are experiencing it. Not how it looks/appears to us.

There are other tips and tricks to applying the perspective afforded by an understanding of the Wakefield Doctrine, including ‘the Everything Rule’. This Rule states, ‘everyone does everything at one time or another’. This serves to avoid the distraction of thinking of each of the three as a list of interests, inclinations and tropisms, instead of how (the) person is relating themselves to the world around them. A clark, a scott and a roger all do the same things, follow the same paths through life that all of us do. How a given activity, hobby, occupation or advocation manifests is where we see the proof of their worldview.

Have fun!

Hey! Nick! ( in the interest of link equity* shout outs to Chris and Jenne and Ford, lol) You seem to have a certain curiosity in this thing. Fair Warning. If you get to the point of knowing the characteristics of the three predominant worldviews sufficiently to begin to see the clarks, scotts and rogers in your world, you might find you’re no long able to not see them.


* if it’s still a real thing or, more likely an artifact from the ‘sphere from ten years ago




TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

What Day is it?

Is there a significance, from the perspective of writing new blogposts, to this, now established fact?

Can one really apply the label of ‘fact’ to a subdivision of time, which actually is a higher order division of Hours?

Who decided that?


Can we move on now?

Who is Phyllis?

Who is Una?

Why should anyone have an issue with the personal pronoun ‘who’ applied to a non-human?

Wouldn’t that make that person something less than human themselves?

What is the Wakefield Doctrine?

Is it really the primum principium?

What is this Six Sentence Story bloghop all about?

For that matter, this term that is bandied about in reference to some other websites, what is this ‘bloghop’?

Yes, we’ve become comfortable in the role of interlocutors, why do you ask?

What about being an abstract entity, a Reader, should that upset one?

How many more of these?

Of course we’re familiar with Bob Newhart’s original, in all senses of that word, standup comedy bit; the one-sided phone call, you’ve heard it, right?

What exactly is it that implies, in our answer or our attitude, that we would need a break?

Who hasn’t read a serial story?

Two serial stories?

Isn’t that last, kinda like, cheating?

Will the correct answers be provided?

Why should we care if the term, concordance, was bandied about?

Haven’t you have heard another person use the phrase, bandied about?

Why are you laughing?

Will there be music?

Something something? What the heck is that supposed to mean?

Surely, you’re not using a slang phrase as an Grat Item?

Are you aware of that expression being somewhat on the salacious side?

Who would doubt the person prone to use ‘bandied about’ would love ‘salacious’?

There is a Book of Secret Rules to this quote-process-unqoute?

Why should one be relieved at the appearance of Secret Rule 1.3?








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the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf‘  ‘the Whitechapel Interlude


You wanted everything from the post spelled out and/or illustrated?


Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Denise is the host.

The prompt word:


Life, it has been said, is the blank canvas of a talented but immature god, beauty layered over pain, an opaque complexity that patrons seem to find irresistible.  (unknown)


“What the fuck”, seeing the Beanie and Cecil shadow sliding up the street in his direction, pushed the young man into motion, a stuttering run caused by staring at his left wrist while moving fingers in a chaotic, but deliberate manner; that he no longer walked across the quad of his college was unimportant, getting away from his pursuer while wearing a heavy overcoat in 36° C was; a double-twist of his index finger ended his growing regret at accepting a job at a small café in the city he spent his sophomore year.

“Jeez Louise, dude, relax,” rhetorical admonitions, coming from a place so close to home, always lack a certain power; recognizing the casino in the distance, his confidence grew as he found he could ignore the cars speeding past at well-above the posted 90 km/h limits; a memory scene, super-imposed over the 21st century skyline, of standing before a bearded man in a down-city bar that appeared out of nowhere, insisting on being given a part-time job, the sky blinked.







Jumping up off the cobblestone street, barely avoiding the dark, gray Audi traveling at the speed-of-unobstructed, the young man in the old coat, sat at the sole empty table in front of a coffee shop; the temperature was more appropriate to his dress, but the buildings were too low and the trees too green, “Come on now, you can do this,” searching the street for suspicious shadows, he remembered the confident man who, while he was asking for the job, interrupted, ‘Sure, Nick, he looks like he’ll fit right in”; without thought, his fingers moved again.

Seeing the white canvas canopy, wine-and-bus-diesel air corrugating his nose, a sense of relief slowed his breathing almost to normal, until a memory montage seized his visual cortex. The woman who sat alone, in the second darkest spot in the Bistro, exhibited the serene concentration common to young mothers and old martial arts instructors; demonstrating the complex hand motions involved in accessing the google-verse, she  smiled at his frustration, “Think of it as partly a dance and, in a very real sense, a prayer; to draw on your musical training, imagine your hands hovering over the keyboard of a piano”, the young man beamed in an unaffected display of pleasure at her reference to one of few things about himself he imagined deserved pride, “…but the keys are all floating in the air and get close only when you can hear the song in your head.”

“Thank God!” spotting the blurred section of the city block fifteen feet ahead on the right, the young man dove without hesitation into the two dimensional chaos, long blond hair and trailing overcoat pulling the brick wall together behind them, half-a-heartbeat before the tall, serpentine shadow of a google street monitor could capture his presence; “…almost home!”





Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

The value of reprinting old posts lies in stimulating contemporary reflection on principles that, while timeless, acquire additional value in context and style; the context being the present and the style being whatever manifests in the present, a changing value like a running total in an excel sheet.

(From 2014)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


hey! Friend of the Doctrine Kristi writes:

“Is it totally normal for Clarks, as they get older, to not worry about being an outsider so much? Because I feel like I don’t care about that part these days. I might just be tired though…”

Very provocative question! I can think of two ‘answers’. As with (most) things Doctrine, the real value, however, is to be found in how the Question/Answer, manifests (in my worldview or your worldview)  The coolest thing about this here personality theory here, is that without fail, anytime I try to apply its principles to a situation, a problem, a hypothetical or I-need-to-know,  I learn something new about myself.

Answer 1)  yes. as we grow older, many of us clarks find that we don’t care so much about our status as Outsiders. (Here it is important to remember the Wakefield Doctrine‘s rather unique approach to personality types and behavior, i.e. we clarks are Outsiders in our own personal reality.1) The thing of it is, as we get older, our interests and passions become less…varied. We like what we like and are less inclined to seek the new, the different, the maybe-this-will-be-different-and-I-won’t-feel-so-not-a-part-of-everything. Not saying that this is a bad thing. Hell, of the three worldviews, we are the most curious and (most) likely to discover the unique and strange things in the world around us. (As clarks) we also have a tendency to encounter situations that, perhaps, our scottian and rogerian family members and friends would not… to the extent that, as young(er) clarks, we often hear, ‘you did what?!  you hangout with who??!’   (of course, we hear those alarmed statements and feel just the glimmer of pride, that we are doing something that, by all indications, the real people in our lives would not ever try to do.)

…but there is still, the fear.

Answer 1.b) when we are young clarks, we are not as accomplished at disguising our Outsider nature. fear is a wet army blanket, big, cumbersome and impossible to fold into an inconspicuous shape. As we grow and mature, we get better at negotiating with the fear. more sophisticated, if you will. But it is there. always.  not, at this point of our lives, is the fear always so obvious. what makes fear so insidious, at the later stages of a clark’s life is that it has become an integral part of the calculus of our interactions with the world around us.

Answer B)  many of us have learned at least part of the Answer that we have been seeking our entire lives.2  …. well, hell, spend a lifetime trying and even though it is a fundamentally flawed assumption, you are going to learn something about how to look and act and sound like everyone around you.

Answer 6) …besides, maybe we are getting old, but so are the scotts and rogers in our world… and I’ll let you in on a little secret Insider Doctrine wisdom, age is kinder to clarks than it is to scotts and rogers (which is as it should be….given that we started out our lives old.)


(hey!! I deny being, in any way, addicted to the stats. if no one comes to the Doctrine on a given day, means nothing at all to me! even if I don’t post new content!)

(…however.  I got a chuckle* out of zoe’s Post from yesterday, so if you are reading this, you should be reading this!)


* yes, that does totally identify me as an old person…


1) remember, the Doctrine seeks only to infer ‘how a person is relating themselves to the world around them’, identifying this relationship, will tell us if they are living in the world of the Outsider or the Predator or the Herd Member… once this is correctly inferred, we know all about ya. The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that: if you grown up, mature and develop in the (personal) reality of  the Outsider, then you will tend to make certain decisions, prefer certain approaches to life situations and act a certain way, because it is the best coping strategy, (aka personality type), given the world you exist in. The same applies to those who develop in the world of the Predator or the reality of the Herd Member. Personality type, for the Wakefield Doctrine, is simply the characteristic coping strategies best suited to a given worldview.

2) clarks believe that there is something that they do not know about life that accounts for their not being like everyone else. clarks believe (consciously or not) that there is information, knowledge, fact (you know, rational stuff) that once learned, will allow them to be accepted into the company of ‘real people’.

