Month: February 2022 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 Month: February 2022 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is a Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) post. We’ve been participating in this bloghop since the first post, in 1989. Created by Lizzi, currently hosted by Dyanne, the TToT is a sharing of views, opinions, reportage, memoir and fantasy focused on that most elusive of human experiences, gratitude. We, all of us, write a post comprised of a list of ten things that’ve elicited and otherwise prompted the feeling of gratitude. While it is typical in most bloghop introductions to mention that the guidelines are simply that, guidelines. The levels of writing skill present among the other writers and participants are such that little else is needed by way of explanation.

And …then there is the Wakefield Doctrine. In our defense, we will mention a certain tool available to participants, the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules).

It, (the BoSR/SBoR), kinda pulls the plastic slipcovers off the living room furniture and leaves out the little metal key thing, stuck to the bottom of the can of Planters Cocktail peanuts.

err.. better get to the list.

Something a little different this week.

Grats: 1 and 2 (video from the snow event of a couple of weeks ago)


Grats: 3 through 10 (skipping 6 and 9)

6) the internet ’cause where else, or more succinctly, in what other easily-accessible place in the world is it possible to share such a variety of thoughts, ideas and cool things.

9) something, something






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Friday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “(an) early Valentine’s Day post”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Shuffling through some old (old) posts this morning. Came across the following. Sort of a nice memory. The post was written in 2011.

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

This is a photo of my friend Bernadine Thomas and me (your Humble Narrator), taken about 10 years ago. Bernadine died  unexpectedly a couple of years ago.

(As often happens with clarks and scotts)  it was nearly love at first sight with Bernadine*.  Simply was one of those clark/scott things. I met  Bernadine when she came to work at a market and credit research company – I was experimenting with having a ‘real job’ in the ‘real world’. The company I worked for had their offices in Providence, on Westminster Street, and most important (to my story here) was that I worked in one of those cubicle workstation things,  at my desk from 9-5, Monday through Friday, calling  manufacturing companies all over the world, trying to get them to give me information about their use of raw materials. In other words, it was a very rogerian work environment, but one in which a clark could  ‘pass’ as an employee.  I had been working there for about 6 months when Bernadine was hired and moved into a nearby cubicle.

To set the stage for my meeting Bernadine,  picture an entire floor of an office building with the front of the floor (at the windows) being divided into three offices for the owners of the Company and the rest of the space taken up with clusters of cubicles. These were ‘open clusters’ which meant you could spin your chair to the 2 other people in your cluster or, with a little extra push, be out in the aisle where you could see what was going on in the rest of the office.   On one wall, located in the middle of the office was the elevator and directly across was the main conference room, which  had glass walls on three sides (windows on the 4th wall) and a large conference table in the middle. Totally visible from all the cubicles…think of  TV with the Mute on.
I will never forget the day that Bernadine came to interview for a job, as the interview was held in the conference room. (It will help to know that the demographic of the Company was typical for the industry (and) for our part of the country, i.e. mostly female and nearly all white…not counting the Asian guy in IT).  Bernadine, as characteristic of all scotts, not only had ‘presence’, but being a large woman,  the minute she walked into the conference room, it was obvious to all of us that she was totally owning that room. Keep in mind, no one  could hear the conversation that was going on in the conference room, except that is, when Bernadine laughed.  As with scotts ( male and female), when Bernadine laughed you noticed!  (…her’s was not one of those annoying, odd or quirky laughs), when she laughed it was full, un-restrained… totally without reservation or  pre-requisite…simply enjoying herself.
Bernadine was hired.
As we got to know each other, I began to tell Bernadine about the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers.  Bernadine made a lasting contribution to the Wakefield Doctrine.  One afternoon, I asked her about the ‘dominance thing’. I told her about how scotts will always challenge everyone in the immediate environment, in order to establish the ranking order. But then I asked Bernadine a direct question, ‘What happens when you are not the dominant one?”  Bernadine’s response was simple, ‘Nothing happens! It’s not a bad thing to be second in ranking! And…and…are you listening to me?  It isn’t  ‘better’ to be the alpha! All that matters is that we know where we stand ‘  This was a revelation that not only added to my understanding of scotts but reinforced my understanding of the fact that we all live in slightly different realities. As a clark, the concept of not being at the top could be nothing but a negative thing, it simply never could occur to me.

(Two experiences that tell you a lot about Bernadine and all about scotts…)

Bernadine’s cubicle was in the cluster (of cubicles) adjacent to the one that I worked in with another market analyst, by the name of Charlie;  a young kid, just out of college, smart, and competent  but Charlie had a habit of  sleeping at his desk in the afternoon. One afternoon Charlie awoke from his after-lunch nap, loudly grumbling about how much work he had to do and for reasons still unknown, I said in a fairly loud voice, “…It’s been a long winter, and Mr Charlie is starting to wake, while things have changed since the Autumn, one thing is still true..he is hungry…and surely will need to get out of the burrow”  (I was, of course,  hearing the classic Disney Nature Film Narrator voice in my head).
The immediate and unmistakeable peals of laughter coming over the cubicle wall on Bernadine’s side were worth it all. It was at this moment we became friends.

The second experience came at the end of my employment at that company.

I was called into the  office of my (rogerian) boss late one Friday afternoon. He did all the talking and it was mostly about him and his difficult responsibilities and how I surely must understand how it was that he had to let me go.  And, being a roger of major proportions he assumed that I would be embarrassed to inform my co-workers of my imminent departure. He asked me if I wanted him to make up a reason that would explain my not working there anymore or did I want to make up a reason…
I said, ‘No thank you, I will take care of it, first thing Monday morning’. He seemed satisfied with this plan and I left the office and went home (by this time it was past ‘quitting time’).
When I got home,  the totality of what had happened finally began to sink in, (I have mentioned that I am a clark, haven’t I?), and I decided that I needed to call Bernadine. (This was noteworthy, as while we were workfriends, we did not socialize outside of the office. I had  never before called her at her home.)
But call I did.
After the surprise of,  “Hi Bernadine, this is Clark…from work, you know?  wore off,  Bernadine  asked, ‘What’s wrong?” My response was simply, “They fuckin let me go today

Bernadine’s next words were, “Alright. Tell me exactly what happened. And, don’t leave anything out!”

I still miss Bernadine, she was such a scott.

1)  love being defined (by a clark)  as “this person not only is not suspicious of me and/or my behavior…they seem to actually enjoy my company!”




Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Design courtesy of Nick Spira


This is the Six Sentence Story

Denise is host

The Six Sentence Story this week is the first of a series of stories in which a nightspot, (in an unnamed city), plays a pivotal role. The nightspot is the Six Sentence Café and Bistro.

The prompt word:


“Man once’t told me”, cigarette smoke rose to obscure the finer details of the old man’s face, “He said, you find your path by walking straight ahead, don’t do you no good lookin’ back, ain’t nothin behind you other’n regret and ole Scratch’s hellhound”.

The college sophomore listened with rapt attention to age-creased man sitting on the other side of the round table, cigarette burns in its lacquered surface, hieroglyphics of an urban Rosetta Stone; the bluesman’s voice was a dry riverbed of rock and gravel, but once on stage, became whiskey-and-honey as he sang about the road and women, life, death and bargains with the devil.

The night had a distinctly dream-like tenor, beginning when the psychology major and Dean’s List wannabe accepted an out-of-left-field invitation from his roommate’s sister to accompany her to a part of the city that did not encourage solitary female explorers, continuing as he introduced himself to the old black man sitting alone nursing a Crown and soda between sets and, most astonishing was how not paralyzed by social adequacy and fearful of strangers he felt.

The building that housed the spontaneous couple’s destination had once been at the center of a thriving industrial district, however, as they approached, it’s provenance became increasingly dodgy as a place of refuge/ path to escape/ celebration of voluntary damnation/ or long-sought road to redemption; following a decidedly-profane baptism by neon light, they stepped through the entrance to the Six Sentence Café and Bistro.

Behind the bar that ran along the wall to the right of the entrance, was a long mirror, the patina of age showing dull silver along it’s upper edge and below that, rows of liquor bottles throwing a spectrum of colors and hues to rival the pink and blue stage lights that waited mutely for the show to begin.

At the far end of the bar, affording a view of guests entering and customers at the tables, was a half-open door, ‘Manager’ in flaking gold letters, green-tinted light of an old desk lamp backlit two leather chairs facing a desk; a passerby, at the moment the young man and his companion entered the club, might have heard a man and a woman raise their voices.




Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

ok, as long as it’s Mimi asking.*

The Wakefield Doctrine is a perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up. Applying the principles of the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers we are in a position to know more about the other person, (and our-own-selfs), than we might have imagined when we awoke this morning.

Principle: all reality is, to a certain, small, but nevertheless real degree, personal. Nothing weird, like secret abilities to fly or be invisible, however it offers power if we have the will to claim it.

Principle: we are, all of us, born with the potential to experience life in three different ways, as an Outsider, (as) the Predator and as would a Member of the Herd. At a very early age we step into one, (and only one), of these three metaphors to grow and develop. We never lose the potential to experience the world as ‘the other two’, however, we remain with one and only predominant worldview (aka personality type) the result of which is in the following principle.

Principle: we grow-up in the world, the reality, of whichever (of the three worldviews) we are find ourselfs in. As young lifeforms we grow and mature in whatever manner allows us maximum success in life, as we experience it. If a baby grows in the reality of the Predator, then quick reactions, eschewing time-consuming introspection become survival and thrival** traits. The same of the person who matures and hones social strategies in the context of the Outsider and the Herd Member. The cool thing about the Doctrine is: we’re not a collection of core tropisms and desires, we are the best personality geared to the reality we find ourselves in as we grow and live.

Principle: there are three predominant worldviews. By learning the characteristics of each and then identifying the other person’s personality type, we can see the world as the other person is experiencing it. Which is way better than trying to understand them on the basis of how their behavior/attitude/reactions/resistance and emotional demeanor makes sense in our own reality.

  • clarks(Outsider) where shyness can be attractive but introversion is a state of being. clarks think, are insatiably curious, genuinely creative, run from demons of their own device and know that if they search (and think) long enough, they will find out what everyone else seems to know intuitively about the world and, thereby, become a real person
  • scotts(Predator) people like to be chased almost as much as scotts enjoy chasing them. scotts act. Life is to be lived and not figured out, there are more than enough people to remain occupied and, sensing how much people seem to enjoy the chase, scotts are attractive in whatever ways keeps the crowd coming
  • rogers(Herd Members) there is a Right way to do things, to live life, to die and there is no excuse not to try and learn them all. rogers feel. While variety is endless, rogers recognize that attachment is strength and influence is power. No one needs to be told what to do, everyone is happy when someone shares a joy. The second most important thing in life is to help other know the Right way.

Principle: the Everything Rule which states, ‘Everyone does everthing, at one time or another’. Simply put, there are no activities, interests, desires, careers, understandings or skills that are limited to one and not the other two worldviews. Which is not to say one personality type might not be more inclined towards success in something than the other two. Anyone can be a fire fighter. rogers make the ‘best’ fire fighters. Anyone can be a policeman. scotts are prone to success when they decide to become a cop. Anyone can be a dreamer …lol

Principle: the Wakefield Doctrine is gender neutral; the Wakefield Doctrine is age and culture neutral. If you’ve read this far you have what it takes to understand this, even if you need a little more reading time.

There ya go.

Thanks! Mimi for the prompt


*itbt it was a suggestion, the kind that when we stop the internal dialogue long enough we realize is from the part of each of us who simply wants to live right, self-improve ourselfs and leave a positive memory

** not a ‘real’ word  but if that troubles you excessively, you’ll stop reading in 3…2…


RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

We used to think a post was a little on the long side when it hit five hundred words. (Full Disclosure: the accompanying emotion was one of cautious pride. A fricken book report in a single sitting. Where was this Doctrine when I was in high school?*) We’ve kinda moved on and, then, of late, back to the ‘soul of wit’ thing.

We hope.


So how about a couple of short (but complete) posts?

(From 05/91/2012)

So we have Mel and Nell, DS and ‘KH, Claire and even Molly (from the big square State in the middle of the Continent), stylin’ in theys Wakefield Doctrine Tee shirts! What controversy can that create? Why would not their lives be happy, serene and satisfying?

I’ll tell you why, dammit! When our Friends and DownSprings finish dressing their bodies, they will go out into the world at large where they will encounter people, who, though full of admiration and maybe a little envy, will say, “Heyyy! nice Tee Shirt! What the hell is a Wakefield Doctrine?”  or maybe they will glance at the front of our friends and say without embarrassment, “I appreciate the color and the fit, but you must tell me about the ‘theory of clarks, scotts and rogers‘!”

What is the best way to answer these interrogatives?

  1. Say, ” I’m so happy you asked!” (if your gender is female): follow this statement with a clap of hands, (an) offer to hug or whatever else is appropriate; (if your gender is male): then offer ‘High 5″, knuckle bump or simply glare at them challengingly
  2. Walk away, with as many hands as are available over your ears while singing, “La La La La…I think I can’t hear you now…La La La La!”
  3. Smile and say, “clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel! Do you need any more information than that, scott/roger?”
  4. Look at their faces, if they immediately smile (in a non-threatening manner) but look around to see who else heard them, they are a roger, if they immediately smile and say nothing, then you got a scott…don’t worry about clarks, they will have someone else ask
  5. Put your hands over your ears, open your mouth and scream soundlessly.
  6. Ask the person if they feel that they have the quality of flexible intelligence and, no matter what they answer, smile and start, “Well, in the early 1980’s clark was visiting scott at work…
  7. Say to them, “the Wakefield Doctrine is a productive and unique and totally fun tool for understanding the people in your life. You do have people in your life, don’t you?”
  8. Say, ” Why thank you! I love my shirt but would rather not discuss the Wakefield Doctrine. You will respect my wishes, won’t you?”
  9. (If you feel that this person is a scott), then look them in the eye and say, “You would not believe what this stands for!! People kinda get upset when I tell…maybe I should just leave it be,  you would only get upset!”
  10. (If you feel the person is a roger) then look around a few times and lean in towards them and say, “I’m not supposed to talk about it! It’s kind of a secret club kinda thing…ya know?…everyone would get mad at me…I hope you don’t mind”
  11. Ask the person to please repeat the question and when they have done so, say “That’s what I thought you said” and walk away.
  12. Start running
  13. Ask them to repeat the question. (If they do) tell them that the Wakefield Doctrine has a blog site (point to your back) and that if they really want to know about it, they need to visit the site and leave a Comment.
  14. (Optional Response: Look at them and say, “I have been empowered to reveal that information only to people who meet the criteria. In your case…”)


(From even earlier, 03/28/2011)

So what is the Wakefield Doctrine’s position on euthanasia?

Alright, alright! Stop the clamoring and vague threats, the Wakefield Doctrine does not have an Official, Comprehensive position on the matter of euthanasia, what part of  “the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers” did not convey the idea that we are talking about three distinct personality types and therefore three different views on any given subject.

Since you are here, we might as well take a moment and present the three views on aging:

clarks  scotts rogers 
What do you think of Old People They are interesting-Have lots to share Eww Well, they seem to like to sit for long periods of Time listening to me
What will you be like as an Old Person? …err see me now?That, with less hair Old? Over my dead body Well, I think that I will enjoy being taken care in one of those homes
Should Old People be treated Special? Sure, why not? Yeah, lets make them do tricks for us on TV …as long as it does not detract from the attention the nurses pay to me
Euthanasia? Sure, if they want to Only if it is a game show…’Last Senior Standing’ or something Sure, but do it at night when no one will complain about the hooting

So, there is no real consensus on what to do with people when they get old and annoying (or maybe just annoying). But the Doctrine will take the position that old people will show the characteristics of their individual types very clearly.

  • clarks will age the least, ’cause they have been old from the start
  • scotts will appear to slow down the least, until they fall over dead
  • rogers will get even crankier, even though most laws of physics say that is not even possible
  • clarks who by definition have missed the whole point of Life, will get increasingly active as they age
  • scotts will not notice the physical effects of aging when it starts, the psychological effects they have never noticed
  • rogers will sit more, but they will be the most compliant guests in the home, until they stop getting visitors



* that’s kind of a good question. it wasn’t anywhere, the amount of life experience was far too insufficient to enable the perspective necessary to appreciate the principles

Ear worm for those of a certain age:

